Record deletion - oracle10g

I have below table 'tbl_main' with around 8K records
Id Name ExId
1 AB X0001
3 FD X000-01
. . ...
. . ....
And I have a text file with data(4K records), each row separated by newline like below:
I need to delete data from 'tbl_main' where tbl_main's ExId are not matched with ExId of the text file.
delete from tbl_main where ExId not in('X000-01','X7654','AD7778',.....4K)
Due to limitation of IN clause I cannot do it right?
Also I don't want to put text file's data in temp table to server the deletion, unless don't have any other way.
So, How can I achieve this. Please advice.
I am using Oracle Sql Developer and Oracle 10g.


DB2 - The temporary works in stored procedure but not in a script [duplicate]

I've created a temporary table DETAILS and follow the same syntax of creating and inserting in it. But I have not received any result set However, the CREATE and INSERT statements ran successfully and the Row was also affected in the INSERT statement . But the result set was empty when I ran the last SELECT statement to view the record .
SELECT ins_id , firstname , pages FROM
SELECT ins_id , firstname , pages
If you want to preserve rows in CGTT after commit, you have to specify ON COMMIT PRESERVE ROWS option of the CREATE GLOBAL TEMPORARY TABLE statement.
ON COMMIT DELETE ROWS option is in effect otherwise, and such a table is cleared on commit.

copy columns of a csv file into postgresql table

I have a CSV file with 12 - 11 - 10 or 5 columns.
After creating a PostgreSQL table with 12 columns, I want to copy this CSV into the table.
I use this request:
COPY absence(champ1, champ2, num_agent, nom_prenom_agent, code_gestion, code_service, calendrier_agent, date_absence, code_absence, heure_absence, minute_absence, periode_absence)
FROM 'C:\temp\absence\absence.csv'
My CSV file contains 80000 line.
Ex :
20\05\ 191\MARKEY CLAUDIE\GA0\51110\39H00\21/02/2020\1471\03\54\Matin
21\05\ 191\MARKEY CLAUDIE\GA0\51110\39H00\\8130\7H48\Formation avec repas\
30\05\ 191\MARKEY CLAUDIE\GA0\51430\39H00\\167H42\
22\9993\Temps de déplacement\98\37
when I execute the request, I get a message indicating that there is missing data for the lines with less than 12 fields.
Is there a trick?
copy is extremely fast and efficient, but less flexible because of that. Specifically it can't cope with files that have a different number of "columns" for each line.
You can either use a different import tool, or if you want to stick to built-in tools, copy the file into staging table that only has a single column, then use Postgres string functions to split the lines into the columns:
create unlogged table absence_import
line text
\COPY absence_import(line) FROM 'C:\temp\absence\absence.csv' DELIMITER E'\b' CSV
E'\b' is the "backspace" character which can't really appear in a text file, so no column splitting is taking place.
Once you have imported the file, you can split the line using string_to_array() and the insert that into the real table:
insert into absence(champ1, champ2, num_agent, nom_prenom_agent, code_gestion, code_service, calendrier_agent, date_absence, code_absence, heure_absence, minute_absence, periode_absence)
select line[1], line[2], line[3], .....
from (
select string_to_array(line, '\') as line
from absence_import
) t;
If there are non-text columns, might need to cast the values to the target data type explicitly: e.g. line[3]::int.
You can add additional expressions to deal with missing columns, e.g. something like: coalesce(line[10], 'default value')

Which delimiter to use when loading CSV data into Postgres?

I've come across a problem with loading some CSV files into my Postgres tables. I have data that looks like this:
123,true,Hi Joe, I am looking for a new vehicle, can you help me out?
Now, the problem here is that the text in what is supposed to be the BODY_TEXT column is unstructured email data and can contain any sort of characters, and when I run the following COPY command it's failing because there are multiple , characters within the BODY_TEXT.
COPY sent from ('my_file.csv') DELIMITER ',' CSV;
How can I resolve this so that everything in the BODY_TEXT column gets loaded as-is without the load command potentially using characters within it as separators?
Additionally to the fixing the source file format you can do it by PostgreSQL itself.
Load all lines from file to temporary table:
create temporary table t (x text);
copy t from 'foo.csv';
Then you can to split each string using regexp like:
select regexp_matches(x, '^([0-9]+),(true|false),(.*)$') from t;
{123,true,"Hi Joe, I am looking for a new vehicle, can you help me out?"}
{456,false,"Hello, honey, there is what I want to ask you."}
(2 rows)
You can use this query to load data to your destination table:
insert into sent(id, is_alive, body_text)
select x[1], x[2], x[3]
from (
select regexp_matches(x, '^([0-9]+),(true|false),(.*)$') as x
from t) t

