Facebook Flux: Store with multiple change events (or Flux without React) - facebook

In Flux pattern, is it ok for a store to declare multiple events for a view to listen to? E.g. listChanged, selectedListItemChanged, etc. At first glance it seems legit to me (either this or passing additional parameter in a change event) as it doesn't break the flow and just adds few down arrows from store to view.
I've ommited "React" on purpose, because I'm looking for a generic pattern, not bound to concrete rendering library. And having one stateChanged event makes rendering process very complex without ReactJs magic.


Does UI5 Remember's previous entity

I am building simple crud for an entity. Initial state is read on particular entity(key) using view>form.bindElement('/entity(key)').
when I click on new button I clear the form and when the cancel button is clicked during the new/create process(without performing the save), how to go back to the previous entity. Is there some place ui5 stores, the previous entity or should I have some variable and assign it to the controller.previousEntity = oldsPath?
what are the different members in the oModel,it start with
Is there a naming convention in these?
From what I can see, there are following things you need to notice and work upon.
Its generally not a good idea if you use the same form to display and to create/update also. A simpler approach would be to
use a new popover to show the form for create and in that case, the view binding would not be changed when you cancel the operation.
However, if you still want to use the same form, yes you would have to bind the view/form again on cancel operation. You can have a variable declared in the Component.js to store the path for you. In UI5, the model captures the current state to ensure the back the binding concept by default.
You can check all properties and their definitions here: oData Model
Yes, there is a naming convention followed here.
a - Array, s-String, b- Boolean etc.
Read more about Hungarian notations for naming conventions
The previous entity is still there in the cache (ODataModel.oData), but you'll need to re-bind it. For that purpose, as you have written, you'll need to store the path to the entity yourself. Once you bind the control, I don't think the previous binding context is stored somewhere (why should it).

Toomany DOM updates

The link [https://ccamel.github.io/playground-binding.scala/index.html#playground-binding.scala/home]
has few demos of binding.scala
I have used DomListner extension in chrome to understand the dom events.
I found for each interaction there are hundreds of DOM events fired.
For example one click on calculator button results in 114 events.
It this a performance issue ?
Does binding.scala library need performance improvements ?
Does the code written using binding.scala need optimization ?
It's the expected behavior, because the DEMO that you mentioned recreated anchor elements, explicitly.
According to the Scaladoc for bind method:
Each time the value changes, in the current #dom method, all code after the current bind expression will be re-evaluated
As a result, the calc.bind call at here forces recreating the anchor element.
I created a pull request to change the class attribute instead, by avoiding the calc.bind call before XHTML literals.

Accessing om.next sub-component state

I'm just picking up om.next and have run into a situation where I've got some form inputs realized as components which hold on to local state, e.g. validation state, actual input value, etc--this state is updated and accessed via om.next/update-state! and om.next/get-state. The trouble with this seems to be when I wrap the inputs in a form in a parent component I'm unsure how to get the state held by the input components. Is it better to pass along the parent component as a property of the input component? What about situations where there is no parent component?
It seems to me that there are 2 options for the use case you want to achieve:
pass the parent component as an argument as you said
have an entry in the global app-state that represents the current form being edited, which you can update via transact! irregardless of the component corresponding to the input. This way every component that represents an input knows where in the app-state to update itself (which key in the current form) — probably captured succintly in one mutation function.
1) is probably the easiest to implement given the code you have currently, but I always like to go for 2) because it doesn't deviate from the "single source of truth" opinion that Om Next recommends (and tries to enforce). Form data is in fact business data, which might not be desirable to have scattered in components. Testability is just one advantage that I immediately see from such approach.

