Scala - sbt: Is it safe to compile while running? - scala

I often have to run some time-consuming experiments in scala, and usually I run a second sbt
instance for the same project where I make changes to the code that is running in the other instance and compile.
The reason I do this is so that I don't have to wait for a long running process to finish before I make progress with my code.
My question is: Is it safe to do that, or is there a possibility that recompiling parts of currently running code in sbt/scala will cause problems in my running process?
What I have observed so far is that most of the time it is fine, but I did run into a class not defined error once when refactoring my code while running.

As #marcus mentioned, the compiler writing a .class file that has not yet been loaded by your running JVM stands the chance of being loaded and not matching the other compiled classes. In many instances you'll be fine, but it could cause problems. There are a few things you can do in this situation:
Compile in separate directories. Check your code out into two completely different directories and do local commits (assuming you're using git) to push/pull from one copy of the repository to another. This will ensure that your testing doesn't get the compilation changes until you're ready (when you "pull" from the development repository).
Use an automated CI system like Jenkins or Travis to run your tests on each commit. This will, similarly to #1, not conflict with your development work since it is a separate checkout of the code.
Use sbt-revolver which runs the program in a separate JVM with the re-start command and will restart it whenever there are changes. This would interrupt your testing, however.
Use JRebel which does a better job of reloading classes than the JVM or most IDEs.


How to re-use compiled sources in different machines

To speed up our development workflow we split the tests and run each part on multiple agents in parallel. However, compiling test sources seem to take most of the time for the testing steps.
To avoid this, we pre-compile the tests using sbt test:compile and build a docker image with compiled targets.
Later, this image is used in each agent to run the tests. However, it seems to recompile the tests and application sources even though the compiled classes exists.
Is there a way to make sbt use existing compiled targets?
Update: To give more context
The question strictly relates to scala and sbt (hence the sbt tag).
Our CI process is broken down in to multiple phases. Its roughly something like this.
stage 1: Use SBT to compile Scala project into java bitecode using sbt compile We compile the test sources in the same test using sbt test:compile The targes are bundled in a docker image and pushed to the remote repository,
stage 2: We use multiple agents to split and run tests in parallel.
The tests run from the built docker image, so the environment is the
same. However, running sbt test causes the project to recompile even
through the compiled bitecode exists.
To make this clear, I basically want to compile on one machine and run the compiled test sources in another without re-compiling
I don't think is the same problem because unlike it, I don't mount volumes or build on the host machine. Everything is compiled and run within docker but in two build stages. The file modified times and paths are retained the same because of this.
The debug output has something like this
Initial source changes:
added: Set()
modified: Set()
Invalidated products: Set(/app/target/scala-2.12/classes/Class1.class, /app/target/scala-2.12/classes/graph/Class2.class, ...)
External API changes: API Changes: Set()
Modified binary dependencies: Set()
Initial directly invalidated classes: Set()
Sources indirectly invalidated by:
product: Set(/app/Class4.scala, /app/Class5.scala, ...)
binary dep: Set()
external source: Set()
All initially invalidated classes: Set()
All initially invalidated sources:Set(/app/Class4.scala, /app/Class5.scala, ...)
Recompiling all 304 sources: invalidated sources (266) exceeded 50.0% of all sources
Compiling 302 Scala sources and 2 Java sources to /app/target/scala-2.12/classes ...
It has no Initial source changes, but products are invalidated.
Update: Minimal project to reproduce
I created a minimal sbt project to reproduce the issue.
As you can see, nothing changes between the build stages, other than running in the second stage in a new step (new container).
While pointed at the right direction, the underlying issue and the solution for this was different.
SBT seems to recompile everything when it's run on different stages of a docker build. This is because docker compresses images created in each stage, which strips out the millisecond portion of the lastModifiedDate from sources.
SBT depends on lastModifiedDate when determining if sources have changed, and since its different (the milliseconds part) the build triggers a full recompilation.
Java 8:
Setting when running SBT as recommended in to workaround this issue.
Follow recomendation in
I solved the issue by setting SBT_OPTS env variable in the docker file like
The test project has been updated with this workaround.
Using SBT:
I think there is already an answer to this here:
It looks tricky to get exactly right. Good luck!
Avoiding SBT:
If the above approach is too difficult (i.e. getting sbt test to consider that your test classes do not need re-compiling), you could instead avoid using sbt but instead run your test suite using java directly.
If you can get sbt to log the java command that it is using to run your test suite (e.g. using debug logging), then you could run that command on your test runner agents directly, which would completely preclude sbt re-compiling things.
(You might need to write the java command into a script file, if the classpath is too long to pass as a command-line argument in your shell. I have previously had to do that for a large project.)
This would be a much hackier approach that the one above, but might be quicker to get working.
A possible solution might be defining your own sbt task without dependencies or try to change the test task. For example you could create a task to run a JUnit runner if that was your testing framework. To define a task see this on Implementing Tasks.
You could even go as far as compiling sending the code and running the remotes from the same task as it is any scala code you want. From the sbt reference manual
You could be defining your own task, or you could be planning to redefine an existing task. Either way looks the same; use := to associate some code with the task key

