I am using spark streaming with kinesis and facing this exception when I run my code
here is my code
System.setProperty("AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID", KinesisProperties.AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID)
System.setProperty("AWS_SECRET_KEY", KinesisProperties.AWS_SECRET_KEY)
var kinesisClient: AmazonKinesisClient = new AmazonKinesisClient(new DefaultAWSCredentialsProviderChain())
val numShards = kinesisClient.describeStream( KinesisProperties.MY_STREAM_NAME)
val numStreams = numShards
val ssc = StreamingHelper.getStreamingInstance(new Duration(KinesisProperties.KINESIS_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL))
ssc.addStreamingListener(new MyStreamListener)
val kinesisStreams = (0 until numStreams).map { i =>
KinesisUtils.createStream(ssc, KinesisProperties.MY_STREAM_NAME,
new Duration(KinesisProperties.KINESIS_CHECKPOINT_INTERVAL), InitialPositionInStream.TRIM_HORIZON,
/* Union all the streams */
val unionStreams = ssc.union(kinesisStreams)
val tmp_stream = unionStreams.map(byteArray => new String(byteArray))
val data = tmp_stream.window(Seconds(KinesisProperties.WINDOW_INTERVAL), Seconds(KinesisProperties.SLIDING_INTERVAL))
data.foreachRDD((rdd: RDD[String], time: Time) => {
if (rdd.take(1).size == 1) {
rdd.saveAsTextFile(KinesisProperties.Sink + time.milliseconds)
And face following exception
java.lang.LinkageError: loader (instance of org/apache/spark/executor/ChildExecutorURLClassLoader$userClassLoader$): attempted duplicate class definition for name: "com/amazonaws/services/kinesis/clientlibrary/lib/worker/InitialPositionInStream"
I have a DataStream[GenericRecord]:
val consumer = new FlinkKafkaConsumer[String]("input_csv_topic", new SimpleStringSchema(), properties)
val stream = senv.
map(line => {
val arr = line.split(",")
val schemaUrl = "" // avro schema link, standard .avsc file format
val schemaStr = scala.io.Source.fromURL(schemaUrl).mkString.toString().stripLineEnd
import org.codehaus.jettison.json.{JSONObject, JSONArray}
val schemaFields: JSONArray = new JSONObject(schemaStr).optJSONArray("fields")
val genericDevice: GenericRecord = new GenericData.Record(new Schema.Parser().parse(schemaStr))
for(i <- 0 until arr.length) {
val fieldObj: JSONObject = schemaFields.optJSONObject(i)
val columnName = fieldObj.optString("name")
var columnType = fieldObj.optString("type")
if (columnType.contains("string")) {
genericDevice.put(columnName, arr(i))
} else if (columnType.contains("int")) {
genericDevice.put(columnName, toInt(arr(i)).getOrElse(0).asInstanceOf[Number].intValue)
} else if (columnType.contains("long")) {
genericDevice.put(columnName, toLong(arr(i)).getOrElse(0).asInstanceOf[Number].longValue)
val kafkaSink = new FlinkKafkaProducer[GenericRecord](
new MyKafkaAvroSerializationSchema[GenericRecord](classOf[GenericRecord], "output_avro_topic", "this is the key", schemaStr),
Here is MyKafkaAvroSerializationSchema implementation:
class MyKafkaAvroSerializationSchema[T](avroType: Class[T], topic: String, key: String, schemaStr: String) extends KafkaSerializationSchema[T] {
lazy val schema: Schema = new Schema.Parser().parse(schemaStr)
override def serialize(element: T, timestamp: lang.Long): ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]] = {
val cl = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader()
val genericData = new GenericData(cl)
val writer = new GenericDatumWriter[T](schema, genericData)
// val writer = new ReflectDatumWriter[T](schema)
// val writer = new SpecificDatumWriter[T](schema)
val out = new ByteArrayOutputStream()
val encoder: BinaryEncoder = EncoderFactory.get().binaryEncoder(out, null)
writer.write(element, encoder)
new ProducerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]](topic, key.getBytes, out.toByteArray)
Here's stack trace screenshot:
com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
Serialization trace:
reserved (org.apache.avro.Schema$Field)
fieldMap (org.apache.avro.Schema$RecordSchema)
schema (org.apache.avro.generic.GenericData$Record)
How to use Flink to serialize Avro Generic Record to Kafka? I have tested different writers, but still got com.esotericsoftware.kryo.KryoException: java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException, thanks for your input.
