Paypal rest api available in Ireland - Jan 2015? - paypal

Before I spend a load of time on this, I just want to check that the Rest API is available in Ireland. Having inspected the page:
it clearly show support for Euros, but the title of the page says Country and Currency Support and then only seems to talk about Currency with no mention of Country support. I know this is pedantic but does that mean the Country is irrelevant so any country that uses Euros is supported?

Yes, REST API is just another platform which is supported for most of the countries.
You can always use Sandbox environment if you really want to make sure if it works.


Facebook graph api doesn't return currency

I have problem getting user local currency and usd-exchange rate from facebook, so this one:
I'm trying to show my shop prices in local currency, just like fb shows prices in local currency in its own purchase dialog after facebook-purchase is launched.
I'm trying to get currency like this:,name,currency&access_token=...
(Actually using Unity and Facebook's Unity SDK to do this, but exactly same thing happens when using url above.)
That have definitely worked before. I've also tried api version 3.2. It returns id and name, but no currency info of any kind. But it doesn't give any error message either, as it does with invalid fields.
I really can't find any useful info or help to this. Does getting currency require special permissions these days? But I can't find anything currency related from FB dev console App Review / Permissions and Features either.
Answering to my own question. It just seems that currency info is no longer available.
Starting from January 8th (2019) that field is no longer available for any apps:
There's discussion about this issue here, without any solution so far (may require having FB developer account to access):
There are some workarounds to get user currency like:
New way to detect Facebook API user currency
But that doesn't give you exchange rate to USD, so that isn't too helpful showing prices in local currency before Facebook's own purchase dialog is displayed.
Very unfortunate. Still, if someone knows way to get local currency and exchange rate that will surely match exchange rates used by FB, please let me know.

Using international database on Google Books API

I've tested the Google Books API now with servers in a few different countries (Germany, UK, Netherlands; it should be in Europe) and realized that the results depend heavily on the request's origin region. For some German books (I search by ISBN) I get 20 or 30 results using the German server but nothing on the others and vice versa.
Is there any way to access the complete database Google has to offer? Note that I'm not trying to access anything like text excerpts or other critical content in terms of licensing. I only need the general information like Title, Authors, ISBN, ...
Thanks for your help!
I have the same problem. I found a paragraph in the documentation under "Using the API" (for Google books) that might explain it:
"Setting User Location:
Google Books respects copyright, contract, and other legal restrictions associated with the end user's location. As a result, some users might not be able to access book content from certain countries. For example, certain books are "previewable" only in the United States; we omit such preview links for users in other countries. Therefore, the API results are restricted based on your server or client application's IP address."
My workaround is to search while using a VPN - that returned the titles in English like I wanted to. If there's another way to solve it I'd gladly hear that too.

Need assistance determining which Bing Maps API license needed

A company sells products/services, any customer that enters into an agreement to purchase those products/services, can access the company's website. Once logged in, the customer can see on a map, the location of their offices/branches by address. We are estimating the page accessing the API requests at 100 / day.
Google requires a premium plan to use their geocoding API, I confirmed this with a Google sales rep. However I am struggling to determine what plan is appropriate if Bing's map API was used, and unfortunately the online quote request I submitted, the email was bounced back to me, saying inbox was full lol !
Could someone assist me in determine which license I would need? We do not have any Azure subscriptions at this time, and we are not tracking via GPS, only address. Here is the link i am referencing:
Please contact the Bing Maps licensing team at and they will assist you in determining the best way to license this type of application.

New PayPal API - how to set up live application? Not Sandbox

It has been some time since I last set up PayPal payments on a website.
After I opened the new PayPal API and honestly, I am a little bit confused. At the moment, there is each new website considered by PayPal support?
On the following page,, I found Test credentials, but I want to set up Live credentials.
In the block with Live credentials, it is written:
Live credentials (currently for U.S. businesses)
We'll email you when your live credentials are ready.
How much it usually takes? And also, what everything is needed for being approved? Is there any way to make it faster or the only thing I can do is to wait?
The first part of your question about new websites is unclear. But I would guess that the Classic APIs might be a better choice for your use-case, as the new RESTful API is still in a beta stage with limited features.
I see this is tagged as paypal-adaptive-payments. Adaptive Payments is its own separate API and you can read information on going live with it here:
For the second part of your question, I am not sure how long it takes but my best guess from similar processes is two business days (Monday-Friday)
Live credentials are only available for US accounts right now as we currently only support America.

SetExpressCheckout (NVP Legacy API) and Brazil

I just updated our application to use the latest version of the legacy NVP API and discovered mention of two new fields (TAXIDTYPE, TAXID) that are apparently required for Brazil. These apparently were introduced after the version of the API we were previously using.
I just tried sending a locale of BR (Brazil) and neglecting to send these new fields and everything worked just fine.
So my questions are:
are they really required?
if so, what exactly are they? Can't find any explanation beyond the API docs ( and it's unclear what these fields are. Do people/businesses in Brazil have a TAXID that they're meant to submit when making online purchases?
Thanks in advance for any info.
It is a regulatory requirement for Brazilian merchants to capture buyer's tax id. These fields are not required if are not a Brazilian merchant.