Should I skip tests with maven?

Should I skip tests in maven?
Long version
(I don't know, whether this matters.)
I use Java EE eclipse, I have tests and the code in the proper maven directory.
Why should I (not) skip the tests during build?
Never make the test skipping as a normal thing of your build.
Doing it regularly is a vicious circle that will make your tests useless and your application less robust.
Long version
Automatically build from the IDE (Eclipse or any other)
IDEs that allow to use Maven as a build tool don't execute unit tests at each build as by default they don't execute the test goal, neither the package goal. Instead of they focus on the compiler plugin (compile and test-compile) as well the resources plugin (resources and test-resources).
So unit tests should not be executed at each automatically build performed by your IDE.
Build with mvn package/install
Why should I (not) skip the tests during build?
Your question refers Maven but it could be any other build tool or any programming language and it would have the same kind of consequences.
First, ask you the question why do we write unit tests.
We write them to validate the behavior of our components and also to be warned as the behavior of our components don't behave any longer as expected (regression detecting).
Ignoring regularly the tests execution means that you will take the risk that your covered by unit tests components having regressions in their behavior without that you are aware about them.
And later other regressions may occur and you will still be unaware of them.
And much later many of your tests will fail as you never corrected them to stay conform to the expected behavior.
As a test failure prevents the build, it will very probably result to make you skip/disable/comment/delete unit tests because these fail too often and for too many cases.
Your unit tests will become dust and you will lose all benefits provided by unit tests.
But so why does the skip tests option exist ?
I recommend/use them only for corner cases such as the followings (not exhaustive) and only temporarily :
legacy projects which many tests were not maintained.
As correcting them will take too much time, in a first time, you don't have other choices that skipping them to build your component.
And as soon as possible you have to disable unreliable tests (#Ignore with JUnit), correct these that may be or plan them. In this way you could re-enable the tests execution and let working tests to be regularly executed.
projects where the tests may fail according to the execution environment.
Here again it should be a temporary workaround and isolated too.
Indeed, as soon as possible you have to find a way to make the tests successful whatever the environment where they are executed.

Is it necessary to "clean" SBT before "stage" for production builds?

