Assign mongo selectors in find() dynamically - mongodb

I have the following problem: I have an interface where a user can filter stuff out based on several inputs. There are 5 inputs. When an input is filled out I want to add it's value to the helper returning the collection. The problem I can't solve is how to do this dynamically. Sometimes the user might fill out one input, sometimes three, sometimes all 5. Within the find() method you can only write down meteor's syntax:
mongoSelector: fieldName,
This means you can only hardcode stuff within find(). But just adding all 5 selectors doesn't work, since if one of the values is empty, the find searches for an empty string instead of nothing.
I thought of doing conditionals or variables but both don't work within find because of the required syntax. What could I do to solve this?
var visitorName;
var visitorAge;
Session.set('visitorName', visitorName);
Session.set('visitorAge', visitorAgee);
visitors: function() {
return Visitors.find({ visitor_name: Session.get('visitorName'), visitor_age: Session.get('visitorAge') });
"change #visitor_name": function (event, template) {
visitorName = $(event.currentTarget).val();
"click #reset_filter": function (event, template) {
return Visitors.find();
This one works
visitors: function() {
var query = {};
var visitorName = (Session.get('visitorName') || "").trim();
if (visitorName) {
query["visitor_name"] = visitorName;
//same thing for other fields
return Visitors.find(query);
"change #visitor_name": function (event, template) {
var visitorName = $(event.currentTarget).val();
Session.set('visitorName', visitorName);


AG Grid: Better way for validation row - valueSetter?

Is there a better way to validate a row in ag-grid than with valueSetter?
I can achieve the validation with that but I am not sure, if there is a better way.
I want to validate two fields in the row. DateFrom and DateUntil (they are not allow to be null and DateFrom must be lower than DateUntil).
There are two ways of possible validation handling:
First: via ValueSetter function
Second: via custom cellEditor component
I suggest that it would be better to split the logic between custom components, but as you said you need to validate two cell-values between themselves.
On this case from UI perspective you could try to combine them inside one cell and it would be easily to work with values via one component only.
You could override the valueSetter and call the grid api transaction update instead.
Here is pseudo-code that shows how you could implement this.
valueSetter: params => {
validate(params.newValue, onSuccess, onFail);
return false;
validate = (newvalue, success, fail) => {
if (isValid(newValue)) {
} else {
onSuccess = () => {
// do transaction update to update the cell with the new value
onFail = () => {
// update some meta data property that highlights the cell signalling that the value has failed to validate
This way you can also do asynchronous validation.
Here is a real example of an async value setter that has success, failure, and while validating handlers that do transaction updates when validation is done.
const asyncValidator = (
) => {
setTimeout(function() {
if (validateFn(newValue)) {
} else {
}, 1000);
const _onWhileValidating = params => () => {
let data =;
let field = params.colDef.field;
data[field] = {[field],
isValidating: true
params.api.applyTransaction({ update: [data] });
const _onSuccess = params => () => {
let data =;
let field = params.colDef.field;
data[field] = {[field],
isValidating: false,
lastValidation: true,
value: params.newValue
params.api.applyTransaction({ update: [data] });
const _onFail = params => () => {
let data =;
let field = params.colDef.field;
data[field] = {[field],
isValidating: false,
lastValidation: params.newValue
params.api.applyTransaction({ update: [data] });
const asyncValidateValueSetter = validateFn => params => {
return false;
Here is a code runner example showing this in action:
Have a look at this two snippets, these come from our internal knowledge base (accessible to customers)
When editing a value in column 'A (Required)', you will see that it does not allow you to leave it empty. If you leave it empty and return the edit, it will be cancelled.
//Force Cell to require a value when finished editing
In this example, we are using a Custom Cell Editor that will also validate the values against a 6 character length rule. While editing, if the value is modified outside of 6 characters, it will appear in red, and when you stop editing the row, the value would be reset, so it only accepts a complete edit if the value is valid.
//Inline Validation while editing a cell

how to compare a list of names in a table

My test scenario is to search for last name and expect whether all the names in the table are equal to the search value. I have a different function to search for the last name.
What i want now is to get all the names in the table and to test whether all the names have the same value. I want to use the below function in my page object and use it in the expect in the spec. How to do so?
I am confused how to use getText() and push them into an array and return the array so that i can use it in the expect
this.getAllBorrowerNamesInTable = function () {
element.all(by.binding('row.borrowerName')).then(function (borrowerNames){
Aside from using map(), you can approach it by simply calling getText() on the ElementArrayFinder - the result of element.all() call:
this.getAllBorrowerNamesInTable = function () {
return element.all(by.binding('row.borrowerName')).getText();
Then, you can assert the result to be equal to an array of strings:
expect(page.getAllBorrowerNamesInTable()).toEqual(["Borrower 1", "Borrower 2"]);
I am using the map() function to do the job:
this.getAllBorrowerNamesInTable = function () {
return element.all(by.binding('row.borrowerName')).map(function(elem) {
return elem.getText();
You can use javascript 'push' function to add every borrower name and then we can return that array;
this.getAllBorrowerNamesInTable = function () {
var names = [];
element.all(by.binding('row.borrowerName')).then(function (borrowerNames){
borrowerNames.each(function(borrowerName) {
borrowerName.getText().then(function(name) {
return names;

