Maximum distance between multiple location points in mongodb - mongodb

I have a collection that every document has a location data point, like that:
"_id" : ObjectId("549adc5dbb4dd90200c9017d"),
"ts" : ISODate("2014-12-24T15:31:41.436Z"),
"location" : {
"coordinates" : [
"type" : "Point"
Is there a way to query this collection and get maximum distance between multiple location points?
for example if i have 3 documents with coordinates:
1."coordinates" : [ 42.313187, -71.072182 ]
2."coordinates" : [ 42.313187, -71.084310 ]
3."coordinates" : [ 42.313187, -71.096410 ]
The result for this data will be 2 km.
distance(1.,2.) = 1km
distance(2.,3.) = 1km
distance(1.,3.) = 2km


Return distance for each coordinates in mongodb [duplicate]

When I am firing this query on MongoDB, I am getting all the places in the proximity of 500 miles to the specified co-ordinates. But I want to know the exact distance between the specified co-ordinates and the result location.
db.new_stores.find({ "geometry": { $nearSphere: { $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ] }, $maxDistance: 500 * 3963 } } } ).pretty()
My Output looks like:
"_id" : ObjectId("565172058bc200b0db0f75b1"),
"type" : "Feature",
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"properties" : {
"Name" : "Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza",
"Address" : "17901 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura, FL"
I also want to know the distance of this place from the specified co-ordinate. I created 2dsphere index on geometry.
You can use the $geoNear aggregate pipeline stage to produce a distance from the queried point:
{ "$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ]
"maxDistance": 500 * 1609,
"key" : "myLocation",
"spherical": true,
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 0.000621371
This allows you to specify "distanceField" which will produce another field in the output documents containing the distance from the queried point. You can also use "distanceMultiplier" to apply any conversion to the output distance as required ( i.e meters to miles, and noting that all GeoJSON distances are returned in meters )
There is also the geoNear command with similar options, but it of course does not return a cursor as output.
if you have more than one 2dsphere, you should specify a "key".
MongoDB provides a $geoNear aggregator for calculating the distance of documents in a collection with GeoJson coordinates.
Let us understand it with a simple example.
Consider a simple collection shops
1. Create Collection
2. Insert documents in shops collections
db.shops.insert({name:"Galaxy store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.442894,77.341299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"A2Z store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.412894,77.311299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Mica store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.422894,77.342299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Full Stack developer",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.433894,77.334299]}})
3. create GeoIndex on "address" fields
db.shops.createIndex({address: "2dsphere" } )
4. Now use a $geoNear aggregator
to find out the documents with distance.
db.shops.aggregate([{$geoNear:{near:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801]},distanceField: "shopDistance",$maxDistance:150000,spherical: true}}]).pretty()
Here coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801] is the center position or quired position from where documents will be fetched.
distanceField:"shopDistance" , $geoNear Aggregator return shopDistance as fields in result.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef047a4715e6ae00d0893ca"), "name" : "Full Stack developer", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.433894, 77.334299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 621.2848190449148 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0479e715e6ae00d0893c9"), "name" : "Mica store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.422894, 77.342299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1203.3456146763526 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0478a715e6ae00d0893c7"), "name" : "Galaxy store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.442894, 77.341299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1310.9612119555288 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef04792715e6ae00d0893c8"), "name" : "A2Z store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.412894, 77.311299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 2282.6640175038788 }
Here shopDistance will be in meter.
maxDistance -> Optional. The maximum distance from the center point that the documents can be. MongoDB limits the results to those documents that fall within the specified distance from the center point.
Specify the distance in meters if the specified point is GeoJSON and in radians if the specified point is legacy coordinate pairs.
In the docs it says if you use legacy pairs , eg : near : [long , lat] , then specify the maxDistance in radians.
If you user GeoJSON , eg : near : { type : "Point" , coordinates : [long ,lat] },
then specify the maxDistance in meters.
Use $geoNear to get the distance between a given location and users.
{"$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ longitude, latitude]
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 1/1000,
"query": {/* userConditions */},


This is one of my document with trip detailS.The return ride taking passenger will have his drop latlong of one document equal to pickup lat long of another document.But I am not able to query with taking one field and query with all other documents matching the condition.
"_id" : ObjectId("5a1058cd2514972098b5b4e6"),
"trip_id" : 895728,
"pass_id" : 1,
"driver_id" : 5119,
"pick_lat" : 16.863973,
"pick_lon" : 96.11646259999999,
"drop_lat" : 16.806106699999997,
"drop_lon" : 96.15429830000001,
"pickup_date" : ISODate("2017-10-27T13:00:58.000+05:30"),
"drop_date" : ISODate("2017-10-27T14:10:21.000+05:30"),
"distance" : 11.13,
"coordinates" : [
"type" : "Point",
loglat" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [

How do I calculate the total distance traveled with MongoDB

I need to calculate the total distance traveled between a collection of points. They all have a timestamp to get them in the right order. I'm only allowed to use MongoDB.
Sample collection:
"_id" : ObjectId("596cd354241aa3174056fb98"),
"spelerID" : 1,
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-02-01T19:00:00.000Z"),
"coordinates" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
/* 2 */
"_id" : ObjectId("596cd354241aa3174056fbb4"),
"spelerID" : 1,
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-02-01T19:00:01.000Z"),
"coordinates" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
/* 3 */
"_id" : ObjectId("596cd354241aa3174056fbce"),
"spelerID" : 1,
"timestamp" : ISODate("2017-02-01T19:00:02.000Z"),
"coordinates" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
I have no idea how to calculate the distance between those points in the right order.
MongoDB can performance the distance between two points by using $near or $geoNear.
Returns documents in order of proximity to a specified point, from the nearest to farthest. geoNear requires a geospatial index.
In your case I don't think this will resolve the issue since you want to perform multiple distance calculation between multiple points.
MongoDB can be instruct to create very complex algorithm by using MapReduce. Even if I'm not expert in GIS application you could try to create a MapReduce routine with a Function that compute the distance between multiple points ordered as you like.
MongoDB - MapReduce
This link can help you to write a JS function to be used in Map Reduce:
Calculate distance between two latitude-longitude points? (Haversine formula)
Good Luck!

MongoDB print distance between two points

When I am firing this query on MongoDB, I am getting all the places in the proximity of 500 miles to the specified co-ordinates. But I want to know the exact distance between the specified co-ordinates and the result location.
db.new_stores.find({ "geometry": { $nearSphere: { $geometry: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ] }, $maxDistance: 500 * 3963 } } } ).pretty()
My Output looks like:
"_id" : ObjectId("565172058bc200b0db0f75b1"),
"type" : "Feature",
"geometry" : {
"type" : "Point",
"coordinates" : [
"properties" : {
"Name" : "Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza",
"Address" : "17901 Biscayne Blvd, Aventura, FL"
I also want to know the distance of this place from the specified co-ordinate. I created 2dsphere index on geometry.
You can use the $geoNear aggregate pipeline stage to produce a distance from the queried point:
{ "$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ -81.093699, 32.074673 ]
"maxDistance": 500 * 1609,
"key" : "myLocation",
"spherical": true,
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 0.000621371
This allows you to specify "distanceField" which will produce another field in the output documents containing the distance from the queried point. You can also use "distanceMultiplier" to apply any conversion to the output distance as required ( i.e meters to miles, and noting that all GeoJSON distances are returned in meters )
There is also the geoNear command with similar options, but it of course does not return a cursor as output.
if you have more than one 2dsphere, you should specify a "key".
MongoDB provides a $geoNear aggregator for calculating the distance of documents in a collection with GeoJson coordinates.
Let us understand it with a simple example.
Consider a simple collection shops
1. Create Collection
2. Insert documents in shops collections
db.shops.insert({name:"Galaxy store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.442894,77.341299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"A2Z store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.412894,77.311299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Mica store",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.422894,77.342299]}})
db.shops.insert({name:"Full Stack developer",address:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.433894,77.334299]}})
3. create GeoIndex on "address" fields
db.shops.createIndex({address: "2dsphere" } )
4. Now use a $geoNear aggregator
to find out the documents with distance.
db.shops.aggregate([{$geoNear:{near:{type:"Point",coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801]},distanceField: "shopDistance",$maxDistance:150000,spherical: true}}]).pretty()
Here coordinates:[28.411134,77.331801] is the center position or quired position from where documents will be fetched.
distanceField:"shopDistance" , $geoNear Aggregator return shopDistance as fields in result.
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef047a4715e6ae00d0893ca"), "name" : "Full Stack developer", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.433894, 77.334299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 621.2848190449148 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0479e715e6ae00d0893c9"), "name" : "Mica store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.422894, 77.342299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1203.3456146763526 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef0478a715e6ae00d0893c7"), "name" : "Galaxy store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.442894, 77.341299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 1310.9612119555288 }
{ "_id" : ObjectId("5ef04792715e6ae00d0893c8"), "name" : "A2Z store", "address" : { "type" : "Point", "coordinates" : [ 28.412894, 77.311299 ] }, "shopDistance" : 2282.6640175038788 }
Here shopDistance will be in meter.
maxDistance -> Optional. The maximum distance from the center point that the documents can be. MongoDB limits the results to those documents that fall within the specified distance from the center point.
Specify the distance in meters if the specified point is GeoJSON and in radians if the specified point is legacy coordinate pairs.
In the docs it says if you use legacy pairs , eg : near : [long , lat] , then specify the maxDistance in radians.
If you user GeoJSON , eg : near : { type : "Point" , coordinates : [long ,lat] },
then specify the maxDistance in meters.
Use $geoNear to get the distance between a given location and users.
{"$geoNear": {
"near": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [ longitude, latitude]
"distanceField": "distance",
"distanceMultiplier": 1/1000,
"query": {/* userConditions */},

determine which predefined graphical region a user is in using mongodb

using mongo, I would like to compare a user's geo coordinates to a collection of documents each representing a defined geographical boundary. This is what i have thought to do, but cant get working. Other suggestions to get the same result are also welcome.
A document from the collection looks like this (those are manhattan coordinates, if you draw a line in sequence from one coordinate to the next, it wraps manhattan)
"__v" : 1,
"_id" : ObjectId("53220803a74a16da9c729202"),
"name" : "Manhattan",
"boundary" : {
"type" : "Polygon",
"coordinates" : [
i then use the following query to make my check
db.collection.find( { boundary :
{ $geoIntersects :
{ $geometry :
{ type : "Point" ,
coordinates : [ [user_long, user_lat] ]
} } } } ).exec(function(err, city){
console.log(err, "error");
res.send({agent_count : city});