How to properly check selectors and extensions via RequestPathInfo

I've been working on a component and currently I'm trying to do different things based on the selector chosen for the component.
So basically if I have a component with this structure
I know that if I have a Node with resourceType myComponent I can request the alt view via browser by requesting "path/to/component/content.altView.html" and everything is hunky dory.
Similarly I can do a cq include and do something like:
# with cq include
<cq:include path="my/path.altView" resourceType="myComponent"/>
# or with sling include
<sling:include path="my/path" resourceType="myComponent" replaceSelectors="altView"/>
However, when I'm handling the request, I've seen some interesting behavior when looking at the RequestPathInfo Object.
For example, if we look at all 3 of the above cases I might have something like this:
# http://path/to/component/content.altView.html
slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors(); // {altView}
slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension(); // html
# <sling:include path="my/path" resourceType="myComponent" replaceSelectors="altView"/>
slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors(); // {altView}
slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension(); // html
# <cq:include path="my/path.altView" resourceType="myComponent"/>
slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getSelectors(); // []
slingRequest.getRequestPathInfo().getExtension(); // altView
I understand why the cq:include returns different results (we're making a request to my/path.altView and .altView coincidentally serves as the extension in this case). I'm curious if there is a normalized why to pull "altView" (or the selected view) regardless of if it's been used as an extension or selector. Or if this is normal and I just need to check both the extensions and selectors individually.
selectors = get selectors();
if selectors
do stuff
else check extensions
do stuff
Again thank you very much for your insights, this community is awesome.
In response to an answer, I thought I'd give a little more context to what I'm doing. Basically our component structure is set up so that each of our components has an associated Java Class that handles the business logic. (I.E. apps/myapp/components/myComponent will map to com.mypackage.components.MyComponent) That said, within my component's Class I need to handle the control flow differently depending on how the component was called (i.e. what selectors/extensions/etc). For example, if my component was called normally I'd do the base behavior, but if it was called with selector (for exmaple) "altView" I would need to handle the alternative view differently, and in this alternative view different data will be available, etc.
My question was along the basis that it seems that i can give the "path" attribute of a "cq:include" tag the selector I want to use:
<cq:include path="my/path.altView" resourceType="myComponent"/>
However, when I check my RequestPathInfo in my component class to decide workflow, "altView" is returned as the extension, not within the String[] selectors. Note, the above compiles fine, and it selectors the correct .jsp file for rendering, the RequestPathInfo object just stores the data in a different place.
I'm starting to guess that places the selector into the path attribute works because the selectors and extensions modifiers alter the behavior vary similarly. mycomponent.altView.html resolves to altView.jsp whereas if I was to do mycomponent.altView it would also attempt to resolve a mycomponent/altView.jsp just as it would do the same for mycomponent.xml to mycomponent/XML.jsp
It seems like you're kind of working around Sling resolution. The easiest way to do "different things based on selector" in a given component (let's say my/new/component) is to create different renderers.
For example, say I am requesting /content/app/page.html, and on that page was the component my/new/component. Or if I request /content/app/page.selector.html, I want a slightly different experience for my/new/component.
In the cq:component, I would create two JSPs: component.jsp and component.selector.jsp. Sling will automatically know, based on the selector in the request, which renderer to use. Obviously each renderer can produce a different experience.
The same is true for extension. In the example, component.jsp and component.selector.jsp are actually equivalent to component.HTML.jsp and component.selector.HTML.jsp. The HTML is just implied. However, you could do component.XML.jsp and component.selector.XML.jsp and Sling will again, pick the most relevant selector, based on the selector(s) and extension of the request.
Now, what if you don't want the selector to show up in the page request's URL (in my opinion you shouldn't)...
You can include your component using sling:include and add the selector, like you've done.
The caveat is that sling:include works a little differently than cq:include, so only use this when you need to. Instead, you could also use Sling mapping to hide the selector from the user. The majority of the time I would recommend this approach.
I'm not sure what you were trying to do with adding the selector to the "path" attribute. I don't think that would do anything. The "path" is defining the resource name (and the node name if the resource is not synthetic). Including the selector in that wouldn't do anything, except make the resource name include a period and the selector.
My question was along the basis that it seems that i can give the
"path" attribute of a "cq:include" tag the selector I want to use:
<cq:include path="my/path.altView" resourceType="myComponent"/> However, when I check my RequestPathInfo in my component class to
decide workflow, "altView" is returned as the extension, not within
the String[] selectors.
As opposed to the cq:include tag, you could alternatively use sling:include tag, which provides attributes to modify the selectors & suffix on the request:
<sling:include resourceType="myComponent" path="my/path" addSelectors="altView"/>
<sling:include resourceType="myComponent" path="my/path" replaceSelectors="altView"/>
If you already have selectors on the request that you don't want to apply to myComponent.
In terms of the differences between Sling include & CQ include, there seems to be very little, apart from the latter also supporting script inclusion. From the docs:
Should you use <cq:include> or <sling:include>?
When developing AEM components, Adobe recommends that you use
<cq:include> allows you to directly include script files
by their name when using the script attribute. This takes component
and resource type inheritance into account, and is often simpler than
strict adherence to Sling's script resolution using selectors and

