Website Redirection Fix? - redirect

I run an anime website with embeded links for players, multiple per page/per episode so I have quite a few, and on some of the pages, the players are redirecting the user to adultfriendfinder, which is very annoying because it doesn't redirect them through a popup or a new tab, it redirects my site to their page, and this happens even with adblock.
here is a link to my website, and a page that will display this:
if you click on 'mp4upload' it will redirect to, you'll need to press back and play the video, which is very annoying.
If it doesn't redirect you and you want to see, just look around the site's episodes ( )
Is there anything I can do to get around this? any plugin, anything I can do to block the site? anything?

if you see from the firebug, i find network error (404) in which redirect you to google-ads(adsense). It is known that if no proper ads exists based on your site will force google to redirect the ads to other ads or blank (and google dislike ads inside a frame.
Besides, links to access is denied, blocked or redirect to 404 page.
if you access this following link> without frame, everything is going well:
In this case, you should remove other links available which causes error.
this links > go to encrypted page content then you add it to your page within frame. this causes this.
now try to add this link > directly to the src="" of your frame. perhaps, it can work.
Try this and place on your page which globally relate to them:
$(document).on('click', 'a', function(e){
return false;
otherwise, see this:


Using Adobe Test-and-Target, how do I avoid seeing the first page before the redirect kicks in?

I've got an A/B Test set up in Adobe Test-and-Target. The idea is that 50% of the time, visitors to a certain page should be redirected to a different page instead. It is working correctly, in that half of users are sent to the new page.
However, sometimes the entire original page is loaded before the redirect happens. I put the mbox in the head tag of the page, which I thought would ensure the redirect happened before any HTML was displayed to the user, but that's not happening.
How can I create a seamless result for the user, where the redirected users only see the new page loading, and never see the original page?
For our site, the <script src="" ></script>is at the very end of the head tag and works fine.
Your mbox.js should be as close to the top as possible and then your inline mbox should be defined preferably right after the tag. This way the request is made before the content starts to render, and the redirect kicks in before the guest even sees the page.
Avoid using anything post DOM related for example jQuery's:
document.ready( function{});
If you paste your code you're using for the A/B - we be able to review & respond accordingly.
However pure Javascript and pure CSS should execute seamlessly.
You can use CSS first to not show anything
body {display:none!important}
Then use JavaScript to redirect the page to new page.

AddThis and History.js - automatic redirection to wrong URL

I have a problem with AddThis widget and History.js script.
Once user shares some page on Facebook using AddThis widget, some hashtag is appended to URL (e.g. #.U-S_Q-q0tE8.facebook).
Then, if user clicks such link on Facebook and goes to my website with URL e.g.:,123.html#.U-S_Q-q0tE8.facebook, they get redirected to which throws error 404.
The weird thing is that History.js is not even initialized or used. It's just embed on the site with <script...> tag.
Is there any solution to this? Is it possible to disable such behavior in History.js?
I have the exact same problem, and while I don't know if you can disable the history.js behavior, you can disable the addthis hashes by adding the following before the addthis script
<script type="text/javascript">
var addthis_config = {
data_track_clickback: false
This means you wont be able to track how many click that link gets using addthis, but something like Google Analytics is able to show traffic source.

og meta tags, social buttons and angularjs

I'm creating a website using multiple views.
The tag and the tags of the page get changed through a a $rootScope variable.
so I have something like
<title ng-bind="page_title"></title>
<meta property="og:title" content="{{page_title}}">
Whenever each view get loaded on the website, the page_title variable changes and the title and the og:title tags get updated (everything works as expected).
The problem is that I need, on some views to load a facebook, a google+ and a twitter button.
I can display them properly but if I click on each them the page title appear to be something like:
I've tried to delay the execution of the scripts of each button using setTimeOut but to no good.
But the scripts just read whatever is written, they don't parse the page_title.
Does anyone know a workaround to this?
Thank you
This can't be done using javascript. Some people think that Facebook is reading what's currently on the page. It's not. It makes a separate request to your server using the same url (from window.location.href) using it's Scraper, and the Facebook Scraper does not run javascript. That's why you get {{page_title}} when clicking on something like a Facebook share button. Your content will have to be generated by the server so when Facebook goes to hit the url it gets the content it needs up front without the need for javascript. You can tackle the server side rendering in a fews ways.
You can allow your server side technology to render the content.
You can use the PhantomJS approach
There's also a possibility that you can re-render Facebook widgets. Use their parse method:
after your angular stuff has completed. It's not working for my share button (yet!!), but I tested it on likes, and it's cool. Basically it re-scans the DOM and renders the Facebook widgets. You can also pass it a single element, something like this directive:
'use strict';
.directive("fbLike", function($rootScope) {
return function (scope, iElement, iAttrs) {
if (FB && scope.$last) {
This snippet would rescan the DOM for html5 facebook fb-like widgets when creating the last element in angular repeater.

