load folder's images names to a Matlab listbox - matlab

I'm trying to load all the images' names that exist in a particular folder that i selected using matlab GUI into a listbox.
the problem is that when i select the folder:
if it's empty, I can see the list empty with a white background color (which is the right thing).
But when i select a folder that contains images, the listbox disappears from the GUI. and i get a warning saying:
Warning: single-selection listbox control requires a scalar Value
Control will not be rendered until all of its parameter values are valid
i'm stuck in this issue for a long time, and i couldn't find a way to solve it.
here's the code i tried:
% --- Load up the listbox with tif files in folder handles.handles.ImageFolder
function handles=LoadImageList(handles)
ListOfImageNames = {};
folder = handles.ImageFolder;
if ~isempty(handles.ImageFolder)
if exist(folder,'dir') == false
warningMessage = sprintf('Note: the folder used when this program was last run:\n%s\ndoes not exist on this computer.\nPlease run Step 1 to select an image folder.', handles.ImageFolder);
msgboxw('No folder specified as input for function LoadImageList.');
% If it gets to here, the folder is good.
ImageFiles = dir([handles.ImageFolder '/*.*']);
for Index = 1:length(ImageFiles)
baseFileName = ImageFiles(Index).name;
[folder, name, extension] = fileparts(baseFileName);
extension = upper(extension);
switch lower(extension)
case {'.png', '.bmp', '.jpg', '.tif', '.avi'}
% Allow only PNG, TIF, JPG, or BMP images
ListOfImageNames = [ListOfImageNames baseFileName];

This happen to a Matlab uicontrol when some of it's parameters are set to an invalid value. Matlab choose to not display them.
In your case, the error message tells you the Value parameter is incorrect.
Your listbox is defined as a "single-selection", which means you can only have one line selected at a time. The Value parameter represent the line number which is selected. This parameter has to be a "scalar", a single number, not a vector which would represent several line selected (possible with "multi-selection" listboxes).
Note that Matlab doesn't support an empty Value either, so if your Value was set to [], it will also error when you populate the lisbox. (at least not on my R2009a version)
The simple way to overcome that, is to set the Value at the same time you populate the listbox:

The problem is with the way you create ListOfImageNames. The result of your code is a long string containing all the image names without any space or delimiter.
The String property of MATLAB's listbox expect a cell array with the strip of each line. You can try this:
ListOfImageNames =[];
NumOfImages = 0;
ImageFiles = dir([handles.ImageFolder '/*.*']);
for Index = 1:length(ImageFiles)
baseFileName = ImageFiles(Index).name;
[folder, name, extension] = fileparts(baseFileName);
extension = upper(extension);
switch lower(extension)
case {'.png', '.bmp', '.jpg', '.tif', '.avi'}
% Allow only PNG, TIF, JPG, or BMP images
NumOfImages = NumOfImages + 1;
ListOfImageNames{NumOfImages} = baseFileName;


How does one load a .mat file in the GUI, matlab app development

I am attempting to create a MATLAB app that saves the specific fields in a .mat file and allows for custom naming. Saving has seemed to work however attempting to load leads to nothing changing.
Any help would be appreciated
function SaveButtonPushed(app, event) % Saving element
props = properties(app);
lp = length(props);
values = cell(1,lp);
visibilities = cell(1,lp);
for i = 1:lp
propName = props{1};
property = app.(propName);
if isprop(property, 'Value')
values{i} = app.(propName).Value;
% if isprop(property, 'Visible')
% visibilities{i} = app.(props{i}).Visible;
% end
file = uiputfile('*.mat', "Save Message" );
if file
save(file, 'props', 'values', 'visibilities');
function LoadButtonPushed(app, event) % Loading element
[file,path] = uigetfile('*.mat');
selectedfile = fullfile(file);
It is like Wolfie said in his comment. The variables in the .mat file are loaded into the private workspace for that function, which is cleared at once it exits.
So within the function you should be able to loop over your app properties again and set the values the ones loaded from the file.
Note that if you add a breakpoint, as Wolfie says, you should be able to see the private workspace and your loaded variables will be there until the function exits.
Alternatively, you could load the variables in to a structure:
S = load(selectedfile);
(See https://uk.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/load.html for more details)
and return that structure,
function [S] = LoadButtonPushed(app, event) % Loading element
You will have to change the interface/load function call to accept the returned variable, and I'm not sure that you can add the contents of the structure to the global namespace. However, you can access them through the loaded structure as:

