Sails.JS association validation - sails.js

I'm using several one to many associations in Sails.JS that look like the following:
email: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
unique: true
projects: {
collection: 'project',
via: 'user'
name: {
type: 'string',
required: true,
minLength: 3,
maxLength: 50
user: {
model: 'user',
required: true
sites: {
collection: 'site',
via: 'project'
project: {
model: 'project',
required: true
name: {
type: 'string',
required: true
Now when I fire off a POST request to /project it creates the project fine, and specifying the param 'user' (taken from the session) associates the project with that particular user.
The same goes for when I create a new site. However, I appear to be able to specify any number for the param 'project', even if that particular project ID doesn't exist. Really it should fail the validation if the project doesn't exist and not create the site. I thought it'd look up the association with project and check that the project ID specified is valid?
Also, I only want to be able to create a site that is associated with a project that belongs to the current user. How would I go about doing this?
Thanks in advance.

I'm not sure if it's a bug or intended behavior with your non-existent project ID association, but one work-around is to have a beforeCreate hook in your models to verify that the project ID exists:
// In your Site model
beforeCreate: function(values, next) {
var projectID = values['project'];
Project.findOne(projectID, function (err, project) {
if (err || !project) return next("some error message");
return next();
You can also do a check in the beforeCreate hook for your second question:
// In your Site model
beforeCreate: function(values, next) {
var projectID = values['project'];
Project.findOne(projectID).populate('user').exec(function (err, project) {
if (err || !project) return next("some error message");
if ( != values['userID']) return next("some other error message");
return next();
Note that you'll have to pass 'userID' as a param into the params for creating a Site instance.


How can I retrieve an id from MongoDB create operation during a transaction?

I am trying to create an audit trail using Apollo Server and Mongoose. When a user initially registers, I create a document in the users collection and a document in the history collection for each piece of data they provided (username, password, email, etc) . For each history collection document, I include the id for the user document to create a relationship. Works perfectly.
However, when I add a transaction in (see below), the userId for the user document comes back as undefined, so I cannot add it to the history entry documents. I am assuming that the id for a document does not get created until the entire transaction has been completed?
Any ideas?
Mutation: {
register: async (_, { data }) => {
// Start a mongo session & transaction
const session = await mongoose.startSession()
try {
// Hash password and create user
const hashedPassword = await bcrypt.hash(data.password, 12)
const user = await User.create(
[{, password: hashedPassword }],
{ session }
// Add history entries
action: 'registered'
action: 'set',
object: 'profile',
property: 'firstName',
value: firstName
action: 'set',
object: 'profile',
property: 'lastName',
value: lastName
action: 'set',
object: 'profile',
property: 'password'
if (loginType === 'email') {
action: 'set',
object: 'profile',
property: 'email',
value: login
if (loginType === 'mobile') {
action: 'set',
object: 'profile',
property: 'mobile',
value: login
// commit the changes if everything was successful
await session.commitTransaction()
return {
ok: true,
} catch (err) {
// if anything fails above, rollback the changes in the transaction
await session.abortTransaction()
return formatErrors(err)
} finally {
// end the session
If you think about it, how can you add a HistoryEntry if you haven't added User yet? It's not a 'history' as you are currently doing it. I believe you got two options here - set _id on User manually new Schema({ _id: { type: Schema.ObjectId, auto: true }}) and then generate it within the transaction: var userId = ObjectId(); and use for both User and History Entries.
And the second option, more semantically correct in this context, I believe - you should attach to post-save hook:'save', function(doc) {
console.log('%s has been saved', doc._id);
So, whenever an User is created, a post-save hook is fired to update History.
Came across the same issue recently, hope you have figured it out already. I may add this for future seekers.
Following create function returns an array of created documents.
const user = await User.create(
[{, password: hashedPassword }],
{ session }
Therefore access the user id as user[0]._id
Pass the session also to HistoryEntry.create()
HistoryEntry.create([{...},{...}], {session})
Note: In this use case, I personally prefer #marek second option to use a post-save hook.

Getting "Invalid exit definition" on Compilation of Sails Helper (Sails v1.0)

I'm getting the error
Invalid exit definition ("success"). Must be a dictionary-- i.e. plain JavaScript object like `{}`.
Invalid exit definition ("error"). Must be a dictionary-- i.e. plain JavaScript object like `{}`.
when doing sails lift. The error is on getRole.js
module.exports = {
friendlyName: 'Get Role',
description: '',
inputs: {
user_id: {
friendlyName: 'User Id',
description: 'The ID of the user to check role',
type: 'string',
required: true
exits: {
success: function (role){
return role;
error: function (message) {
return message;
fn: function (inputs, exits) {
User.findOne({ id: inputs.user_id } , function (err, user) {
if (err) return exits.err(err);
return exits.success(user.role);
This is a new error, and looking at my git, nothing has changed in my code since it successfully compiled. I understand the Sails version (v1.0) I'm using in beta, so I'm taking that into account.
Exits cannot be defined as functions. There is a special syntax (Machine Spec) to define exits. In your example this should work:
exits: {
error: {
description: 'Unexpected error occurred.',
success: {
description: 'Role was succesffuly fetched'
You can read more info about helper exits here:
May changes occur on the last release 1.0.0-38. I've not checked underneath yet, but the way to execute helpers changed: on .exec() I get errors. Now, use .switch();

