Neo4j merge statement with id - merge

I'm trying to do a merge statement. I'm trying to get the node with his node id, the problem that merging doesn't allow me to use 'where id(node)=nodeId'.
Something like:
merge( user:User) where id(user)=111
on create set user =
{facebookId:"13",name:"",gender:"",pushId:"", picoAccessToken:"",
on match set user +=
return user
General question, should I use the node id to retrieve nodes? or should I add an id property to the node.

You can't use the "ID()" function with MERGE because it behaves as "MATCH or CREATE" and you can't assign internal ids manually to nodes.
On the other hand, YES! it is better to use an id generation at the application level that you will assign to nodes OR use the GraphAware UUID plugin that will do it for you
Relying on nodes internal ids is considered as bad practice as ids of deleted nodes are reused in the database lifecycle.

Michael Hunger from Neo Technology has already answered the question regarding internal ids here on StackOverflow.
The bottom line is that the node id should not be used, rather they should be considered an implementation detail.
So, the recommended approach is to use your own id property*. This can be a UUID, some kind of counter or whatever id that is suitable for your project.
Personally I like the UUID-approach. They are easy to generate from any language (e.g. the UUID-class in Java). The are unique and it is obvious that the are generated.


REST new ID with DDD Aggregate

This question seemed fool at first sight for me, but then I realized that I don't have a proper answer yet, and interestingly also didn't find good explanation about it in my searches.
I'm new to Domain Driven Design concepts, so, even if the question is basic, feel free to add any considerations to it.
I'm designing in Rest API to configure Server Instances, and I came up with a Aggregate called Instance that contains a List of Configurations, only one specific Configuration will be active at a given time.
To add a Configuration, one would call an endpoint POST /instances/{id}/configurations with the body on the desired configuration. In response, if all okay, it would receive a HTTP 204 with a Header Location containing the new Configuration ID.
I'm planning to have only one Controller, InstanceController, that would call InstanceService that would manipulate the Instance Aggregate and then store to the Repo.
Since the ID's are generated by the repository, If I call Instance.addConfiguration and then, how would I get the ID of the newly created configuration? I mean, it's a List, so It's not trivial as calling Instance.configuration.identity
A option would implement a method in Instance like, getLastAddedConfiguration, but this seems really brittle.
What is the general approach in this situation?
the ID's are generated by the repository
You could remove this extra complexity. Since Configuration is an entity of the Instance aggregate, its Id only needs to be unique inside the aggregate, not across the whole application. Therefore, the easiest is that the Aggregate assigns the ConfigurationId in the Instance.addConfiguration method (as the aggregate can easily ensure the uniqueness of the new Id). This method can return the new ConfigurationId (or the whole object with the Id if necessary).
What is the general approach in this situation?
I'm not sure about the general approach, but in my opinion, the sooner you create the Ids the better. For Aggregates, you'd create the Id before storing it (maybe a GUID), for entities, the Aggregate can create it the moment of creating/adding the entity. This allows you to perform other actions (eg publishing an event) using these Ids without having to store and retrieve the Ids from the DB, which will necessarily have an impact on how you implement and use your repositories and this is not ideal.

Livetime / uniqueness of NodeId (How to manage NodeIds for dynamic nodes)

