Yii2- Failed to create Mongodb models using Gii - mongodb

I can't create MongoDb models using Gii module code generator. Gets the below error :
Unknown Method – yii\base\UnknownMethodException
Calling unknown method: common\components\MongoConnection::getTableSchema()

Gii should not be used to create MongoDB Models.
MongoDB documents may change from one to another and there is no "collection definiton", as oposed to "table schemas" where you can get all column names and types.
This is the reason why a model cannot be created automatically and should be created manually.

There is a Gii component to help you generate MongoDB ActiveRecords.
Here's a little YouTube video that shows you exactly how it modify Yii2 configuration, create an active record and generate a CRUD controller.


Unable to find other entity-type in Apache Atlas . Only Showing hdfs_path

Hi I am new to Apache Atlas . And I am facing a problem.
I want to create a hive_table entity type manually but in Entity type drop downs its showing only "hdfs_path"
Can anyone let me know how I can use a custom entity type in apache Atlas.
And can anyone provide me a good documentation part or tutorial apart form Apche Atlas site.
Here is the photo where I want to add a new entity type
TL;DR: you need to apply the following setting to atlas-application.properties, and restart:
atlas.ui.editable.entity.types=<your entity types>
Note that <your entity types> can be a comma-separated list, like hdfs_path,kafka_topic or, to just allow all Types to be created and edited via the UI, use a star *.
I guess the reason for this restrictive default is because metadata in Atlas is normally synchronised from other systems using hooks and bridges. So in order to keep the metadata "consistent" (i.e. prevent the risk of people creating metadata entries in Atlas which do not correspond to actual data assets existing in the referenced systems), by default editing Entity Types via the UI is locked down.
Reference: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ATLAS-3237
hive_table entity should be synced using import scripts.
"hdfs_path" is not synced automatically unless they belong to lineage, hence the option to create them manually.
However, if you want to create them manually, please check the following link, which has the steps:-

How to find the database exist or not with Jaydata Context

I am working on an application with jaydata as ORM and angularjs as middle layer : working with jaydata how can i find with context that whether the DB has already benn created or its the first time it is been created by the code ..>???
You can perform this check only if you verify the number of the records in a specific table that normaly contains data.

Integrating a Stored Procedure in UnitOfWork/Repository pattern

I've got an application with MVC and Entity Framework. The application uses Unit of Work and Repository patterns for CRUD operations. But I've got to add now a couple of stored procedures that already exist in database. One of them just retrieves data from one of the entities (this is achieved at this moment by the repository pattern) but adds an extra column to the final result, created and populated in the stored procedure.
I want to integrate the use of these stored procedures into my architecture. I've tried to add the stored procedures to my model, map it to the class and use it, but as I have to add an extra column to this entity in the model, I get an error that this field is not mapped.
Should I use my repository for this particular entity just for Add/Edit/Delete and create another entity with the extra field that will be used for just the Get action using the stored procedure?
Should I use my repository for this particular entity just for Add/Edit/Delete and create another entity with the extra field that will be used for just the Get action using the stored procedure
Depends on the use case? Sounds like it's used for a different case and if so I would create a new entity for it.

Changing the MongoDB collection on run time in symfony2 + doctrine

I'm using Symfony2 MongoDB + Doctrine and I want to tell doctrine to save my objects in collections with different name from the name of the class that defines the object. Also the name of the new collection should be the id of an object in different collection. For example I have a class called Posts and I want to save them in a collection named after the ID of the user in the original User collection. This means that I need to tell doctrine to save all new posts in a collection named e.g. User555 and I should be able to tell doctrine to create this collection and save there during runtime.
I can see that I can change the name of the collection statically with configuring it in the files like here: Storing a document in a different collection - Mongodb with symfony2
But I need to be able to create collections at runtime.
I will be thankful if someone points me in the right direction!
When you use the ORM you can do
Using the ODM you should be able to do
I looked through the Doctrine code and it's possible. However note that by doing this you're changing the collection used for that Document for the life of the script, unless you set it back.
I don't know of any reasonable way to do this for just one entity at a time. Probably would be best to wrap the ODM by creating your own persister service.

Yii Gii with MongoDB

Could anyone please tell me how MongoDB can be used with YII?
How can we create controller and model functions using Gii if the database used is MongoDB?
I've used YiiMongoDBSuite (YMDS), which has some very rough support for Gii. You can generate starter classes, but given that MongoDB does not have a fixed schema you will need to edit the model to make them useful. There is an odd kludge that lets you generate MongoDB models from a SQL table, but this seems more effort than it's worth.
YMDS' EMongoDocument class extends the standard Yii CModel class, so this is a useful base if you want to build apps with CRUDS.
The unfortunate caveat is that YMDS is no longer maintained by the original author, and there are a few community forks to chose between.
The way of creating controllers is same as usual but you have to use an extension to talk to mongoDB from Yii ,
You need to use direct Mongo suite of yii . It is an extension which has a collection of components for the mongoDB .