Color printing in emacs without X11 - emacs

I'm using ps-print-buffer-with-faces to print out code with colored syntax highlighting (in emacs).
This works fine if I call ps-print-buffer-with-faces interactively (using M-x for example). I've also got it working from a bash script so that I can print in color from the command line. No problem.
However, I want to be able to perform this from cron, or possibly from a Makefile (i.e. without X11)
I've tried using the emacs -nw option and it complains that stdin is not from a tty and will not continue.
When I use the emacs --batch option, it appears that it is working, but the resulting postscript file has no colors at all.
Does anyone know how I can get ps-print-buffer-with-faces to obtain colors without X11?

This really bring back some memories -- I wrote a package like that back in the 1990:s, unfortunately, I have lost the source code (this was long before I started using a version control system).
The key to using font-lock in batch mode is to fool it into believing that it's in interactive mode, by setting noninteractive to nil.
I just threw together the following, is saves a postscript file named You can easily modify this to print to the printer directly, by not passing the file name parameter.
#!/usr/bin/emacs --script
(defun ps-batch-print (files)
(dolist (source files)
(unless (file-exists-p source)
(user-error "File not found: %s" source))
(find-file source)
(let ((noninteractive nil))
(font-lock-mode 1))
(ps-print-buffer-with-faces (concat (file-name-nondirectory
(file-name-sans-extension source))
(ps-batch-print command-line-args-left)
As always, Emacs packages print tons of messages irrelevant when in batch mode. You can get rid of them by redirecting stderr using 2> /dev/null, if you are using a UNIX-like system.


Getting the buffer / file name inside of emacs-ipython-notebook

I'm playing around with notebooks in emacs. My current setup is EIN (emacs-ipython-notebook) for interactive support, and jupytext for converting .ipynb files to .py, which is useful for diffs and code reviews. Right now I have to run a jupytext shell command to do the sync, but I would like to do this automatically on save, similarly to how jupytext supports this out of the box if you're using Jupyter. I tried the following
(defun sync-jupytext ()
"Sync linked files via jupytext."
(shell-command-to-string (format "jupytext --sync %s" buffer-file-name)))
(add-hook 'after-save-hook #'sync-jupytext)
Unfortunately this doesn't work as buffer-file-name seems to be nil once the ein mode is activated. (It works if I don't C-c C-o to start interactive mode though.) My e-lisp isn't good enough to figure out what variable or code to write instead to get the file name. Can someone help with this?
Ein uses polymode to support multiple major modes in a buffer, and as a result the working buffer isn't associated with the notebook file directly.
The notebook path, which should work in place of buffer-file-name, can be accessed via (ein:$notebook-notebook-name (ein:get-notebook)).
I think for syncing with jupytext you could add an advice around ein:notebook-save-notebook-success to sync the notebook (there might be a cleaner way using the ein:events-on mechanism, but I'm not sure how).
(defun my#sync-jupytext (orig-fn notebook &rest args)
(apply orig-fn notebook args)
(message "[jupytext] %s"
(format "jupytext --sync %s"
(expand-file-name (ein:$notebook-notebook-name notebook))))))
(advice-add 'ein:notebook-save-notebook-success :around #'my#sync-jupytext)
Did not test this. But maybe the:
command might work and you could construct the missing file name:
(concat (buffer-name) ".ipynb")
In emacs there is the RAM buffer and a matching disk file. It goes back to the old timey days where crashes were frequent and they wanted a disk backup.

