How to use halide operator == - operator-keyword

I'm a newbie of Halide and I'm trying to convert a RGB image to HSV format. The algorithm is below
ifR = max,H =(G-B)/(max-min)* 60
ifG = max,H = 120+(B-R)/(max-min)* 60
ifB = max,H = 240 +(R-G)/(max-min)* 60
ifH < 0,H = H+ 360*
so I write the code like this:
Halide::Expr H,S,V,maxValue,minValue;
Halide::Expr R = input(x,y,0);
Halide::Expr G = input(x,y,1);
Halide::Expr B = input(x,y,2);
}else if(Halide::operator==(maxValue,G)){
}else if(Halide::operator==(maxValue,B)){
When I try to compile the code, it report a error like this:
error: could not convert 釮alide::operator==(Halide::Expr, Halide::Expr)(Halide::Expr((*(const Halide::Expr*)(& G))))?from 釮alide::Expr?to 鈈ool?
}else if(Halide::operator==(maxValue,G)){
Can anyone tell me what's wrong and how to resolve it?

You want to use the Halide::select() function:
H = Halide::select(maxValue == R, (G-B)/(maxValue-minValue)*60,
maxValue == G, 120+(B-R)/(maxValue-minValue)*60,
maxValue == B, 240+(R-G)/(maxValue-minValue)*60,
/* else */ someOtherValue);


Calculate IRR (Internal Rate Return) and NPV programmatically in Objective-C

I am developing a financial app and require IRR (in-built functionality of Excel) calculation and found such great tutorials in C here and such answer in C# here.
I implemented code of the C language above, but it gives a perfect result when IRR is in positive. It is not returning a negative value when it should be. Whereas in Excel =IRR(values,guessrate) returns negative IRR as well for some values.
I have referred to code in above C# link too, and it seems that it follows good procedures and returns errors and also hope that it returns negative IRR too, the same as Excel. But I am not familiar with C#, so I am not able to implement the same code in Objective-C or C.
I am writing C code from the above link which I have implemented for helping you guys.
#define LOW_RATE 0.01
#define HIGH_RATE 0.5
#define MAX_ITERATION 1000
#define PRECISION_REQ 0.00000001
double computeIRR(double cf[], int numOfFlows)
int i = 0, j = 0;
double m = 0.0;
double old = 0.00;
double new = 0.00;
double oldguessRate = LOW_RATE;
double newguessRate = LOW_RATE;
double guessRate = LOW_RATE;
double lowGuessRate = LOW_RATE;
double highGuessRate = HIGH_RATE;
double npv = 0.0;
double denom = 0.0;
for (i=0; i<MAX_ITERATION; i++)
npv = 0.00;
for (j=0; j<numOfFlows; j++)
denom = pow((1 + guessRate),j);
npv = npv + (cf[j]/denom);
/* Stop checking once the required precision is achieved */
if ((npv > 0) && (npv < PRECISION_REQ))
if (old == 0)
old = npv;
old = new;
new = npv;
if (i > 0)
if (old < new)
if (old < 0 && new < 0)
highGuessRate = newguessRate;
lowGuessRate = newguessRate;
if (old > 0 && new > 0)
lowGuessRate = newguessRate;
highGuessRate = newguessRate;
oldguessRate = guessRate;
guessRate = (lowGuessRate + highGuessRate) / 2;
newguessRate = guessRate;
return guessRate;
I have attached the result for some value which are different in Excel and the above C language code.
Values: Output of Excel: -33.5%
1 = -18.5, Output of C code: 0.010 or say (1.0%)
2 = -18.5,
3 = -18.5,
4 = -18.5,
5 = -18.5,
6 = 32.0
Guess rate: 0.1
Since low_rate and high_rate are both positive, you're not able to get a negative score. You have to change:
#define LOW_RATE 0.01
to, for example,
#define LOW_RATE -0.5

Undefined function 'log' for input arguments of type 'uint8'

i have been trying generate an image.
C1 = imread(InputImage);
I= 0.299*C1(:,:,1)+0.587*C1(:,:,2)+0.114*C1(:,:,3);
C = 0;
[m,n]= size(new);
rgb = zeros(m,n,3);
rgb(:,:,1) = new;
rgb(:,:,2) = rgb(:,:,1);
rgb(:,:,3) = rgb(:,:,2);
new = rgb/256;
the error is showing at I=(C*log(I+1))';..can you tell me how to solve this?
Most probably C1 is of type uint8. You should convert it, i.e.:
C1 = imread(InputImage);
C1 = double(C1);
NumberOfGrayLevels = 32;
I = 0.299*C1(:,:,1) + 0.587*C1(:,:,2) + 0.114*C1(:,:,3);
if you don't convert C1 to double, then I will also be of type uint8 - it will not contain what you want and log function will not work with it.

