GXT 3 GridRowEditing SimpleComboBox entries not displayed - gwt

i'm currently using a GXT3 grid to display data from a custom object EntityDAO.
This class contains 3 attributes: an id and two references to complex type objects
Let's call them
Long id;
UserInfo userInfo;
OutputInfo outputInfo;
I created an interface to explicit the desired display of these info:
interface EntityDAOProperties extends PropertyAccess<EntityDAO> {
ModelKeyProvider<EntityDAO> id();
ValueProvider<EntityDAO, String> step();
ValueProvider<EntityDAO, String> outputInfo();
The display is perfectly fine. The matter is that i want to be able to add/edit rows to my grid.
To do so, I have a
GridRowEditing<EntityDAO> editing = createGridEditing(grid);
comprising a
SimpleComboBox<String> comboUser = new SimpleComboBox<String>(new LabelProvider<String>() {
public String getLabel(String item) {
return item;
comboUser.add("entry " + i); // For instance
logger.info("entry : " +i); // For instance
When i double click on my line and make the GridRowEditing appear, the combo doesn't seem to have more than 1 row and the click on the expand arrow doesn't change anything to the matter.

I think you miss the part where you set the property editor for the combobox, here is the example code:
SimpleComboBox<Light> combo = new SimpleComboBox<Light>(new StringLabelProvider<Light>());
combo.setPropertyEditor(new PropertyEditor<Light>() {
public Light parse(CharSequence text) throws ParseException {
return Light.parseString(text.toString());
public String render(Light object) {
return object == null ? Light.SUNNY.toString() : object.toString();
// combo.setForceSelection(true);
editing.addEditor(cc2, new Converter<String, Light>() {
public String convertFieldValue(Light object) {
return object == null ? "" : object.toString();
public Light convertModelValue(String object) {
try {
return Light.parseString(object);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return null;
}, combo);
Hope this could help you.