Opening HTML file with nXhtml produces error with flymake

When I open an HTML file with emacs (and nXhtml,) I get the following error from flymake:
Error (flymake): Flymake: Failed to launch syntax check process 'xml'
with args (val
Searching for program: no such file or directory, xml. Flymake will be
switched OFF
I assume this means that I need to have a program installed that can be run at the command line with xml. However, I have not been able to find out what this program is in the documentation.
I am also currently using the following gist (with a modification suggested by one of the commenters to change equal to >=) to disable the Mumamo buffer filenames warning in my .emacs:
;; Workaround the annoying warnings:
;; Warning (mumamo-per-buffer-local-vars):
;; Already 'permanent-local t: buffer-file-name
(>= emacs-major-version 24)
(>= emacs-minor-version 2))
(eval-after-load "mumamo"
'(setq mumamo-per-buffer-local-vars
(delq 'buffer-file-name mumamo-per-buffer-local-vars))))
But, I am not sure if that is relevant.
How can I get flymake to work with nXhtml? I am currently on GNU Emacs 24.3.1.
I have this in my .emacs for live validating of XML and HTML, see if this would help.
(defun flymake-xml-init ()
(list "xmllint"
(list "--valid"
(defun flymake-html-init ()
(let* ((temp-file (flymake-init-create-temp-buffer-copy
(local-file (file-relative-name
(file-name-directory buffer-file-name))))
(list "tidy" (list local-file))))
(add-to-list 'flymake-allowed-file-name-masks
'("\\.html$" flymake-html-init))
Also, re xml executable: it might be this one from how it looks... also you can try apt-file /usr/bin/xml (I'm not sure if apt-file is installed by default, if not, then apt-get install apt-file). Also, maybe this would help: . I couldn't find any setting particular to nXhtml that does something to flymake.
The default program that flymake is told to use (xml) isn't installed on your computer, or its location isn't in your path. You need to tell flymake to use a different syntax checker just like #wvxvw said (see their answer for the code).
However, when you change the syntax checker, you may also need to tell flymake how that new checker will output error messages or else flymake won't know how to read the checker's output.
If your new checker program has an exit code other than 0 (which normally indicates an error) AND flymake didn't see anything that it recognized as error text, then flymake will throw a CFGERR and turn off.
From the flymake manual:
The following errors cause a warning message and switch flymake mode OFF for the buffer.
CFGERR : Syntax check process returned nonzero exit code, but no errors/warnings were reported. This indicates a possible configuration error (for example, no suitable error message patterns for the syntax check tool)
So what you need to do is tell flymake how to interpret the errors from your updated parser. You do this by adding a regex expression to a list that flymake will check against the output of your parser. Add something like this to your .emacs file:
'("at line \\([0-9]+\\) of \"\\([^ \n]+\\)\"$" 2 1 nil))
This will then tell flymake that if your parser generates output that matches the regex ("at line \\([0-9]+\\) of \"\\([^ \n]+\\)\"$") to identify it as an error message. The 2 1 nil tell flymake which group in the regex represents the file, line number, and column number, respectively. If the error message doesn't provide that information, then set that parameter to nil. In this example, the error message only identifies the file (second group) and line number (first group), so the column is set to nil.

How can the *shell command output* buffer be kept in the background?

How can I tell emacs not to pop up the *Shell Command Output* buffer when calling a shell command like this?
(shell-command MY_COMMAND)
Currently emacs splits the current window into two, showing the (mostly irrelevant) output buffer. To me it would be completely sufficient if I could look it up later if I feel like it.
Maybe using shell-command was the root of the problem. I think I found a solution with call-process which works, although there may be a more elegant way:
"cat ~/.emacs.d/init.el"
nil "*Shell Command Output*" t
shell-command takes an optional argument OUTPUT-BUFFER where you can specify the buffer to output to. If it is t (actually not a buffer-name and not nil) it will be output in the current buffer. So we wrap this into a with-temp-buffer and will never have to bother with it:
(shell-command "cat ~/.emacs.d/init.el" t))
In my experience, if the shell command itself produces no output, then the emacs *Shell Command Output* buffer won't pop open.
Therefore, to avoid the output buffer, silence the output of the command.
One easy way is:
add " > /dev/null 2>&1" to the end of any shell command.
(Caveat: I'm unsure if /dev/null exists on 100% of platforms where one can run emacs, but on every Linux distro it should be fine.)
If the call to elisp function shell-command is in an elisp script, then you could change this:
(shell-command cmd)
to this:
(shell-command (concat cmd " > /dev/null 2>&1"))
If you occasionally do want to monitor the output, then you could create one wrapper function that suppresses the output via /dev/null, and one wrapper function with no suppression, and toggle between them as you wish.
The above advice was tested on: GNU Emacs 24.5.1 (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, GTK+ Version 3.18.9) of 2017-09-20 on lcy01-07, modified by Debian
This utility function might help. It returns the actual value of the shell command
(defun shell-command-as-string (cmd)
(shell-command-on-region (point-min) (point-max)
cmd t)
What's even better, is to use
(shell-command (concat cmd " 1>&2") t t)
This way, the output is saved in the error buffer, should you want to look at it. But it does not pop up automatically.

