Will this code allow me to assign a number to a list and incrementally increase the number? - netlogo

[ set list N = 1 () set list N = 1
lput number-of-patches destination origin list N N + 1]
I wish to be able to store information about collections of patches and when the criteria for the filling of the list is met the number of the list will be increased. Will this code work?

Just looking at it, it will give you several syntax errors, regardless of whether the structure will do what you want. For example, the way you should construct a list with element '1' and name 'N' (which is what I think the first line is supposed to do) would be set N (list 1). You can test this by writing code as below and running test (eg by typing test in the command center at the bottom of the interface).
globals [N]
to test
set N (list 1)
print N
When writing code, your life is a lot easier if you build up the code in pieces, testing each one as you go either by inspecting agents to see if their property values change as you expect and/or putting print statements in lots of places to see what happens to your variables. This way you are introducing and fixing only a small number of errors in each step. Also, this means you are never writing code that you can't test immediately.


Lisp - Extracting info from a list of comma separated values

I've tried searching this but have yet to find something that suits anything close to my needs. I'm trying to create a Autocad LISP that takes a text file, which is a list of comma-separated values, and place a block at coordinates defined by the list. BUT, only for items on the list where the last entry starts with "HP"
So that's sounds a bit complex, but the text file is basically a UTM survey output, and looks like this:
The identifier is a variety of values, but I want to extract the Northing,Easting,Elevation, and insert a block (this last part I've got) at that location when the identifier begins with "HP". The list can be long and the number of HPs can be 1 or 5000. I'm assuming there's a "for x=1:end, do" type of loop than can be made that reuses the same variables over and over.
I'm a newbie to LISP so I'm stuck in that spot between "here are I've-never-programmed-before tutorials to make hello world" and "here is a library of the 3000 different commands in alphabetical order"
I believe the functions you are needing to solve this question are open, read-line or read-char, close,strlen, and substr. The first four functions relate to AutoLisp writing and reading a file. The last two functions manipulate the string variables that were pulled from the file. With them, you can find the "HP" within the text. To loop through the same code, three come to my mind: repeat, while, and foreach.
For a list of variables to quickly reference with their descriptions, here's a good starting point. This particular page has the information broken up by category instead of alphabetical order.
Here are a few tutorials where AutoLisp code is used to write and read other files:
Lastly, here's an example of AutoLisp writing and reading attributes from and to blocks.
You can use Lee-Mac's Reacd-CSV function to get a list of the csv values.
And for the "HP" detection yes you might have to go through(using loop options mentioned above like while, repeat,foreach) each and use
(substr Identifier 1 2)
to validate

Exporting cross-sectional data from NetLogo Behavior Space

I have created an experiment in Behavior Space for my NetLogo model. I would like to save the value of some variables for each individual turtle, later to be processed with statistical software (Stata or R). My first attempt at a reporter was:
[my-variable] of turtles
This kind of works, but the formatting of the resulting CSV file is problematic. All values for an individual variable are stored in a space-separated list:
"run", "[my-variable] of turtles"
"1", "[48.234967724191584, 15.361986575058953, 19.613022950636537, ... ]"
What I would like:
"run", "[my-variable] of turtle_0", "[my-variable] of turtle_1", ...
"1", "48.234967724191584", "15.361986575058953", ... ]"
I am looking for something like the split() method in Python. Any suggestions? Thanks.
UPDATE: Cross-sectional analysis is predicated on the assumption that, during the same run of the model, all reporters list turtles-own variables in the same order. So, if I have two reporters:
[my-variable-1] of turtles => "[1 2]"
[my-variable-2] of turtles => "[3 4]"
I need to be sure that both reporters take turtles in the same order, so that turtle 0 has my-variable-1 equal to 1 and my-variable-2equal to 3, whereas turtle 1 has my-variable-1 equal to 2 and my-variable-2equal to 4. I cannot find a mention of this in the NetLogo documentation. Can anyone confirm this?
I can give you an answer to the latter part of your question. [my-variable-1] of turtles will give you the values of my-variable-1 in random order as of takes the agents in random order. (This is documented at http://ccl.northwestern.edu/netlogo/5.0/docs/dictionary.html#O).
If you want a fixed order by who number, then you can use sort and map.
map [[my-variable-1] of ?] sort turtles
sort turtles creates a sorted list of turtles and then that list is given to the `map' primitive to create the list of values ordered by the who number of the turtle. Of course you'd need be careful that no turtles die or are created during the run.
As for the writing of the observations to a CSV file, there are other posts that look at that specifically. You might also want to look at the stats extension to see if that would help by allowing you to write out all the results at the end of the run from a list of lists that is easily handled by the CSV extension.