The Specification (Part 3: Address Space Model) of OPC UA says
5.2.2 NodeId
... A Server shall persist the NodeId of a Node, that is, it shall not
generate new NodeIds when rebooting.
but how can this be?
NodeId is a combination from a NamespceIndex and Identifier. NamespceIndex can be changed when the Server is restarting. see:
For this reason, a Client should not persist the namespace index without storing the namespace URI as well, because a namespace URI represented by index “2” during one session could be represented by index “5” during the next session
Also the use of FolderType with e.g. "Files" as Items speak again this, or should the server store the NodeId it uses for File-X to assign it right again after restart?
What for is "GenericModelChangeEventType" if no NodeId can be created?
Client: I thought useing BrowsePath-Path (e.g. "Objects.Server.ServerStatus.CurrentTime" (* ) ) for addressing NodeIds and then using the NodeId while the clinet session to access the nodes is a good approach. Also because Companion Specifications defines the browsename so I might by save. Is this a good idea? ( *need attention on collisions caused by different namespaces)
Server: How should the Server behave when it needs to generate/create new NodeIds. Need the NodeIds to be unambiguous all the time or just for the Server runtime. I know some Servers are using NodeIds with String-Typed Identifiers and this String-Identifiers are made from the BrowsePath e.g. "ns=1;s=Server.ServerStatus.CurrentTime". But I don't like this...
What the OPC UA spec means when it says " A Server shall persist the NodeId of a Node, that is, it shall not generate new NodeIds when rebooting." is as follows: The NodeIds, when seen as a combination of namespace URI and identifier, must not change. The server may or may not reassign namespace indices after reboot - but the resulting namespaceURI/Identifier must not change. So, if on the first run I had a node with Identifier 1234 and namespace index 7, and that namespace index corresponded to "" in the namespace table, on the second run the same node may have Identifier 1234, but the namespace index 8, as long as in the new NamespaceTable index 8 now corresponds to "".
I think the Unified Automation SDK technically violates the spec in this regard. The recommendation it suggests is good practice for client implementations either way, but as you pointed out, shouldn't strictly be necessary.
Also the use of FolderType with e.g. "Files" as Items speak again this, or should the server store the NodeId it uses for File-X to assign it right again after restart?
I'm not sure what you're asking here.
What for is "GenericModelChangeEventType" if no NodeId can be created?
That's not what is being said here. Nodes can be created and deleted and the structure of objects and variables can change. All the spec is saying is that given Node "Foo" with NodeId "ns=1;s=Foo" it should have the same NodeId if the server reboots.
I thought useing BrowsePath-Path (e.g. "Objects.Server.ServerStatus.CurrentTime" (* ) ) for addressing NodeIds and then using the NodeId while the clinet session to access the nodes is a good approach.
Browse paths are for programming against types. The approach suggested by the Unified Automation SDK docs is the safe one for persisting NodeIds in your client.
How should the Server behave when it needs to generate/create new NodeIds. Need the NodeIds to be unambiguous all the time or just for the Server runtime. I know some Servers are using NodeIds with String-Typed Identifiers and this String-Identifiers are made from the BrowsePath e.g. "ns=1;s=Server.ServerStatus.CurrentTime". But I don't like this...
Create them however you like in the Namespaces you control, it's up to you. Using string-based NodeIds allows you to easily "derive" the NodeId from certain other sources, though, e.g. from the address of a variable in a PLC or something similar.

