How to put a "cancel registration" link in an email - email

I'm working on a registration system that sends a confirmation email after a user registers for an event. I'd like to include a link in that email that allows them to cancel their registration. Is there an easy/standard way to do this?


Strapi email validation is not working when registering users from admin console

I am using strapi for my user management and when I register user using register api, I am getting email validation into the user’s inbox, but when I add users from the admin console(Admin Panel) user is not getting any email validation mails.(Even when I register the user to be unconfirmed.)
The registration process send the confirmation e-mail for you.
After having registered, if you have set Enable email confirmation to
ON, the user will receive a confirmation link by email. The user has
to click on it to validate his/her registration.
There is an endpoint in the user permissions plugin for you to trigger the e-mail confirmation sending: POST /api/auth/send-email-confirmation. Don't forget to enable it for the public role.

Can emails senders deactivate gmail event creation?

I would like to know if there is a way from an email sender side to specifically ask Gmail not to take into account an email while trying to generate an event.
This is because one of our emails sends information about an abandon purchase and it is currently automatically generating an event on the user's calendar. This generates a problem for the user because he does not actually has a reservation.

Cannot send Email Confirmation to certain email providers

I have a Liferay 6.1.0ga1 Portal that requires email confirmation from new registered users.
Following my feedback from the Portal users, and testing with misc Email Providers I've noticed:
Users that use a gmail account for their account, have no problem at all
Hotmail users will receive the 'welcome to our portal' and 'Email confirmation' emails, directly into their junk folder
Yahoo users are receiving most of the sent emails (welcome email, reset pasword, etc) normally, but the email confirmation is never received, and cannot be found even in their Spam Folder. The same happens for every request for a new confirmation mail. In a certain case, the Confirmation email arrived a few hours later, but I cannot really reproduce this scenario.
This is becoming a blocker issue because yahoo users can't register to the portal.
Can anyone provide some ideas on what is causing this behavior, and how could I make sure that all users can receive their confirmation emails ?
Could it be that certain email providers are using a strict policy, are blocking the Confirmation Email, because it includes an activation email? I've thought of some solutions like
- Creating a register Hook that informs the new users that they could set their account to accept mails from my Portal
- Creating a hook that will use another Email Template for email confirmation, e.g including the confirmation Token and excluding the activation url
You could take a look at this very old question: How do you make sure email you send programmatically is not automatically marked as spam?
So have you tried the mentioned options in the marked answer there?

Do not allow "fake email" for registration

We have a registration process where users can register with their email address. We do not want to allow to register with fake emails like 10minutemail, or equal. How can I implement that? Is there a blacklist for tose domains?
Here's a pretty comprehensive list of temporary/disposable email domains. So depending on how you're handling the form submission, you might check against a list like that before processing the info for registration.
There are also some email validation APIs you might want to check out.
You can add an email confirmation to the registration process. If you are worried about fake temporary emails, you can add a delay before confirmation email is sent.

How do I make the Drupal default From: e-mail different than the email of the user who receives system e-mails?

I am creating a site that requires admin approval before creating a user account. In Site Information settings I have set the site's e-mail address to ""
New registrants request an account and they correctly get an e-mail
No problems there.
However, the useful "Approve New User" e-mail also gets sent to "" when I need it to go to "" The noreply address is strictly a garbage address I will never check.
So, how do I set up a different email for the default "From:" address and the default system alert e-mail recipient address?
You can use Drupal's hook_mail_alter to intercept the email that gets sent to send it to the desired email address.
It's also possible to do this kind of customization using Triggers and Actions:
There is a module, User Registration Notification, that does what I needed. Keep the site e-mail "no-reply" and change the To: value in the module to "me".
User registration notification