Breeze - Server Left Join Result into Breeze Entity Type - left-join

I am performing a left join on the server and returning a new object corresponding to that of an object defined in the metadata. However, breeze seem not to recognize the type of the returned object.
I have an entity, School whose metadata is loaded. School looks something like
public class School{
public int Id{ get; set;}
public string name {get; set;}
my query looks like
var r = EntityQuery.from('School')
In my method, if I return ContextProvider.Context.Schools, then the results are received as of type School.
However, if i return => new School{}), the the results are not recognized to be of type School. The everything execures fine but I cannot just get the results as an object of type School.
Is there a defined way of doing left joins with breeze s so that newly created objects will be recognised?

Providing that you have the [BreezeController] attribute annotating your ApiController then this should work.
If not, take a look at what is sent over the wire, the serializer should have added a '$type' property to each json entity returned. The default breeze jsonResultsAdapter uses this property to determine the 'EntityType' needed to create a breeze entity corresponding to each of the json entities.
If you don't see the '$type' property then the serializer has not been configured property. If you do the '$type' property then check you local client side metadata to see if this type has been defined. If not then you need to either manually create it or have it sent from the server.


Entity Framework Query against complex type properties

I've been running into an issue where Entity Framework is throwing a NotSupportedException when trying to do an OrderByDescending or Where expression on a complex type. I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong but this seems quite surprising that this capability wouldn't exist.
Let's say I have an Entity called Person which in the database has a set of fields that make up a person's Address. In my entity model, I would model those fields as a complex type so that I could do
var city = person.Address.City;
Mapping this seems fine and, when I do a Linq query against any properties outside of the complex type, I get proper results
Fine Example:
var people = (from person in Context.People
where person.LastName == "Smith"
select person).ToList();
Problem Example:
var people = (from person in Context.People
where person.Address.City == "Cleveland"
select person).ToList();
This throws a NotSupportedException with the following error:
ComplexTypes The specified type member 'Address' is not supported in
LINQ to Entities. Only initializers, entity members, and entity
navigation properties are supported.
Again, the message is clear but quite surprising that this capability doesn't exist as it seems like it limits the ability to use complex types. Any ideas or workarounds?
I've had this problem once.
Make sure that Person.Address is Settable. This will cause the problem. Fun right?
public Address Address { get; } = new Address();
This will fix it.
public Address Address { get; set; } = new Address();

Adding Navigation property breaks breeze client-side mappings (but not Server Side EF6)

