Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch - matlab

So, I'm trying to do the Gauss-Seidel method in Matlab and I found a code that does this but when I apply it to my matrices I get the Subscripted assignment dimension mismatch. error. I will show you my code in order to get a better idea.
%size of the matrix
n = 10;
%my matrices are empty in the beginning because my professor wants to run the algorithm for n = 100
and n = 1000. A's diagonal values are 3 and every other value is -1. b has the constants and the
first and last value will be 2,while every other value will be 1.
A = [];
b = [];
%assign the values to my matrices
for i=1:n
for j=1:n
if i == j
A(i,j) = 3;
A(i,j) = -1;
for i=2:n-1
b(i) = 1;
%here is the Gauss-Seidel algorithm
idx = 0;
while max(error) > 0.5 * 10^(-4)
idx = idx + 1;
Z = X;
for i = 1:n
j = 1:n; % define an array of the coefficients' elements
j(i) = []; % eliminate the unknow's coefficient from the remaining coefficients
Xtemp = X; % copy the unknows to a new variable
Xtemp(i) = []; % eliminate the unknown under question from the set of values
X(i) = (b(i) - sum(A(i,j) * Xtemp)) / A(i,i);
Xsolution(:,idx) = X;
error = abs(X - Z);
GaussSeidelTable = [1:idx;Xsolution]'
MaTrIx = [A X b]
I get the error for the Xsolution(:,idx) = X; part. I don't know what else to do. The code posted online works though, and the only difference is that the matrices are hardcoded in the m-file and A is a 5x5 matrix while b is a 5x1 matrix.

I am unable to run your code because some variables are not initialised, at least error and X. I assume the Problem is caused because Xsolution is already initialised from a previous run with a different size. Insert a Xsolution=[] to fix this.
Besides removing the error I have some suggestions to improve your code:
Use Functions, there are no "left over" variables from a previous run, causing errors like you got here.
Don't use the variable name error or i. error is a build-in function to throw errors and i is the imaginary unit. Both can cause hard to debug errors.
Initialise A with A=-1*ones(n,n);A(eye(size(A))==1)=3;, it's faster not to use a for loop in this case. To initialise b you can simply write b(1)=0;b(2:n-1)=1;
Use preallocation

the first time you run the code, Xsolution(:,idx) = X will create a Xsolution with the size of X.
the second time you run it, the existing Xsolution does not fit the size of new X.
this is another reason why you always want to allocate the array before using it.


How to increase number in range set till it gives a specific answer?

I've wrote a rungekutta code and there is a specific x range that it should calculate up to it. The problem is that the prof. wants a code that keeps on adding up by itself till it reaches the required answer.
I tried using the 'if' function but it only works once and no more (thus, even creating a mismatch in array lengths.
h=0.5;% step size
x = 0:h:z;% the range of x
y = zeros(1,length(x));
y(1) = 50;% initial condition
F_xy = #(t,x) (37.5-3.5*x);%function
for i=1:(length(x)-1)% calculation loop
k_1 = F_xy(x(i),y(i));
k_2 = F_xy(x(i)+h,y(i)+h*k_1);
y(i+1) = y(i) + (h/2)*(k_1+k_2);% main equation
if y(i+1)>11
disp (y(i+1))
Error of arrays length (shows that if function only works once)
Error using plot
Vectors must be the same length.
Error in code6rungekutta2ndorder (line 30)
plot(x,y), grid on
it should keep on increasing by +1 in the 'z' variable till the answer of y(i+1) is less than 11. (correct z should be 9.5)
As #medicine_man suggested, you need a while loop:
h=0.5;% step size
x = 0;
y = 50;% initial condition
F_xy = #(t,x) (37.5-3.5*x);%function
m = 0;
while y(m+1) > 11
m = m+1;
x = x+h;
k_1 = F_xy(x,y(m));
k_2 = F_xy(x+h,y(m)+h*k_1);
y(m+1) = y(m) + (h/2)*(k_1+k_2);% main equation
plot(0:h:x, y);
Your terminate condition, which is y(m+1) > 11, is checked at the beginning of each iteration of the while loop. In the loop, you can increment the value of x and update your y array. The loop runs until the terminate condition is met.
The result of the above code:

