How to check if arguments are correct using Perl? - perl

I am new to Perl and I try to check if my 2 arguments starts with "-" or "--". My code:
if ($ARGV[0] ~= /^-*/ || $ARGV[1] ~= /^-*/) {
But when the arguments are "abc abc" it still passes the condition.
Thanks in advance.

First of all, the binding operator is =~, not ~=. It's easy to remember, as it has a counterpart - !~ (mean 'doesn't match'). But that's a simple typo.
What's more important, however, is the approach itself: if you want to match for '-' and '--', the pattern should be written as /^--?/. It's not clear, however, whether or not you consider '---abc' a valid argument. If not, the regex should look like the following:
... otherwise it's enough just to check the first character of the corresponding param against '-', and using regex is clearly an overkill. For example:
if (substr($ARGV[0], 0, 1) eq '-' || substr($ARGV[1], 0, 1) eq '-') {
# invalid params detected
Still, the way you tried to implement it, it should have been written as /^-+/, not /^-*/. The last one matches for any number of hyphens at the start of the string - including 0 hyphens. That's why abc string passed the check. In fact, any string would have passed the check.


index argument contains . perl

If a string contains . representing any character, index doesn't match on it. What to do so that it takes . as any character?
For ex,
index($str, $substr)
if $substr contains . anywhere, index will always return -1
That is not possible. The documentation says:
The index function searches for one string within another, but without
the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-expression pattern match.
The keywords, you can use for further googlings are:
perl regular expression wildcard
If you just want to know, if your string matches, using a regular expression could look like that:
my $string = "Hello World!";
if( $string =~ /ll. Worl/ )
print "Ahoi! Position: ".($-[0])."\n";
This is matching a single character.
$-[0] is the offset into the string of the beginning of the entire
If you want to have a pattern, that is matching an arbitary amount of arbitary characters, you could choose a pattern like...
if( $string =~ /ll.*orl/ )
See perlvar for further information about special perl variables. You will find the variable #LAST_MATCH_START and some explanation about $-[0] over there. There are several more variables, that can help you to find sub matches and to gather other interessting information about your matches...
From perldoc -f index, you can see index() doesn't have any regex syntax:
The index function searches for one string within another, but without the wildcard-like behavior of a full regular-
expression pattern match. It returns the position of the first occurrence of SUBSTR in STR at or after POSITION. If
POSITION is omitted, starts searching from the beginning of the string. POSITION before the beginning of the string or after
its end is treated as if it were the beginning or the end, respectively. POSITION and the return value are based at 0 (or
whatever you've set the $[ variable to--but don't do that). If the substring is not found, "index" returns one less than the
base, ordinarily "-1"
A simple test:
$ perl -e 'print index("1234567asdfghj.","j.")'
Use regex:
$str =~ /$substr/g;
$index = pos();

Perl thinks all strings are equal

Edit: I did try using eq instead of == earlier, and it did not work. For some reason now it does. It's possible that there was another error at that point which prevented it from working, but now this has been resolved. Thank you.
I'm trying to do some simple validation. I want to make sure the redirect url being fed through a variable begins with a particular site or not. If it does, the redirect goes through, if not, it redirects to the root of the site. Seems pretty straight forward, right?
$redir = $input{'redirect'};
$redir_sub = substr($redir, 0, 21);
if ($redir_sub == "") {
print "Location: $redir \n\n";
print "Location: \n\n";
The thing is, no matter what variable I place in there, it the "if" returns as true. I could put my favorite webcomic in there and it'll redirect to it, despite the string not matching. For example this:
$redir = $input{'redirect'};
$redir_sub = ""
if ($redir_sub == "") {
print "Location: $redir_sub \n\n";
print "Location: \n\n";
That redirects to yahoo! What is going on?
if ($redir_sub == "")
should be
if ($redir_sub eq "")
as eq is string equality operator, and using == forces number comparison so in this case condition always evaluates to trues as 0 == 0 is true.
Operator == is used to compare numbers. You should replace it with operator eq
TL;DR: use eq not ==!
Perl as a language seems to have a problem: It uses the same data type (the scalar) for a lot of different things, including strings and numbers. A scalar is both at the same time, not just one of those. Perl has no type annotations, and there is no way to indicate if a variable holds a string or a number.
This produces problems when we consider equality tests. Assuming two scalars $a = "42.0" and $b = 42. Are they equal? Yes and no:
The strings "42" and "42.0" are not the same thing! These are not equal.
The numbers 42 and 42.0 are equal!
As indicated above, Perl does not use a type system to solve this ambiguity. Rather, it uses different sets of operators for string and numeric operations:
eq ne lt le gt ge cmp
== != < <= > >= <=>
Your problem is that you are not using
use warnings;
Which is why Perl is allowing you to make this mistake. You are using the numeric equality operator to compare strings. Hence, Perl first tries to convert each parameter to a number. And since your strings do not begin with numbers (and do not look like numbers), they are converted to zero 0. Hence your expression
if ($redir_sub == "")
Really means this
if (0 == 0)
Which of course always returns true.
If you had been using warnings, you would have gotten the errors:
Argument "http..." isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at ...
Argument "http..." isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at ...
Which would have been a hint as to your problem that you should be using eq and not == to compare strings.
== does numeric comparison. eq does string comparison. When you use a string as a number, perl passes your string through your c library's aton(). So you're really asking your computer if 0 == 0 which is true.

