In my TeamCity instance I have a build that builds, packages and publushes a NuGet package from source.
This particular package has version hardcoded in build parameters and isn't being incremented on each build.
On the final step of the build, actual publish, in case I am trying to publish a package with the version that is already published, I get an error (NuGet Publish type step returns 1).
This return code marks entire build as failed, since there is a general condition to fail a build where any steps return anything other then 0.
I would like to have a third state of the build - partially successful, to indicate that even though everything went fine, the publish didn't happen. Is this possible via some trick in configuration? Any type of result would be sufficient, as long as it is not marked red as failed and is not totally green that won't let me see that it didn't publish.
There's no "warning" result for a build config in TeamCity.
My suggestion would be that you move the Package/Publish steps into a separate build config that is triggered by a finish build trigger (success only) on your Build config. That way the build config can succeed, and the Package config may fail independently - you will see the results of both which should give you what you want.
Alternatively you can query your Nuget server if the package with the version you are about to produce already exists and do nothing in this case (or handle it differently). That should be doable with a little Powershell.
I am new to using Azure DevOps builds/pipelines, as the source code for the solutions I need to build are in TFVC I am limited to using the Classic (i.e. UI) builds rather than YAML.
When I want to test changes to a build definition I sometimes want to run a clean build, i.e. ensure that sources and artifacts from earlier builds are removed before the new build run, yet leave normal builds (i.e. ones triggered by changes in TFVC) to be incremental so to make builds faster.
I am used to TeamCity which has a plethora of options with regards to managing source and artifacts retention between builds, including a simple "clean" check box when triggering a manual build.
ADO Builds seems very limited in this regards and if I want to have a clean build it seems the only option is to change the build definition, select clean, run the build, then change the build definition again to remove the clean option.
Are there better ways to manage "ad-hoc" clean sources and artifacts in ADO Builds?
Those settings are either on/off. They wouldn't accept conditional run-time variables.
That being said, you might try leveraging the "Save as draft" option. It seems to create a DRAFT pipeline definition you could execute for your changes.
You could probably just flip it back to no clean before publishing. I don't really use that feature, but I am going to guess on the back-end it is using a different temporary definition id. That will probably mean on the build agent a new folder gets created under _work. If that is the case, you probably wouldn't even need to flip the clean sources since it will not exist the first run. It also probably means if this a self-hosted agent you will have doubled the work folder size and you might have to manage that clean-up after you are done.
If it does create the second work folder, this is probably preferable as it means you won't break the incremental build on the build directly following your test with clean. Whether you did that ad-hoc or through editing the build definition.
Build.Clean variable is deprecated, you can only use Clean option to clean local repo on the agent currently.
I'd like suggest you submit a user voice at website below, product team will evaluate it carefully:
One workaround is adding a Post Build Cleanup task in the end of your pipeline, when you want to run builds incrementally, you can disable this task.
I'm having a hard time figuring out how to correctly deploy to different environments with TeamCity (in terms of cross BuildConfiguration dependencies) and hope to get some input as to how to configure my SubProjects/BuildConfigurations properly. Lets start based on a concrete example: I made this test "TeamcityConfigurationTests" to better learn how TeamCity handled dependencies, and the current state shows the result i am looking for:
I have 3 subProjects, Dev, Test and Prod - and all associated tasks for those "environments" as seperate build configurations within that subProject. This is to more clearly visualize what is going on, and if anything breaks, to be able to see immediately what is broken (separate Build, UnitTest and DeployToDev BuildConfigurations, rather than 3 different steps in one single Build Configuration).
Ideally, i only want to build my application once in the Dev.Build step, and let the Dev.UnitTest and Dev.DeployToDev steps grab that artifact and run tests and deploy. That i got going for me, by having snapshot and artifact dependencies. But i am having trouble getting the correct artifact when i want to deploy from Dev -> Test or Test -> Prod.
My issue is to correctly reference the latest successfully DEV deployed artifact when running Test.DeployToTest - and the same for getting the latest successfully TEST deployed artifact when running Prod.DeployToProd. (Essentially i want to promote the artifact to the next environment).