How to avoid a meta argument warning in SICStus SPIDER?

This is probably related to a comp.lang.prolog-discussion.
I'm getting several warnings like this using Eclipse with the SICStus SPIDER:
The plain meta argument (Y) is passed as a closure argument
(with 0 suppressed arguments) to the callee.
Here is a code sample:
% Prologs set_of is baroque %% RS-140614 130sec runtime vs. 28sec runtime
:- meta_predicate set_of(+,:,+) .
set_of(X,Y,Z):- %%
setof(X,Y^Y,Z),!; %% Trick to avoid alternatives
Z=[]. %% What is wrong with empty sets ?
How can I get rid of the SPIDER warnings?
I'm not really interested in simply suppressing the warnings.
I'm using the latest version of SPIDER IDE (0.0.51), and SICStus Prolog 4.2.3.
There are several issues in the code you show.
Bad meta argument
First, the built-in predicate setof/3 has the following properties:
?- predicate_property(setof(A,B,C),P).
P = (meta_predicate setof(?,0,?))
; P = built_in
; P = jittable.
which closely corresponds to the ISO declarations in ISO/IEC 13211-1: Template and modes
setof(?term, +callable_term, ?list)
The second argument is a goal to be executed by call/1. No extra arguments are needed. This is what the 0 tells us.
On the other hand, your code you show contains a different meta predicate declaration:
:- meta_predicate(set_of(+,:,+)) .
Here, the second argument is a :. In SICStus, YAP, and SWI, the : means: This argument will be automatically qualified with the current module, such that the module information can be passed further on. Think of asserta(:). Here, the argument is not a goal but a clause.
So what you need to fix this, is to replace : by 0. And you might indicate this fact in the variable name used. That is, Goal_0 for call(Goal_0), Goal_1 for call(Goal_1, Arg1), Goal_2for call(Goal_2, Arg1, Arg2) etc.
Bad modes
The + in the first and third argument is inappropriate. The 3rd argument is commonly an uninstantiated variable to be unified with the resulting list.
Prolog's setof/3 baroque?
% Prologs set_of is baroque
The comment probably wants to say that setof/3 contains superfluous ornaments. In fact, setof/3 is much more versatile than mentioned set_of/3. Take this recent question or that. Often you first think about a very specific situation. Say, you want the list of actors of a particular movie. Then, later on you want to ask what movies there are. It is this generalization which works very smoothly with setof/3 whereas it is extremely complex if you do not have it.
Another very useful way to use setof/3 is when you want to eliminate redundant answers:
?- (X=2;X=1;X=2).
X = 2
; X = 1
; X = 2.
?- setof(t, (X=2;X=1;X=2), _).
X = 1
; X = 2.
Try to emulate that efficiently.
Runtime overheads
They are next to negligible. If you really believe that there are overheads, simply use setof/3 with a single goal. In this manner preprocessing is next to naught.

How do I move elements from one list to another in Common Lisp - CLisp

I'm trying to implement a Towers of Hanoi recursively with Common Lisp. I know what the recursive calls are and how they work, but I'm just lost with how I would go about moving something from the end of one list, to the end of another list. I was trying to do some research on how to do this, but I couldn't find anything online.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
You can remove the last element of a list with butlast, get last element with last, and you cat append a list to another list with append (you just cons your element to be added so that it's a one element list). Working on the end of lists in CL are not optimal as every function needs to traverse the list in order to find the last one, but it is done when you need to add/remove in both ends.
With Tower of Hanoi you are stacking disks on top of each other and the last one put is the first one out. In Common Lisp (in fact any Lisp cousin) you can easily add to front and remove from front with doing (cdr pole-a) in the recursive call to remove the top element from pole-a and add to pole-b with (cons (car pole-a) pole-b) in the recursive call.
I imagine you need this to actually be able to see which disk is moved in each stage, since you need no such structure to calculate the moves needed. In such a scenario you only need the names of the poles and the level the recursion and the number of disks you want to move in this round.

