mongodb query field in object that is being edited - mongodb

How can I query a field in an object? My html retrieves all the objects in array called 'postcards'
Meteor.user.profile.postcards [
_id: 84fh83f,
field_one: "a name",
field_two: " winter whether",
field_three: " lost more writing"
_id: 6jsf58s,
field_one: "another name",
field_two: " topical issues ",
field_three: " lost more writing"
Note: I used random.Id() so each object in the array can be uniquely identified.
Setting a session value to this._id when the user is focused on the input field will retrieve this unique id, however, I would like to query the actual field in focus. The value in these fields are projected within the text input area by using the spacebars syntax within the html.
Can I somehow assign the name within the curly braces of the value attribute to a variable? Then query?
Is there a whole new way to achieve this?
I want to update that specific field in this object instead updating the entire object.
{{#with currentUser.profile}}
{{#each postcards}}
<input id="one" value="{{field_one}}" type="text">
<input id="two" value="{{field_two}}" type="text">
<input id="three" value="{{field_three}}" type="text">
Within events, I would like to update the field on focus upon keyup.{
'keyup input[type=text]': _.throttle(function(event) {
Meteor.users.update(this._id, {$set: {**fieldbeingedited**:}});
}, 500);

What you want to have is an ES6 capability named 'Computed property names'.
This is what is looks like :
var x = 'hello',
obj = {
[x]: 'world'
console.log(obj); // Object {hello: "world"}
You have two options :
- you use the meteor harmony package to transpile your es6 to es5 (
- you build your object first
To build you object first :
var obj = {};
obj[ this.targetField ] =
Meteor.users.update(this._id, {$set: obj});


update specific field in meteor

I want to update only the name field, the problem with the code I have is that if I update a document, all the mongo documents are updated.
As I update a document in specific, I must admit that I am new to this mongo so any help I thank you.
<template name="updatename">
<form class="editor-container">
<input class=“save” type="text" id="card" value=“{{name}}”>
<button type="button" class=“save” id="save">save</button>
'click .save’: function (e, t) {
var name = FlowRouter.current().params._id;
var name = $('#card').val();'name.update',name);
'name.update'( name) {
Name.update({},{ $set: { nam: name }},{multi:true})
I recommend few improvisations over your Meteor code.
Atleast use Title Case/ CamelCase for better readability of the template name and Meteor Methods for other developer.
use submit .formClassName instead of using click .save, also specifiy parameter name with sincerity like function (event, template)
When you updating document for logged user and not other user, as dmayo mentioned in the code use Name.update({_id: Meteor.userId()},{ $set: {nam: name}}), but there is no sense of specifying { multi: true } when you know that there is going to be only 1 record when you are updating. You can use { multi: true } when you desire to impact many records based on criteria that are definitely going to return more than 1 record.
use check(name, String) in Meteor.method call to ensure what you are sending to the server is eligible for further operations.
Use aldeed autoforms when you know there is no out of the box implementation and is going to be simple.
Below is the improvised code for better readability and up to standards
<template name="UpdateName">
<form class="editorContainerForm">
<input type="text" id="card" value=“{{name}}”>
<button type="submit">Save</button>
'submit .editorContainerForm’: function (event, template) {
var name = FlowRouter.current().params._id;
var name = $('#card').val();'updateName',name, function(error, response){
// Show some BERT ERROR message for better user experience
// use "meteor add themeteorchef:bert" to add package
} else {
// Show some BERT SUCCESS message for better user experience
updateName( name ) {
check(name, String);
Name.update({ _id: Meteor.userId },{ $set: { name: name }});
// Use below code only if you know there can be multiple records for same ID
// Name.update({ _id: Meteor.userId },{ $set: { name: name }}, { multi: true });
In your name.js file (on the server) your mongo query is empty, so when mongo queries your database, it matches all of the documents/records.
Name.update(query, changes, options)
That is the format per the mongo docs. You need to have a unique identifier. Your form is saving a "name", and that's what you are passing to the Meteor.method, but you're not telling the method who's changing their name. If the user is logged in, then you can just use the meteor unique id Meteor.userId()
Name.update({_id: Meteor.userId()},{ $set: {nam: name}},{multi:true})
Also, your option multi:true says to update any and all documents that match the query. If in your original method as written, you had multi:false (the default) then only one document would have been updated (but probably not the one you wanted as the first match would have been updated because of your empty query field.
Mongo docs:
Metor docs:

Update field: Exception when invoking the method - Meteor

What I want to do is update a field called name, by means of its identification I do the query of the field.
When doing the name query, it takes me to the template called updatename.
The problem is that when I save the changes it tells me this message in the console.
Exception while invoking method 'name.update' Error: Invalid modifier. Modifier must be an object.
<template name="updatename">
<form class="editor-container">
<input class=“save” type="text" id="card" value=“{{name}}”>
<button type="button" class=“save” id="save">save</button>
'click .save’: function (e, t) {
var name = FlowRouter.current().params._id;
var name = $('#card').val();'name.update',name);
'name.update'( name) {
$set: {
nam: name
It looks like you're not telling it what to update in the Publications.update({}) - note that you need an selector and a modifier.
It should look more like:
{_id: "SOMEID"}, <--- missing bit
{$set: {pub: publication}}

