I got my Sublime Text 2 Settings to symlink from dropbox on my first machine (laptop). I am now trying to get my second machine to read those setttings using the instructions at
I am mostly having trouble with this command
cmd /c mklink /D User $env:userprofile\Dropbox\Sublime\User
I am running
cmd /c mklink /D User c:\Users\Ross Dallaire\Dropbox\Sublime\User
and getting
The syntax of the command is incorrect.
So, I want to make a script that will execute 2 .bat files and start some .exe files.
However, the .bat files are supposed to keep running.
I have something like this :
pushd tools\wamp64
start wampmanager.exe
pushd ..\..\server\login
call startLoginServer.bat
pushd ..\test
call startTestServer.bat
start "C:\DEV\P2\Test\client" P2.bin
The problem is that call startLoginServer.bat will not exit and therefore, I'm stucked here.
How can I run my 2 .bat files and let them keep running.
(Ideally, I want them to run in 2 different command prompt windows)
Also, there is probably a better way to handle relative path than using pushd if you can correct me on this.
You could use:
start "Wamp Manager" /B /D "%~dp0tools\wamp64" wampmanager.exe
start "Login Server" /B /D "%~dp0server\login" startLoginServer.bat
start "Test Server" /B /D "%~dp0server\test" startTestServer.bat
start "Text Client" /B /D "%~dp0" "C:\DEV\P2\Test\client.exe" P2.bin
Run in a command prompt window start /? for help on this command explaining the options.
"..." ... title for new console window which is optional, but must be often specified on program to start is or must be enclosed in double quotes. The START command in last command line in batch file code in question interprets C:\DEV\P2\Test\client as window title. It is also possible to use an empty window title, i.e. "" which is best if the started application is a Windows GUI application on which no console window is opened at all.
/B ... run without opening a new window, i.e. in "background". This option can be omitted to see what the started applications and batch files output to console if the executables are not Windows GUI applications.
/D "..." or also /D"..." defines the directory to set first as current directory before running the command specified next. %~dp0 references the directory of the batch file containing these commands. This path always ends with a backslash. Therefore no backslash must be added on concatenating the directory of the batch file with a file or folder name or path.
Run in a command prompt window call /? for help on %~dp0 explaining how arguments of a batch file can be referenced from within a batch file.
See also the answer on How to call a batch file that is one level up from the current directory? explaining in total four different methods to call or run a batch file from within a batch file.
Finally read also the Microsoft documentations about the Windows kernel library function CreateProcess and the structure STARTUPINFO used by cmd.exe on every execution of an executable without or with usage of its internal command start. The options of start become more clear on having full knowledge about the kernel function and the structure used on Windows to run a program.
How can I run cd "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" followed by path/to/python.exe -i "$(FILE_NAME)" in the notepad++ run dialogue (F5) please?
I don't want to use nppexec because I want the program to run in the windows cmd window not the npp console. Also I specifically need to cd into the folder rather than relying on the default behaviour. I've tried separating the commands with semi-colons and commas, but no joy.
In the DOS/Windows command shell, you separate multiple commands on a single line using the ampersand character (&):
cmd /c cd \ptools & dir /s /b *.awk & pause
This changes to the \ptools directory, then shows every AWK file and waits for a key to be pressed.
In your case:
cmd /c cd "$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY)" & path\to\python.exe -i "$(FILE_NAME)"
I am working on a script or batch file (or combo of the two) which imports an outlook prf file, then launches a new cmd.exe window runs a application specific program which when passed a server cluster name pulls in an outlook data file in the previously created outlook profile. So i have the vbs script that checks for the outlook profile if it doesn't exist it imports the prf. That's working fine, now the program i need to is called addiman.exe the server cluster name is gsiapp...the manual method is i launch a cmd windows and type "addiman gsiapp" i wish to automates this by calling it in a routine called :Filesite the below command has been unsuccessful, it launches a new cmd.exe window but doesn't run the command.
call cscript \\gsf1\Apps\Scripts\public\deployprf.vbs
GOTO :FileSite
start cmd.exe /c "c:\program files\interwoven\worksite\addiman.exe" GSIAPP
start cmd.exe /c "c:\program files\interwoven\worksite\addiman.exe GSIAPP"
try this, because cmd.exe interprets the part between "" as comand and ignores the GSIAPP statement
wild guess. Try adding another call before the "start" - like this
call start cmd.exe /c "c:\program files\interwoven\worksite\addiman.exe" GSIAPP
problem solved, the full path isn't needed. just had to putt "addiman GSIAPP". Thanks everyone who provided suggestions.
