My latest code changes are not visible on GitHub Pages site - github

I have a github project and I am using Github pages.
I can see the newest code changes on the gh-pages branch on my github account(web-interface) but the same changes are not visible on the Github page.
Note : I have given it more than a day to assuming that it will take some time for the actual deployment. In fact mentions that it might take upto half an hour. So I am not sure why it is taking so long.

The issue was because of a browser cache. Clear your browser cache and you should see the changes after half an hour.

Have you checked your email? There could be errors in your code which prevent page builds. See for more.


Deployments dissappear after a couple of hours. Cirlce Ci, Nuxt, Dream Host

I just started working on a project that was created with Nuxt and a CI pipeline using Cirlce CI that detects changes in the repository and upload files via SFTP to DreamHost.
We also have a netlify cms setup that sends .md files to the repository that are read and displayed on the page.
Now to the weird part.
Whenever I change something in the repository (push from my local repo, or use the cms) the changes appear on the site as they should. They correctly trigger a rebuild within, which completes successfully and when I look at the live site they are present.
However when checking back a couple hours later they have dissapeared. The changes are still present in the github repository, but they are inconsistent with the state of the live page which has reverted to its previous state.
I can manually trigger rebuilds within but the same thing occurs, i can see the changes for some time, then they dissapear.
I don't even know where to start looking for the problemect.
Any leads, or well aimed shots in the dark would be greatly appreciated, many thanks!
I think this might be relevant: Every 12 hours we trigger a rebuild on the page, mostly to check for outdated content and deliver freshly rendered pages. When i checked the site index under the _nuxt pages, i see the following:
There are older versions of the scripts that are correct and new versions that are incorrect, those new versions are then referenced, resulting in the content being false.
Why are the automatic rebuilds 'overwriting' the old build?
Where can i find out more about those triggers?
OP's issue was mainly coming from the fact that the app was pulling from the wrong branch.
Fixing that one, did it.

How do I update my Hugo site locally and make sure that the live site (hosted on GitHub pages) reflect the changes?

Let me start by saying that I'm very new to this. I have little to no technical background, so this might just be a simple problem, or I did something I shouldn't have done. It's my first time using the command line and dealing with static pages.
I recently deployed my Hugo site to GitHub pages. I only changed the configuration file, and that's it. (I followed this and this.)
The site is now live at It's still showing the content of my chosen theme.
A few hours after deploying, I edited some of the local markdown files and pushed the changes. However, the changes aren't reflected on the site.
Now that I realize it, GitHub only displays my site's "public" folder and not all of the files in my local folder.
So, my question is, how can I change and update my site content locally and make sure that the changes are shown on the live site?
Any help is appreciated. Thanks so much!

Why doesn't GitHub Pages update immediately after you have pushed a binary file in commit?

I see when I pushed a text file to github it reflects immediately but when I am pushing a binary file it takes a minute or so to reflect back. I am using GitHub's API to push my changes. Is there any official docs which explains this?
Any help will be appreciated.
I tried searching and found out like GitHub is not very good with very files but didn't find anything which can explain this behaviour.
This probably has nothing to do with text files vs. binary files.
GitHub Pages sites are build using background jobs. Depending on how busy the Pages servers are, how many jobs are ahead of yours, etc. you may see a build happen very quickly, or you may have to wait a while.

Losing review comments on pushing code again

I'm using Sonarqube with the Github plugin for analysing code in Pull Requests.
I get a problem when pushing code if the PR is already open. The comments made by the Github plugin in the PR are erased even if the new push doesn't fix them! Apparently because only the modified code gets analysed, and the other comments by the issue reporter user are erased. It means I'm losing the previously reported issues.
Any ideas on how to maintain the comments for the issues I still haven't solved in new commit/pushes?
The way I solved this problem was to make some additional changes on the files in my first commit.
This happened to me also. I had 1 commit when I opened the pull request, tons of issues were noted. I made a second small commit to update an unrelated configuration file, this caused sonar to remove all of the comments. I tried everything I could think of to get it to scan the full pull request: Closed/re-opened the pull request, ran the sonar preview scan again manually, reverted my 2nd commit (which created a 3rd commit).
We have git send us email reports of any comments made on our pull requests, so we had a record of all the sonar comments. We made some changes to the original files based on these comments and once we committed our fixes, sonar ran against the original files and the rest of the sonar comments popped back up!
This created a new best practice for us. If sonar finds any issues, the next commit should be fixes for those issues.

Deploying Jekyll to GitHub pages takes more time to reflect on the main server

I've been recently trying out Jekyll. Everything works fine. I've deployed my initial site successfully but, after then while I'm trying to commit and push everything looks good and reflected in the repository page, but on the main pages.
I'm pushing only the deployment files from the _source folder in the main branch.
UPDATE: The changes are now shown. But, why it takes so much time to do that? Is it normal?
It usually takes up to 10 minutes for the pages to get updated as described here.
Tip: After the first push, it can take up to ten minutes before the content is available.