Events of multiple cells in single column

I have two buttons(edit + delete) in one column.
ButtonCell functionButtonCell = new ButtonCell() {
public void render(final Context context, final SafeHtml data, final SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<button type='button' class='gwt-Button' style = 'width:60px;margin:1px;'>Edit</button>");
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<button type='button' class='gwt-Button' style = 'width:60px;margin:1px;'>Delete</button>");
functionColumn = new Column<AdminModel, String>(functionButtonCell) {
public String getValue(final AdminModel object) {
return object.getSeq().toString();
Bind event for this column in Presenter as
view.getFunctionColumn().setFieldUpdater(new FieldUpdater<AdminModel, String>() {
public void update(final int index, final AdminModel object, final String value) {
Window.alert(index + "-" + value);
After clicked on edit button , alert-box has appeared , but not on delete button. When I clicked on delete button , nothing has appeared. What would be the problem ?
Addition: How can I decide which button was clicked by user (edit or delete) from my presenter ?
I would really appreciate any of your suggestions because I am troubled on it for a long times. Thanks!
ButtonCell filters events on the first child element only: https://gwt.googlesource.com/gwt/+/2.6.1/user/src/com/google/gwt/cell/client/ButtonCell.java This is why you don't get an event when clicking the second button (note: the goal of that code is to make sure you clicked on the button, and not on blank space around the button; see https://gwt.googlesource.com/gwt/+/a0dc88c8be7408be9554f746eb1ec93798183a28)
The easiest way to implement a two-button cell is to use a CompositeCell; it requires that child cells are rendered into sibling elements though (uses <span>s by default, example below overrides the rendering to use <div>s so your buttons stack each on its own line).
new CompositeCell<AdminModel>(Arrays.asList(
// First button
new HasCell<AdminModel, String>() {
#Override public Cell<String> getCell() { return new ButtonCell(); }
#Override public FieldUpdated<AdminModel, String> getFieldUpdater() {
return new FieldUpdater<AdminModel, String>() {
#Override public void update(int index, AdminModel object, String value) {
Window.alert("Edit " + object.getId());
#Override public String getValue(AdminModel o) {
return "Edit";
// Second button
new HasCell<AdminModel, String>() {
#Override public Cell<String> getCell() { return new ButtonCell(); }
#Override public FieldUpdated<AdminModel, String> getFieldUpdater() {
return new FieldUpdater<AdminModel, String>() {
#Override public void update(int index, AdminModel object, String value) {
Window.alert("Delete " + object.getId());
#Override public String getValue(AdminModel o) {
return "Delete";
}) {
#Override protected <X> void render(Cell.Context context, AdminModel value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb, HasCell<String,X> hasCell) {
// use a <div> instead of the default <span>
Cell<X> cell = hasCell.getCell();
cell.render(context, hasCell.getValue(value), sb);
(note: in your case, because the button's text doesn't depend on the row object, maybe you should rather use an ActionCell; it would better fit "semantically" with what you're doing, but otherwise it's almost the same; with an ActionCell, you'd use HasCell<AdminModel, AdminModel>, ActionCell<AdminModel>, getFieldUpdater would return null, and thegetValueof theHasCellwould just return theAdminModel` argument as-is).
Otherwise, implement your Cell (or AbstractCell) entirely by yourself.
Ideally, a column should have only one type of cell be it ImageCell, ButtonCell etc. Because all this ImageCell and ButtonCell does not provide any in-built events. The events are handled by FieldUpdater itself which does not have differentiators to identify that which ButtonCell is clicked. Ideally on click of that column, the field-updater will be called.
You should rather create your own composite widget which extends HasCell. This composite widget will have two different buttons and those in built methods are called on click of respective button.
public void onModuleLoad() {
CellTable<Person> table = new CellTable<Person>();
List<HasCell<Person, ?>> cells = new LinkedList<HasCell<Person, ?>>();
cells.add(new ActionHasCell("Edit", new Delegate<Person>() {
public void execute(Person object) {
cells.add(new ActionHasCell("Delete", new Delegate<Person>() {
public void execute(Person object) {
CompositeCell<Person> cell = new CompositeCell<Person>(cells);
table.addColumn(new TextColumn<Person>() {
public String getValue(Person object) {
return object.getName()
}, "Name");
// ADD Cells for Age and Address
table.addColumn(new Column<Person, Person>(cell) {
public Person getValue(Person object) {
return object;
}, "Actions");
private class ActionHasCell implements HasCell<Person, Person> {
private ActionCell<Person> cell;
public ActionHasCell(String text, Delegate<Person> delegate) {
cell = new ActionCell<Person>(text, delegate);
public Cell<Person> getCell() {
return cell;
public FieldUpdater<Person, Person> getFieldUpdater() {
return null;
public Person getValue(Person object) {
return object;
Also, see the link below.
[GWT CellTable-Need to have two buttons in last single cell of each row

GWT ValueChangeHandler and getting before value

I want to get values of my textBox before change its value and after changed its value.
String beforeValue = "";
TextBox textBox = new TextBox();
textBox.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() {
public void onFocus(final FocusEvent event) {
beforeValue = textBox.getText();
textBox.addValueChangeHandler(new ValueChangeHandler<String>() {
public void onValueChange(final ValueChangeEvent<String> event) {
System.out.println("Before value is " + beforeValue);
System.out.println("After value is " + textBox.getText());
As above codes , I need two handlers (FocusHandler and ValueChangeHadler) to get before value and after value . My question is how can I get it by one Handler or another simple and easy way ? I don't want to use two handlers to get it. Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks in advance !
Your idea(using 2 handlers) is fair enough but its buggy. I don't think it can be done in a better way. If you want to use a single handler, create a custom class wrapper using the two handlers.
Here is the code for you.
public abstract class MyValueChangeHandler<T> implements ValueChangeHandler<T> {
T prevValue = null;
T value = null;
public MyValueChangeHandler(final ValueBoxBase<T> widget) {
widget.addFocusHandler(new FocusHandler() {
public void onFocus(FocusEvent event) {
prevValue = widget.getValue();
public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<T> event) {
value = event.getValue();
onValueChange(value, prevValue);
// or
// onValueChange(event, prevValue);
prevValue = value;
public abstract void onValueChange(T value, T prevValue);
// or
// public abstract void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<T> event, T prevValue);
And you can use it as,
TextBox box = new TextBox();
box.addValueChangeHandler(new MyValueChangeHandler<String>(box) {
public void onValueChange(String value, String prevValue) {
Window.alert("Prev Value : " + prevValue + " CurrnetValue: "
+ value);

