WildFly 8.2.0 - Lost connection to the server - wildfly

I try the new version of WildFly: 8.2.0 (I was with the 8.1.0) on Windows 8.1 with JDK 1.8u25
So I install wildfly, add user, add WildFly to NetBeans, go to the admin console (on Firefox 34), add jdbc driver in runtime and then click on Configuration to setup the datasource but there is a popup saying "Lost connection to the server", I restart but the problem remain, I reinstall and the problem remain
Each time I click on configuration I have the popup : "Lost connection to the server"

Reloading the admin page (using F5 or Ctrl+R) also worked for me. I think the browser cached the old console.


Netbeans GlassFish Server 6, deploy, Connection refused: connect, false error on Mac

After deploying my javaee application from the Apache Netbeans 12.4 console, I get the the below error on the output pane.
GlassFish Server 6, deploy, Connection refused: connect, false
This error shows even after the output "GlassFish server is running" was displayed earlier in the deployment messages.
I have checked the GlassFish folder in my mac and there are no error logs showing. Attempting to start GlassFish in debug mode gives the same issue.
Any advices on what could be the issue?
After some investigation, I figured that this issue was as a result of GlassFish not having administrative privileges to make changes to my filesystem.
All I needed to do was to start up GlassFish as an admin.
Usually, GlassFish is installed on the below path of your Mac.
The below are the steps to achieve that.
Navigate to the bin folder of your GlassFish Server.
Run the asadmin command using the below command.
Then in the console that opens, type the below command.
After a few seconds, the GlassFish server is now running. You can test this on your browser at the default admin port using localhost:4848 or http port of localhost:8080
To stop GlassFish, follow the same steps above, however execute the "stop-domain" command for step 3.
I hope it reduces some stress for someone.

Eclipse and Netbeans with Tomcat: it is started, but don't work

I have installed, under debian jessie, tomcat 9.0.7 , netbeans 8.2 and eclipse oxigen.
If i start tomcat from command line, it works, i see the welcome page in my browser.
If i start it from eclipse, in the console i see all info messages that finish with: "Server startup in 2526 ms", but the state in server tag, is "starting, syncronized". After a while, eclipse tells: "Server Tomcat v9.0 Server at localhost was unable to start within 450 seconds. If the server requires more time, try increasing the timeout in the server editor", but also if i increase the timeout, it doesn't work.
The same thing for netbeans.
I tried to install tomcat 8.5, no changes.
I tried to install wildfly 12.0, same thing.
No firewalls, no proxys, no strange network things.
What could be the problem?
It was a problem of firewall, that blocked some ports.

RedHat Developer Studio losing status of JBoss on server restarts

I have Developer Studio set up with an instance of JBoss EAP 6.4.0.GA. I added it using the 6.1+ server type:
When I start and stop the server - either in debug mode or not - things seem to work fine. When the server is running and I try to restart it by clicking on the debug button or the play button for non-debug mode, Developer Studio restarts the server (I can see this happening in the logs) but loses track of the server and gives me an error saying:
After this, the server is running but Dev Studio doesn't know so if I try to start the server, I get this dialog:
If I then connect, the UI doesn't seem to update so I can't shut down the server:
This never happens when starting the server from scratch. It's only restarts. I was having this issue with JBoss Developer Studio (Eclipse) with 10.1.0 GA and am now also having the issue with 10.2.0 GA. Is there anything I can tweak to fix this?? Is there a startup or restart timeout that needs to be changed?
This was fixed recently :D It was a long-standing bug and had a race-condition in it.

VMware vFabric tc Server won't start

I just start having trouble running projects in Eclipse Juno on VMware vFabric tc Server. I have have Spring STS 3.1.0 installed. This was running this morning. Now when I try to run my project on the VMware server I will not get the home page to come up. There are no error messages generated. When I click on the button to stop the server and try again a pop-up is display saying 'Server VMware vFabric tc Server v2.5, v2.6, v2.7 at localhost failed to start'. When I click the Details tab the same message is displayed. Something got corrupted but I have no idea what. Can anyone give me some guidance?
press ctrl+alt+del choose task-manager go to "processes" tab and kill the (VMware vFabric) process that got stuck - then try again.

where is my Worklight Console?

I've installed IBM Worklight Studio in Eclipse, and everything was going well until I decided to install XAMPP software to get Apache PHP. Then I loaded Worklight Console, but the page said "Chrome has not been able to establish connection with the page".
I'm freaked out and uninstalled XAMPP although the problem persists.
Is this the actual error message you see in Chrome?
I googled it and there does not seem to be such an error message.
Make sure your Worklight Server is up and running. Also make sure there is nothing left of XAMPP, as it sounds like something is still blocking port 8080, which Worklight requires by default when using the Developer Edition (the Eclipse Studio plug-in).
Also try clearing your browser cache just in case.