What are circular lists good for (in Lisp or Scheme)?

I note that Scheme and Lisp (I guess) support circular lists, and I have used circular lists in C/C++ to 'simplify' the insertion and deletion of elements, but what are they good for?
Scheme ensures that they can be built and processed, but for what?
Is there a 'killer' data structure that needs to be circular or tail-circular?
Saying it supports 'circular lists' is a bit much. You can build all kinds of circular data structures in Lisp. Like in many programming languages. There is not much special about Lisp in this respect. Take your typical 'Algorithms and Datastructure' book and implement any circular data structure: graphs, rings, ... What some Lisps offer is that one can print and read circular data structures. The support for this is because in typical Lisp programming domains circular data structures are common: parsers, relational expressions, networks of words, plans, ...
It is quite common that data structures contain cycles. Real 'circular lists' are not that often used. For example think of a task scheduler which runs a task and after some time switches to the next. The list of tasks can be circular so that after the 'last' task the scheduler takes the 'first' task. In fact there is no 'last' and 'first' - it is just a circular list of tasks and the scheduler runs them without end. You could also have a list of windows in a window system and with some key command you would switch to the next window. The list of windows could be circular.
Lists are useful when you need a cheap next operation and the size of the data structure is unknown in advance. You can always add another node to the list or remove a node from a list. Usual implementations of lists make getting the next node and adding/removing an item cheap. Getting the next element from an array is also relatively simple (increase the index, at the last index go to the first index), but adding/removing elements usually needs more expensive shift operations.
Also since it is easy to build circular data structures, one just might do it during interactive programming. If you then print a circular data structure with the built-in routines it would be a good idea if the printer can handle it, since otherwise it may print a circular list forever...
Have you ever played Monopoly?
Without playing games with counters and modulo and such, how would you represent the Monopoly board in a computer implementation of the game? A circular list is a natural.
For example a double linked list data structure is "circular" in the Scheme/LISP point of view, i.e. if you try to print the cons-structure out you get backreferences, i.e. "cycles". So it's not really about having data structures that look like "rings", any data structure where you have some kind of backpointers is "circular" from the Scheme/LISP perspective.
A "normal" LISP list is single linked, which means that a destructive mutation to remove an item from inside the list is an O(n) operation; for double linked lists it is O(1). That's the "killer feature" of double linked lists, which are "circular" in the Scheme/LISP context.
Adding and removing elements to the beginning of a list is cheap. To
add or remove an element from the end of a list, you have to traverse
the whole list.
With a circular list, you can have a sort of fixed-length queue.
Setup a circular list of length 5:
> (import (srfi :1 lists))
> (define q (circular-list 1 2 3 4 5))
Let's add a number to the list:
> (set-car! q 6)
Now, let's make that the last element of the list:
> (set! q (cdr q))
Display the list:
> (take q 5)
(2 3 4 5 6)
So you can view this as a queue where elements enter at the end of the list and are removed from the head.
Let's add 7 to the list:
> (set-car! q 7)
> (set! q (cdr q))
> (take q 5)
(3 4 5 6 7)
Anyways, this is one way that I've used circular-lists.
I use this technique in an OpenGL demo which I ported from an example in the Processing book.
One use of circular lists is to "repeat" values when using the srfi-1 version of map. For example, to add val to each element of lst, we could write:
(map + (circular-list val) lst)
For example:
(map + (circular-list 10) (list 0 1 2 3 4 5))
(10 11 12 13 14 15)
Of course, you could do this by replacing + with (lambda (x) (+ x val)), but sometimes the above idiom can be handier. Note that this only works with the srfi-1 version of map, which can accept lists of different sizes.