You can simply add the flink-avro module to Your project and use the already provided AvroSerializationSchema that can be used both for SpecificRecord and GenericRecord after providing the schema.
i am getting error at this line
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
recursive value x$7 needs
recursive value x$1 needs
what does this error meaning, please guide me how to resolve this error.
object Collect {
private var numTweetsCollected = 0L
private var partNum = 0
private var gson = new Gson()
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// Process program arguments and set properties
if (args.length < 3) {
System.err.println("Usage: " + this.getClass.getSimpleName +
"<outputDirectory> <numTweetsToCollect> <intervalInSeconds> <partitionsEachInterval>")
val Array(outputDirectory, Utils.IntParam(numTweetsToCollect), Utils.IntParam(intervalSecs), Utils.IntParam(partitionsEachInterval)) =
val outputDir = new File(outputDirectory.toString)
if (outputDir.exists()) {
System.err.println("ERROR - %s already exists: delete or specify another directory".format(
println("Initializing Streaming Spark Context...")
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName(this.getClass.getSimpleName)
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(intervalSecs))
val tweetStream = TwitterUtils.createStream(ssc, Utils.getAuth)
tweetStream.foreachRDD((rdd, time) => {
val count = rdd.count()
if (count > 0) {
val outputRDD = rdd.repartition(partitionsEachInterval)
outputRDD.saveAsTextFile(outputDirectory + "/tweets_" + time.milliseconds.toString)
numTweetsCollected += count
if (numTweetsCollected > numTweetsToCollect) {
Try removing the Utils.IntParam(.. from your pattern matched values. Extract the values, then parse them separately.
My architecture right now is AWS ELB writes log to S3 and it sends a message to SQS for further processing by Spark Streaming. It's working right now but my problem right now is it's taking a bit of time. I'm new to Spark and Scala so just want to make sure that I'm not doing something stupid.
val conf = new SparkConf()
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val streamContext = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(1))
val sqs = streamContext.receiverStream(new SQSReceiver("queue")
// Got 10 messages at a time
val s3Keys = sqs.map(messages => {
val sqsMsg: JsValue = Json.parse(messages)
val s3Key = "s3://" +
Json.stringify(sqsMsg("Records")(0)("s3")("bucket")("name")).replace("\"", "") + "/" +
Json.stringify(sqsMsg("Records")(0)("s3")("object")("key")).replace("\"", "")
val rawLogs: DStream[String] = s3Keys.transform(keys => {
val fileKeys = keys.collect()
val files = fileKeys.map(f => {
val jsonRows = rawLogs.mapPartitions(partition => {
// Parsing raw log to json
val txfm = new LogLine2Json
val log = Logger.getLogger("parseLog")
partition.map(line => {
catch {
case e: Throwable => {log.info(line); "";}
}).filter(line => line != "{}")
val sqlSession = SparkSession
// Write to S3
jsonRows.foreachRDD(r => {
val parsedFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd/")
val parsedDate = parsedFormat.format(new java.util.Date())
val outputPath = "bucket" + parsedDate
val jsonDf = sqlSession.read.schema(sparrowSchema.schema).json(r)
Here's the DAG and it seems like everything is merged in union transformation.
My requirement is to enrich data stream data with profile information from a HBase table. I was looking to use a broadcast variable. Enclosed the whole code here.