Ensure consistence for foreignkeys/ownerships in microservices

I have two bounded contexts which lead into two micro services
I keep the entity model simple here.
Entity/Table Person:
#id - int
tenantId - int
name - string
Entity/Table Document:
#id - int
tenantId - int
personId - int
dateIssued - string
You need to know that before the application is started - a company (tenant) is choosen to define the company context.
I want to store a new document by using REST/JSON.
This is a POST to /tenants/1/persons/5/documents
with the body
"dateIssued" : "2018-06-11"
On the backend side - I validate the input body.
One validation might be "if the person specified exists and really belongs to given tenant".
Since this info is stored in the PersonalManagement-MicroService, I need to provide an operation like this:
"Does exists (personId=5,tenantId=1)"
in PersonalManagement to ensure consistence since caller might be evil.
Or in general:
What is best practise to check "ownership" of entities cross database in micro services
It might also be an option that if a new person is created (tenantId,personId) this information is stored additionally(!) in DocumentStorage but wanna avoid this redundancy.
I'm not going to extend this answer into whether your bounded contexts and service endpoints are well defined since your question seems to be simplifying the issue to keep a well defined scope, but regarding your specific question:
What is best practise to check "ownership" of entities cross database in micro services
Microservice architectures use strive for a "share nothing" principle. And that usually extends from code base to data base. So you're right to assume you're checking for this constraint "cross-DB" in your scenario.
You have a few options on this particular case, each with their set of drawbacks:
1) Your proposed "Does exists (personId=5,tenantId=1)" call from the DocumentContext to the PersonContext is not wrong on itself, but you will generate a straight dependency between these two microservices, so you must ask yourself whether it seems ok for you not to accept new documents if the PersonManagement microservice is offline.
In specific situations, such dependencies might be acceptable but the more of these you have, the less your microservice architecture will behave as one and more like a "distributed monolith" which on itself it pretty much an anti-pattern.
2) The other main option you have is that you should recognize that the DocumentContext is a very much interested in some information/behavior relating to People so it should be ok with modelling the Person Entity inside its boundaries.
That means, you can have the DocumentContext subscribe for changes in the PersonContext to be aware of which People currently exist and what their characteristics are and thus being able to keep a local copy of such information.
That way, your validation will be kept entirely inside the DocumentContext which will have its operation unhindered by eventual issues with the PersonContext and you will find out your modelling of the document related entities will be much cleaner than before.
But in the end, you will also discover that a "share nothing" principle usually will cost you in what seems to be redundancy, but it's actually independence of contexts.
just for the tenancy check , this can be done using the JWT token (token which can store tenancy information and other metadata).
Let me provide another example of the same scenario which can't be solved with JWT.
Assume one Customer wants to create a Order and our system wants to check whether the customer exist or not while creating the order.
As Order and Customer service are separate, and we want minimal dependencies between them, there are multiple sol. to above problems:
create Order in "validating state" and on OrderCreated event check for customer validity and update customer state to "Valid"
another one before creating order check for the customer (which is not the right way as it creates dependency, untill and unless very critical do not do it)
last way is the let the order be created , somebody who will final check the order for delivery will verify customer will remove

Strategy to generate auto increment unique number in CQ

I have a requirement to create CQ pages programmatically. But the challenge is that the page name/uri should be autogenerated combination of a string + unique number (eg. PT2000, PT2001).
Can someone tell me a way way to generate an autoincrement-id/constant in CQ in a way that the id's are unique even with multiple concurrent request?
Use a service that provides you with the ID and that manages the counter inside a volatile instance variable to make sure that state changes by one thread are immediately communicated to all other threads.
This should do the trick as long as your can guarantee that your implementation runs on a single author node. In a cluster scenario you additionally have to care about executing it only on one node.
i'd suggest creating a service that manages its counters somewhere in the repository, and also acts as a jcr EventListener. the service should listen for NODE_ADDED events on parent nodes of type cq:Page, and once onEvent is called, it can assigned the unique id at that point. you'd want to use synchronization obviously so that overlapping calls to onEvent() won't use up the same id.
You can use a GUID, Graphic User ID, the ID generated has a great probablity of uniqueness.
See wiki reference
and to create GUID:
Create a GUID in Java
This will ease you effort to verify the number is unique so just generate the ID and create the pages with that ID.
Doesn't AEM automatically append numbers to same name pages?
If it doesn't, then presumably this would fail, at which point you start over with the next number. Best guess should be enough in this case.

Naming resources prior to creation using Neo4j Restful API

This is for people with knowledge on REST and Neo4j.
Is it possible to name a node before creating it in Neo4j ?
Typical Restful thing, you create a URI "XXX/db/data/node/mynode" and you want to create a node with this identifier if it is not existent in the moment.
For all that I have been researching (and testing) to the present moment, the answer is : "no it is not possible, neo4j will just always automatically give ids to the created nodes and the attempt to do create a URI and use POST to cause its creation will result in 405"
Thanks in advance.
That's correct, you can't set the id of a node. What you can do is to add some other kind of id as a property, see create node with properties. Just make sure it's indexed automatically and then you can query that index for exact matches.