NetLogo histogram data - netlogo

I tried posting this to the NetLogo user group on Yahoo but wasn't successful in getting the post accepted. So I'm trying here.
NetLogo can plot histograms. Is there any way to get access to the histogram data, i.e., the data generated for the histogram plot? Thanks.

Happy Holidays, Russ!
I don't think it's possible to get the values. Though if you wanted to implement your own histogram for data, you could use something like:
to-report calc-histogram [ aList numBars aMaxValue ]
let minValue min aList
let interval (aMaxValue - minValue) / numBars
let hist []
foreach n-values numBars [?] [
let lowerBound minValue + (? * interval)
let upperBound lowerBound + interval
let x (lowerBound + upperBound) / 2
let y length filter [? >= lowerBound and ? < upperBound] aList
set hist lput (list x y ) hist
report hist
example usage:
observer> calc-histogram [0 1 18 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 7 9 10 7 15 7 17 18 19 ] 5 20
observer: [[2 4] [6 8] [10 2] [14 1] [18 4]]


NetLogo: How do I build a new vector based on randomly chosen values from another vector?

I have a vector 'original' with 10 digits. Now I want to create vector 'adapted' based on 'original'. 'adapted' is supposed to take n random values that are larger than 0 from 'original' in the same position and fill up the rest with 0s, e.g.:
original = [2 3 6 2 0 5 7 2 4 8]
adapted = [2 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 0 0]
to go
let n 3
let vector-dimension 10
let original []
repeat vector-dimension
[set original lput random 10 original]
print original
let adapted []
while [sum (map [ [v1] -> ifelse-value (v1 > 0) [1] [0] ] (adapted)) != n]
[set adapted (map [ [v1] -> ifelse-value ( (vector-dimension / n) * (100 / vector-dimension) > random-float 100) [v1] [0] ] (original)) ]
print adapted
This Code works but is slow. How can I do it faster?
How about:
to-report report-rand-n [ base n ]
let indices ( range 0 (length base))
let subset n-of n indices
let out ( map [ [ i v ] -> ifelse-value ( member? i subset ) [v] [0] ] indices base)
report out
This reporter makes a list of indices (0 through the length of the base passed), then randomly selects n number of those indices to pass to ifelse-value to return either the original value in base (if i is one of the selected indices) or 0.
to test
let original [2 3 6 2 0 5 7 2 4 8]
print report-rand-n original 3
print report-rand-n original 3
print report-rand-n original 5
print report-rand-n original 5
observer> test
[2 0 6 0 0 0 0 0 4 0]
[2 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 8]
[2 0 0 0 0 5 0 2 4 8]
[0 0 6 2 0 5 0 0 0 8]
to test
let original [2 3 6 2 0 5 7 2 4 8]
print word "testing: " original
print report-rand-n original 3
let few-digits [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ]
print word "testing: " few-digits
print report-rand-n few-digits 3
print ""
to-report report-rand-n [ base n ]
; create list of indices
let indices ( range 0 (length base))
; To address point 1) in your comment:
; keep only indices that correspond to a value > 0 in base
let indices-over-zero filter [ i -> item i base > 0 ] indices
; To address point 2 in your comment:
; If the length of indices over zero is less than n, replace n
; with the length of indices over zero
if length indices-over-zero < n [
set n length indices-over-zero
let subset n-of n indices-over-zero
let out ( map [ [ i v ] -> ifelse-value ( member? i subset ) [v] [0] ] indices base)
report out

How can I multiply n elements of a matrix by a number in NetLogo?

I have a matrix m and I want to have a user defined function which allows me to control the elements that are multiplied by a value.
The function matrix:set-and-report looks promising but I'm not sure how to implement this for multiple elements.
For example, I would like to multiply the first 3 elements of the matrix by -1 to move from this:
let m matrix:from-row-list [1 2 3 4 5 6]
print m
to this:
let n matrix:from-row-list [-1 -2 -3 4 5 6]
With matrix:set-and-report you were indeed pretty close to a solution. Please check the example, I hope this is what you were looking for. The report function has matrix as an input. Than you specify the row, than the index were you want to start the multiplication, where to end it, and finally the multiplier.
Extensions [
to test
let m matrix:from-row-list [ [1 2 3 4 5 6] [1 2 3 4 5 6] ]
print (word "original matrix " m)
print (word "modified matrix " matrix-row-manipulation m 0 0 3 -1)
to-report matrix-row-manipulation [matrix row columen-index-start columen-index-end multiplier]
let index (range columen-index-start columen-index-end 1)
foreach index [ i ->
set matrix matrix:set-and-report matrix row i (matrix:get matrix row i * multiplier )
report matrix
This will return you:
observer> test
original matrix {{matrix: [ [ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ][ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] ]}}
modified matrix {{matrix: [ [ -1 -2 -3 4 5 6 ][ 1 2 3 4 5 6 ] ]}}

How can I change the elements of a matrix if they satisfy some condition?