Best way to prevent duplicate data on copy csv postgresql

This is more of a conceptual question because I'm planning how best to achieve our goals here.
I have a postgresql/postgis table with 5 columns. I'll be inserting/appending data into the database from a csv file every 10 minutes or so via the copy command. There will likely be some duplicate rows of data, so I'd like to copy the data from the csv file to the postgresql table but prevent any duplicate entries from getting into the table from the csv file. There are three columns, where if they are all equal, that will mean the entry is a duplicate. They are "latitude", "longitude" and "time". Should I make a composite key from all three columns? If I do that, will it just throw an error upon trying to copy the csv file into the database? I'm going to be copying the csv file automatically so I would want it to go ahead and copy the rest of the file that aren't duplicates and not copy the duplicates. Is there a way to do this?
Also, I of course want it to look for duplicates in the most efficient way. I don't need to look through the whole table (which will be quite large) for duplicates...just the past 20 minutes or so via the timestamp on the row. And I've indexed the db with the time column.
Thanks for any help!
The Answer by Linoff is correct but can simplified a bit by Postgres 9.5 new ”UPSERT“ feature (a.k.a. MERGE). That new feature is implemented in Postgres as INSERT ON CONFLICT syntax.
Rather than explicitly check for violation of the unique index, we can let the ON CONFLICT clause detect the violation. Then we DO NOTHING, meaning we abandon the effort to INSERT without bothering to attempt an UPDATE. So if we cannot insert, we just move on to next row.
We get the same results as Linoff’s code but lose the WHERE clause.
INSERT INTO bigtable(col1, … )
SELECT col1, …
FROM stagingtable st
ON CONFLICT idx_bigtable_col1_col2_col
I think I would take the following approach.
First, create an index on the three columns that you care about:
create unique index idx_bigtable_col1_col2_col3 on bigtable(col1, col2, col3);
Then, load the data into a staging table using copy. Finally, you can do:
insert into bigtable(col1, . . . )
select col1, . . .
from stagingtable st
where (col1, col2, col3) not in (select col1, col2, col3 from bigtable);
Assuming no other data modifications are going on, this should accomplish what you want. Checking for duplicates using the index should be ok from a performance perspective.
An alternative method is to emulates MySQL's "on duplicate key update" to ignore such records. Bill Karwin suggests implementing a rule in an answer to this question. The documentation for rules is here. Something similar could also be done with triggers.
The method posted by Basil Bourque was great, but there was a slight syntax error.
Based on the documentation, I modified it to the following, which works:
INSERT INTO bigtable(col1, … )
SELECT col1, …
FROM stagingtable st

How can I remove extra characters from a column?

I have a table with Customer/Phone/City/State/Zip/etc..
Occasionally, I'll be importing the info from a .csv file, and sometimes the zipcode is formatted like this: xxxxx-xxxx and I only need it to be a general, 5 digit zip code.
How can I delete the last 5 characters without having to do it from Excel, cell by cell (which is what I'm doing now)?
EDIT: This is what I used after Craig's suggestion and it worked. However, some of the zip entries are canadian zipcodes and often time they are formated x1x-x2x. Running this deletes the last character in the field.
How could I remedy this?
You'll need to do one of these 3 ideas:
use an ETL tool to filter the data during insert;
COPY into a TEMPORARY or UNLOGGED table then do an INSERT INTO real_table SELECT ... that transforms the data with a suitable substring(...) call; or
Write a simple Perl/Python/whatever script that reads the csv, transforms it as desired, and inserts the results into PostgreSQL. I'd use Python with the csv module and psycopg2's copy_from.
Such an insert into ... select might look like:
INSERT INTO real_table(col1, col2, zip)
substring(zip from 1 for 5)
FROM temp_table;