issue with rpyc marshalling of objects - psutil

I am using rpyc (v 3.3.0) to get the list of processes running on a remote server using psutil module. My code is as below.
rpcClient = rpyc.classic.connect(server)
rpsutil = rpcClient.modules.psutil
procs = rpsutil.get_process_list()
I am getting the list of procs correctly but some of the processes attributes are not set correctly. for example:
>>> procs[166]._name
>>> procs[140]._name
>>> procs[141]._name
>>> procs[142]._name
>>> procs[142]
<psutil.Process(pid=1828, name='gatengine') at 17483536>
>>> procs[142]._name
If you see procs[142]._name is not printed (value is None) until I access the object. If I print all the processes, I see the name as None for 143rd process object in the list. But after I access the object, suddenly I can see the correct value for the name.
Any suggestions on how I can resolve this issue?

Never seen such an issue with RPyC. It's probably something to do with that Process. If you call str(proc) and then proc._name, instead of printing, does it help? Also, it seems like you're trying to use a private member (_name)... Perhaps that's the issue? Isn't there some public property you can use?


operator does not exist: # timestamp without time zone

In a parameterized query issued from c# code to PostgreSQL 10.14 via dotConnect 7.7.832 .NET connector, I select either a parameter value or the local timestamp, if the parameter is NULL:
using (var cmd = new PgSqlCommand("select COALESCE(#eventTime, LOCALTIMESTAMP)", connection)
When executed, this statement throws the error in subject. If I comment out the corresponding parameter
cmd.Parameters.Add("#eventTime", PgSqlType.TimeStamp).Value = DateTime.Now;
and hardcode
using (var cmd = new PgSqlCommand("select COALESCE('11/6/2020 2:36:58 PM', LOCALTIMESTAMP)", connection)
or if I cast the parameter
using (var cmd = new PgSqlCommand("select COALESCE(cast(#eventTime as timestamp without time zone), LOCALTIMESTAMP)", connection)
then it works. Can anyone explain what # operator in the error is referring to and why the error?
In the case that doesn't work, your .Net connection library seems to be passing an SQL command containing a literal # to the database, rather than substituting it. The database assumes you are trying to use # as a user defined operator, as it doesn't know what else it could possibly be. But no such operator has been defined.
Why is it doing that? I have no idea. That is a question about your .Net connection library, not about PostgreSQL itself, so you might want to add tag.
The error message you get from the database should include the text of the query it received (as opposed to the text you think it was sent) and it is often useful to see that in situations like this. If that text is not present in the client's error message (some connection libraries do not faithfully pass this info along) you should be able to pull it directly from the PostgreSQL server's log file.

unable to set db using string while coding in python

I would like to know if there is a way to set db using a variable
For example: I am coding in Python, and I connect using client = MongoClient(uri). All goes fine.
There are 4 dbs: test1,test2,test3,test4.
I am able to list them all.
dblist = client.list_database_names()
All goes fine.
Now, Instead of connecting/ using
db = client.test1
Is there a way to use a string rather than actual name of the db?
such as str = 'test1', and then db=client.str.
(this doesn't work)
In my program , I display the list of dbs first and then I am taking user input on the db , and proceed with further flow, but unable to do so.
Please help.
You cannot add string as an name when it comes to that. However there is another function that takes string of the name of certain database and gets the database.
Here is the documentation:

Apply Command to String-type custom fields with YouTrack Rest API

and thanks for looking!
I have an instance of YouTrack with several custom fields, some of which are String-type. I'm implementing a module to create a new issue via the YouTrack REST API's PUT request, and then updating its fields with user-submitted values by applying commands. This works great---most of the time.
I know that I can apply multiple commands to an issue at the same time by concatenating them into the query string, like so:
Type Bug Priority Critical add Fix versions 5.1 tag regression
will result in
Type: Bug
Priority: Critical
Fix versions: 5.1
in their respective fields (as well as adding the regression tag). But, if I try to do the same thing with multiple String-type custom fields, then:
Foo something Example Something else Bar P0001
results in
Foo: something Example Something else Bar P0001
The command only applies to the first field, and the rest of the query string is treated like its String value. I can apply the command individually for each field, but is there an easier way to combine these requests?
Thanks again!
This is an expected result because all string after foo is considered a value of this field, and spaces are also valid symbols for string custom fields.
If you try to apply this command via command window in the UI, you will actually see the same result.
Such a good question.
I encountered the same issue and have spent an unhealthy amount of time in frustration.
Using the command window from the YouTrack UI I noticed it leaves trailing quotations and I was unable to find anything in the documentation which discussed finalizing or identifying the end of a string value. I was also unable to find any mention of setting string field values in the command reference, grammer documentation or examples.
For my solution I am using Python with the requests and urllib modules. - Though I expect you could turn the solution to any language.
The rest API will accept explicit strings in the POST
import requests
import urllib
from collections import OrderedDict
URL = 'http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/{issue}/execute?'.format(issue='TEST-1234')
params = OrderedDict({
'State': 'New',
'Priority': 'Critical',
'String Field': '"Message to submit"',
'Other Details': '"Fold the toilet paper to a point when you are finished."'
str_cmd = ' '.join(' '.join([k, v]) for k, v in params.items())
command_url = URL + urllib.urlencode({'command':str_cmd})
result =
# The command result:
# http://youtrack.your.address:8000/rest/issue/TEST-1234/execute?command=Priority+Critical+State+New+String+Field+%22Message+to+submit%22+Other+Details+%22Fold+the+toilet+paper+to+a+point+when+you+are+finished.%22
I'm sad to see this one go unanswered for so long. - Hope this helps!
After continuing my work, I have concluded that sending all the field
updates as a single POST is marginally better for the YouTrack
server, but requires more effort than it's worth to:
1) know all fields in the Issues which are string values
2) pre-process all the string values into string literals
3) If you were to send all your field updates as a single request and just one of them was missing, failed to set, or was an unexpected value, then the entire request will fail and you potentially lose all the other information.
I wish the YouTrack documentation had some mention or discussion of
these considerations.

How to suppress printing of variable values in zeppelin

Given the following snippet:
val data = sc.parallelize(0 until 10000)
val local = data.collect
Zeppelin prints out the entire value of local to the notebook screen. How may that behavior be changed?
You can also try adding curly brackets around your code.
{val data = sc.parallelize(0 until 10000)
val local = data.collect
Since 0.6.0, Zeppelin provides a boolean flag zeppelin.spark.printREPLOutput in spark's interpreter configuration (accessible via the GUI), which is set to true by default.
If you set its value to false then you get the desired behaviour that only explicit print statements are output.
See also:
What I do to avoid this is define a top-level function, and then call it:
def run() : Unit = {
val data = sc.parallelize(0 until 10000)
val local = data.collect
FWIW, this appears to be new behaviour.
Until recently we have been using Livy 0.4, it only output the content of the final statement (rather than echoing the output of the whole script).
When we upgraded to Livy 0.5, the behaviour changed to output the entire script.
While splitting the paragraph and hiding the output does work, it seems like an unnecessary overhead to the usability of Zeppelin.
for example, if you need to refresh your output, then you have to remember to run two paragraphs (i.e. the one that sets up your output and the one containing the actual println).
There are, IMHO, other usability issues with this approach that makes, again IMHO, Zeppelin less intuitive to use.
Someone has logged this JIRA ticket to address "the problem", please vote for it:
Zeppelin, as well as spark-shell REPL, always prints the whole interpreter output.
If you really want to have only local.size string printed - best way to do it is to put println "local.size" statement inside the separate paragraph.
Then you can hide all output of the previous paragraph using small "book" icon on the top-right.
a simple trick I am using is to define
def !() ="_ __ ___ ___________________________________________________"
and use as
above or close to the code I want to check
and it works
res544: String = _ __ ___ ___________________________________________________
then I just leave there commented out ;)
// hope it helps

Preparing a command with Structured Parameters

I have this ADO.NET command object and I can set some parameters and execute it successfully.
_mergecommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("values", SqlDbType.Structured));
_mergecommand.Parameters["values"].TypeName = "strlist";
_mergecommand.Parameters["values"].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input;
_mergecommand.Parameters["values"].Value = valuelist;
This works fine. But I want to prepare this command before executing it because I need to run this millions of times. I am using SQL Server 2008. I get this error if I try to prepare it
SqlCommand.Prepare method requires all variable length parameters to have an explicitly set non-zero Size.
Any idea how to do this?
This is old, but there does appear to be a correct answer which is to use -1 as the size, e.g.:
_mergecommand.Parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("values", SqlDbType.Structured, -1));
If you have to do it millions of times using a command like this is probably not a good strategy.
Can you serialize your data into an XML string and pass that as a single argument? That will be considerably less load on your network and SQL Server.... although it will probably hit your client a lot harder.
If you are dead set on doing it that way, maybe what you are looking for is an overload of the SqlCommand.Parameters.Add method:
_mergecommand.Parameters.Add("#values", System.Data.SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100).Value = foo;
is that more like what you wanted?