Promise working without resolving it in protractor

The below is my page object code
this.getRowBasedOnName = function (name) {
return this.tableRows.filter(function (elem, index) {
return elem.element(by.className('ng-binding')).getText().then(function (text) {
return text.toUpperCase().substring(0, 1) === name.toUpperCase().substring(0, 1);
the above function is called in the same page object in another function, which is
this.clickAllProductInProgramTypeBasedOnName = function (name) {
this.getRowBasedOnName(name).then(function (requiredRow) {
but the above code throws an error in the console as requiredRow.all is not a function
but when i do the following :
this.clickAllProductInProgramTypeBasedOnName = function (name) {
var row = this.getRowBasedOnName(name)
this works fine and clicks the required element.
But this.getRowBasedOnName() function returns a promise, which should and can be used after resolving it uisng then function. How come it is able to work by just assigning it to a variable?
When you resolve the result of getRowBasedOnName(), which is an ElementArrayFinder, you get a regular array of elements which does not have an all() method.
You don't need to resolve the result of getRowBasedOnName() at all - let it be an ElementArrayFinder which you can chain with all() as in your second sample:
var row = this.getRowBasedOnName(name);
In other words, requiredRow is not an ElementArrayFinder, but row is.

Does Mongoose provide access to previous value of property in pre('save')?

I'd like to compare the new/incoming value of a property with the previous value of that property (what is currently saved in the db) within a pre('save') middleware.
Does Mongoose provide a facility for doing this?
The accepted answer works very nicely. An alternative syntax can also be used, with the setter inline with the Schema definition:
var Person = new mongoose.Schema({
name: {
type: String,
set: function(name) {
this._previousName =;
return name;
Person.pre('save', function (next) {
var previousName = this._previousName;
if(someCondition) {
Mongoose allows you to configure custom setters in which you do the comparison. pre('save') by itself won't give you what you need, but together:
schema.path('name').set(function (newVal) {
var originalVal =;
if (someThing) {
this._customState = true;
schema.pre('save', function (next) {
if (this._customState) {
I was looking for a solution to detect changes in any one of multiple fields. Since it looks like you can't create a setter for the full schema, I used a virtual property. I'm only updating records in a few places so this is a fairly efficient solution for that kind of situation:
Person.virtual('previousDoc').get(function() {
return this._previousDoc;
}).set(function(value) {
this._previousDoc = value;
Let's say your Person moves and you need to update his address:
const person = await Person.findOne({firstName: "John", lastName: "Doe"});
person.previousDoc = person.toObject(); // create a deep copy of the previous doc
person.address = "123 Stack Road"; = "Overflow";
person.state = "CA";;
Then in your pre hooks, you would just need to reference properties of _previousDoc such as:
// fallback to empty object in case you don't always want to check the previous state
const previous = this._previousDoc || {};
if (this.address !== previous.address) {
// do something
// you could also assign custom properties to _previousDoc that are not in your schema to allow further customization
if (previous.userAddressChange) {
} else if (previous.adminAddressChange) {
Honestly, I tried the solutions posted here, but I had to create a function that would store the old values in an array, save the values, and then see the difference.
// Stores all of the old values of the instance into oldValues
const oldValues = {};
for (let key of Object.keys(input)) {
if (self[key] != undefined) {
oldValues[key] = self[key].toString();
// Saves the input values to the instance
self[key] = input[key];
for (let key of Object.keys(newValues)) {
if (oldValues[key] != newValues[key]) {
// Do what you need to do
What I do is use this.constructor within the pre-save route to access the current value in the database.
const oldData = this.constructor.findById(
You can then grab the specific key you're looking for from the oldData to work with as you see fit :)
let name =
Note that this works well for simple data such as strings, but I have found that it does not work well for subschema, as mongoose has built in functionality that runs first. Thus, sometimes your oldData will match your newData for a subschema. This can be resolved by giving it it's own pre-save route!

tinymce.dom.replace throws an exception concerning parentNode

I'm writing a tinyMce plugin which contains a section of code, replacing one element for another. I'm using the editor's dom instance to create the node I want to insert, and I'm using the same instance to do the replacement.
My code is as follows:
var nodeData =
"data-widgetId": data.widget.widgetKey(),
"data-instanceKey": "instance1",
src: "/content/images/icon48/cog.png",
class: "widgetPlaceholder",
title: data.widget.getInfo().name
var nodeToInsert = ed.dom.create("img", nodeData);
// Insert this content into the editor window
if (data.mode == 'add') {
tinymce.DOM.add(ed.getBody(), nodeToInsert);
else if (data.mode == 'edit' && data.selected != null) {
var instanceKey = $(data.selected).attr("data-instancekey");
var elementToReplace ="[data-instancekey=" + instanceKey + "]");
if (elementToReplace.length === 1) {
ed.dom.replace(elementToReplace[0], nodeToInsert);
else {
throw new "No element to replace with that instance key";
TinyMCE breaks during the replace, here:
replace : function(n, o, k) {
var t = this;
if (is(o, 'array'))
n = n.cloneNode(true);
return, function(o) {
if (k) {
each(tinymce.grep(o.childNodes), function(c) {
return o.parentNode.replaceChild(n, o);
..with the error Cannot call method 'replaceChild' of null.
I've verified that the two argument's being passed into replace() are not null and that their parentNode fields are instantiated. I've also taken care to make sure that the elements are being created and replace using the same document instance (I understand I.E has an issue with this).
I've done all this development in Google Chrome, but I receive the same errors in Firefox 4 and IE8 also. Has anyone else come across this?
Thanks in advance
As it turns out, I was simply passing in the arguments in the wrong order. I should have been passing the node I wanted to insert first, and the node I wanted to replace second.