"email" validation rule crash sails server - Mongo with Sails.js

while the email validation rule fails on module of the sails.js, the server is crashing.
Here the snippet of my module:
// The user's email address
email: {
type: 'string',
email: true,
required: true,
unique: true
And the error as below :
err: Error (E_VALIDATION) :: 1 attribute is invalid
at WLValidationError.WLError (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\waterline\lib\waterline\error\WLError.js:26:15)
at new WLValidationError (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\waterline\lib\waterline\error\WLValidationError.js:20:28)
at C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\waterline\lib\waterline\query\validate.js:45:43
at allValidationsChecked (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\waterline\lib\waterline\core\validations.js:203:5)
at done (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:135:19)
at C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:32:16
at C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\waterline\lib\waterline\core\validations.js:184:23
at done (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:135:19)
at C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:32:16
at C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\waterline\lib\waterline\core\validations.js:157:64
at C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:125:13
at Array.forEach (native)
at _each (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:46:24)
at Object.async.each (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:124:9)
at validate (C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\waterline\lib\waterline\core\validations.js:156:11)
at C:\Users\yuri\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_modules\sails\node_modules\async\lib\async.js:125:13
Invalid attributes sent to User:
• email
• undefined should be a email (instead of "admin#gmailasd", which is a string)
The correct way to declare an email field is like this :
email: {
type: 'email',
required: true,//Email field will be required for insert or update
unique: true //Insert or update will crash if you try to insert duplicate email
You can see all different attribut types here
If you want to catch insert/update errors you can do this on your controller :
MyModel.create({email:email}).exec(function(err, model)
//Check if it's a validation error or a crash
if(err.code == "E_VALIDATION")
sails.log.debug("valid fail, check form");
//do what you want to do with the data
Her the answer.
Thanks to jaumard, i found the problem.
I used undefined field in error, without checking if exists before
err.originalError.code but it was undefined.
So the correct way is :
err.originalError && err.originalError.code && err.originalError.code === 11000
and not
err.originalError.code === 11000.
Previous versions of Sails recommended that email validation was achieved like this
email: {
type: 'string',
email: true,
required: true
The current version should be like this
email: {
type: 'email',
required: true

How to implement ReST services with Sails.js?

I am quite new to Node. I came across Sails.js. I think it is based on WebSocket, which seems to be really good for building real-time applications. I would like to know that whether Sails can be used to implement REST architecture as it uses WebSocket? And if yes, how?
Yes it can. Sails JS allows you to easily build a RESTful API, essentially with no effort to get started. Also, websockets (through are integrated by default into the view and api.
To create a fully RESTful app from the ground up, it actually requires no JS. Try:
sails new testapp
cd testapp
sails generate model user
sails generate controller user
cd <main root>
sails lift
The CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) actions are already created for you. No code!
You can create a user in your browser by doing the following:
HTTP POST (using a tool like PostMan) to http://:1337/user/create
"firstName": "Bob",
"lastName": "Jones"
Next, do a GET to see the new user:
HTTP GET http://:1337/user/
FYI - Sails JS uses a default disk based database to get you going
sails new testapp
cd testapp
sails generate api apiName
create: function (req, res) {
var payload = {,
res.status(500).json({'error':'something is not right'})
res.status(200).json({'success':true, 'result':payload, 'message':'Book Created success'})
readone: async function (req, res) {
var id =;
var fff = await Book.find(id);
if(fff.length == 0){
res.status(500).json({'error':'No record found from this ID'})
res.status(200).json({'success':true, 'result':fff, 'message':'Record found'})
attributes: {
id: { type: 'number', autoIncrement: true },
name: { type: 'string', required: true, },
price: { type: 'number', required: true, },
category: { type: 'string', required: true, },
author: { type: 'string' },
description: { type: 'string' },
'post /newbook': 'BookController.create',
'get /book/:id': 'BookController.readone',

RESTful Model, get rid of the id query param in the GET request

I'm a little bit stuck here. My model code is
Ext.define('MyFancyModel', {
extend: '',
fields: [
{ name: 'id', type: 'string' },
{ name: 'name', type: 'string' }
proxy: {
type: 'rest',
url: '/fancymodel',
noCache: false
When I try to load data by id using
Ext.ModelManager.getModel('MyFancyModel').load('some-id', {});
the request url is /fancymodel/some-id?id=some-id which is obviously not correct. So how can I achieve the right request url: /fancymodel/some-id without any patches or overrides?
In the developer console you can see failed GET request
Thread on the Sencha forum
I haven't found any ExtJS solution, so I have written a small patch (not sure it works in every situations) :
Ext.override(, {
buildUrl: function (request) {
return this.callParent(arguments);
The standard way :
Ext.define('', {
override: '',
buildUrl: function (request) {
return this.callParent(arguments);