unexpected results of a function in matlab

Normally this function should give me the values ​​1, 2, 3 or 4. but when I use it, I get 0, 1 or 2. Could you help me to know where is the problem:
function Vecteur_retour = var_Test(Test)
AA = Test;
var_Test = zeros(1,2000);
for i=3:1:2000
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
Vecteur_retour = var_Test;
Vector comparisons will be much faster:
var_Test = ones(1,2000);
delta_Test = diff(Test);
var_Test([0 0 delta_Test(1:end-1)] > 0) = 2;
var_Test([0 delta_Test] > 0) = var_Test([0 delta_Test] > 0) + 2;
var_Test(1:2) = 0;
Probably because you never reach the cases var_Test(i) = 3 or var_Test(i) = 4.
You have a problem with your if and end blocks. The way you have it, case 3 is only reached if case 2 is hit first, but these are contradictory.
You want code more like.
function Vecteur_retour = var_Test(Test)
AA = Test;
var_Test = zeros(1,2000);
for i=3:1:2000
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)<=AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
else % you forgot this else
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)<=AA(i-2)
if AA(i)>AA(i-1) && AA(i-1)>AA(i-2)
Vecteur_retour = var_Test;
Careful indentation would have helped here.

Improving runtime in Matlab?

I have some code that is taking a long time to run(several hours) and I think it is because it is doing a lot of comparisons in the if statement. I would like it to run faster, does anyone have any helpful suggestions to improve the runtime? If anyone has a different idea of what is slowing the code down so I could try and fix that it would be appreciated.
xPI = zeros(1,1783);
argList2 = zeros(1,1783);
aspList2 = zeros(1,1783);
cysList2 = zeros(1,1783);
gluList2 = zeros(1,1783);
hisList2 = zeros(1,1783);
lysList2 = zeros(1,1783);
tyrList2 = zeros(1,1783);
minList= xlsread('20110627.xls','CM19:CM25');
maxList= xlsread('20110627.xls','CN19:CN25');
N = length(pIList);
for i = 1:N
if (argList(i)>= minList(1) && argList(i) <= maxList(1)) ...
&& (aspList(i)>= minList(2) && aspList(i) <= maxList(2)) ...
&& (cysList(i)>= minList(3) && cysList(i) <= maxList(3)) ...
&& (gluList(i)>= minList(4) && gluList(i) <= maxList(4)) ...
&& (hisList(i)>= minList(5) && hisList(i) <= maxList(5)) ...
&& (lysList(i)>= minList(6) && lysList(i) <= maxList(6)) ...
&& (tyrList(i)>= minList(7) && tyrList(i) <= maxList(7))
xPI(i) = pIList(i);
argList2(i) = argList(i);
aspList2(i) = aspList(i);
cysList2(i) = cysList(i);
gluList2(i) = gluList(i);
hisList2(i) = hisList(i);
lysList2(i) = lysList(i);
tyrList2(i) = tyrList(i);
disp('passed test');
You can try vectorising the code; I have made up some sample data sets and duplicated some of the operations you're performing below.
matA1 = floor(rand(10)*1000);
matB1 = floor(rand(10)*1000);
matA2 = zeros(10);
matB2 = zeros(10);
minList = [10, 20];
maxList = [100, 200];
indicesToCopy = ( matA1 >= minList(1) ) & ( matA1 <= maxList(1) ) & ( matB1 >= minList(2) ) & ( matB1 <= maxList(2) );
matA2(indicesToCopy) = matA1(indicesToCopy);
matB2(indicesToCopy) = matB1(indicesToCopy);
No idea whether this is any faster, you'll have to try it out.
This doesn't matter too much since you're only making two calls, but xlsread is horribly slow. You can speed up those calls by using this variant syntax of the function.
num = xlsread(filename, sheet, 'range', 'basic')
The catch is that the range argument is ignored and the entire sheet is read, so you'll have to mess with indexing the result correctly.
Use the profiler to see which lines or functions are using the most execution time.
You can probably get a huge increase in execution speed by vectorizing your code. This means using operations which operate on an entire vector at once, instead of using a for-loop to iterate through it. Something like:
% make a logical vector indicating what you want to include
ii = (argList >= minList(1) & argList <= maxList(1)) & ...
% use it
argList2(ii) = arglist(ii); % copies over every element where the corresponding ii is 1

Return zero or positive number?

I was initially thinking that the code below would return 0, my question, is there a function that I can use to only receive zero/positive results here?
NSUInteger pruneSize = 5 - 20; // Returns: -15
Currently I am just checking the result myself, but was wondering if I was missing something simpler.
NSUInteger pruneSize = 5 - 20;
if(pruneSize >= 0) {
// Do zero/positive Stuff ...
pruneSize >= 0 is always true as pruneSize is unsigned. You should get a warning here. You need to change the type to NSInteger, that is the signed integer. If you want to clip the lower value to zero for a signed int then you can do this:
NSInteger pruneSize = 5 - 20; // signed int
pruneSize = pruneSize < 0 ? 0 : pruneSize;
You can use abs(pruneSize) which will return you positive or zero number in any case.
NSUInteger pruneSize = 5-20;
if(pruneSize < 0)
pruneSize = 0;
Hope this helps you.
If you want your function to return always zero if your result is in negative(less than 0) then return zero or else return result
int n=0;
if(result > 0){ //positive
n = result
n = 0
return n
or use the abs method