WinUSB architecture docs confusion over winusb.sys instances - drivers

I'm trying to understand the "WinUSB Architecture and Modules" doc at:
In the diagram I see multiple instances of winusb.sys (numbered 1 to 3), supporting multiple user-mode "Device Interfaces" A through C. The narrative says things like "the following figure shows a USB driver stack that contains several instances of Winusb.sys".
Yet the narrative also says "There is exactly one loaded instance of Winusb.sys." Huh? How does that reconcile with the diagram and preceding narrative that show multiple instances? And I'm not seeing how the remainder of that paragraph, about PDOs, relates to the puzzling comment about exactly one instance of Winusb.sys.
Clues anyone? Thanks!

This is just a misleading architecture diagram. There is only one instance of winusb.sys loaded, but what happens is each device that enumerates will create a Device Object that is used by that driver (in this case, there would be three objects managed by the WinUSB driver). I believe what the diagram is showing is what the possible driver stacks would look like for each device instance, and in reality the layer for the winusb.sys driver should be a block at the top that the each of the user mode device instances are interfacing with.


How are CPU Register values updated?

I know this might be a silly question which I am asking, but I am really curious about this, since I am not having much knowledge of computer architecture.
Suppose I have a Register R1 and say I loaded value of a variable say LOCK=5 into the register, so now R1 has the value 5 stored into it, now let's suppose I updated the value of LOCK to 10 after some time, so will the value of register still be 5 or will it be updated.
When it comes to register based CPU architectures, I think Neo from the matrix has a valueable lession: "There are no variables."
Variables, as you're using them in a higher level programming languages are an abstract thing for describing to the compiler what operations to do a particular piece of data. That data may reside in system memory, or for temporary values never leave the register file.
However once the program has been compiled to a binary, there no longer are variables! For debugging purposes the compiler may annotate the code with information of the kind "at this particular position in the code, what is referred to as variable 'x' right now happens to be held in …".
I think the best way to understand this is to compile some very simple programs and look at their respective assembly, to see how things fit together. The Godbolt Compiler Explorer is a really valuable tool, here.

Kubernetes client-go: watch.Interface vs. cache.NewInformer vs. cache.NewSharedIndexInformer?

I need my Go app to monitor some resources in a Kubernetes cluster and react to their changes. Based on numerous articles and examples, I seem to have found a few ways to do it; however, I'm relatively new to Kubernetes, and they're described in terms much too complex to me, such that I'm still unable to grasp the difference between them — and thus, to know which one to use, so that I don't get some unexpected behaviors... Specifically:
watch.Interface.ResultChan() — (acquired through e.g. rest.Request.Watch()) — this already seems to let me react to changes happening to a resource, by providing Added/Modified/Deleted events;
cache.NewInformer() — when I implement a cache.ResourceEventHandler, I can pass it as last argument in:
cache.NewListWatchFromClient(clientset.Batch().RESTClient(), "jobs", ...),
— then, the myHandler object will receive OnAdd()/OnUpdate()/OnDelete() calls.
To me, this seems more or less equivalent to the ResultChan I got in (1.) above; one difference is that apparently now I get the "before" state of the resource as a bonus, whereas with ResultChan I would only get its "after" state.
Also, IIUC, this is actually somehow built on the watch.Interface mentioned above (through NewListWatchFromClient) — so I guess it brings some value over it, and/or fixes some (what?) deficiencies of a raw watch.Interface?
cache.NewSharedInformer() and cache.NewSharedIndexInformer() — (uh wow, now those are a mouthful...) I tried to dig through the godocs, but I feel completely overloaded with terminology I don't understand, such that I don't seem to be able to grasp the subtle (?) differences between a "regular" NewInformer vs. NewSharedInformer vs. NewSharedIndexInformer... 😞
Could someone please help me understand the differences between above APIs in the Kubernetes client-go package?
These methods differ in the level of abstraction. If a higher level abstraction fits your need, you should use it, as many lower level problems is solved for you.
Informers is a higher level of abstraction than watch that also include listers. In most use cases you should use any kind of Informer instead of lower level abstraction. An Informer internally consists of a watcher, a lister and an in-memory cache.
SharedInformers share the connection with the API server and other resources between your informers.
SharedIndexInformers add an index to your data cache, in case you work with a larger dataset.
It is recommended to use SharedInformers instead of the lower level abstractions. Instantiate new SharedInformes from the same SharedInformerFactory. Theres is an example in Kubernetes Handbook example
informerFactory := informers.NewSharedInformerFactory(clientset, time.Second*30)
podInformer := informerFactory.Core().V1().Pods()
serviceInformer := informerFactory.Core().V1().Services()
// add your event handling
// add event handling for serviceInformer