Open shell in emacs with a given working directory

I want to have a make-shells command in emacs that will open a number of emacs-shell buffers, each with its own working directory. The idea is that for each project I'm working on, I have a shell that starts out in that project's directory, so I can easily switch between them.
Currently I have this code:
(defun shell-dir (name dir)
(interactive "sShell name: \nDDirectory: ")
(shell name)
(switch-to-buffer name)
(comint-send-string (current-buffer) (concat "cd " dir "\r"))
(sleep-for 0 10)
(defun make-shells ()
(shell-dir "project1" "~/proj/project1")
(shell-dir "project2" "~/proj/project2")
(shell-dir "project3" "~/proj/project3")
This is pretty ugly, though, and half the time (dirs) doesn't pick up the correct path, so tab completion breaks until I re-run it manually. Is there a built-in way to set the current working directory of the emacs shell? Or would something like CEDET (plus less reliance on the shell vs. emacs modes) be a much better solution to this?
I experienced similar problems with the current directory tracking provided by Emacs, so I wrote one which solves the problem once and forever.
Check it out here.
The short version of what it does is that you modify your shell prompt to include a full path to the current directory (only when running inside Emacs), and the Emacs shell buffer will use that.
This means you never have to do M-x dirs again.
There's also the package dirtrack (shipped with Emacs) which does the same thing.
I like my version better because it removes the path from the prompt. I don't want to see the entire path in my prompt as my current directory is often very long.
Once you use one of the above two solutions, you can simplify your shell-dir routine to be:
(defun shell-dir (name dir)
(interactive "sShell name: \nDDirectory: ")
(let ((default-directory dir))
(shell name)))
One more answer... I found there was a way (on Linux) to make Emacs figure out the current directory properly, by using the /proc filesystem.
That way, you just have to start up the shell in whatever directory and Emacs will automatically figure it out and get the tab-completion etc. right.

Dired copy asynchronously

Is there a way to modify/tell dired to copy files asynchronously? If you mark multiple files in dired and then use 'C' to copy them, emacs locks up until every file is copied. I instead want this copy to be started, and for me to continue editing as it goes on in the background. Is there a way to get this behaviour?
EDIT: Actually, C calls 'dired-do-copy' in dired-aux, not in dired itself. Sorry for any confusion.
I think emacs is mostly limited to a single thread - so this may not be directly possible through standard dired commands such as 'C' copy.
However, there is a dired command "dired-do-shell-command" which calls out to a shell to do the work in the background. If you select the files you want to copy and then use key '!' (this runs dired-do-shell-command) then type 'cp ? [destination]' (possibly can use 'copy' if you are on windows). I haven't tested this - so see help on "dired-do-shell-command" for full details.
See also the Emacs function dired-do-async-shell-command.
For an even more generic solution see with which you also can evaluate arbitrary Emacs Lisp code through call to a separate Emacs process (which of course incurs a bit of extra latency). More specifically regard file operations see the file dired-async.el in this repo.
Also note that there is work on threading in Emacs under the working name Concurrent Emacs but it's not there yet. See for details.
I found this answer quite helpful: Reading that answer shows that you can make it so that dired will copy with the scp method instead of the ssh method (the latter initially encodes the file with gzip and that can be quite slow). The scp method will only copy with the scp program when the file is larger than tramp-copy-size-limit (which is 10240 by default). Using this scp method in conjunction with dired-async-mode is very nice, as it will not only copy quickly with scp, but it will also do it asynchronously and out of your way.
Also, I think this is useful: It provides this snippet of code to use rsync to copy files in dired:
(defun ora-dired-rsync (dest)
"Rsync to:"
;; store all selected files into "files" list
(let ((files (dired-get-marked-files
nil current-prefix-arg))
;; the rsync command
"rsync -arvz --progress "))
;; add all selected file names as arguments
;; to the rsync command
(dolist (file files)
(setq tmtxt/rsync-command
(concat tmtxt/rsync-command
(shell-quote-argument file)
" ")))
;; append the destination
(setq tmtxt/rsync-command
(concat tmtxt/rsync-command
(shell-quote-argument dest)))
;; run the async shell command
(async-shell-command tmtxt/rsync-command "*rsync*")
;; finally, switch to that window
(other-window 1)))
(define-key dired-mode-map "Y" 'ora-dired-rsync)