How to run set of .exe files in a folder through .bat file using perl script - perl

I am beginner to Perl and I have to create a .pl file and I have folder containing near about 30 exe files(inside Folder1 in G:\Folder1). All of them must be executed by click to the .pl file.
My try is :
use strict; use warnings;
use autodie; # automatic error handling
while (defined(my $file = glob 'C:\shekhar_Axestrack_Intern*.exe'))
open my $fh, "<", $file; # lexical file handles, automatic error handling
while (defined( my $line = <$fh> )) {
do system $fh ;
close $fh;
Please let me know if my logic correct ? Could some one please correct me if i am wrong ?

Use system to execute an exe:
while (my $file = glob 'C:\shekhar_Axestrack_Intern\*.exe') {
system $file;
In addition, I have the feeling that you meant to write 'C:\shekhar_Axestrack_Intern*.exe'
instead of 'C:\shekhar_Axestrack_Intern*.exe'.

I think pl2bat may help you. It allows you to wrap Perl code into a batch file.
BTW why are you using echo in your Perl script? You should use print.
Edit: You have edited your question and now you want to know how to run all exe files from a folder using Perl?
Use the system command to run the exe files providing the full path.
See: How to run an executable file using Perl on Windows XP?
Edit 2: do system $fh ; This is not how you do it, please get a book (I'd suggest Beginning Perl by Ovid) and start learning Perl.


How to make output file of one script, as an input file for the another script?

I am currently working on a project where in I am using Perl language to create command line application of one online tool.
There are total nine modules (for each module there is separate Perl script).
This Command Line Application should work in the following way-
Out of these nine modules user would be able to select any number of modules. (in short pipeline should be built).
after running first selected module, output files are generated.
output file of first module should be taken as an input file by the next module selected by the user.
My doubt is how we can make output file of first module as an input file for the next selected module.
It will be a great help if you solve my doubt as I am new to Perl programming.
Thanking you!
Tamar is right. You can use pipe command: "|". You can do this no matter if you're using windows or a unix based operating system.
Here's a simple example of what you're doing:
Code to output data
use strict;
use warnings;
my $file = "output.txt";
my $data = "gasp";
unless(-e $file){
open(my $fh, '>', $file);
print $fh $data;
close $fh;
Code that takes input file
use strict;
use warnings;
my $gaspage = <STDIN>;
chomp $gaspage;
print $gaspage."\n";
Then you just run it with the commands below that can be run within your perl application or just in the terminal:
cat |

How to read a .conf file in Perl

I just created a text test.conf file with some information. How can I read it on Perl?
I am new to Perl and I am not sue would will I need to do.
I tried the following:
open (MYFILE, 'test.conf');
while (<MYFILE>)
{ chomp; print "$_\n"; }
close (MYFILE);
I tried installing Perl on my laptop that has Windows 7 OS, and using command line.
Instead of using command line, write your program in a file (you can use any editor to write your program, I would suggest use Notepad++) and save as in the same directory where you have your .conf file.
use warnings;
use strict;
open my $fh, "<", "test.conf" or die $!;
while (<$fh>)
print "$_\n";
close $fh;
Now open a command prompt and go to the same path where you have your both file and test.conf file and execute your program by typing this:
You can give full path of your input file inside program and can run your program from any path from command prompt by giving full path of your program:
perl path\to\
Side note: Always use use warnings; and use strict; at the top of your program and to open file always use lexical filehandle with three arguments with error handling.
This is an extended comment more than an answer, as I believe #serenesat has given you everything you need to execute your program.
When you do "command line" Perl, it's typically stuff that is relatively brief or trivial, such as:
perl -e "print 2 ** 16"
Anything that goes beyond a few lines, and you're probably better off putting that in a file and having Perl run the file. You certainly can put larger programs on the command line, but when it comes to going back in and editing lines, it becomes more of a hassle than a shortcut.
Also, for what it's worth the -n and -p parameters allow you to process the contents of a stream, meaning you could do something like this:
perl -ne "print if /oracle/i" test.conf

how to create a script from a perl script which will use bash features to copy a directory structure