I have an application that I developed standalone and now am trying to integrate into a much larger model. Currently, on the server side, there are 11 tables and an average of three navigation properties per table. This is working well and stable.
The larger model has 55 entities and 180+ relationships and includes most of my model (less the relationships to tables in the larger model). Once integrated, a very strange thing happens: the server sends the same data, the same number of entities are returned, but the exportEntities function returns a string of about 150KB (rather than the 1.48 MB it was returning before) and all queries show a tenth of the data they were showing before.
I followed the troubleshooting information on the Breeze website. I looked through the Breeze metadata and the entities and relationships seem defined correctly. I looked at the data that was returned and 9 out of ten entities did not appear as an object, but as a function: function (){return e.refMap[t]} which, when I expand it, has an 'arguments' property: Exception: TypeError: 'caller', 'callee', and 'arguments' properties may not be accessed on strict mode functions or the arguments objects for calls to them.
For reference, here are the two entities involved in the breaking change.
The Repayments Entity
public class Repayment
[Key, Column(Order = 0)]
public int DistrictId { get; set; }
[Key, Column(Order = 1)]
public int RepaymentId { get; set; }
public int ClientId { get; set; }
public int SeasonId { get; set; }
#region Navigation Properties
public virtual District District { get; set; }
// The three lines below are the lines I added to break the results
// If I remove them again, the results are correct again
public virtual Client Client { get; set; }
public virtual SeasonClient SeasonClient { get; set; }
The Client Entity
public class Client : IClient
[Key, Column(Order = 0)]
public int DistrictId { get; set; }
[Key, Column(Order = 1)]
public int ClientId { get; set; }
// This Line lines were in the original (working) model
public virtual ICollection<Repayment> Repayments { get; set; }
The relationship that I restored was simply the inverse of a relationship that was already there, which is one of the really weird things about it. I'm sure I'm doing something terribly wrong, but I'm not even sure at this point what information might be helpful in debugging this.
For defining foreign keys and inverse properties, I assume I must use either data annotations or the FluentAPI even if the tables follow all the EF conventions. Is either one better than the other? Is it necessary to consistently choose one approach and stay with it? Does the error above provide any insight as to what I might be doing wrong? Is there any other information I could post that might be helpful?
Breeze is an excellent framework and has the potential to really increase our reach providing assistance to small farmers in rural East Africa, and I'd love to get this prototype working.
Ok, some of what you are describing can be explained by breeze's default behavior of compressing the payload of any query results that return multiple instances of the same entity. If you are using something like the default '' assembly for serialization, then each entity is sent with an extra '$id' property and if the same entity is seen again it gets serialized via a simple '$ref' property with the value of the previously mentioned '$id'.
On the breeze client during deserialization these '$refs' get resolved back into full entities. However, because the order in which deserialization is performed may not be the same as the order that serialization might have been performed, breeze internally creates deferred closure functions ( with no arguments) that allow for the deferred resolution of the compressed results regardless of the order of serialization. This is the
function (){return e.refMap[t]}
that you are seeing.
If you are seeing this value as part of the actual top level query result, then we have a bug, but if you are seeing this value while debugging the results returned from your server, before they have been returned to the calling function, then this is completely expected ( especially if you are viewing the contents of the closure before it should be executed.)
So a couple of questions and suggestions
Are you are actually seeing an error processing the result of your query or are simply surprised that the results are so small? If it's just a size issue, check and see if you can identify data that should have been sent to the client and is missing. It is possible that the reference compression is simply very effective in your case.
take a look at the 'raw' data returned from your web service. It should look something like this, with '$id' and '$ref' properties.
'$id': '1',
'Name': 'James',
'BirthDate': '1983-03-08T00:00Z',
'$ref': '1'
if so, then look at the data and make sure that an '$'id' exists that correspond to each of your '$refs'. If not, something is wrong with your server side serialization code. If the data does not look like this, then please post back with a small example of what the 'raw' data does look like.
After looking at your Gist, I think I see the issue. Your metadata is out of sync with the actual results returned by your query. In particular, if you look for the '$id' value of "17" in your actual results you'll notice that it is first found in the 'Client' property of the 'Repayment' type, but your metadata doesn't have 'Client' navigation property defined for the 'Repayment' type ( there is a 'ClientId' ). My guess is that you are reusing an 'older' version of your metadata.
The reason that this results in incomplete results is that once breeze determines that it is deserializing an 'entity' ( i.e. a json object that has $type property that maps to an actual entityType), it only attempts to deserialize the 'known' properties of this type, i.e. those found in the metadata. In your case, the 'Client' navigation property on the 'Repayment' type was never being deserialized, and any refs to the '$id' defined there are therefore not available.

How to add Foreign Key Properties subsequently to a Code First Model?

Given the Model:
Public Class Customer
Property Id() As Guid
Property FirstName() As String
Property MiddleName() As String
Property LastName() As String
Property Addresses() As ICollection(Of Address)
End Class
Public Class Address
Property Id() As Guid
Property Name() As String
Property Street() As String
Property City() As String
Property Zip() As String
Public Property Customer() As Customer
End Class
Entity Framework 6 Code First has created a column called Customer_Id in my table Addresses. Now, I'd like to add a Property Customer_Id to my class Address that represents the existing foreign key relation:
Public Class Address
Property Id() As Guid
Property Name() As String
Property Street() As String
Property City() As String
Property Zip() As String
Public Property Customer() As Customer
Public Property Customer_Id() As Guid
End Class
Unfortunately this results in an InvalidOperationException while creating the DbContext saying:
The model backing the 'DataContext' context has changed since the database was created.
I tried different property names (with and without underscore, different casing). But still no luck. So, what is the correct way to add those properties subsequently without the need for migrations? I assume it's possible, because the model does not really change, I am only changing from an implicit declaration of a property to an explicit...
The responses show me, that I did not explain the problem very well. After some more reading I found the correct names now: I have an application which is installed several times at customer locations (therefore dropping and recreating the database is no option). Currently, it depends on Entity Framework's Independent Associations, but I want to have the Foreign Key in my entity as well (this is no change to the model, the foreign key is already there, but does not exist as a property in my entity, since this is currently only relying on the IA instead). I did not manage to add it without EF thinking my Database is outdated.
for me two ways :
drop table __MigrationHistory : that is have the new model runs, but forget migration functionalities
create a new db by changing the connection string of the application. Replace old __MigrationHistory by __MigrationHistory of the newly created db
Never tested the second solution, but it should work.
Before using any solution:
backup you db.
Before using first solution: are you sure you will never need migration functionalities ?
This exception is because you change your model. You have to set migration strategy. Please look at:
First of all you have to remove that exception. Even if you didn't add any new column to your database your model has changed because you added new property to Address class. If you check your DB you will find dbo.__MigrationHistory table with Model column. Last (earliest) value from that column is used for checking that your model and DB are compatible. I'm not sure but I think that EF stores there binary serialized model. So the solution is - recreate DB or add migration (probably empty migration).
When you want to set FK you can do this very simple by Data Annotations
// c# example
public class Address
public string CustomerId { get; set; }
public Customer Customer { get; set; }
or in fluent api
// c# example
.HasRequired(arg => arg.Customer)
.HasForeignKey(arg => arg.CustomerId);
or look at:

How do I extend a dbcontext entity class?

I have exposed some EF5.0 entities generated from a database through at WCF data service.
The data service is consumed by a WPF-client which takes the entities (from the data service) and store them locally. I do this by creating a code-first entity database based on the WCF-entities:
public class LocalRaceContext : DbContext
public LocalRaceContext() { }
public LocalRaceContext(string connstr) : base(connstr) { }
public DbSet<Participant> Participants { get; set; }
. more ...
I want to extend the Participant with a new property (in the client-side model). I figured I could just do this with a partial class like so:
public partial class Participant
public virtual List<Stamp> Stamps { get; set; }
This however does not work. Do I need some kind of attribute on the partial class?
I get the following error:
"The type 'RaceEntities+Participant' was not mapped. Check that the type has not been explicitly excluded by using the Ignore method or NotMappedAttribute data annotation. Verify that the type was defined as a class, is not primitive, nested or generic, and does not inherit from EntityObject."
#IronMan84: The original model (without the partial class) works because EF code-first takes care of the database and table creation. Actually it works perfectly fine and I am able to save the EF model in a local SQL CE file and retrieve the objects again as EF-classes later.
What I'm trying to achieve is to persist data from the data service locally but in a model which is somewhat extended. I've succeeded so far up until the extending part.
#Matt Whetton: It fails when I create a new instance of LocalRaceContext.
Edit2: I've tried to make an empty partial class (no properties). It still throws the same error.
Thanks in advance
Nested classes are not yet supported by EF. Move the Participant class outside of RaceEntities.

How to deal with "computed" property in Entity Framework 4.1?

I have a model as below:
public class Post
public int Id {get;set;}
public virtual ICollection<Comment> Comments {get;set;}
public virtual ICollection<Reader> Readers {get;set;}
public int Value {get;set;}
The rule is Value = Comments.Count * 2 + Readers.Count.
What is the right and convenient way to deal with the "computed" property of "Value"?
I think it is the best that the "Value" can be calculated and saved automatically when Comments or Readers add/remove element.
but the "DatabaseGeneratedAttribute" seems no use here.
Thank you!
This is not supported. There is no way to make Value available for linq-to-entities queries if it is not mapped to database column. In case of EF using EDMX for mapping this can be sometimes solved by using custom mapped SQL function or model defined function but code first mapping doesn't support anything of that. Other way is to create database view and map your entity to view but in such case entity will be read only.
Once you use .NET code for defining value it is always only client side property computed from data loaded from database. If you don't want to recompute property every time you need observable collections with event handler changing precomputed value each time the collection changes.
DatabaseGenerated attribute just marks your property as generated by database - in such case you cannot change its value and database must ensure that correct value will be stored in your table.
I think your column value is based on two mapped properties. Use NotMappedAttribute to Exclude a Property from the Database Schema and Load values in runtime.
public class Post
public int Id {get;set;}
public virtual ICollection<Comment> Comments {get;set;}
public virtual ICollection<Reader> Readers {get;set;}
public int Value
get return Comments.Count * 2 + Readers.Count;
You may use the DatabaseGenerated attribute and then create triggers in the db for calculating the Value. You can create the triggers in the migrations, or db seed method.