Perhaps I am missing it... but is there a method in the BeatsMusic API that allows me to find out which song a user is currently listening to?
It's not possible. The server does not track what is being played.
When playing on PlayStation, you get notifications when you're friends just played a game and whether they won or lost that game. Is it possible to get this information stream using a PlayStation Network API?
I found some unofficial PlayStation Network API's, but none seem to offer this functionality.
I'm not aware of any API, but my first idea would be to use some sort of web scraping/crawling to accomplish this. And if you're lucky they might be utilizing HATEOAS and that would expand your options of where to branch your crawl/improve performance etc.
It would kind of be a niche API to create but it could be worth it.
Is there any api for call recording in iOS while the conversation is going on?
The requirement is that i want to record the desired part of the call and store locally in the device such that i an move it to my storage disks later.
Does there any apps exist with this capability...such that we can record during the call is going on??
Know about the legal issues and gone through other questions in stack.Want to know any further improvements by iOS5
No, there is no such API in iOS.
No sir.. there is no such thing.(IMHO)
One word answer. "No"...!! Not in the current SDK.
I am editing some thing in an iPhone editor application. That time, I am getting a call. How can I identify an incoming call by coding ?
If any one having idea about this, just share with us.
You can't. This is actually a FAQ already :-) All you can do is implement the applicationWillResignActive method in your application delegate (or listen to the corresponding notification). However, you also get this event when some alerts are shown or when the screen gets locked and you can't distinguish why you are getting the event.
Take a look at following URL
Could be helpful for you
Core Telephony
iPhone developer newbie question:
I'm looking to have my application perform an action when a user stops listening to a track on their iPhone (i.e. presses the stop button).
Is it possible to hook into these kind of events (play / pause / stop etc)? If so, which API would I use?
No, there's not really any way to do that. As far as I know there's no way to tell that a track has stopped, but even if there was your application would have to be in the foreground at the time of the "stop" instruction since there are no background applications (other than Apple's).
Perhaps KVO would provide the behavior you need.
Key-Value Observing Programming Guide (requires ADC login)
When you hold the iPhone to your ear, it detects that there's something (proximity-sensor) and switches off the display.
is it possible to access this sensor in an iPhone app?
It is possible via undocumented System calls, this is how Google's voice search works on the iPhone to start listening when it is close to your ear (or so i'm told). The API isn't publicly exposed though so although google got the app on the store your app might be subject to more scrutiny.
Sorry I can't tell you exactly what the calls are.
I don't think so.
Rather, there aren't any published API's for it.
Google's voice search uses it, but that caused some fuss as they apparently used some unpublished functions.
To clarify, there are published API's allowing you to turn it on and off, but nothing that will allow you to detect when it has been triggered.
I was able to find this functionality in Apple's documentation here, however I haven't tried it yet.
The UIDevice instance also provides access to the proximity sensor state (described by the proximityState property). The proximity sensor detects whether the user is holding the device close to their face.