Retrieving String with single quotes from database and storing in Perl - perl

I have a SQL query
select name from Employee
Output :
How can I store this output in perl string.
I tried below :
$sql =qq {select Name from Employee};
$Arr = &DataBaseQuery( $dbHandle, $sql );
$name = $Arr;
But when I print $name I get output as
How can I store the single quote in the $name.

First of all, non of standard DBI/DBD exibits behavior you listed, in my experience.
Without knowing details of what DataBaseQuery() does it's impossible to answer conclusively, but a plausible theory can be formed:
Apostrophe is a valid package separator in Perl, equivalent to "::".
Reference: perldoc perlmod
The old package delimiter was a single quote, but double colon is now the preferred delimiter, in part because it's more readable to humans, and in part because it's more readable to emacs macros. It also makes C++ programmers feel like they know what's going on--as opposed to using the single quote as separator, which was there to make Ada programmers feel like they knew what was going on. Because the old-fashioned syntax is still supported for backwards compatibility, if you try to use a string like "This is $owner's house" , you'll be accessing $owner::s ; that is, the $s variable in package owner , which is probably not what you meant. Use braces to disambiguate, as in "This is ${owner}'s house" .
perl -e 'package A::B; $A::B=1; 1;
package main;
print "double-colon: $A::B\n";
print "apostrophe: $A'"'"'B\n";'
double-colon: 1
apostrophe: 1
I have a strong suspicion something within your own libraries inside DataBaseQuery() call was written to be "smart" and to convert apostrophes to double-colons because of this.
If you can't figure out root cause, you can always do one of the following:
Write your own DB wrapper
Assuming your text isn't likely to contain "::", run a regex to fix s#::#'#g; on all results from DataBaseQuery() (likely, in a function serving as a wrapper-replacement for DataBaseQuery())


use a variable with whitespace Perl

I am currently working on a project but I have one big problem. I have some picture with a whitespace in the name and I want to do a montage. The problem is that I can't rename my picture and my code is like that :
$pic1 = qq(picture one.png);
$pic2 = qq(picture two.png);
my $cmd = "C:\...\montage.exe $pic1 $pic2 output.png";
but because of the whitespace montage.exe doesn't work. How can I execute my code without renaming all my pictures?
Thanks a lot for your answer!
You can properly quote the filenames within the string you pass to system, as #Borodin shows in his answer. Something like: system("montage.exe '$pic1' '$pic2'")
However, A more reliable and safer solution is to pass the arguments to montage.exe as extra parameters in the system call:
system('montage.exe', $pic2, $pic2, 'output.png')
Now you don't have to worry about nesting the correct quotes, or worry about files with unexpected characters. Not only is this simpler code, but it avoids malicious injection issues, should those file names ever come from a tainted source. Someone could enter | rm *, but your system call will not remove all your files for you.
Further, in real life, you probably are not going to have a separate scalar variable for each file name. You'll have them in an array. This makes your system call even easier:
system('montage.exe', #filenames, 'output.png')
Not only is that super easy, but it avoids the pitfall of having a command line too long. If your filenames have nice long paths (maybe 50-100 characters), a Windows command line will exceed the max command length after around 100 files. Passing the arguments through system() instead of in one big string avoids that limitation.
Alternatively, you can pass the arguments to montage.exe as a list (instead of concatenating them all into a string):
use strict;
use warnings;
my $pic1 = qq(picture one.png);
my $pic2 = qq(picture two.png);
my #cmd = ("C:\...\montage.exe", $pic1, $pic2, "output.png");
You need to put quotes around the file names that have spaces. You also need to escape the backslashes
my $cmd = qq{C:\\...\\montage.exe "$pic1" "$pic2" output.png};
In unix systems, the best approach is the multi-argument form of system because 1) it avoids invoking a shell, and 2) that's the format accepted by the OS call. Neither of those are true in Windows. The OS call to spawn a program expects a command line, and system's attempt to form this command line is sometimes incorrect. The safest approach is to use Win32::ShellQuote.
use Win32::ShellQuote qw( quote_system );
system quote_system("C:\\...\\montage.exe", $pic1, $pic2, "output.png");

Why are ##, #!, #, etc. not interpolated in strings?

