Grails mail plugin runtime configuration - email

Using grails mail plugin 1.0.7. states that it's possible to change plguin configuration since 1.0.1 at runtime. Sadly it does not explains how to achieve it.
I want to be able to change the username at runtime to be able to use different mail accounts.

Based on this code, you should be able to change the configuration at runtime and the mail plugin will automagically re-deploy and update mail sender based on your changes.
Holders.config.grails.mail.username = 'foo'
Holders.config.grails.mail.password = 'bar'
sendMail {
to ""
from ""
subject "Hi"
body "This is an email"
It would appear that changing the configuration in this manner does not, in fact, fire the onConfigChange event. Per this, you can fire the event manually. Something like this:
Holders.pluginManager.getGrailsPlugin('mail').notifyOfEvent(GrailsPlugin.EVENT_ON_CONFIG_CHANGE, Holders.config)

I've realized this can be done accessing the mailSender bean from the context and updating it like is explained here
Changing mail configuration in runtime
However if #rmlan solution finally works it may be a much cleaner solution.

Actually thr rmlan solution works with the following fix. Since the onConfigChange compares hashCode of existing config map and new one, so if you set new configs in original configuration (Holders.config.grails.mail), then both configs are same and it never pass the condition to apply new changes, so a new structure should be created and pass it to notifyOfEvent method to mark the change as different hashCodes.
def mailConfig = [ grails: [ mail: [:] ] ] = newHost
mailConfig.grails.mail.port = newPort
notifyOfEvent(GrailsPlugin.EVENT_ON_CONFIG_CHANGE, mailConfig)
Still using async-mail and this one make the below exception
No qualifying bean of type [grails.plugin.mail.MailService] is defined: expected single matching bean but found 2: nonAsynchronousMailService,mailService
that is thrown because of the following part of onConfigChange
Commenting it let it works as a workaround, but making sendMail of mail plugin is called, not async-mail, so exception may raise if async-mail features is used on constructing mail. Hence to use async-mail in this workaround should use sendAsynchronousMail method.


Protractor Custom Locator: Not available in production, but working absolutely fine on localhost

I have added a custom locator in protractor, below is the code
const customLocaterFunc = function (locater: string, parentElement?: Element, rootSelector?: any) {
var using = parentElement || (rootSelector && document.querySelector(rootSelector)) || document;
return using.querySelector("[custom-locater='" + locater + "']");
by.addLocator('customLocater', customLocaterFunc);
And then, I have configured it inside protractor.conf.js file, in onPrepare method like this:
onPrepare() {
When I run my tests on the localhost, using browser.get('http://localhost:4200/login'), the custom locator function works absolutely fine. But when I use browser.get(''), the same code fails to locate the element.
Please note, that the test runs, the browser gets open, user input gets provided, the user gets logged-in successfully as well, but the element which is referred via this custom locator is not found.
FYI, is the remote machine (a virtual machine) where the application is deployed. So, in short the custom locator works as expected on localhost, but fails on production.
Not an answer, but something you'll want to consider.
I remember adding this custom locator, and encounter some problems with it and realised it's just an attribute name... nothing fancy, so I thought it's actually much faster to write
let elem = $('[custom-locator="locator"]')
which is equivalent to
let elem = element(by.css('[custom-locator="locator"]'))
let elem = element(by.customLocator('locator'))
And I gave up on this idea. So maybe you'll want to go this way too
I was able to find a solution to this problem, I used data- prefix for the custom attribute in the HTML. Using which I can find that custom attribute on the production build as well.
This is an HTML5 principle to prepend data- for any custom attribute.
Apart from this, another mistake that I was doing, is with the selector's name. In my code, the selector name is in camelCase (loginBtn), but in the production build, it was replaced with loginbtn (all small case), that's why my custom locater was not able to find it on the production build.

How to set the offset.commit.policy to AlwaysCommitOffsetPolicy in debezium?

I created a Debezium Embedded engine to capture MySQL change data. I want to commit the offsets as soon as I can. In the code, the config is created including follows.
Running this returns, java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: io.debezium.embedded.spi.OffsetCommitPolicy$AlwaysCommitOffsetPolicy.<init>(io.debezium.config.Configuration)
However, When I start the embedded engine with,
.with("offset.commit.policy",OffsetCommitPolicy.PeriodicCommitOffsetPolicy.class.getName()), the embedded engine works fine.
Note that the class OffsetCommitPolicy.PeriodicCommitOffsetPolicy constructor includes the config parameter while OffsetCommitPolicy.AlwaysCommitOffsetPolicy doesn't.
public PeriodicCommitOffsetPolicy(Configuration config) {
How to get the debezium embedded engine to use its AlwaysCommitOffsetPolicy?
Thanks for the report. This is partly bug (which we would appreciate if you could log into our Jira). You can solve this issue by calling a dedicated method embedded engine builder like `io.debezium.embedded.EmbeddedEngine.create().with(OffsetCommitPolicy.always())'
Tested with version 1.4.0Final:
new EmbeddedEngine.BuilderImpl() // create builder
.using(config) // regular config
.using(OffsetCommitPolicy.always()) // explicit commit policy
.notifying(this::handleEvent) // even procesor
.build(); // and finally build!