I have a program which requires Administrative privileges that I want to run from a batch file. What command can I run from command line will run my program with administrative privileges? I'm okay with the pop-up window asking for permission. Additionally, the file needs to be able to run from anywhere on a computer so additional files are run from ./src. The problem is that if I right-click and choose "run as administrator" it changes my current directory so ./src no longer works. If I disable UAC on my machine then everything runs fine. Thank you!
Look here: https://superuser.com/a/269750/139371
elevate seems to be working, calling
C:\Utils\bin.x86-64\elevate.exe -k dir
executes dir in the "current directory" where elevate was called.
This is tough, Microsoft provides no utility to do this (mostly because giving a batch file that ability breaks security), except for RunAs, and that requires that the Administrator account be activated.
There IS a JScript program that can do something similar, by using SendKeys to open the Start menu and type cmd[CTL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER] which will launch a Command-Line shell.
Save the following as as .js file, like StartAdmin.js:
var WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell");
WshShell.SendKeys("^{esc}cmd^+{ENTER}"); The equivilent of [CTRL]+[ESC] cmd [CTRL]+[SHIFT]+[ENTER]
To run StartAdmin.js from a batch file, you will need the following line:
wscript StartAdmin.js
To launch from a particular directory and launch a batch file, change line 2 in StartAdmin.js to something like:
WshShell.SendKeys("^{esc}cmd /C "cd %userprofile% & batchfile.bat"^+{ENTER}");
/C switch tells it to run the commands, then close the command-line window.
/K would leave the command window open after it exited the batch file.
To help you understand the SendKeys commands:
+=[Shift Key]
^=[Control Key]
{esc}=[Escape Key]
{enter}=[Enter Key]
To learn more about using CMD.EXE, type CMD /? at the command prompt.
This is a very untidy and ugly way to do it, but it's the only way I know how using only the tools that come with Windows.
Is there a command line syntax in which returns the Image Path / Location of the *.exe on the task manager?
I'm using Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3, I'm aware of the tslist(tasklist) command, but I only get all running *.exe files.
There is no way from XP's Task Manager to get this info (Vista on up, however, can show this info). Other apps, like MS/SysInternals' "Process Explorer" GUI can show you the full path of all exe's.
Alternatively, a built-in process called WMIC, which uses WMI, can give you this info as in Ramesh's answer:
WMIC PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid
Or, to output to a file and not the command prompt window:
WMIC /OUTPUT:C:\ProcessList.txt PROCESS get Caption,Commandline,Processid
Note: the command prompt will need to have admin rights to launch WMIC.
The commands above will show you output like the following, which includes the PID, process name, full path, and switches passed to the command:
Caption CommandLine
System Idle Process
helpctr.exe "C:\WINDOWS\pchealth\helpctr\binaries\helpctr.exe" -mode hcp://system/sysinfo/msinfo.xml
helpsvc.exe "C:\WINDOWS\PCHealth\HelpCtr\Binaries\HelpSvc.exe" /Embedding
cmd.exe "C:\WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe"
cmd.exe "C:\WINDOWS\System32\cmd.exe" /k cd c:\ && color 71 & & title Admin Command Prompt - %username%
You can open the system information tool under Accessory/system tools to see the actual image path along with its PID.
This may be useful for you: http://www.raymond.cc/blog/determine-program-path-from-task-manager-for-each-program-in-windows-xp-windows-server-2003/