How can I compile, run AML with ACPI, or how should I utilize ACPI functions?

I'm trying to write a kernel and plan to use ACPI on some issues (e.g. identify interrupt source on APIC).
However, I'm really a beginner on this, I read the related documentation and still do not have any clue on how to configure and use ACPI functions.
I have some basic understanding that:
1, there are some ACPI tables will be mapped in memory space, within which DSDT and SSDT will provide some definition blocks.
2, The definition block are AML code
3, I can retrieve some information directly from ACPI tables (e.g. I/O APIC base address)
4, Further information some times need to run ACPI objects.
These are basically my understanding about ACPI. However, how should I use AML code, how should I run ACPI objects. I do not have a clue.
So if any one can provide a basic structure of how this mechanism works, how some basic functions provided by ACPI can be realized by OS??
Thanks a lot! I'll keep reading the documentation and try to find some thing that can help me on understanding it.
My advice is:
a) If you're a beginner, implement support for "PIC chips" while taking into account future support for things like IO APIC and MSI but not implementing that support yet (e.g. just dummy stubs, etc); and then worry about adding support for IO APICs (and MSI) and ACPI later (e.g. after most of your OS has been done, including device drivers, file systems, etc). Note that this is a big part of why I advocate a "kernel tells device driver which resources it should use" approach (rather than a "device driver tells the kernel which resources it wants" approach) - so you can add support for IO APIC and MSI later without touching any of the code for any of the device drivers.
b) For ACPI's AML; it's a nasty festering mess. Specifically, the OS has to tell AML what the OS is (e.g. using an \_OS object in AML to tell AML the operating system's name), if the OS isn't recognized by the computer's AML then the AML will typically fall back to a crippled "bare minimum functionality" mode, and the AML for lots of computers will only recognize (various versions of) Windows. The result is that to use the full functionality provided by AML your OS has to pretend that it is (a version of) Windows, and has to have the same behaviour as that version of Windows, which is not well documented (e.g. not included in the ACPI specs at all) and not easily discovered by "trial and error" techniques. If that's not bad enough; various computers have buggy AML, and you need "who knows how many" workarounds for these bugs. The most practical way to work around this problem is by relying on a well-tested code written by other people. More specifically; you will probably want to port ACPICA (see ), which is an open-source and OS-independent implementation of ACPI that includes an AML interpreter and hides/abstracts a lot of the pain.
If you are working with linux, try the following (as root), it will give you a good start (you should install the distro relevant package, like acpica-tools):
$acpidump > dump.bin
$acpixtract -x dump.bin
(this will create a binary file for each table in the initial dump file. lots of ".dat" file)
$iasl -d *dat
(this will disassemble the binary files to human readable format)
you can also download intel's implementation for the iasl compiler from github (look it up. it is very easy to compile)

Are there reliable algorithms for generating robust DOM node selectors, given only the target node?