Spring cloud config server - how to add custom PropertySource visible in findOne() method of EnvironmentEncryptorEnvironmentRepository

My goal is to add custom PropertySource to spring-cloud-server. What I want to achieve is to get some custom properties from that custom source in spring-cloud-config-client application.
Basing on suggestions from Adding environment repository in spring-config-server I've created spring-cloud-config-server application and separate project spring-cloud-config-custom. Second one is based on spring-cloud-consul-config code. So, I've created all necessary classes like CustomPropertySource, CustomPropertySourceLocator, CustomConfigBootstrapConfiguration and so on and configured them in spring.factories.
At the end, I've added maven dependency to spring-cloud-config-custom inside my spring-cloud-config-server.
So far so good. Everything works well. When I start server I can see that my CustomPropertySource is on the list of propertySources inside EnviromentRepository bean injected to EnvironmentController.
Problem: When I send GET request to #RequestMapping("/{name}/{profiles}/{label:.*}") (in EnvironmentController), injected EnviromentRepository bean is being used to find requested property source (repository.findOne(name, profiles, label) method).
Unfortunately my property source could not be found here. Why?
I've spent a lot of time on debugging this. I've found that repository delegates findOne() method call to other repositories: MultipleJGitEnvironmentRepository which delegates it to NativeEnvironmentRepository. Inside this delegates, findOne() method doesn't use propertySources from EnviromentRepository primary injected to controller. It creates new environment repository with new list of PropertySources and new separate SpringApplication. At the end, this list does not contain my CustomPropertySource and that is why findOne() returns empty propertySources in resulting Environment object.
Am I doing something wrong?
Is CustomPropertySourceLocator (and/or ConsulPropertySourceLocator) supposed to be used (autowired/bootstrapped) in spring-cloud-config-server or spring-cloud-config-client
Can spring-cloud-config-server deliver many different kind of PropertySources at the same time, via REST interface (saying "different" I mean all Git, Consul and Zookeeper)?
What you are doing is adding a property source to the config server itself, not the configuration it serves. Adding spring-boot-starter-actuator to your config server and viewing /env reveals:
"profiles": [
"server.ports": {
"local.server.port": 8888
"bootstrapProperties:custom": {
"test.prop3": "CUSTOM-VALUE-3",
"test.prop2": "CUSTOM-VALUE-2",
"test.prop1": "CUSTOM-VALUE-1"
To add something that will be served by config server, you have to implement an EnvironmentRepository.
Support for a composite EnvironmentRepository was recently added.

neo4jphp: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport

maybe a simple question but for me as starter with Neo4j a hurdle. I installed the neo4jphp with composer in the same directory as my application. Vendor-Subfolder has been created and the everyman/neo4j folder below is available. For a first test I used this code snippet from the examples:
spl_autoload_register(function ($className) {
$libPath = 'vendor\\';
$classFile = $className.'.php';
$classPath = $libPath.$classFile;
if (file_exists($classPath)) {
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
$client = new Client(new Transport('localhost', 7474));
I always stumple upon the error
Fatal error: Cannot instantiate abstract class Everyman\Neo4j\Transport
Googling brought me to a comment from Josh Adell stating
You can't instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport, since it is an abstract class. You must instantiate Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl or Everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Stream depending on your needs
So I thought I just need to alter the use-statements to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
but this doesnt work, debugging shows, that the autoloader only get "Transport.php" instead of "everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl.php". For "Client.php" its still working ("vendor\everyman\Neo4j\Client.php") so I am guessing that the use-statement is wrong or the code is not able to handle an additional subfolder-structure.
works fine but I read that this is deprecated and should be replaced by composer / autoload.
Anyone has a hint what to change or had the same problem?
Thanks for your time,
Curl is the default transport. You only need to instantiate your own Transport object if you want to use Stream instead of Curl. If you really want to instantiate your own Curl Transport, the easiest change to your existing code is to modify the use statement to be:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client,
everyman\Neo4j\Transport\Curl as Transport;
Also, you don't need to register your own autoload function if you are using the Composer package. vendor/autoload.php does that for you.
Thanks Josh, I was trying but it seems I still stuck somewhere. I am fine with using the default CURL - so I shrinked the code down to
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
The folder structure is main (here are the files and the composer.json with the content
"require": {
"everyman/Neo4j": "dev-master"
and in the subfolder "vendor" we have the "autoload.php" and the subfolder everyman with the related content. When I run the file I come out with
Fatal error: Class 'Everyman\Neo4j\Client' not found
which does not happen when I have the autoloadfunction. I guess I made a mistake somewehere - can you give me a hint?
Thanks a lot, B
Hmmm... I was just trying around and it seems the Transport CLASS is not needed in the use-statement and the class instantiation. This seems to work:
use everyman\Neo4j\Client;
$client = new Client();
also valid for having a dedicated server/port:
$client = new Everyman\Neo4j\Client('localhost', 7474);
If you have more input I would be happy to learn more - thanks, all input & thoughts are very appreciated.

Enterprise Library Logging tracelistener extension issue with resolving ILogFormatter

I have been sitting with a problem for quite a while now and I just can't seem to find what I'm missing.
I have written a custom trace listener component for Enterprise Library 5.0 for the Logging application block which works but the configured ILogFormatter just won't resolve and so I always end up with the basic string text when it gets handled by my component.
I saw in the enterprise library source code that they use the "Container.ResolvedIfNotNull()" method. It doesn't seem to work for me. I need it to write out a custom formatted string for my component to use. You know, not just the message but the timestamp, machinename, threadId, etc.
Does anyone have any ideas on how to fix this?
Thanks in advance.
Like I've mentioned on this site:
When you create your CreationExpression in the TraceListener data class make sure you have a flat constructor definition. To put it in other words, don't return:
() => new MyTraceListener(new TraceListenerConfig(..., Container.ResolvedIfNotNull<ILogFormatter>(), ...));
just have it in the constructor of the MyTraceListener:
() => new MyTraceListener(..., Container.ResolvedIfNotNull<ILogFormatter>(), ...);