All tables in the bracketed expression must have the same variable names

I have two editable numeric fields and a table in app designer; the user can enter the values in these editable fields and then push a button. Then, the values are added to a table. Also, I provide an option to attach an excel folder that should have two columns to reflect on the table.
Both of these work perfectly fine individually, but, if I added the values manually then attached an excel folder or vice versa, I get the following error: All tables in the bracketed expression must have the same variable names.
The function that handles the editable fields:
app.t = app.UITable.Data;
x = app.xvalueEditField.Value;
y = app.yvalueEditField.Value;
nr = table(x, y);
app.UITable.Data = [app.t; nr]; %% error happens here if I attach excel then add manually
app.t = app.UITable.Data;
The Function of the excel folder:
text = readtable([pathname filename], "Sheet",1, 'ReadVariableNames',false);
fl = cellfun(#isnumeric,table2cell(text(1,:)));
if (numel(fl(fl == false)) > 0)
flag = false;
flag = true;
if (flag)
A = [app.t; text]; %% error happens here if I add manually then attach
app.UITable.Data = A;
app.t = text;
Note: these are only the parts of the function, where I attempt to combine values
Can someone please help me?
Thank you
The error message is telling you that table only allows you to vertically concatenate tables when the 'VariableNames' properties match. This is documented here: https://www.mathworks.com/help/matlab/ref/vertcat.html#btxzag0-1 .
In your first code example, the table nr will have variable names x and y (derived from the names of the underlying variables you used to construct the table). You could fix that case by doing:
% force nr to have the same VariableNames as app.t:
nr = table(x, y, 'VariableNames', app.t.Properties.VariableNames);
and in the second case, you can force text to have the correct variable names like this:
text.Properties.VariableNames = app.t.Properties.VariableNames

Saving data to .mat file in MATLAB

I'm new to MATLAB, and I can't manage to make my function work in order to save my data into a .mat file.
The input:
A structure, with 5 fields:
data: 3D matrix of 19x1000x143
labels: 1x143 matrix with 1 or -1 in it
subject_number: an integer
sampling_rate: an integer, 500 Hz
channel_names: 1x19 matrix with text in it
name: a string for the name of the file
clean: a matrix 1x143 with 1 or 0 in it.
The idea is to save only the clean data, marked as 1 in the clean matrix.
If clean(i) is equal to 1:
save data(:,:,i) and labels(:,i)
This is the code I've tried to implement in the saving.m file:
function saving(EEG_struct, clean, name)
subject_number = EEG_struct.subject_number;
fs = EEG_struct.sampling_rate;
chan_names = EEG_struct.channel_names;
nb_epoch = size(EEG_struct.data, 3);
for j=1:nb_epoch
if clean(j) == 1
% Keep the epoch and label
data = cat(3, data, EEG_struct.data(:,:,j));
labels = cat(2, labels, EEG_struct.labels(:,j));
save(name, data, labels, subject_number, fs, chan_names)
As you can see, I would like to save the data as a structure with the same shape as the EEG_struct input.
Moreover, I would like to use a parfor instead of a for, but it raised me an error I didn't quite get:
An UndefinedFunction error was thrown on the workers for 'data'. This might be because the file containing 'data' is not accessible on the workers. Use addAttachedFiles(pool, files) to specify the required files to be attached. See the documentation for 'parallel.Pool/addAttachedFiles' for more details. Caused by: Undefined function or variable 'data'.
Thanks for the help !
You can use your clean variable as a logical index and parse out your data and labels at once. So there is no need for a loop.
Also the save command needs the "names" of the vars to save not the variables themselves. So I just put ' ' around each one.
function saving(EEG_struct, clean, name)
subject_number = EEG_struct.subject_number;
fs = EEG_struct.sampling_rate;
chan_names = EEG_struct.channel_names;
nb_epoch = size(EEG_struct.data, 3);
%No need for a loop at all
data = EEG_struct.data(:,:,logical(clean));
labels = EEG_struct.labels(logical(clean)); %This is a 1xN so I removed the extra colon operator
save(name, 'data', 'labels', 'subject_number', 'fs', 'chan_names');
Per you comment if you want to just leave everything in the structure. I gave you 2 options for how to save it.
function saving(EEG_struct, clean, name)
%Crop out ~clead data
EEG_struct.data = EEG_struct.data(:,:,logical(clean));
EEG_struct.labels = EEG_struct.labels(logical(clean)); %This is a 1xN so I removed the extra colon operator
% Option 1
save(name, 'EEG_struct');
% Option2
save(name, '-struct', 'EEG_struct');
Option 1 will directly save the struct to the MAT file. So if you were to load the data back like this:
test = load(name);
test =
EEG_struct: [1x1 struct]
You would get your structure placed inside another structure ... which might not be ideal or require an extra line to de-nest it. On the other hand just loading the MAT file with no outputs load(name) would put EEG_struct into your current workspace. But if in a function then it sort of springs into existence without every being declared which makes code a bit harder to follow.
Option 2 uses the '-struct' option which breaks out each field automatically into separate vars in the MAT file. So loading like this:
EEG_struct = load(name);
Will put all the fields back together again. To me at least this looks cleaner when done within a function but is probably just my preference
So comment out which ever you prefer. Also, not I did not include clean in the save. You could either append it to the MAT or add it to your structure.
To get a structure the same as EEG_struct but with only the data/labels corresponding with the clean variable, you can simply make a copy of the existing structure and remove the rows where clean=0
function saving(EEG_struct, clean, name)
newstruct = EEG_struct;
newstruct.data(:,:,logical(~clean)) = '';
newstruct.labels(logical(~clean)) = '';