First, please note that I ask this question out of curiosity, and I'm aware that using variable names like ## is probably not a good idea.
When using doubles quotes (or qq operator), scalars and arrays are interpolated :
$v = 5;
say "$v"; # prints: 5
$# = 6;
say "$#"; # prints: 6
#a = (1,2);
say "#a"; # prints: 1 2
Yet, with array names of the form #+special char like ##, #!, #,, #%, #; etc, the array isn't interpolated :
#; = (1,2);
say "#;"; # prints nothing
say #; ; # prints: 1 2
So here is my question : does anyone knows why such arrays aren't interpolated? Is it documented anywhere?
I couldn't find any information or documentation about that. There are too many articles/posts on google (or SO) about the basics of interpolation, so maybe the answer was just hidden in one of them, or at the 10th page of results..
If you wonder why I could need variable names like those :
The -n (and -p for that matter) flag adds a semicolon ; at the end of the code (I'm not sure it works on every version of perl though). So I can make this program perl -nE 'push#a,1;say"#a"}{say#a' shorter by doing instead perl -nE 'push#;,1;say"#;"}{say#', because that last ; convert say# to say#;. Well, actually I can't do that because #; isn't interpolated in double quotes. It won't be useful every day of course, but in some golfing challenges, why not!
It can be useful to obfuscate some code. (whether obfuscation is useful or not is another debate!)
Unfortunately I can't tell you why, but this restriction comes from code in toke.c that goes back to perl 5.000 (1994!). My best guess is that it's because Perl doesn't use any built-in array punctuation variables (except for #- and #+, added in 5.6 (2000)).
The code in S_scan_const only interprets # as the start of an array if the following character is
a word character (e.g. #x, #_, #1), or
a : (e.g. #::foo), or
a ' (e.g. #'foo (this is the old syntax for ::)), or
a { (e.g. #{foo}), or
a $ (e.g. #$foo), or
a + or - (the arrays #+ and #-), but not in regexes.
As you can see, the only punctuation arrays that are supported are #- and #+, and even then not inside a regex. Initially no punctuation arrays were supported; #- and #+ were special-cased in 2000. (The exception in regex patterns was added to make /[\c#-\c_]/ work; it used to interpolate #- first.)
There is a workaround: Because #{ is treated as the start of an array variable, the syntax "#{;}" works (but that doesn't help your golf code because it makes the code longer).
Perl's documentation says that the result is "not strictly predictable".
The following, from perldoc perlop (Perl 5.22.1), refers to interpolation of scalars. I presume it applies equally to arrays.
Note also that the interpolation code needs to make a decision on
where the interpolated scalar ends. For instance, whether
"a $x -> {c}" really means:
"a " . $x . " -> {c}";
"a " . $x -> {c};
Most of the time, the longest possible text that does not include
spaces between components and which contains matching braces or
brackets. because the outcome may be determined by voting based on
heuristic estimators, the result is not strictly predictable.
Fortunately, it's usually correct for ambiguous cases.
Some things are just because "Larry coded it that way". Or as I used to say in class, "It works the way you think, provided you think like Larry thinks", sometimes adding "and it's my job to teach you how Larry thinks."

Getting Error of Modification of a read-only value attempted

I am trying to select the below value from database:
Reporting that one of #its many problems had been the recent# extended
sales slump in women's apparel, the seven-store retailer said it would
start a three-month liquidation sale in all of its stores.~(A) its
many problems had been the recent~(B) its many problems has been the
recently~(C) its many problems is the recently~(D) their many problems
is the recent~(E) their many problems had been the recent~
i am selecting this value in variable $ques and then selecting a text as below:
Now, while replacing the ~ character in the string by
$3=~s/~/\n/g; ---->line 171
and running the script, I am getting one error as:
Modification of a read-only value attempted at line 171
I want to replace all the ~ character with '\n' and print the final value. Please suggest how to do it.
*I have researched this on net, but got confused that how to handle these read only variables.
You've already got a good explanation of the problem from José Castro. But there's another solution if you're using a recent-ish version of Perl (Update: having checked more carefully, I find that means 5.14+). The /r argument to the substitution operator will copy your string, make the substitution on the copy and then return that altered value.
So you could write:
my $new_value = $3 =~ s/~/\n/rg;
It sounds like what you really want in this case is split rather than regular expression capture groups:
my #parts = split(/#/, $ques);
$parts[2] =~ s/~/\n/g;
It makes the intent of your code clearer since you are, in fact, splitting on # symbols.
Just like you say, the special variables $1, $2, etc., are read-only, and that means that you can't perform that substitution on them.
Performing the substitution on $ques will do what you need:
$ques =~ s/~/\n/g;
print $ques;
Do note that in the earlier substitution that you're performing on $ques you're getting rid of all the ~ characters.

Why does the Perl CGI module use hyphens to start named arguments?

I am a novice. My question is what is the "-" before the keys (type, expires name etc) standing for? Why not just use the plain hash table way and discard the hyphen?
# #!/usr/local/bin/perl -w
use CGI;
$q = CGI->new;
print $q->header(-type=>'image/gif',-expires=>'+3d');
The author already explained in the documentation.
Most routines accept several
arguments, sometimes as many as 20
optional ones! To simplify this
interface, all routines use a named
argument calling style that looks like
Each argument name is preceded by a
dash. Neither case nor order matters
in the argument list. -type, -Type,
and -TYPE are all acceptable. In
fact, only the first argument needs to
begin with a dash. If a dash is
present in the first argument,
assumes dashes for the subsequent
Several routines are commonly called
with just one argument. In the case
of these routines you can provide the
single argument without an argument
name. header() happens to be one of
these routines. In this case, the
single argument is the document type.
print $q->header('text/html');
See perlop:
If the operand is an identifier, a string consisting of a minus sign concatenated with the identifier is returned. Otherwise, if the string starts with a plus or minus, a string starting with the opposite sign is returned. One effect of these rules is that -bareword is equivalent to the string "-bareword". (emphasis mine)
This is just an older style of perl arguments that isn't usually used in newer modules. It's not exactly deprecated, it's just an older style based on how Perl allows you to not quote your hash keys if they start with a dash.
I don't know what you mean by the 'plain hashtable way'. The way CGI::pm is implemented, names of properties are (in most cases) required to be preceded by '-', presumably so that they can be identified.
Or to put it another way, the hash-key required by CGI::header to identify the 'type' property is '-type'.
That's just the way is defined.