hi i have written a perl script which copies all the entire directory structure from source to destination and then i had to create a restore script from the perl script which will undo what the perl script has done that is create a script(shell) which can use bash features to restore the contents from destination back to source i m struggling to find the correct function or command which can copy recursively (not an requirement) but i want exactly the same structure as it was before
Below is the way i m trying to create a file called restore to do the restoration process
i m particularly looking for algorithm.
Also restore will restore the structure to a command line directory input if it is supplied if not You can assume the default input supplied to perl script
in this case we would wanna copy from target to source
So we have two different parts in one script.
1 which will copy from source to destination.
2 it will create a script file which will undo what part 1 has done
i hope this makes it very clear
unless(open FILE, '>'."$source/$file")
# Die with error message
# if we can't open it.
die "\nUnable to create $file\n";
# Write some text to the file.
print FILE "#!/bin/sh\n";
print FILE "$1=$target;\n";
print FILE "cp -r \n";
# close the file.
close FILE;
# here we change the permissions of the file
chmod 0755, "$source/$file";
The last problem i have is i couldn't get $1 in my restore file as it refers to a some variable in perl
but i need this for getting command line input when i run restore as $0 = ./restore $1=/home/xubuntu/User
First off, the standard way in Perl for doing this:
unless(open FILE, '>'."$source/$file") {
die "\nUnable to create $file\n";
is to use the or statement:
open my $file_fh, ">", "$source/$file"
or die "Unable to create "$file"";
It's just easier to understand.
A more modern way would be use autodie; which will handle all IO problems when opening or writing to files.
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
open my $file_fh, '>', "$source/$file";
You should look at the Perl Modules File::Find, File::Basename, and File::Copy for copying files and directories:
use File::Find;
use File::Basename;
my #file_list;
find ( sub {
return unless -f;
push #file_list, $File::Find::name;
$directory );
Now, #file_list will contain all the files in $directory.
for my $file ( #file_list ) {
my $directory = dirname $file;
mkdir $directory unless -d $directory;
copy $file, ...;
Note that autodie will also terminate your program if the mkdir or copy commands fail.
I didn't fill in the copy command because where you want to copy and how may differ. Also you might prefer use File::Copy qw(cp); and then use cp instead of copy in your program. The copy command will create a file with default permissions while the cp command will copy the permissions.
You didn't explain why you wanted a bash shell command. I suspect you wanted to use it for the directory copy, but you can do that in Perl anyway. If you still need to create a shell script, the easiest way is via the :
print {$file_fh} << END_OF_SHELL_SCRIPT;
Your shell script goes here
and it can contain as many lines as you need.
Since there are no quotes around `END_OF_SHELL_SCRIPT`,
Perl variables will be interpolated
This is the last line. The END_OF_SHELL_SCRIPT marks the end
close $file_fh;
See Here-docs in Perldoc.
First, I see that you want to make a copy-script - because if you only need to copy files, you can use:
system("cp -r /sourcepath /targetpath");
Second, if you need to copy subfolders, you can use -r switch, can't you?

How to open multiple files in Perl

Guys im really confused now. Im new to learning Perl. The book ive read sometimes do Perl codes and sometimes do Linux commands.
Is there any connection between them? (Perl codes and linux commands)
I want to open multiple files using Perl code, i know how to open a single file in Perl using:
open (MYFILE,'somefileshere');
and i know how to view multiple files in Linux using ls command.
So how to do this? can i use ls in perl? And i want to open certain files only (perl files) which dont have file extension visible (I cant use *.txt or etc. i guess)
A little help guys
Use system function to execute linux command, glob - for get list of files.
my #files = glob("*.h *.m"); # matches all files with a .h or .m extension
system("touch a.txt"); # linux command "touch a.txt"
Directory handles are also quite nice, particularly for iterating over all the files in a directory. Example:
opendir(my $directory_handle, "/path/to/directory/") or die "Unable to open directory: $!";
while (my $file_name = <$directory_handle>) {
next if $file_name =~ /some_pattern/; # Skip files matching pattern
open (my $file_handle, '>', $file_name) or warn "Could not open file '$file_name': $!";
# Write something to $file_name. See <code>perldoc -f open</code>.
close $file_handle;
closedir $directory_handle;

Error when running a DOS command in CGI

I tried to run a simple copy of one file to another folder using Perl
system("copy template.html tmp/$id/index.html");
but I got the error error: The syntax of the command is incorrect.
When I change it to
system("copy template.html tmp\\$id\\index.html");
The system copies another file to the tmp\$id foler
Can someone help me?
I suggest you use File::Copy, which comes with your Perl distribution.
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Copy;
print copy('template.html', "tmp/$id/index.html");
You do not need to worry about the slashes or backslashes on Windows because the module will take care of that for you.
Note that you have to set relative paths from your current working directory, so both template.html as well as the dir tmp/$id/ needs to be there. If you want to create the folders on the fly, take a look at File::Path.
Update: Reply to comment below.
You can use this program to create your folders and copy the files with in-place substitution of the IDs.
use strict; use warnings;
use File::Path qw(make_path);
my $id = 1; # edit ID here
# Create output folder
# Open the template for reading and the new file for writing
open $fh_in, '<', 'template.html' or die $!;
open $fh_out, '>', "tmp\\$id\index.html" or die $!;
# Read the template
while (<$fh_in>) {
s/ID/$id/g; # replace all instances of ID with $id
print $fh_out $_; # print to new file
# Close both files
close $fh_out;
close $fh_in;