We are using Jenkins and SBT pluging to build, test and deploy our application. I see everywhere that people use "clean" command before "test" or "stage" which leads to very long compile times.
Is it necessary to clean everything for each build? What is the risk of using the incremental compiler for production builds?
I think it's a matter of taste. For continuous integration builds, it's ok to rely on the incremental compiler; if something fails I can investigate quite quickly.
But if, for whatever reason, the incremental compiler decides to ignore some changes (and it already happened to me in development), you may get some difficult bugs to resolve.
So, if you want something that's reproducible from a fresh code checkout; just run "clean" before everything else.
Most of the time, I configure jenkins with two build tasks: test builds, triggered by code changes, and packaging builds targeted for deployment and triggered periodically (or manually in some cases, with automatic deployment).
If the build script and/or command line to sbt have not changed then it should not be necessary to do clean.
I have been using Spark for several years - and it is one of the most complex sbt builds you can find. It works just fine to avoid doing clean as long as the build process itself (as embodied in the project/sbt build artifacts and the sbt command line) are the same as previous runs.

Building tests in Intellij for Play Framework is very slow

Is there a way to speed up the build time of unit tests for Play Framework in Intellij? I am doing TDD. Whenever I execute a test, it takes about 30 - 60 seconds to compile. Even a simple Hello World test takes time. Rerunning the same test even without any change will still start the make process.
I am on Intellij 14.1, on Play 2.3.8, written in Scala.
I already tried setting the java compiler to eclipse, and also tried setting Scala compiler to SBT.
In intellij 14.1.2, the workaround I did is to:
1) Remove make from tests (Edit Configurations -> Defaults -> Scala Test -> Before launch -> (-) Make)
2) Start activator (or play) with ~ test:compile (ex: activator ~test:compile) or (sbt ~ test:compile)
This prevents Intellij from calling a play compilation server every time a make is invoked. The compilation is delegated to an external sbt/activator/play process to do the continuous compilation. The disadvantage is that, when you run your test immediately before the compilation completes, you may get a NoClassDefinedFound exception. Also, you will need to monitor an extra process. This setup however, is so much faster compared to the default setup by Intellij (for now). Hope this helps anyone.
I'm going to assume that you know that the problem is build-time - that the actual run-time for the tests themselves is negligible.
What do you have for hardware? In my experience, 4GB RAM is not enough for Intellij Scala to perform well - it needs a big disk cache (which the OS uses free RAM for), I think. An SSD helps, too. Use Performance Monitor or analogous for your OS to see whether the time is disk, CPU, or net. If it's CPU, consider whether heap-size may be a problem.
What is your build process like? Are there sbt plugins? How big is your project?
Triggering a full rebuild without changes is wrong. Is there something in your tests that is modifying the project directories? If you run a dummy no-op test, does it do the same thing? Are you maybe writing logs into the project tree, for instance?
In my limited experience, full Play builds under Intellij are orders of magnitude slower than a pure Scala build - I'd guess because of all the SBT plugins (view compiler, xScript compiler, xSS compiler, etc) that have to run. But incrementals aren't that painful.
On OSX, read "Activity Monitor" for "Performance Monitor".
See Intellij issue SCL-8235 for other folks' experience and workarounds for slow incremental Play builds. Vote for the issue to increase its priority and get it fixed quicker.
What about unmarking existing tests and leaving only yours? Right click on test directory (which should be green) and Unmark as Test Source Root.

Unable to run project with anything but local codebase in Netbeans

I'm trying to build my Java Web Start application using Netbeans.
I realized that if I change the codebase option in the properties options to anything but local I get an error saying
Project cannot be run with non-local codebase. Open project properties dialog and set Web Start Codebase to Local Execution.
A week or two ago I was able to run it with a "User Defined" codebase. I'm not aware of a change I've made that could have resulted in this. I can build the project, just not run it, is this to be expected?
Any idea whats causing this and how/if I can run this with a non-local codebase?
After figuring out why this was happening, it turns out that this is intentional. As when you run a project in NetBeans you are running it locally, it would be incorrect to try and serve it from a non-local codebase. Hence the ant script in the project ensures that you're running it with a local codebase.
However, you can always build it with a non-local codebase, deploy the jar file, and then test it out.
Sadly there is no way to create a different build profile to build it with a non-local codebase, when you want it, and built it with a local codebase at other times.