Using Dynamic templates correctly in Meteor

Passing values dynamically through templates in meteor fails, whereas doing so statically succeeds. What am I doing wrong? The set-up is as follows
I have the following 2 templates set-up in Meteor
<template name="search">
{{#each cards}}
<template name="card">
<div class="card">
Passing values to this like this works perfectly
if (Meteor.isClient) {{
cards: [
{docName: "Dr. Maga" },
{docName: "Dr. Macha" },
However, passing the same values dyamically like this fails
Cards = new Mongo.Collection("cards");
if (Meteor.isClient) {{
cards: function() {
return Cards.find({});
There is data in the mongo collection "Cards". I insert it after the app starts by using
db.Cards.insert({ docName: "Hello world!", createdAt: new Date() });
and verify it using the following command
which returns
{ "_id" : ObjectId("558b0a1394990bf66c75775d"), "docName" : "Hello world!", "createdAt" : ISODate("2015-06-24T19:50:42.996Z") }
What am I doing wrong?
The error was that the Cards collection was defined on the client side only. (Under the Meteor.isClient() Code block).
This means that meteor was trying to read from the Server, couldn't find the item coz it wasn't defined in the server side, and failed.
Solution is to define it in the "both" folder so that both server and client can access the collection.
Of course, don't forget to publish and subscribe to the collection.

MeteorJS: Autoform + CollectionFS, associating images from an FS.Collection with Corresponding Mongo.Collection Document?

I'm building a very small Meteor application simply to get a better understanding of Autoform and CollectionFS, and their use together. I currently have everything set up with the following packages:
iron:router, aldeed:autoform, aldeed:collection2, cfs:standard-packages,
cfs:filesystem, cfs:autoform
I have a sample Mongo Collection assigned to "Books" set up with a SimpleSchema attached, with fields from the demo like title and author. The corresponding code for the file upload is:
fileId: {
type: String,
autoform: {
afFieldInput: {
type: "cfs-file",
collection: "images"
The FS.Collection code is:
Images = new FS.Collection("images", {
stores: [new FS.Store.FileSystem("images", {path: "~/uploads"})]
This is in conjunction to a quickform: {{> quickForm collection="Books" id="insertBookForm" type="insert"}}
The insert is fine, and I can iterate over the documents and display the various fields using spacebars and a helper function called "books", like so:
{{#each books}}
<li>{{title}} by {{author}}</li>
I can also iterate over images uploaded to the FS.Collection with a helper returning the entire collection called "files," and looping over them like so:
{{#each files}}
<img src="{{this.url}}" />
The issue I'm having is linking the two together. I want to be able to do something along the lines of:
{{#each books}}
<li>{{title}}, by {{author}} <img src="The-Corresponding-Image}}" /></li>
Obviously not that exact layout, but I basically just want to be able to print images with their corresponding titles and authors to be able to use autoform with collectionfs for my needs.
I'm stuck trying to retrieve the fileId from a specific document in the Books collection, and then plugging that into an Images.findOne({fileId: fileId}) and linking the two together.
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
I was able to figure it out thanks to Ethaan's guidance. What I had to do was the following:
Autoform Hook:
insertBookForm: {
after: {
insert: function(error, result, template) {
insertedFile = Books.findOne(result).fileId;
Images.update({_id: insertedFile}, {$set: {'book': result}});
I set a field of 'book' to the _id of the document being inserted (stored in the result parameter) right after it was inserted.
This is my corresponding HTML:
{{#each books}}
<li>{{title}} by {{author}}</li>
{{#with files}}
<img src="{{this.url}}" />
And my helpers:
books: function () {
return Books.find({});
files: function() {
return Images.findOne({book: this._id});

Express/Node.js - How to save an array of objects within one Model [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
Closed 11 years ago.
Possible Duplicate:
Mongoose - Form to save model with embedded documents
I have a simple Mongoose schema with BlogPosts and Feeds embedded within those BlogPosts. So each BlogPost can have several Feed objects. Right now my HTML form allows me to correctly save one 'Feed' when I create a BlogPost, BUT I would like to be able to add many Feeds. How should I change my HTML/controller? Thanks much!
web.js'/blogpost/new', function(req, res){
var post = new BlogPost(
post.feeds.push(req.body.feed); {
<form method="post">
<input type="text" name="blogpost[title]"/>
<textarea name="feed[name]"></textarea>
<textarea name="feed[key]"></textarea>
<textarea name="feed[name]"></textarea>
<textarea name="feed[key]"></textarea>
var Feed = new Schema({
name : { type: String }
, key : { type: String }
var BlogPost = new Schema({
title : { type: String, required: true, index: { unique: true } }
, feeds : [Feed]
How do I make it so that this form stores two 'Feeds' in the blogpost object it creates? right now it would save One Feed in the data with two name values and two key values.
Thanks much!
When you do something like this:
<textarea name="feed[name]"></textarea>
<textarea name="feed[key]"></textarea>
<textarea name="feed[name]"></textarea>
<textarea name="feed[key]"></textarea>
You are basically saying "I need a textbox for feed's name, feed's key, feed's name, feed's key which is obviously incorrect. If you did feed[0][name]...feed[1][name] that would say "i need a textbox for the first feed...i need a textbox for the second feed"
Since you are breaking the parent and child up, rather than handling them as sub objects, you'll need to push each into the blogPost.feeds and save it.
Just be careful with that approach, especially when editing, because you are simply adding new objects ontop of what could already be an existing array of feeds.