Hitting the Facebook graph api with a batched request:
curl -F 'access_token=mytoken' -F 'batch=[{ "method":"GET","relative_url":"me?fields=name,first_name,last_name,picture.width(100).height(100),email", "include_headers":"false"},
{ "method":"GET","relative_url":"me?fields=picture.type(large)", "include_headers":"false"}]' https://graph.facebook.com/v2.2
The result still contain the headers.
I don't expect them in the result.
Is the "include_headers":"false" syntax wrong or misplaced?
Thanks a lot.
I was able to exclude the headers in batch requests a few different ways. I'm doing it from the PHP SDK but it's all the same under the covers.
By passing it as a POST parameter on the top-level request, i.e. add -F "include_headers=false" to your curl command
By passing it as a GET parameter on the inner request(s), not as a separate field, i.e. append "&include_headers=false" to relative_url
Hope that helps!
If you're using the python facebook-sdk this does the trick:
rezs = self.graph.request("?include_headers=false",
post_args={"batch": batched_requests})
where my self.graph is:
self.graph = facebook.GraphAPI(access_token=access_token,
and the batched_requests is a string containing the IDs and fields that I want.
I am using the following query:
and see the same results as:
Looks the created is not taking into effect.
can you please help me if I am missing anything in the query?
At document of REST API v3, parameters are added using +. So how about the following modification?
From :
To :
If I misunderstand your question, I'm sorry.
Edit :
When you want to retrieve the data using curl, please use as follows. In this case, please enclose the URL using double quotations. The URL in this sample is from your comments.
curl "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=python+created:%3E2009-04-11&page=1"
curl "https://api.github.com/search/repositories?q=python+created:>2009-04-11&page=1"
I'm using the graph API and trying to get a list of ads with their insights and post images.
I don't want to do multiple queries for this as I quickly hit the "(#17) User request limit reached" issue even when I use batch queries.
My current query looks like this:
Now in order to get the post image, I need to take the creative ID that is returned and use it in another query to pull the post like this:
Then use the returned story id to pull the picture like:
Is there any way I can combine these queries to do less requests?
Something like:
Any help is appreciated. Thanks.
Facebook's Batch API may work for you. It allows for multiple Graph API calls to be made from a single HTTP request and supports dependencies between those requests. Read over the documentation for details and here's a example curl call of how it might work (I've not executed this call so please review against the API documentation and test).
curl \
-F 'access_token=...' \
-F 'batch=[
]' \
I'm trying to use a service of DocuSign API in an abap project. I want to send a document to a specific email so it can be signed. But im getting the following error:
"errorCode": "INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER",## "message": "The request contained at least one invalid parameter. Query parameter 'from_date' must be set to a valid DateTime, or 'envelope_ids' or 'transaction_ids' must be specified.
I tried the following:
CALL METHOD cl_http_client=>create_by_url
url = l_url (https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2/accounts/XXXXXX')
proxy_host = co_proxy_host
proxy_service = co_proxy_service
client = lo_http_client
lo_http_client->request->set_method( method = 'POST').
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'Accept'
value = 'application/json'.
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_header_field
name = 'X-DocuSign-Authentication'
value = get_auth_header( ). (json auth header)
CALL METHOD lo_http_client->request->set_cdata
data = create_body( ).
This is my body:
`"emailSubject": "DocuSign REST API Quickstart Sample",`
`"emailBlurb": "Shows how to create and send an envelope from a document.",`
`"recipients": {`
`"signers": [{`
`"email": "test#email",`
`"name": "test",`
`"recipientId": "1",`
`"routingOrder": "1"`
`"documents": [{`
`"documentId": "1",`
`"name": "test.pdf",`
`"documentBase64":` `"` l_encoded_doc `"`
`"status": "sent"`
`}` INTO re_data.
The api request to get the Baseurl is working fine. (I know the error is quite specific what the problem is, but i cant find any sources on the docusign api documentation that one of the mentioned parameters should be added to the request)
Thank you in regards
The error message seems to indicate that you're Posting to an endpoint that requires certain query string parameters -- but you're not specifying them as expected in the query string. I'd suggest you check the DocuSign API documentation for the operation you are using, to determine what query string parameters it requires, and then ensure that you're including those parameters in your request URL.
If you can't figure this out using the documentation, then I'd suggest that you update your post to clarify exactly what URL (endpoint) you are using for the request, including any querystring parameters you're specifying in the URL. You can put fake values for things like Account ID, of course -- we just need to see the endpoint you are calling, and what qs params you're sending.
To create an envelope, use
instead of
Thank you for all the answers, i found the mistake. Creating the request wasn´t the problem. I was using the wrong "sending"-method -_-.
now its working :)
lo_rest_client->post( EXPORTING io_entity = lo_request_entity ).
we use the REST API for OpenStack Object Store(Swift).
guessing the following structure does exist in the OpenStack Object Store:
To get a list of objects from a container we can use a HTTP GET request with the specified URL.
So far so good. Result:
The GET request combined with a delimiter parameter ("URL+ABSOLUTEPATH?delimiter=/") cuts the pseudo directories from the result.
I would like to have a list of all objects within the container combined with the pseudo directories within the container.
Is there a solution to get the following result without getting all objects and parse them on client side?
I didn't find anything about wildcards when using the delimiter parameter.
Something like "URL+ABSOLUTEPATH?delimiter=/*/".
I was just trying to work the same thing out. Found the answer in the docs: http://docs.openstack.org/user-guide/cli_swift_pseudo_hierarchical_folders_directories.html#list-pseudo-hierarchical-folders-request-http
Using their example (note the prefix and delimiter query string parameters):
$ curl -X GET -i -H "X-Auth-Token: $token" $publicurl/v1/AccountString/backups?prefix=photos/&delimiter=/
Would return:
The ApiaryIO spec—actually the RFC to which it points—indicates that you cannot use "." in a parameter name, you need to encode it to "%2E". That's fine, but there seems to be a bug where Apiary can only handle one such encoding. For example, the following
## Notes Collection [/notes{?foo%2Ebar}]
yields the following Code Example
request = Request('http://private-d1ee7-testingnewapiary.apiary-mock.com/notes?foo.bar=foo.bar')
which is correct. However, the following
## Notes Collection [/notes{?foo%2Ebar,baz%2Ebla}]
yields this Code Example:
request = Request('http://private-d1ee7-testingnewapiary.apiary-mock.com/notes?foo%252Ebar=foo%252Ebar&baz%252Ebla=baz%252Ebla')
Notice how in the first the Code Example you see it has "foo.bar" but in the second example it has "foo%252Ebar", which is incorrect.
The downstream effect here is that the incorrect URI is sent to the API server so the response is malformatted creating an error.
How do I encode many "."-containing parameters on the URI template and still get the proper code examples?
Will adding explicit example values for those parameters help?
For example:
## Notes Collection [/notes{?foo%2Ebar,baz%2Ebla}]
+ Parameters
+ foo%2Ebar (`42`)
+ baz%2Ebla (`24`)
This seems to be a bug in the way the documentation / code samples are rendered. I have created the tracking issue here https://github.com/apiaryio/language-templates/issues/36.