How can I make $1 return alternatives without a substitution regex?

The project I recently joined abstracts logic into code and database elements. Business logic like xPaths, regular expressions and function names are entered in the database, while general code like reading files, creating xml from xpaths, etc are in the code base.
Most (if not all) of the methods that use regular expressions are structured thus:
if ( $entry =~ /$regex/ ) { $req_value = $1; }
This means that only $1 is available and you always have to write your regex to give you your desired result in $1.
The issue:
The result for the following strings should be either
'2.6.9-78.1.6.ELsmp (SMP)' or '2.6.9-78.1.6.ELsmp'
depending on the existence of SMP. $1 does not suffice for $entry[0].
$entry[0] = qq|Linux version 2.6.9-78.1.6.ELsmp ( (gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-10)) #1 SMP Wed Sep 24 05:41:12 EDT 2008|;
$entry[1] = qq|Linux version 2.6.9-78.0.5.ELsmp ( (gcc version 3.4.6 20060404 (Red Hat 3.4.6-10)) #1 Wed Sep 24 05:41:12 EDT 2008|;
Hence my solution:
my $mutable = '';
my $regex = qr/((\d.*?)\s+(?:.*)?(SMP)((?{$mutable="$2 ($3)"}))|(\d.*?))\s+/;
if ($entry[$i] =~ /$regex/) {
$req_value = $1;
$req_value = $mutable if ($mutable ne '');
$mutable = '';
Unfortunately, the existence of a 'variable' in the database makes this solution unacceptable.
My questions are:
How can I clean up the above solution to make it acceptable with the structure available?
How can I use a substitution regex with the structure 'if ($entry =~ /$regex/)'?
You're stuck unless you can talk the folks who control the code you're using into generalizing it somehow. The good news is you need only a bit more, perhaps
if (my #fields = $_ =~ /$pat/) {
$req_value = join " " => grep defined($_), #fields;
This works because a successful regular-expression match in list context returns all captured substrings, i.e., $1, $2, $3, and so on as appropriate.
With a single pattern,
the code above yields 2.6.9-78.1.6.ELsmp SMP and 2.6.9-78.0.5.ELsmp in $req_value. The grep defined($_) filters out captures for subpatterns not taken. Without it, you get undefined value warnings for the non-SMP case.
The downside is every regular expression would need to be reviewed to be sure that all capturing groups really ought to go in $req_value. For example, say someone is using the pattern
qr/(XYZ) OS (version \d+|v-\d+)/
As it is now, only XYZ would go into $req_value, but using the above generalization would also include the version number. If that's undesired, the regular expression should be
qr/(XYZ) OS (?:version \d+|v-\d+)/
because (?:...) does not capture (that is, it does not produce a $2 for the pattern above): it's for grouping only.
I don't fully understand your constraints. Are you limited to supplying a single regex that will always by processed using the code in your first excerpt? If so, you cannot do what you are trying to do. You are trying to extract two separate parts of the entry string, you simply can't return 2 values in a single scalar return value unless you can add the code to concatenate them.
Can you add perl code at all? For example, can you define the logic to be:
if ( $entry =~ /$regex/ ) { $req_value = '$1 $2'; }
where your $regex = qr/((\d.*?)\s+(?:.*)?(SMP)/; ?
Baring the ability to define some new perl code, you can't accomplish this.
Regarding part two, substiutions. I interpret your question to ask if you can compile both the PATTERN and REPLACEMENT parts of s/PATTERN/REPLACEMENT/ into a single qr//. If so, you cannot. qr// only compiles a matching pattern, and a qr variable can only be used in the PATTERN portion of a REPLACEMENT. In other words, to use s///, you'll need to write perl code that runs s///. I'm guessing that if you could write new perl code, you'd use the above solution.
One more thought: In your current architecture, can you define fields in terms of of other fields? In other words, could you extract the version string with one regex, the SMP string with another regex, and define a third field that combines the two?
As of 5.10.0, (?|pattern) is available to allow alternatives to use the same capture numbering. As you pointed out that you're still using 5.8, this may not be useful directly but perhaps as further incentive to your project to start moving to a modern Perl.