Can we use mapbox embedded iframe map which created before on mapbox with dc.js?
in the past, I created my maps on the Mapbox website and embedded them on my Jekyll blog using an iframe. Now, I developed a jekyll plugin that consumes a geojson file and employs Mapbox GL JS to display maps.
I would like to support Maki icons for indvidual marker using GeoJSON feature properties using the SimpleStyle Spec
How can reproduce the following map with features including marker symbols defined in GeoJSON?
Current Mapbox code for Jekyll Maps: on Github
Related question:
for Mapbox.js (Leaflet): Mapbox - Custom marker icons from GeoJson properties
for Mapbox GL JS: Maki icons not all displaying
I want to use satellite-street map using tileset, but it is not available here. It is visible in style and dataset but not in tileset. I want to use mapID, not styleID.
How to get satellite-street map in tileset in Mapbox. It is available in styles and dataset but not in tileset. Any Help?
The raster tileset with the map ID satellite-streets would've been a composite of the satellite source (mapbox.satellite) and Mapbox Streets source (mapbox.streets). These tilesets were created as raster tiles using Mapbox Studio Classic and are no longer supported. Instead, it's recommended to create your own style with Mapbox Satellite and Streets sources and use the Static Tiles endpoint to generate raster tiles.
I was trying to get an map style from the old Mapbox Studio Classic ( running in the new Mapbox Studio, i.e., converting it to Mapbox GL Style. I am wondering if there's a way to to convert at least the most part automatically?
Here's an example:
I am new to leaflet. currently I am working on leaflet to render vector tiles. my application's requirement is that on click i should get features from map tiles in geojson format.
In Mapbox map.queryRenderedFeatures(e.point). I want to do exact same thing, but in leaflet. Please check here to check how mapbox is fetching features.
Please help.
Current Leaflet implementation does not supports querying rendered features. Hence switching to Mapboxgl
I am new to maps. I want to render mbtiles created using TileMill on open street map using Leaflet. My question is 1)How to render it on maps? As of now I am extracting the images using this command mb-util Fair3.mbtiles ~/Documents/fair3 and then rendering on map using leaflet with following code.
L.tileLayer('static/fair3/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', {
attribution: '© OpenStreetMap contributors'
The problem here is after certain zoom level the tiles are not showing up and there is background(bounding box) which i want it to be transparent.
2)If I upload fair3.mbtiles to Mapbox, how to render tiles from my Mapbox account?