SBT project in IDEA 14 does not work on Ubuntu - scala

My SBT project imports itself perfectly to IDEA IDE on MacOS, but on the Ubuntu it shows dozens of errors about not being able to resolve symbols.
for example:
import play.api.mvc.Action
reports Unused import statement from withing IDEA
and reference to Action several lines afterwards is reported as Cannot resolve method Action.apply
The problem is only to be seen in the IDE as sbt run from the command line is perfectly ok.
My current version of the IntelliJ IDEA IDE is 14 Ultimate
Scala plugin version 1.2.1
SBT version on the Ubuntu host 0.13.7
JDK version Oracle JDK 1.8.0_25

I had the same problem (running Fedora 20). Try with the EAP version of Intellij IDEA 14 (see :
Also, you have to use the EAP version of the Scala plugin (parameters > Frameworks and Languages > Scala > Misc).
It worked for me.


Scala: IntelliJ highlights correct code in red

One fine day IntelliJ started highlighting my working Scala code in red. While following commands run without a hitch, IntelliJ thinks that code is full of errors an missing a lot of dependencies.
sbt clean
sbt reload
sbt update
sbt compile
sbt assembly
It reports a lot of Cannot resolve symbols in imports, classes and method-calls on objects like the following. Moreover, it thinks a lot of imports are unused (for the symbols that it can't find)
Interestingly, all this is happening in only one of my projects (that contains two submodules inside parent module), while other Scala projects (including those containing submodules) are working fine.
Things that I've tried without luck:
Delete (rm -rf) build-related directories like .idea, target, ~/.ivy2/caches
Invalidate Caches / Restart...
Update IntelliJ IDEA and Scala plugin to latest versions
Close and re-import the project, quit IntelliJ, reboot the PC (!)
I'm using:
IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3.2 (Community Edition)
Build #IC-173.4127.27, built on December 25, 2017
JRE: 1.8.0_152-release-1024-b8 x86_64
JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM by JetBrains s.r.o
Mac OS X 10.13.2
My project configurations are:
Scala v2.11.11
SBT v1.0.3
Once again, I'd like to remind that my Scala code is completely functional and that I'm able to run the JAR generated by sbt assembly elsewhere without an issue.
This solution worked for me: Why does intellij IDEA highlight build.sbt?
Go to the menu: File > Invalidate Caches/Restart
Such things happen when project SDK is not set. Also make sure that you have Add Framework Support -> Scala enabled.

Installing IntelliJ + Scala under Ubuntu

I am a bit confused right now. I have installed IntelliJ and the Scala SDK using the installation wizard provided by IntelliJ. I selected the latest version 2.11.8 but were not able to run it in the terminal.
After that I ran
sudo apt-get install scala
which is apparently version 2.9.2
scala -version
Scala code runner version 2.9.2 -- Copyright 2002-2011, LAMP/EPFL
It appears that I now have installed scala under
(which comes from IntelliJ and has version 2.11.8) and also
whereis scala
scala: /usr/bin/scala /usr/bin/X11/scala /usr/share/man/man1/scala.1.gz
which comes from the package manager and hast version 2.9.2.
How would I clean up this mess?
This is not really a mess. It's perfectly possible to install a system-wide Scala and one based on your projects. The system-wide one really makes little sense except for you to run shell scripts using scala script.scala. You can also see that those Debian and Ubuntu packages are horribly outdated.
Since Scala is not an end-user application but a compiler or library required by specific project builds, one usually does not need and/or use a global installation. When you build a project using sbt or IntelliJ, your project can freely choose the Scala version it wants to use, whether that's 2.9.2, 2.10.x, 2.11.x or 2.12.0-Milestone... And therefore, these installations are all kept concurrently in a cache such as the Ivy cache you are seeing from IntelliJ/sbt.
$ ls -la ~/.ivy2/cache/org.scala-lang/scala-compiler/jars/
... scala-compiler-2.10.0.jar
... scala-compiler-2.10.2.jar
... scala-compiler-2.10.3.jar
... scala-compiler-2.10.4.jar
... scala-compiler-2.10.5.jar
... scala-compiler-2.10.6.jar
... scala-compiler-2.11.0.jar
... scala-compiler-2.11.1.jar
... scala-compiler-2.11.2.jar
... scala-compiler-2.11.5.jar
... scala-compiler-2.11.6.jar
... scala-compiler-2.11.7.jar
... scala-compiler-2.11.8.jar
... scala-compiler-2.12.0-M2.jar
... scala-compiler-2.12.0-M3.jar
... scala-compiler-2.7.3.jar
... scala-compiler-2.8.0.jar
... scala-compiler-2.8.2.jar
... scala-compiler-2.9.0.jar
... scala-compiler-2.9.2.jar
If you want a global installation because you want to run scripts without setting up a minimal sbt project, I recommend not to use apt (you can uninstall scala again) but simply download the latest version from - I'm not aware of any .deb package depending on a .deb Scala installation.

Sbt 0.12.4+ required on project import

I'm currently reading the Play for Scala: Covers Play 2 book by Peter Hilton (publisher: Manning) , and trying to stick to the versions they've outlined in the book (Play version 2.1.1).
I downloaded the new IntelliJ IDEA 14 CE app and installed it. I'm currently importing the project, and it's failing because it wants a version of sbt that is 0.12.4 or greater.
This issue occurred in 13 the other day, but I haven't had time to resolve it, so please, no recommendations to go back to 13 :)
Here is the meat of the issue:
When I type sbt --version on the CLI, it prints sbt launcher version 0.13.6. I have a "greater" version, but it appears that IDEA doesn't recognize this.
In an effort to specify my own SBT launcher JAR, I pointed my custom launcher (in IDEAs global settings) to the one in /usr/local/Cellar/sbt/0.13.6/libexec/sbt-launch.jar, but the build also failed with the same error.
As you may have guessed at this point, I have used Homebrew to install and manage Scala and sbt. When I first started working with Scala back in February, I remember having to make a few small tweaks in my settings to get IDEA to find Scala, but my version of IDEA 14 is totally fresh -- I did not import any previous settings. I downloaded the Scala and sbt plugins and they appear to be properly configured after a cursory look and creation of a new test project.
Here is what I'm failing to understand:
First, and most obvious, why would an sbt version that meets the supposed requirement (0.12.4+) fail with version 0.13.*?
Second, is the bundled sbt with IDEA also greater than this version? Is there possibly an sbt flag somewhere in my system that's pointing it to an earlier version? A side note, I have a few versions of sbt in my "Cellar", but all are greater than 0.13.
Many thanks for your help!
I had a look at the code samples from Manning's website, and the project/ files for each project specify sbt.version=0.12.2. My guess is that the Intellij Scala plugin only supports SBT 0.12.4, and cannot import you project which is configured to use an older version (hence why it recommends that you "update your project definition").
You should try using sbt.version=0.12.4 in the project/ file.
Generally speaking, keep in mind that when an SBT version is specified in project/, the SBT launcher downloads the specified version and uses it to build the project. In your case, that means that the SBT 0.13.6 launcher will download SBT 0.12.2 and use that version to build the project.

IntelliJ 14 Scala Editor showing errors

I've just uninstalled IntelliJ 13 and installed 14 (community edition). I set up jdk, and then installed the Scala plugin, and created a new Scala > SBT project. It asked me to setup the Scala SDK which I did. I let it autoimport, and it created the src. etc folders. I then created a scala class. It compiles and runs fine. However, IntelliJ shows built in scala stuff as errors. For example:
For some reason, intellij is showing all scala library stuff as errors. However, the program compiles and runs fine. Has anybody else come across this?

JDK 1.8 - can't with import sbt project

I have some trouble after installing java 1.8 on Ubuntu Gnome 14.04 with Intellij Idea 13.1.
When I tried to import sbt project it throws next:
I tried to install and set up java 1.7 at .pam-environment. But it keep taking 1.8 as main configuration and throwing this warning. I solved it by completely delete 1.8 version.
Version of scala:
nazar#lelyak-desktop:~⟫ scala -version
Scala code runner version 2.10.4 -- Copyright 2002-2013, LAMP/EPFL
And sbt - 0.13.1
I wondering to know how to use sbt with JDK 1.8?
Or with let sbt to use 1.7 version when 1.8 is default.
I changed configuration at settings for sbt to custom JDK - 1.7 and sbt-launch.jar - have installed by me.
The reason for the warning/error is that in Java 8 the permanent generation was removed.
You can change settings in IntelliJ idea not to add -XX:MaxPermSize. Go to settings page and click edit next to VM Parameters.
Remove parameter called -XX:MaxPermSize.