ExtJS: Component VS Element VS other

I've been working with ExtJS for a good few months now, but still don't have a perfectly clear map of what's going on behind the scenes there. I'm just talking about the building blocks of the framework and their most basic functionality.
DOM.Node (?)
CompositeElement (?)
Whatever else (?)
For each of the abovementioned I would like to know:
How to select: by ID, by class, via parent, find (OR children OR query OR select? WTF), siblings, ComponentQuery, DOM-query, CSS-query, etc..
How to manipulate in the tree: create, append, prepend, insert after this sibling, move to that parent, remove, destroy, etc..
How to manipulate on the screen: show, hide, fade, slide, move up, down, change size, etc..
How to identify related to each other: find DOM.Element knowing its Ext.Component, find Ext.Component knowing its DOM.Element, etc..
What is the dependency between them: what happens to the DOM.Element if its Ext.Component is hidden / destroyed / changed / moved, what happens to the Ext.Component if its Ext.Element is hidden / destroyed / changed / moved, etc.
I'm looking for a methodical and logically clear layout of how each is supposed to be used and is expected to behave. I am also hoping that the described functionality can be grouped in corresponding categories, e.g. would be nice to see complement traversing methods .up() and .down() next to each other, rather than alphabetically pages apart. Of course links and examples (which the official documentation lacks so badly) are also welcome!
You can find out a whole lot about the building blocks of ExtJS (known as Ext Core) from the manual for this: http://docs.sencha.com/core/manual/. I will try to add some knowledge and highlight some key points, but you should definitely read through that for a very informative overview.
The building block for the OOP paradigm within ExtJS. Essentially, this is an Object that contains inherited functionality to serve as the basis for a specialized component that will be transformed by the framework into DOM elements that are shown as HTML.
The Sencha documentation is excellent for this. Here are a couple good places to start:
Ext.Element vs DOM Element
As an JavaScript develop knows, a DOM element is just a JS object that represents a tag in the document's HTML. Essentially, Ext.Element is a wrapper object for a DOM element that allows for ExtJS to manipulate the object. Any DOM element on the page can be wrapped as an Ext.Element to allow for this additional functionality.
For example, take this HTML tag:
<div id="myDiv">My content</div>
You can access this using
var el = document.getElementById('myDiv')
and use the basic, built-in JavaScript DOM functionality on el. You could also access this using
var el = Ext.get('myDiv')
and have a whole additional set of functionality available to apply to that element using the ExtJS library
The Sencha docs are also excellent for this. See all the available functionality for Ext.Element here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.dom.Element
You can get an Ext.Element from a component using the getEl() method:
var myComponent = Ext.create('Ext.Component', { html: 'my component' });
var el = myComponent.getEl();
You would rarely need to go the other way, to determine a component from a DOM element. There isn't much of a use case there unless you are really hacking something. A major reason for using a framework like ExtJS is to prevent needing to do something like this; if should develop entirely within the JavaScript, you should be able to avoid having a reference to a DOM element where you need to get its containing ExtJS component.
Niklas answered pretty well about how to select components and elements. The only things I would really add is that you can use up() and down() to select relative to a component. In this way, you should use itemId on components rather than the global identifier id (using id can cause difficult-to-debug errors if you are reusing components with the same ID).
Also, to add to Niklas's answer about showing/hiding components, the framework does indeed add some CSS to the component's element, depending on what the hideMode for the component is. Learn more about that property here: http://docs.sencha.com/extjs/4.2.1/#!/api/Ext.AbstractComponent-cfg-hideMode
An excellent way to learn more is to look through all of the examples that come packaged with the framework. Open the examples in your browser, then look through the code to find out how things are done. You will find it way easier to learn this way, rather than reading it on paper or a website. Nothing beats experience when it comes to learning something new.
How to select: by ID, by class, via parent, find (OR children OR query OR select? WTF), siblings, ComponentQuery, DOM-query, CSS-query, etc..
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("*") // get all
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("button") // all buttons
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#myid") // all controls / components myid
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#myid", rootelement) // all controls / components myid with rootelement
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#myid,button") // all buttons or controls / components myid
How to manipulate in the tree: create, append, prepend, insert after this sibling, move to that parent, remove, destroy, etc..
Adding button to a View:
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#viewId")[0].add(new Ext.Button({ text: 'test'}));
There is also insert, remove and so on depending on the control you are querying.
How to manipulate on the screen: show, hide, fade, slide, move up, down, change size, etc..
Ext.ComponentQuery.query("button").forEach(function(button){ button.hide(); }) // hide all buttons
There is also show, disable, enable and so on depending on the control you are querying.
How to identify related to each other: find DOM.Element knowing its Ext.Component, find Ext.Component knowing its DOM.Element, etc..
Finding Ext.Component knowing its Dom.Element is pretty easy, you just take the ID from the DOM element and use Ext.ComponentQuery.query("#id").
There is also Ext.select('#id') for getting the object from an ID.
With the element property you can get the DOM:
var dom = Ext.ComponentQuery.query("button")[0].element.dom // Getting the DOM from the first button
var dom2 = component.element.dom // does also work as long as component is a valid sencha touch component
What is the dependency between them: what happens to the DOM.Element if its Ext.Component is hidden / destroyed / changed / moved, what happens to the Ext.Component if its Ext.Element is hidden / destroyed / changed / moved, etc.
I think, I'm not sure, that if you call .hide for instance there will be some CSS applied to the DOM for example: display: none. Internally they can use some framework like jQuery for that or the old school version document.getElementById('id').css and so one. If you call .show, it may change to display: block or whatever type it was before(this could be saved in the Sencha Touch class).
I don't know what happens if the DOM element gets destroyed. Probably the element too and then the garbage collector has some work to do.
If there are any more questions / something was unclear or not enough, don't hesitate to ask.
An attempt to answer the question myself.
Since there is no TABLE markup support on this website, I put my answer in this shared Spreadsheet. Note the comments on mouse rollover.
It's just a pattern for now. It needs work to get more legible and complete. Feel free to comment, or ask me if you would like to edit it.