I'm working with the matrix extension in NetLogo. I want to be able to modify specific elements of the matrix if they equal some number.
For instance if the value is 0.95 I want to run random 2 on it so it comes out as a 1 or a 0. And if it's a 1.75 it comes out as a 1 or a 2 with random (3 - 1) + 1
This would change my matrix m from this:
let m matrix:from-row-list [[1 0.95 0.95] [2 1 1.75] [1 2 1] ]
to this:
[[1 1 0] [.05 1 2] [.05 .25 1] ]
I'm not sure if I understand your updated matrix example- for example, why does the 2 in the second row become 0.05 in the output? I'm assuming you have some other rules for dealing with those numbers. Anyway, I think you can use matrix:map to accomplish what you're after- you may just have to set up the rules in your anonymous reporter to reflect what you're after. Here is an example using the rules you supplied for values of 0.95 and 1.75:
extensions [ matrix ]
to matrix-manipulation
let m matrix:from-row-list [[1 0.95 0.95] [2 1 1.75] [1 2 1] ]
let m2 matrix:map [ i -> val-change i ] m
print matrix:pretty-print-text m2
to-report val-change [ val ]
if val = 0.95 [
report random 2
if val = 1.75 [
report 1 + random 2
report val
Output becomes:
[[ 1 0 1 ]
[ 2 1 2 ]
[ 1 2 1 ]]

Netlogo: Sum a list of lists of equal length element-wise

I have a list of lists of equal lengths, e.g.
[[0 1 0] [2 3 0] [4 4 2] [0 1 0]]
How can I get the list [6 9 2] which sums up the entries in the four lists entrywise?
let _lst [[0 1 0] [2 3 0] [4 4 2] [0 1 0]] show reduce [[?1 ?2] -> (map + ?1 ?2)] _lst
As a procedure:
to-report aggregate-lists [list-of-lists]
report reduce [[?1 ?2] -> (map + ?1 ?2)] list-of-lists
Someone who is better at lists will come along and do this more cleanly, but this works.
to testme
let inlist [[0 1 0] [2 3 0] [4 4 2] [0 1 0]]
let outlist []
let ii 0
while [ii < length item 1 inlist ]
[ let items map [ x -> item ii x ] inlist
print items
set outlist lput reduce [ [a b] -> a + b] items outlist
set ii ii + 1
print outlist
What it does it create a list of the first entries (with let items) and then sums them with the reduce, then moves to the second entries etc.
You may also want to look at this question Netlogo: How to compute sum of items of lists within a list?, which works with individual entries.
I was looking for a "one-liner" and finally produced it:
to-report aggregate-lists [list-of-lists]
report map [ i -> sum (map [li -> item i li] list-of-lists) ] range length item 0 list-of-lists
You map a reporter which sums item i of all lists to the vector of indices range length item 0 list-of-lists (would be [0 1 2] in the example).

Netlogo: How to get the weight of the link

I got a set of turtles with links connected to each other. I wanted to retrieve the weight of the link between two nodes, i've tried searching but couldn't find any info on how to do it. I'm not using nw cause i don't want the shortest path. Any ideas? This is a section of my code:
to calculate-oldpath
let oldList [ 25 0 1 2 3 4 9 8 7 6 5 10 11 12 13 14 19 18 17 16 15 20 21 22 23 24]
let weighted-dist 0
( foreach ( but-last oldList ) ( but-first oldList ) [
[ a b ] ->
ask turtle a [
let node-link link-with turtle b
;Then retrieve weight link to do adding
] )
print weighted-dist
enter image description here
The S is my starting point (25 in the list) and E is end (24 in the list) I wanted to calculate the weight of this "orange path"
Jen's answer about how to get the weight of a link is correct, but I would suggest an alternative way of computing the sum of these weights: using the sum primitive!
This requires turning your foreach into a map, but aside from that, it's pretty straightforward:
let weighted-dist sum (map [ [a b] ->
[ [ weight ] of link-with turtle b ] of turtle a
] (but-last oldList) (but-first oldList))
Another small comment: using a list of who numbers might not be the best way to approach things, but I don't know enough about your problem to suggest an alternative...
Assuming you called the weight weight (in your links-own statement that you haven't shown) then something like this should work:
to calculate-oldpath
let oldList [ 25 0 1 2 3 4 9 8 7 6 5 10 11 12 13 14 19 18 17 16 15 20 21 22 23 24]
let weighted-dist 0
( foreach ( but-last oldList ) ( but-first oldList ) [
[ a b ] ->
ask turtle a [
let node-link link-with turtle b
set weighted-dist weighted-dist + [weight] of node-link
] )
print weighted-dist
Getting the attribute value for a link is exactly the same as getting the attribute value for a turtle or patch, you use of