Warnings on equality operators

Has something changed in Perl or has it always been this way, that examples like the second ($number eq 'a') don't throw a warning?
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use warnings;
use 5.12.0;
my $string = 'l';
if ($string == 0) {};
my $number = 1;
if ($number eq 'a') {};
# Argument "l" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==) at ./ line 6.
Perl will be try to convert a scalar to the type required by the context where it is used.
There is a valid conversion from any scalar type to a string, so this is always done silently.
Conversion to a number is also done silently if the string passes a looks_like_number test (accessible through Scalar::Util). Otherwise a warning is raised and a 'best guess' approximation is done anyway.
my $string = '9';
if ( $string == 9 ) { print "YES" };
Converts the string silently to integer 9, the test succeeds and YES is printed.
my $string = '9,8';
if ( $string == 9 ) { print "YES" };
Raises the warning Argument "9,8" isn't numeric in numeric eq (==), converts the string to integer 9, the test succeeds and YES is printed.
To my knowledge it has always been this way, at least since v5.0.
It has been that way.
In the first if, l is considered to be in numeric context. However, l cannot be converted to a number. Therefore, a warning is emitted.
In the second if, the number 1 is considered to be in string context. Therefore the number 1 is converted to the string '1' before comparison and hence no warnings are emitted.
Did you use a lowercase "L" on purpose? It's often hard to tell the difference between a lowercase "L" and one. You would have answered your own question if you had used a one instead.
>perl -wE"say '1' == 0;"
>perl -wE"say 1 eq 'a';"
As you can see,
If one needs a number, Perl will convert a string to a number without warning.
If one needs a string, Perl will convert a number to a string without warning.
Very consistent.
You get a warning when you try to convert a lowercase L to a number, but how is that surprising?

Conditional Statement giving seemingly wrong answer: What am I missing

So I have to make a simple calculator in Perl that maintains an accumulator and does simple operations. The accumulator starts at 0 and then changes based on the results that I receive. At the moment I am only trying to get addition to work. When I check to ensure that the operator entered is + something goes wrong. For instance:
Accumulator: 0
Operator: Anything put here results in addition. Including this sentence.
Operand: 4
Accumulator: 4
It catches numbers but nothing else. I have tried using grep and a list of the operators. I have exhausted all of my ideas. Here is my code (Fyi first post so help me with any noob errors):
my $running = 1;
my $accum = "0";
my $operator;
my $operand;
print("Welcome to the simple, command line calculator.\n");
print("To terminate, press Control-C.\n\n");
while ($running){
print("\nAccumulator: ".$accum."\n");
print("Operator: ");
$operator = <STDIN>;
if ($operator == "+"){
print("Operand: ");
operand = <STDIN>;
$accum += $operand;
print("Invalid operator: ".$operator."\n");
Perl doesn't remove the ending newline from input unless you use the -l option, so you're comparing "+" against "+\n". Usually you want to do soemthing like chomp($operator);.
That said, your real problem is that == does numeric comparison, and both "+" and "+\n" evaluate to 0 in numeric context. (Using -w, as you should always do, would warn you about this.) Use the eq operator for string comparison.
== compares numbers, not strings. If you compare strings, the strings will be converted to numbers; for non-numeric strings, this means they become 0. So $operator == "+" becomes 0 == 0.
For strings, use eq instead. Additionally, keep in mind that <STDIN> will preserve newlines; make sure to chomp $operator as well.

What is the result of Perl's &&?

When I try this:
$a = 1;
$b = 2;
print ($a && $b) . "\n";
The result is 2. Why?
Quote perlop:
The "||", "//" and "&&" operators
return the last value evaluated
(unlike C's "||" and "&&", which
return 0 or 1).
The resulting 2 is considered true by Perl, so that when you use the && operator in a logical condition, everything works as expected. The added bonus is that you can use the logical operators in other contexts as well:
sub say_something {
say shift || 'default';
say_something('foo'); # prints 'foo'
say_something(); # prints 'default'
Or even as flow modifiers:
my $param = shift || die "Need param!";
-f $file && say "File exists.";
In the last two examples it’s good to realize that they could not work if the && and || operators did not short-circuit. If you shift a true value in on first line, there is no point evaluating the right side (die…), since the whole expression is true anyway. And if the file test fails on the second line, you don’t need to evaluate the right side again, since the overall result is false. If the logical operators insisted on evaluating the whole expression anyway, we could not use them this way.
That's how the && operator works: if the left-hand argument evaluates as true, the value of the expression is that of the value of the right-hand argument. This is covered on the perlop page.
However, you've also let yourself open to a much more subtle problem. You'll find that the newline doesn't get printed. This is because if you put an expression in brackets after print (or any other function name) the arguments passed to print are just those in the brackets. To get notice of this, make sure you switch on warnings. Put these lines at the top of each program:
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
use strict;
until you understand them enough to decide for yourself whether to continue with them. :-)
In your case, you'll get this:
print (...) interpreted as function at p line 7.
Useless use of concatenation (.) or string in void context at p line 7.
Because the && operator evaluates the right operand and returns the result when the left operand evaluates to true.