The output of HBase data is as follows
In the Driver node HBaseReaderBuilder
(org.apache.spark.SparkContext#3c58b102,hbase_customer_profile,Some(data),WrappedArray(gender, age),None,None,List()))
In the Worker node
HBaseReaderBuilder(null,hbase_customer_profile,Some(data),WrappedArray(gender, age),None,None,List()))
As you can see it has lost the spark context. When i issue the statement val
myRdd = bcdocRdd.map(r => Profile(r._1, r._2, r._3)) i get a NullPointerException
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.HBaseReaderBuilderConversions$class.toSimpleHBaseRDD(HBaseReaderBuilder.scala:83)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.package$.toSimpleHBaseRDD(package.scala:5)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.HBaseReaderBuilderConversions$class.toHBaseRDD(HBaseReaderBuilder.scala:67)
at it.nerdammer.spark.hbase.package$.toHBaseRDD(package.scala:5)
at testPartition$$anonfun$main$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(testPartition.scala:34)
at testPartition$$anonfun$main$1$$anonfun$apply$1$$anonfun$apply$2.apply(testPartition.scala:33)
object testPartition {
def main(args: Array[String]) : Unit = {
val sparkMaster = "spark://x.x.x.x:7077"
val ipaddress = "x.x.x.x:2181" // Zookeeper
val hadoopHome = "/home/hadoop/software/hadoop-2.6.0"
val topicname = "new_events_test_topic"
val mainConf = new SparkConf().setMaster(sparkMaster).setAppName("testingPartition")
val mainSparkContext = new SparkContext(mainConf)
val ssc = new StreamingContext(mainSparkContext, Seconds(30))
val eventsStream = KafkaUtils.createStream(ssc,"x.x.x.x:2181","receive_rest_events",Map(topicname.toString -> 2))
val docRdd = mainSparkContext.hbaseTable[(String, Option[String], Option[String])]("hbase_customer_profile").select("gender","age").inColumnFamily("data")
println ("docRDD from Driver ",docRdd)
val broadcastedprof = mainSparkContext.broadcast(docRdd)
eventsStream.foreachRDD(dstream => {
dstream.foreachPartition(records => {
println("Broadcasted docRDD - in Worker ", broadcastedprof.value)
val bcdocRdd = broadcastedprof.value
records.foreach(record => {
//val myRdd = bcdocRdd.map(r => Profile(r._1, r._2, r._3))
val Rows = record._2.split("\r\n")
I write a code in which twitter streaming take a rdd of tweet class and store each rdd in database but it got error task not serialize I paste the code.
case class Tweet(id: Long, source: String, content: String, retweet: Boolean, authName: String, username: String, url: String, authId: Long, language: String)
trait SparkStreaming extends Connector {
def startStream(appName: String, master: String): StreamingContext = {
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = new DBCrud(db, "table1")
val sparkConf: SparkConf = new SparkConf().setAppName(appName).setMaster(master).set(" spark.driver.allowMultipleContexts", "true").set("spark.serializer", "org.apache.spark.serializer.KryoSerializer")
// .set("spark.kryo.registrator", "HelloKryoRegistrator")
// sparkConf.registerKryoClasses(Array(classOf[DBCrud]))
val sc: SparkContext = new SparkContext(sparkConf)
val ssc: StreamingContext = new StreamingContext(sc, Seconds(10))
object SparkStreaming extends SparkStreaming
I use this streaming context in plat controller to store tweets in database but it throws exception. I'm using mongodb to store it.
def streamstart = Action {
val stream = SparkStreaming
val a = stream.startStream("ss", "local[2]")
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = DBCrud
val twitterauth = new TwitterClient().tweetCredantials()
val tweetDstream = TwitterUtils.createStream(a, Option(twitterauth.getAuthorization))
val tweets = tweetDstream.filter { x => x.getUser.getLang == "en" }.map { x => Tweet(x.getId, x.getSource, x.getText, x.isRetweet(), x.getUser.getName, x.getUser.getScreenName, x.getUser.getURL, x.getUser.getId, x.getUser.getLang) }
// tweets.foreachRDD { x => x.foreach { x => dbcrud.insert(x) } }
tweets.saveAsTextFiles("/home/knoldus/sentiment project/spark services/tweets/tweets")
// val s=new BirdTweet()
// s.hastag(a.sparkContext)
Ok("start streaming")
When make a single of streaming which take tweets and use forEachRDD to store each tweet then it works but if I use it from outside it doesn't work.
Please help me.
Try to create connection with MongoDB inside foreachRDD block, as mentioned in Spark Documentation
tweets.foreachRDD { x =>
x.foreach { x =>
val db = connector("localhost", "rmongo", "rmongo", "pass")
val dbcrud = new DBCrud(db, "table1")