Gauss-Seidel Method in MATLAB

I am trying to implement the Gauss-Seidel method in MATLAB. But there are two major mistakes in my code, and I could not fix them:
My code converges very well on small matrices, but it never converges on large matrices.
The code makes redundant iterations. How can I prevent from redundant iterations?
Gauss-Seidel Method on wikipedia.
x = zeros(N,1);
sum = 0;
xold = x;
for n_iter=1:1000
for i = 1:N
for j = 1:N
if (j ~= i)
sum = sum + (A(i,j)/A(i,i)) * xold(j);
x(i) = -sum + b(i)/A(i,i);
sum = 0;
xold = x;
prompt1='Gauss-Seidel Method Time';
prompt2='x Matrix';
First off, a generality. The Gauß-Seidel and Jacobi methods only apply to diagonally dominant matrices, not generic random ones. So to get correct test examples, you need to actually constructively ensure that condition, for instance via
A = rand(N,N)+N*eye(N)
or similar.
Else the method will diverge towards infinity in some or all components.
Now to some other strangeness in your implementation. What does
mean? Note that this instruction is outside the loops where i and j are the iteration variables, so potentially, the index values are undefined. By inertia they will accidentally both have the value N, so this criterion makes at least a little sense.
What you want to test is some norm of the difference of the vectors as a whole, thus using sum(abs(x-xold))/N or max(abs(x-xold)). On the right side you might want to multiply with the same norm construction applied to x so that the test is for the relative error, taking the scale of the problem into account.
By the instructions in the given code, you are implementing the Jacobi iteration, computing all the updates first and then advancing the iteration vector. For the Gauß-Seidel variant you would need to replace the single components in-place, so that newly computed values are immediately used.
Also, you could shorten/simplify the inner loop
xold = x;
for i = 1:N
sum = b(i);
for j = 1:N
if (j ~= i)
sum = sum - A(i,j) * x(j);
x(i) = sum/A(i,i);
err = norm(x-xold)
or even shorter using the language features of matlab
xold = x
for i = 1:N
J = [1:(i-1) (i+1):N];
x(i) = ( b(i) - A(i,J)*x(J) )/A(i,i);
err = norm(x-xold)
%Gauss-seidal method for three equations
m=input('Enter number of iteration');
for i=1:1:m
if er1<=0.01

Solve for independent variable between data points in MATLAB

I have many sets of data over the same time period, with a timestep of 300 seconds. Sets that terminate before the end of the observation period (here I've truncated it to 0 to 3000 seconds) have NaNs in the remaining spaces:
x = [0;300;600;900;1200;1500;1800;2100;2400;2700;3000];
y(:,1) = [4.65;3.67;2.92;2.39;2.02;1.67;1.36;1.07;NaN;NaN;NaN];
y(:,2) = [4.65;2.65;2.33;2.18;2.03;1.89;1.75;1.61;1.48;1.36;1.24];
y(:,3) = [4.65;2.73;1.99;1.49;1.05;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN];
I would like to know at what time each dataset would reach the point where y is equal to a specific value, in this case y = 2.5
I first tried finding the nearest y value to 2.5, and then using the associated time, but this isn't very accurate (the dots should all fall on the same horizontal line):
ybreak = 2.5;
for ii = 1:3
[~, index] = min(abs(y(:,ii)-ybreak));
yclosest(ii) = y(index,ii);
xbreak(ii) = x(index);
I then tried doing a linear interpolation between data points, and then solving for x at y=2.5, but wasn't able to make this work:
First I removed the NaNs (which it seems like there must be a simpler way of doing?):
for ii = 1:3
NaNs(:,ii) = isnan(y(:,ii));
for jj = 1:length(x);
if NaNs(jj,ii) == 0;
ycopy(jj,ii) = y(jj,ii);
Then tried fitting:
for ii = 1:3
f(ii) = fit(x(1:length(ycopy(:,ii))),ycopy(:,ii),'linearinterp');
And get the following error message:
Error using cfit/subsasgn (line 7)
Can't assign to an empty FIT.
When I try fitting outside the loop (for just one dataset), it works fine:
f = fit(x(1:length(ycopy(:,1))),ycopy(:,1),'linearinterp');
f =
Linear interpolant:
f(x) = piecewise polynomial computed from p
p = coefficient structure
But I then still can't solve f(x)=2.5 to find the time at which y=2.5
syms x;
xbreak = solve(f(x) == 2.5,x);
Error using cfit/subsref>iParenthesesReference (line 45)
Cannot evaluate CFIT model for some reason.
Error in cfit/subsref (line 15)
out = iParenthesesReference( obj, currsubs );
Any advice or thoughts on other approaches to this would be much appreciated. I need to be able to do it for many many datasets, all of which have different numbers of NaN values.
As you mention y=2.5 is not in your data set so the value of x which corresponds to this depends on the interpolation method you use. For linear interpolation, you could use something like the following
x = [0;300;600;900;1200;1500;1800;2100;2400;2700;3000];
y(:,1) = [4.65;3.67;2.92;2.39;2.02;1.67;1.36;1.07;NaN;NaN;NaN];
y(:,2) = [4.65;2.65;2.33;2.18;2.03;1.89;1.75;1.61;1.48;1.36;1.24];
y(:,3) = [4.65;2.73;1.99;1.49;1.05;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN;NaN];
N = size(y, 2);
x_interp = NaN(N, 1);
for i = 1:N
idx = find(y(:,i) >= 2.5, 1, 'last');
x_interp(i) = interp1(y(idx:idx+1, i), x(idx:idx+1), 2.5);
hold on
plot(x, y)
scatter(x_interp, repmat(2.5, N, 1))
hold off
It's worth keeping in mind that the above code is assuming your data is monotonically decreasing (as your data is), but this solution could be adapted for monotonically increasing as well.

