Raspberry Pi Motion-Mmal: I want to disable live stream capabilities - raspberry-pi

I have a few questions about Motion-MMAL for the Raspberry Pi B+ model, running on Raspbian: Sorry if these are noob questions.
1) I want to disable the live stream capability completely; however, i can only find information on how to keep the live stream local
2) If I do not visit the local address for the live stream, is it still technically uploading data and live streaming?

I think if you comment out the webcam_port value in motion.conf then you will not be streaming. Default is 0 for disabled.
So motion will still be recording video if there is actual motion. Nobody will be able to view a live stream.


Hololens 2 audio stream from Desktop

I'm currently developing an app for the HoloLens 2 that needs to stream audio from a desktop PC.
The idea is to send control information (position, orientation, etc.) to a Cycling'74 Max/Msp application running on a Windows 10 computer to process audio for 3D audio playback. I now need to somehow stream the resulting sound to the Unity app running on the HoloLens. Both devices run on the same network.
At the moment I've achieved something using mrtk webrtc for unity in combination with a virtual cable as input. My issue is that this seems to be optimized for microphone use as it applies some options like noise reduction and smaller bandwidth. I can't find a way to set the options for webrtc to stream what I need (music) with better quality.
Does anyone know how to change that on mrtk webrtc or has a better solution for the audio streaming to the hololens?
WebRTC project for Mixed Reality is deprecated and it is designed for real-time communication. If your requirement is media consumption, you need other workaround solutions.
For dedicated media streaming, you can set up a DLNA server on your PC for media access.
You may also set up Samba or NFS on your PC if you need to access files in other formats.

How to stream video from a Raspberry Pi to Elixir and to the web

I'm trying to stream high-quality live video from a Raspberry Pi 3+camera module. I want to public the stream on a public webpage (using video.js I think). I also want an elixir server (on the same LAN as the Pi) to consume the stream to detect faces and motion in it. I am a video streaming noob.
What's the best way to do this? Specifically:
What transport mechanism should I use on the Pi? RTP? WebRTC? Is that even a transport mechanism?
How do I pull images out of a (whatever transport mechanism I used above) stream in Elixir? Is there a library that does it?
If I want to support more simultaneous users than the Pi can handle, what's the right way to proxy the stream through Phoenix?

How do I record video from a remote webrtc camera?

I have a raspberry pi which has webrtc via uv4l2. It is awesome! I want to record the video from the camera on a server. It's your basic surveillance camera setup... central linux server with lots of storage space, remote IP cameras, etc. I've read dozens of pages and still can't figure it out. I tried all this kurento mumbo jumbo but it's all wretch an no vomit. It never gets there. What's the command to grabthe rpi video and dump it to disk? Please help!!!
UV4L already supports audio+video recording on the server (other than on the client), if you use it with Janus WebRTC. Have a look at the bottom of the Video Conference DEMO OS page for more details. At the moment, you will have to use the REST API to login into a Janus room and turn on/off the recording. The REST API is ideal if you want to control UV4L from a custom application, but there is also a panel which allows you to dynamically send REST requests to the UV4L server.

raspberry pi video streaming through SPI

I'm somewhat beginner in gstreamer.
I am trying to stream live video from raspberry pi to MSP430 MCU over SPI connection.
What I am thinking right now is get the buffers directly from raspberry pi using appsink, and then send them through SPI connection.
But I am not sure where the buffers can be saved, and how they are saved.
I'm looking for examples using appsink, but not really sure whether I can continuously get a stream of buffers.
Is there any way that I can do that?
Or any other better way to stream a video over SPI connection can be helpful.
Thank you.

How to continuously stream audio while IceCast server changes streams

Streaming live audio via an Icecast mountpoint. On the server side, when the live show stops, the server reverts to playing a music playlist (the actual mountpoint stays /live). However, when the live stream stops, the audio player stops too. Dev tools says the request has been cancelled. Player must be in HTML5, so no Flash.
I've tried:
Listening for the stream to end, and tell the player to reconnect. However, all of the events on the jPlayer and Mediaelement.js APIs don't return anything when the stream is interrupted.
Busy contacting the server host to ask for advice when dealing with their behind-the-scenes playlist switcher.
I'd like to find a client-side solution to this. Could websockets / webrtc solve this problem by keeping a connection open?
Your problem isn't client-side, but how you are handling your encoding. No changes client-side can appropriately fix this problem.
The stream configuration you are using is that the encoder is using files on disk as a backup stream. Unfortunately, it sounds like instead of re-encoding and splicing (and matching sample-rate and channels if needed), it is just sending the raw file data.
This works some of the time, as MPEG decoders are often tolerant of corrupt streams, and will re-sync. However, sometimes the stream is too broken, and the decoder gives up. The decoder will also often stop if there is a change in sample rate or channel count. (Bitrate changes are generally not a large problem.)
To fix your problem, you must contact your host.
Yes this is unfortunately a problem if the playlist and live stream are not the same codec. Additional tools such as Liquidsoap have solved the problem for me, as well as providing many more features: