Streaming from Spark RDD to Scala Process - scala

I have a Spark RDD[String] that I would like to stream to the input of an external command on the local machine. The setup would be something like this
val data: RDD[String] = <Valid data>
val process = Seq("wc", "-l") // This is not the actual process, but it works the same way as it consumes a whole bunch of lines and produces very little output itself
// Here's what I've tried so far
val exitCode = (process #< data.toLocalIterator.toStream) ! // Doesn't work
val exitCode = (process #< new ByteArrayInputStream(data.toLocalIterator.mkString("\n").getBytes("UTF-8"))) ! // Works but seems to load the whole data into local memory which is definitely not what I want as data could be very big
val processIO = new ProcessIO(
in => data.toLocalIterator.toStream,
out =>,
err =>
val exitCode = // This also doesn't work
Can anyone point me to a working solution that doesn't load all the data on the local machine and just streams it from an RDD[String] straight to the process, just like I'd do with
cat data.txt | wc -l
on the command line.

I think I've figured this out. It seems that I forgot to actually write anything to the InputStream. Here is code that seems to be working for my small tests. I still haven't tested it on the big data yet, but it looks like it should work.
val processIO = BasicIO.standard(in => {
data.toLocalIterator.foreach(x => in.write((x + Properties.lineSeparator).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))
val exitCode =

This is not an answer but you should be aware that it won't behave like cat data.txt | wc -l since the RDD can (and usually will) be split into multiple processes (tasks running in executors) so your accepting program needs to be able to get multiple streams and your should know that the data will not be ordered


Fast file writing in scala?

So I have a scala program that iterates through a graph and writes out data line by line to a text file. It is essentially an edge list file for use with graphx.
The biggest slow down is actually creating this text file, were talking maybe million records it writes to this text file. Is there a way I can somehow parallel this task or making faster in any way by somehow storing it in memory or anything?
More info:
I am using a hadoop cluster to iterate through a graph and here is my code snippet for my text file creation im doing now to write to HDFS:
val fileName = dbPropertiesFile + "-edgelist-" + System.currentTimeMillis()
val path = new Path("/home/user/graph/" + fileName + ".txt")
val conf = new Configuration()
conf.set("fs.defaultFS", "hdfs://host001:8020")
val fs = FileSystem.newInstance(conf)
val os = fs.create(path)
while (edges.hasNext) {
val current =
os.write(" ".getBytes())
Writing files to HDFS is never fast. Your tags seem to suggest that you are already using spark anyway, so you could as well, take advantage of it.
.makeRDD(20, edges.toStream)
.map(e => ->
.delimiter(" ")
This splits your input into 20 partitions (you can control that number with the numeric parameter to makeRDD above), and writes them in parallel to 20 different chunks in hdfs, that represent your resulting file.

Pyspark - Transfer control out of Spark Session (sc)

This is a follow up question on
Pyspark filter operation on Dstream
To keep a count of how many error messages/warning messages has come through for say a day, hour - how does one design the job.
What I have tried:
from __future__ import print_function
import sys
from pyspark import SparkContext
from pyspark.streaming import StreamingContext
def counts():
counter += 1
if __name__ == "__main__":
if len(sys.argv) != 3:
print("Usage: <hostname> <port>", file=sys.stderr)
sc = SparkContext(appName="PythonStreamingNetworkWordCount")
ssc = StreamingContext(sc, 5)
counter = sc.accumulator(0)
lines = ssc.socketTextStream(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))
errors = lines.filter(lambda l: "error" in l.lower())
errors.foreachRDD(lambda e : e.foreach(counts))
this however has multiple issues, to start with print doesn't work (does not output to stdout, I have read about it, the best I can use here is logging). Can I save the output of that function to a text file and tail that file instead?
I am not sure why the program just comes out, there is no error/dump anywhere to look further into (spark 1.6.2)
How does one preserve state? What I am trying is to aggregate logs by server and severity, another use case is to count how many transactions were processed by looking for certain keywords
Pseudo Code for what I want to try:
if RDD.contains("keyword1 | keyword2 | keyword3"):
dictionary[keyword] = dictionary.get(keyword,0) + 1 //add the keyword if not present and increase the counter
print dictionary //or send this dictionary to else where
The last part of sending or printing dictionary requires switching out of spark streaming context - Can someone explain the concept please?
print doesn't work
I would recommend reading the design patterns section of the Spark documentation. I think that roughly what you want is something like this:
def _process(iter):
for item in iter:
print item
lines = ssc.socketTextStream(sys.argv[1], int(sys.argv[2]))
errors = lines.filter(lambda l: "error" in l.lower())
errors.foreachRDD(lambda e : e.foreachPartition(_process))
This will get your call print to work (though it is worth noting that the print statement will execute on the workers and not the drivers, so if you're running this code on a cluster you will only see it on the worker logs).
However, it won't solve your second problem:
How does one preserve state?
For this, take a look at updateStateByKey and the related example.

I need help parsing a file in scala for running a spark job

I'm running a Spark Job in Scala and I'm struck with parsing the input file.
The Input file(TAB separated) is something like,
date=20160701 name=mike age=26
date=20160402 name=john age=33
I want to parse it and extract only values and not the keys, such as,
20160701 mike 26
20160402 john 33
How can this be achieved in SCALA?
I'm using,
You can use CSVParser() and you know the location for key, it will be easy and clean
Test data
val data = "date=20160701\tname=mike\tage=26\ndate=20160402 name=john\tage=33\n"
One statement to do what you asked
val rdd = sc.parallelize(data.split('\n'))
.map(_.split('\t') // split into key=value
.map(_.split('=')(1))) // split those at "=" and select only the value
Display what we got
// 20160701,mike,26
// 20160402,john,33
But don't do this for real code. It's very fragile in the face of data format errors, etc. Use CSVParser or something instead as Narendra Parmar suggests.
val rdd = sc.textFile() => x.split("\t")).map(x => x.split("=")(1)).map(x => x.mkstring("\t")).saveAsTextFile("")

Apache Spark: multiple outputs in one map task

TL;DR: I have a large file that I iterate over three times to get three different sets of counts out. Is there a way to get three maps out in one pass over the data?
Some more detail:
I'm trying to compute PMI between words and features that are listed in a large file. My pipeline looks something like this:
val wordFeatureCounts = sc.textFile(inputFile).flatMap(line => {
val word = getWordFromLine(line)
val features = getFeaturesFromLine(line)
for (feature <- features) yield ((word, feature), 1)
And then I repeat this to get word counts and feature counts separately:
val wordCounts = sc.textFile(inputFile).flatMap(line => {
val word = getWordFromLine(line)
val features = getFeaturesFromLine(line)
for (feature <- features) yield (word, 1)
val featureCounts = sc.textFile(inputFile).flatMap(line => {
val word = getWordFromLine(line)
val features = getFeaturesFromLine(line)
for (feature <- features) yield (feature, 1)
(I realize I could just iterate over wordFeatureCounts to get the wordCounts and featureCounts, but that doesn't answer my question, and looking at running times in practice I'm not sure it's actually faster to do it that way. Also note that there are some reduceByKey operations and other stuff that I do with this after the counts are computed that aren't shown, as they aren't relevant to the question.)
What I would really like to do is something like this:
val (wordFeatureCounts, wordCounts, featureCounts) = sc.textFile(inputFile).flatMap(line => {
val word = getWordFromLine(line)
val features = getFeaturesFromLine(line)
val wfCounts = for (feature <- features) yield ((word, feature), 1)
val wCounts = for (feature <- features) yield (word, 1)
val fCounts = for (feature <- features) yield (feature, 1)
Is there any way to do this with spark? In looking for how to do this, I've seen questions about multiple outputs when you're saving the results to disk (not helpful), and I've seen a bit about accumulators (which don't look like what I need), but that's it.
Also note that I can't just yield all of these results in one big list, because I need three separate maps out. If there's an efficient way to split a combined RDD after the fact, that could work, but the only way I can think of to do this would end up iterating over the data four times, instead of the three I currently do (once to create the combined map, then three times to filter it into the maps I actually want).
It is not possible to split an RDD into multiple RDDs. This is understandable if you think about how this would work under the hood. Say you split RDD x = sc.textFile("x") into a = x.filter(_.head == 'A') and b = x.filter(_.head == 'B'). Nothing happens so far, because RDDs are lazy. But now you print a.count. So Spark opens the file, and iterates through the lines. If the line starts with A it counts it. But what do we do with lines starting with B? Will there be a call to b.count in the future? Or maybe it will be b.saveAsTextFile("b") and we should be writing these lines out somewhere? We cannot know at this point. Splitting an RDD is just not possible with the Spark API.
But nothing stops you from implementing something if you know what you want. If you want to get both a.count and b.count you can map lines starting with A into (1, 0) and lines with B into (0, 1) and then sum up the tuples elementwise in a reduce. If you want to save lines with B into a file while counting lines with A, you could use an aggregator in a map before filter(_.head == 'B').saveAsTextFile.
The only generic solution is to store the intermediate data somewhere. One option is to just cache the input (x.cache). Another is to write the contents into separate directories in a single pass, then read them back as separate RDDs. (See Write to multiple outputs by key Spark - one Spark job.) We do this in production and it works great.
This is one of the major disadvantages of Spark over traditional map-reduce programming. An RDD/DF/DS can be transformed into another RDD/DF/DS but you cannot map an RDD into multiple outputs. To avoid recomputation you need to cache the results into some intermediate RDD and then run multiple map operations to generate multiple outputs. The caching solution will work if you are dealing with reasonable size data. But if the data is large compared to the memory available the intermediate outputs will be spilled to disk and the advantage of caching will not be that great. Check out the discussion here - This is an old Jira but relevant. Checkout out the comment by Mridul Muralidharan.
Spark needs to provide a solution where a map operation can produce multiple outputs without the need to cache. It may not be elegant from the functional programming perspective but I would argue, it would be a good compromise to achieve better performance.
I was also quite disappointed to see that this is a hard limitation of Spark over classic MapReduce. I ended up working around it by using multiple successive maps in which I filter out the data I need.
Here's a schematic toy example that performs different calculations on the numbers 0 to 49 and writes both to different output files.
from functools import partial
import os
from pyspark import SparkContext
# Generate mock data
def generate_data():
for i in range(50):
yield 'output_square', i * i
yield 'output_cube', i * i * i
# Map function to siphon data to a specific output
def save_partition_to_output(part_index, part, filter_key, output_dir):
# Initialise output file handle lazily to avoid creating empty output files
file = None
for key, data in part:
if key != filter_key:
# Pass through non-matching rows and skip
yield key, data
if file is None:
file = open(os.path.join(output_dir, '{}-part{:05d}.txt'.format(filter_key, part_index)), 'w')
# Consume data
file.write(str(data) + '\n')
yield from []
if file is not None:
def main():
sc = SparkContext()
rdd = sc.parallelize(generate_data())
# Repartition to number of outputs
# (not strictly required, but reduces number of output files).
# To split partitions further, use repartition() instead or
# partition by another key (not the output name).
rdd = rdd.partitionBy(numPartitions=2)
# Map and filter to first output.
rdd = rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(partial(save_partition_to_output, filter_key='output_square', output_dir='.'))
# Map and filter to second output.
rdd = rdd.mapPartitionsWithIndex(partial(save_partition_to_output, filter_key='output_cube', output_dir='.'))
# Trigger execution.
if __name__ == '__main__':
This will create two output files output_square-part00000.txt and output_cube-part00000.txt with the desired output splits.