Nested anonymous functions including arrayfun

I'm trying to do something like the following code:
k = linspace(a,b);
x = c:0.01:d;
% k and x are of different sizes
f = #(s) arrayfun(#(t) normcdf(s, b0+b1*t, sigma), x);
y = arrayfun(f, k);
I get the following error
Error using arrayfun Non-scalar in Uniform output, at index 1,
output 1. Set 'UniformOutput' to false.
I'm trying to avoid using a for loop for each element in k.
Also, for each result matching an element in k, I need to do another small calculation
Example with a loop:
for i=1:m % m is the number of elements in k
f = #(t) normcdf(k(i), b0+b1*x, sigma);
y = arrayfun(f, x);
res(i) = trapz(x,y);
any idea how can I get the same result as the for loop with the first method?
and why am I getting the error?
I would suggest the following:
k = linspace(a,b);
x = c:0.01:d;
[X,K] = meshgrid(x,k)
y = arrayfun(#(p,t) normcdf(p, b0+b1*t, sigma), K(:), X(:))
res = cumtrapz(x,y)
Untested though as you gave no example data and desired results. Maybe you need to swap the order of x and k as well as X and K to get the desired result. (or use ndgrid instead of meshgrid, has the same effect)

MATLAB Discretizing Sine Function with +/-

Hello I am relatively new to MATLAB and have received and assignment in which we could use any programming language. I would like to continue MATLAB and have decided to use it for this assignment. The questions has to do with the following formula:
x(t) = A[1+a1*E(t)]*sin{w[1+a2*E(t)]*t+y}(+/-)a3*E(t)
The first question we have is to develop an appropriate discretization of x(t) with a time step h. I think i understand how to do this using step but because there is a +/- in the end I am running into errors. Here is what I have (I have simplified the equation by assigning arbitrary values to each variable):
A = 1;
E = 1;
a1 = 1;
a2 = 2;
a3 = 3;
w = 1;
y = 0;
% ts = .1;
% t = 0:ts:10;
t = 1:1:10;
x1(t) = A*(1+a1*E)*sin(w*(1+a2*E)*t+y);
x2(t) = a3*E;
y(t) = [x1(t)+x2(t), x1(t)-x2(t)]
The problem is I keep getting the following error because of the +/-:
In an assignment A(I) = B, the number of elements in B and I must be the same.
Error in Try1 (line 21)
y(t) = [x1(t)+x2(t), x1(t)-x2(t)]
Any help?? Thanks!
You can remove the (t) from the left-hand side of all three assignments.
y = [x1+x2, x1-x2]
MATLAB knows what to do with vectors and matrices.
Or, if you want to write it out the long way, tell MATLAB there will be two columns:
y(t, 1:2) = [x1(t)'+x2(t)', x1(t)'-x2(t)']
or two rows:
y(1:2, t) = [x1(t)+x2(t); x1(t)-x2(t)]
But this won't work when you have fractional values of t. The value in parentheses is required to be the index, not a dependent variable. If you want the whole vector, just leave it out.