searching matlab search path with strcmp

I have written the code below. Basically it is checking if some path is already in the matlab search path or not. If it is not found then it adds the path.
The problem is the strcmp always returns a vector of zeros despite the path actually already existing in currPath. I actually copied a path from currPath to check I was getting the correct values. Not sure why this is?
% get current path
currPath = strsplit(path, ';')';
currPath = upper(currPath);
% check if required paths exist - if not add them
pathsToCheck = ['C:\SOMEFOLDER\MADEUP'];
pathsToCheck = upper(pathsToCheck);
for n = 1 : length(pathsToCheck(:, 1))
index = strcmp(currPath, pathsToCheck(n, 1));
if sum(index) > 0
addpath(pathsToCheck{t, 1}, '-end'); % add path to the end
% save changes
The issue is that you have defined pathsToCheck as a character array and not a cell array (which I think is what you intended the way that you are looping through it).
Rather than using a for loop, you could use ismember to check which members of a cell array of strings exist in another cell array of strings.
% Note the use of pathsep to make this work across multiple operating systems
currentPath = strsplit(path, pathsep);
pathsToCheck = {'C:\SOMEFOLDER\MADEUP'};
exists = ismember(pathsToCheck, currentPath);
% If you want to ignore case: ismember(upper(pathsToCheck), upper(currentPath))
% Add the ones that didn't exist
addpath(pathsToCheck{~exists}, '-end');

Do the same for every part in listdlg (MATLAB)

I am writing a program and I am using listdlg. I want for each selection of the list to do the same thing BUT it will save them in different part(so that every option will have it's own - let's say- sub folder with its text files and they can be accessed for another function.
So this is my listdlg
global fileCount
F = listdlg('PromptString','Different types', 'SelectionMode',...
'single', 'ListString',{E}, 'Name','Select a type','ListSize',[230 130]);
where {E} is user's input, which might be 3 rows or 6 rows, how many he likes.
So I want if he uses the first row to ask for input and then save it for the first type
if F == 1
[file,path] = uigetfile ('*.txt','Select your text files',...
file = cellstr(file);
for k = 1:length(file)
fileCount = length (file);
z = importdata(fullfile(path, file{k}));
the same will be done for the following types, meaning if he chooses the 2nd then the files will be saved for the 2nd file, but the files of the first type will not be overwrote. So he now has let's say Orange-10files; Pink-2files and Yellow-4files.
Is there a way I can do that? except using if and elseif for every of his choice?
I hope I was clear enough!
Assign E as a cell array rather than inserting it as a cell array in the listdlg call. I'm not entirely clear on your end goal, but this will take the user's selection of E's elements, open whatever files the user selects, and return the path and file name of those files with the added "color" folder:
E = {'Orange','Pink','Yellow'};
F = listdlg('PromptString','Different types', 'SelectionMode',...
'single', 'ListString',E, 'Name','Select a type','ListSize',[230 130]);
[files,path] = uigetfile ('*.txt','Select your text files',...
files = cellfun(#(x) fullfile(path,E{F},x),files,'UniformOutput',false);