GWT ImageCell: Change image dynamically in a DataGrid or CellTable

I have DataGrid where one on of the columns contains images. I used this code to generate the column.
Column<Job, String> expandHideColumn = new Column<Job, String>(
imageCell) {
public String getValue(Job object) {
return null;
public void render(Context context, Job Object, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<img src='images/expand.jpeg' style='cursor: pointer' />");
What I want is on clicking the image it has to change. For this I added a click handler on the ImageCell like this
ImageCell imageCell = new ImageCell() {
public Set<String> getConsumedEvents() {
Set<String> events = new HashSet<String>();
return events;
In the onBrowserEvent method I wrote this
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element element,
Job job, NativeEvent event) {
if (element.getFirstChildElement().isOrHasChild(
Element.as(event.getEventTarget()))) {
if (element.getFirstChildElement().getPropertyString("src")
.matches("(.*)expand.jpeg")) {
} else {
I don't think this is a good approach to change images on click event. Is there a better solution?
You can use a column value for know the state of the column :
Column<Job, Boolean> expandHideColumn = new Column<Job, Boolean>(new ImageExpandCollapseCell()) {
public Boolean getValue(Job object) {
return object.isExpand(); //The object know the expand state ?
expandHideColumn.setValueUpdater(new FieldUpdater<Job, Boolean>() {
void update(int index, Job object, Boolean value) {
The ImageExpandCollapseCell look like this :
public class ImageExpandCollapseCell extends AbstractCell<Boolean> {
final String EXPAND = "images/expand.jpeg";
final String COLLAPSE = "images/collapse.jpeg";
interface Template extends SafeHtmlTemplates {
#Template("<div style=\"float:right\"><img src=\"" + url + "\"></div>")
SafeHtml img(String url);
private static Template template;
* Construct a new ImageCell.
public ImageCell() {
super("click"); //Replace your getConsumedEvents()
if (template == null) {
template = GWT.create(Template.class);
public void render(Context context, Boolean value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (value != null) {
sb.append(template.img(UriUtils.fromSafeConstant(value ? EXPAND : COLLAPSE)));
public void onBrowserEvent(Context context, Element element,
Boolean value, NativeEvent event, ValueUpdater<Boolean> valueUpdater) {
I improve the proposed version of user905374
It's not a good idea to instantiate new value in the render method.
The column render method call the Cell render method, you musn't replace it !
With the FieldUpdater, you can change the state of the image : expand or collapse and update the cell display (it will be rendered again).