Now, my issue is, if I in the Test.DeployToTest have a SnapshotDependency to Dev.DeployToDev and an artifact dependency to Dev.Build, and the VCS source has changed since Deploy to Dev has run, it triggeres running all the DEV steps again. This is not the worst part, the same happens when i run Prod.DeployToProd if the VCS source changed since the initial build on dev (because of all the snapshot dependencies). Meaning, that rather than promoting Test -> Prod, I Build and deploy whatever is currently on VCS to Dev, Test AND Prod.
How am i supposed to set this up correctly?
The only other option i am aware of, is letting Dev.DeployToDev also publish the same artifact, and only have an (LatestSuccessful) ArtifactDependency in Test.DeployToTest. I would also have to publish the artifact again in Test.DeployToTest, for letting Prod.DeployToProd only have a (LatestSuccessfull) artifact dependency to Test.DeployToTest. (This would be to get rid of the SnapshotDependencies causing previous environments to run build/deploy again in case of VCS changes). But then i am publishing the artifact 3 times, rather than just the one time when the application is originally built in DEV - which i would like to avoid. Also, i have cases where no artifact is needed for deploying to Test and Prod, so there is no artifact to depend on (essentially i only need the BuildNumber from the "Dependent" environment i want to promote from).
I hope for some input. Thank you
For anyone wondering, i made a JetBrains support ticket, and got the following response:
Basically, there are options to resolve your case:
Option 1: use "Promote" action form the build's Actions top-right menu
(or change the type of the Deploy* configurations to deployment and
use the action from the block on the build results. This is the
preferred way: before deploying you select the build to deploy and
"promote" it to the next environment. There is also an experimental
hidden feature to hide the "Run" button: add
"teamcity.ui.runButton.caption" configuration parameter in the build
configurations to empty value.
Option 2: do not use snapshot dependency, use only artifact dependency
on the latest successful build. However, when you run the build you
cannot be sure that the last successful build you see will be
deployed: while the build is standing int he queue, another
Dev.DeployToDev can finish and then be deployed as the last
We went with option 1
I have a .NET Core project that is auto-built in Appveyor and deployed to Nuget. By default, every successful build causes a new Nuget release.
However, there are many cases when a new release is meaningless because the library's actual code has not changed:
Readme updated
Unit tests added
Appveyor configuration changed
Other cases
It is possible to configure the build so that Nuget publishing only runs if there are changes in the actual code (for example, in folder X)?
There are a few options.
Commit filtering. Note that with it the whole build, not just deployment will be skipped if nothing in folder x changed. You may need a build without deployment at least when unit tests added. As a workaround consider adding separate AppVeyor project which will build and deploy only if folder x changed and keep current project to build every time, but not deploy
Inspect changed files with script. Please check this sample on how to check those files if you use GitHub. So if you see that files in folder x changed, you can set some custom environment variable (lets say you call it deploy_nuget) to true, and use it with a conditional deployment.
It has been a while since I made a release from VSTS and I am having problems working out how to do it.
I already have a definition Sir-TestGeneric1. When I try to create a release for that definition, I am not getting any versions for the Artifacts. I try entering the BuildId but I still get the error message shown here;
When I look at the build definition I get this message;
Where are the permissions set for this?
The problem was that there was a name clash where SIR-TEST also had a XAML definition. Once I changed the name the artifacts then appeared.
You need to go to Build tab and check Build Definition SIR-TEST to see whether there is valid completed builds. If there is not valid builds under this Build Definition, you need to queue build first.
I use rake to build my project and one of the steps is running the unit, integration and fitnesse tests. If too many of these fail, I fail the rake script.
That part is working fine.
Unfortunately, after the build is failed, jenkins doesn't publish the html reports I generated from the unit, integration and fitnesse tests I generated, making it tad difficult to track down the failure reason.
Am I missing a configuration step to get the reports published?
Is Jenkins supposed to skip the post-build steps when the build fails?
It seems like it some for most of the plugins I am using.
You have to tell Jenkins which artifacts to archive in a post-build step (there is a check box under general 'Post-build actions' heading which is called 'Archive the Artifacts'). Important: the artifact path is determined relative to the workspace directory. Make sure that the option Discard all but the last successful/stable artifact to save disk space is not checked.
Finally figured it out, one of those I could have had a V8 moments...
I'm using a rake file to build and one of it's tasks is failing just before some reporting tasks that need to run in order to have the HTML pushed into the correct area to be published.