In writing a scraper, we typically use some kind of selector to identify particular nodes of interest. Ideally the selectors should continue to work even as the page changes over time. A lot of the common approaches like grabbing nodes by id are fragile on frequently updated pages and impossible on some nodes. I'm trying to find good algorithms for generating robust selectors, but since there doesn't seem to be a standard terminology for this problem, it's hard to find everything that's out there.
Here are the selector DSLs I already know.
XPath selectors - Implemented everywhere from JS to the popular
Python and Ruby scraping libraries.
CSS selectors - Found in many of the places where you can find xpath
High level selectors - Here I'll give the example of Chickenfoot,
which allows users to write click("begin tutorial") to find a link
with the text "Begin Tutorial." Usually these are implemented on top of
xpath and CSS selectors. I'd love to find out about more members of
this language family.
Visual selectors - This would be the approach taken by, for instance,
Sikuli, which makes it appear as though the program is calling a
function on a screengrab of the relevant node. I don't know any
web-specific instances of this approach, but I imagine there are
Here are the selector generation algorithms I already know. By a selector generation algorithm I mean an algorithm that takes a node as input and produces a robust selector as output.
iMacros: Finds all elements with the same node type and text as the
target element, finds the target element's index in this list list. Uses
the node type, text, and index as the selector. Also includes id
for forms and form elements.
CoScripter: Uses element's text if available. If not, uses preceding
Selenium: Uses id where available. Uses various other attributes
otherwise, such as image alt text, links' displayed texts, buttons'
displayed texts.
Wargo System: Uses element text.
Many systems: Many systems use the xpath from the root to the target node, or some
suffix of that xpath.
All of these selector generation algorithms fail on some nodes. Are there better approaches out there? Or other approaches that I could combine with these algorithms to produce a better hybrid algorithm?
When I started investigating this topic for some work I am doing, I was also surprised by how little information is available on this topic.
I did find this 2003 paper, but unfortunately, I only have access to the abstract:
Abe, Mari, and Masahiro Hori. “Robust Pointing by XPath Language: Authoring Support and Empirical Evaluation.” In Proceedings of the 2003 Symposium on Applications and the Internet, 156 – . SAINT ’03. Washington, DC, USA: IEEE Computer Society, 2003.
For my own use, I followed the approach in Tim Vasil's 50-line jquery plugin. I won't reproduce the code which is available at that link, but instead I'll describe it:
It recursively traverses up the DOM tree from the element, building a selector "backwards". At each level:
If the node has an ID, just use that and skip all the parents; they aren't added to the selector.
If node has a tag name or a set of classes that is unique among its siblings, use that as the selector. Otherwise, use :nth-child.
Since I will be storing element contents between visits to a page, I'm thinking of implementing some "blunder detection" here, maybe using a percentage change from last visit to detect if the selector may be grabbing the wrong element.

Are there any tools to visualize template/class methods and their usage?

I have taken over a large code base and would like to get an overview how and where certain classes and their methods are used.
Is there any good tool that can somehow visualize the dependencies and draw a nice call tree or something similar?
The code is in C++ in Visual Studio if that helps narrow down any selection.
Here are a few options:
The last one, doxygen, is more of an automatic documentation tool, but it is capable of generating dependency graphs and inheritance diagrams. It's also licensed under the GPL, unlike the first two which are not free.
When I have used Doxygen it has produced a full list of callers and callees. I think you have to turn it on.
David, thanks for the suggestions. I spent the weekend trialing the programs.
Doxygen seems to be the most comprehensive of the 3, but it still leaves some things to be desired in regard to callers of methods.
All 3 seem to have problems with C++ templates to varying degrees. CC-Rider simply crashed in the middle of the analysis and CodeDrawer does not show many of the relationships. Doxygen worked pretty well, but it too did not find and show all relations and instead overwhelmed me with lots of macro references until I filtered them out.
So, maybe I should clarify "large codebase" a bit for eventual other suggestions: >100k lines of code overall spread out over more than 100 template files plus several actual class files pulling it all together.
Any other tools out there, that might be up to the task and could do better (more thoroughly)? Oh and specifically: anything that understands IDL and COM interfaces?
When I have used Doxygen it has produced a full list of callers and callees. I think you have to turn it on.
I did that of course, but like I mentioned, doxygen does not consider interfaces between objects as they are defined in the IDL. It "only" shows direct C++ calls.
Don't get me wrong, it is already amazing what it does, but it is still not complete from my high level view trying to get a good understanding of how everything fits together.
In Java I would start with JDepend. In .NET, with NDepend. Don't know about C++.