Add Icon in a Column of CellTable in GWT

With all the values in textcoloumn.
I want to add image cell.
I don't want use Gwt-Ext or Smart client.
My code
private CellTable<FDocument> getDocumentTable() {
if (documentTable == null) {
documentTable = new CellTable<FDocument>();
documentTable.setSize("600px", "300px");
documentTable.addColumn(nameColumnD, "NAME");
documentTable.addColumn(sizeColumnD, "SIZE");
documentTable.addColumn(modified_by_ColumnD, "MODIFIED BY");
documentTable.addColumn(dateColumnD, "MODIFIED ON");
documentTable.addColumn(majorVersion, "Major Version");
return documentTable;
TextColumn<FDocument> nameColumnD = new TextColumn<FDocument>() {
public String getValue(FDocument object) {
return object.getName();
TextColumn<FDocument> sizeColumnD = new TextColumn<FDocument>() {
public String getValue(FDocument object) {
return object.getSize();
..// similarly all the coloumn.
I want to add to image Cell. How to do it.
ImageCell imageCell=new ImageCell();
Column<FDocument,String> iconColumn = new Column<FDocument, String>(imageCell){
public String getValue(FDocument object) {
// TODO Auto-generated method stub
return object.getImageUrl(object);
in FDocument Class
public String getImageUrl(FilenetDocument object){
return "url(Txt16.gif)";
return "url(PublishTemplate16.gif)";
return "url(Msg16.gif)";
return "url(WorkflowDefinition16.gif)";
return "url(Doc16.gif)";
return "url(Txt16.gif)";
Override render method which can be used to add any type of HTML content as Column in CellTable
TextColumn<FDocument> iconColumn = new TextColumn<FDocument>() {
public String getValue(FDocument object) {
return "";
protected void render(Context context, SafeHtml value, SafeHtmlBuilder sb) {
if (value != null) {
sb.appendHtmlConstant("<p style=\"textalign:center;\"><img src=\"icon.gif\"\></p>");
In your function getImageUrl(), the return is a css style, not path to an image...
So either implement a new Cell which render with the style you provide, or use a ImageResourceCell with your static icons, or try the render method provided by Hardik Mishra but update getImageUrl() to return a PATH to an image.

GWT CellTable-Need to have two buttons in last single cell of each row

I am using CellTable to add columns to it.
It works fine when I add rows and single data on each cell.
It has header like Name ,Age, Address with rows below it which contains the values
I now want to have a Actions cloumn in the last with two buttons (Edit and Delete Button) in single cell in on the rows below this column and to capture the button click events acordingly.
Name Age Address Actions
A 15 123 Edit Delete
B 20 578 Edit Delete
Could you please let me know how to do it.
There are two ways to achieve that:
Subclass AbstractCell and implement the render method to create two buttons and handle its events (see here for more details).
Use a CompositeCell to add two ActionCells
Second approach is easier and cleaner. Here is the code for that:
public void onModuleLoad() {
CellTable<Person> table = new CellTable<Person>();
List<HasCell<Person, ?>> cells = new LinkedList<HasCell<Person, ?>>();
cells.add(new ActionHasCell("Edit", new Delegate<Person>() {
public void execute(Person object) {
cells.add(new ActionHasCell("Delete", new Delegate<Person>() {
public void execute(Person object) {
CompositeCell<Person> cell = new CompositeCell<Person>(cells);
table.addColumn(new TextColumn<Person>() {
public String getValue(Person object) {
return object.getName()
}, "Name");
// ADD Cells for Age and Address
table.addColumn(new Column<Person, Person>(cell) {
public Person getValue(Person object) {
return object;
}, "Actions");
private class ActionHasCell implements HasCell<Person, Person> {
private ActionCell<Person> cell;
public ActionHasCell(String text, Delegate<Person> delegate) {
cell = new ActionCell<Person>(text, delegate);
public Cell<Person> getCell() {
return cell;
public FieldUpdater<Person, Person> getFieldUpdater() {
return null;
public Person getValue(Person object) {
return object;
The solution above is perfect!THX.
In addition: If you liked to design the buttons in the ActionCell, then you could do this -> In the constructon of the class you can build a html input and in "class" attribute, you can add a css style, which will be used.:
public ActionHasCell(String text, Delegate<Person> delegate) {
cell = new ActionCell<Person>(text, delegate) {
public void render(Context context, Person person, SafeHtmlBuilder sb)
SafeHtml html = SafeHtmlUtils.fromTrustedString("<input type=\"button\" value=\"anynameyouwant\" class=\"cssstylename\" />");
This time you don't need the String, but you can pass parameters and use them to build the button.