Using Custom Hadoop input format for processing binary file in Spark

I have developed a hadoop based solution that process a binary file. This uses classic hadoop MR technique. The binary file is about 10GB and divided into 73 HDFS blocks, and the business logic written as map process operates on each of these 73 blocks. We have developed a customInputFormat and CustomRecordReader in Hadoop that returns key (intWritable) and value (BytesWritable) to the map function. The value is nothing but the contents of a HDFS block(bianry data). The business logic knows how to read this data.
Now, I would like to port this code in spark. I am a starter in spark and could run simple examples (wordcount, pi example) in spark. However, could not straightforward example to process binaryFiles in spark. I see there are two solutions for this use case. In the first, avoid using custom input format and record reader. Find a method (approach) in spark the creates a RDD for those HDFS blocks, use a map like method that feeds HDFS block content to the business logic. If this is not possible, I would like to re-use the custom input format and custom reader using some methods such as HadoopAPI, HadoopRDD etc. My problem:- I do not know whether the first approach is possible or not. If possible, can anyone please provide some pointers that contains examples? I was trying second approach but highly unsuccessful. Here is the code snippet I used
package org {
object Driver {
def myFunc(key : IntWritable, content : BytesWritable):Int = {
return 1
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// create a spark context
val conf = new SparkConf().setAppName("Dummy").setMaster("spark://<host>:7077")
val sc = new SparkContext(conf)
val rd = sc.newAPIHadoopFile("hdfs:///user/hadoop/myBin.dat", classOf[RandomAccessInputFormat], classOf[IntWritable], classOf[BytesWritable])
val count = (x => myFunc(x._1, x._2)).reduce(_+_)
println("The count is *****************************"+count)
Please note that the print statement in the main method prints 73 which is the number of blocks whereas the print statements inside the map function prints 0.
Can someone tell where I am doing wrong here? I think I am not using API the right way but failed to find some documentation/usage examples.
A couple of problems at a glance. You define myFunc but call func. Your myFunc has no return type, so you can't call collect(). If your myFunc truly doesn't have a return value, you can do foreach instead of map.
collect() pulls the data in an RDD to the driver to allow you to do stuff with it locally (on the driver).
I have made some progress in this issue. I am now using the below function which does the job
var hRDD = new NewHadoopRDD(sc, classOf[RandomAccessInputFormat],
val count = hRDD.mapPartitionsWithInputSplit{ (split, iter) => myfuncPart(split, iter)}.collect()
However, landed up with another error the details of which i have posted here
Issue in accessing HDFS file inside spark map function
15/10/30 11:11:39 WARN scheduler.TaskSetManager: Lost task 0.0 in stage 0.0 (TID 0, No FileSystem for scheme: spark
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.getFileSystemClass(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.createFileSystem(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem.access$200(
at org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem$Cache.getInternal(