URLs redirect to spyware site

We are developing an app that makes posts on behalf of our users to Facebook. Within those posts, we want to put links to external (non-Facebook) websites.
Looking at the links in the status bar of the browser (usually Chrome), the correct URL is displayed. However, Facebook seems to wrap the actually-clicked link into some extra bells-and-whistles. Usually, this works correctly.
Sometimes, however, this URL wrapping ends up sending the click to a URL like:
http: //
(added space to make it non-browsable!) which generates Chromes severe warning message:
This happens very occasionally on Chrome, but very much more often in the iOS browser on the iPhone.
Does anyone have any pointers as to how to deal with this?
For example, the URLs we put in the link is
but the URL that actually gets clicked is:
There seems to be some JavaScript goodness in the page that unscrambles that and usually redirects correctly.
The links above are put on the image and the blue text to the right of the image in the screenshot below.
Mousing over the links (or the image) in the browser shows the correct link. Right-clicking on the link and selecting "Copy Link Address" gets the link above (or one like it). Actually clicking on the link seems to set off some JavaScript processing of the link into the right one... but sometimes that processing fails.
I'm not 100% sure what you're asking here, but i'll tell you what I know:- are you referring to this screen on Facebook?
(or rather, the variation of that screen which doesn't allow clickthrough?)
If you manually send a user to they'll always see that message - it's a measure to prevent an open redirector
if your users are submitting such links, including the l.php link, you'll need to extract the destination URL (in the 'u' parameter)
If you're seeing the l.php URLs come back from the API this is probably a bug.
If links clicked on end up on the screen it's because facebook have detected the link as suspicious (e.g. for URL redirector sites - the screen will allow clickthrough but warn the user first) or malicious/spammy (will not allow clickthrough)
In your app you won't be able to post links to the latter (an error will come back saying the URL is blocked), and the former may throw a captcha sometimes (if you're using the Feed dialog, this should be transparent to the app code, the user will enter the captcha and the dialog will return as normal)
If this isn't exactly what you were asking about please clarify and i'll update my answer
Rather than add to the question, I thought I'd put more details here.
It looks like the Facebook mention in the original title was mis-directed, so I've removed it.
We still haven't got to the bottom of the issue.
However, we used both Wireshark and Fiddler to look at the HTTP traffic between the Chrome browser (on the PC) and Facebook. Both showed that Facebook was returning the correct URL refresh.
Here's what Wireshark showed:
What we saw on Fiddler was that our server is issuing a redirect to the site:
We are working with our ISP to figure out what is happening here.

Facebook “Like Box” and JQuery

I'm attempting to add a FB "Like Box" to a website I'm developing. Not too familiar with Facebook apps, but so far I've gone the non-IFRAME route, using the FB SDK script include.
I'm fairly certain I've got almost everything setup correctly. In fact, I see the widget appear when I visit the page UNCACHED (i.e. in FF, I hit CTRL+SHIFT+R to reload all content to avoid loading from cache). Once I revisit the site, or move around within the site by clicking links, the content does not reappear.
I'm wondering if it's an issue with a) the channel.php file, or b) the apps interaction with my use of JQuery. The channel.php file is verbain what is provided by Facebook (using PHP's caching mechanism).
Here's the site currently: - It might be easier to list this rather than post several code snippets.
I went to your website and didn't see the like box. I checked the HTML code and it all appeared fine. The div looked like <div data-header="false" data-stream="false" data-border-color="#40ADAD" data-show-faces="true" data-colorscheme="light" data-width="192" data-href="" class="fb-like-box"></div>
I went to and tried your link and lo-and-behold the like box didn't display there.
I tried going directly to and it redirected me to I noticed the change of case in the name. So I went back and tried in the like-box and it worked!!.
I believe that you page will work once you update the casing on the url. :)