doxygen Call graph does not work - doxygen

I have installed doxygen and graphviz-2.38 on my windows 7. But when i generate Call graphs or Called graphs, the png file or the graphs does not open, it generates .md5 file but searches for .png files for the graphs . Please help.

Doxygen can use the "dot" tool from graphviz to generate more advanced diagrams and graphs.
If you have the "dot" tool in the path, you can set HAVE_DOT to YES in the configuration file to let doxygen use it. Among the dot options, use DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT also.
The DOT_IMAGE_FORMAT tag can be used to set the image format of the images generated by dot. Possible values are svg, png, jpg, or gif. If left blank png will be used.
If you choose svg you need to set HTML_FILE_EXTENSION to xhtml in order to make the SVG files visible in IE 9+ (other browsers do not have this requirement).


Create custom glyphs and sprites to use with mapbox

I would like to self-host my vector maps. I am using some custom fonts and also some custom icons.
When I create a style in Mapbox Studio and export it later I will have the following two lines inside my styles file:
"sprite": "mapbox://sprites/<user>/<token>/<token>",
"glyphs": "mapbox://fonts/<user>/{fontstack}/{range}.pbf",
My question now is how do I create those files myself? I have a folder containing my .svg and my .ttf files. But how do I now get them into the format I need?
I tried for the glyphs part, but can't get that running. And then I found but don't understand how it should work.
The easy method is to:
add the svgs and fonts into a MapBox style
open a test map in a browser
inspect the Network calls with the browser's dev tools. Find the calls to get the sprite and glyph files
open those URLs in a new browser tab and save the files that are downloaded
Otherwise if you want to generate the files without using MapBox Studio:
You'll use two utilities as outline in the instructions from
Sprite file generation: SpriteZero CLI -
Glyph file generation: genfontgl -
Finally, when defining the path to the files you do still need the tokens in the glyphs path even though you aren't using them. So something like
"glyphs": "/data/myfonts.pbf?{fontstack}{range}",

Is there any way to automatize file export operation?

Recently I'm using CorelDraw to create icons for my android application, and I have a little problem. Each icon has to be exported as a png to 6 different sizes, and it is quite annoying to export each icon 6 times. Is there any way to create a macro or other automation stuff that will do for example 6 exports of a file to a dedicated location? All the export settings besides the width and height are the same.
Uses the ActiveDocument.ExportBitmap command to export something as a PNG.
Here is someone over at the corel draw community calling it.
The resolutions are passed as arguments to ExportBitmap. Make a macro that hard codes 6 sizes and exports them to slightly different filenames.
You may not find a free macro as your request on the net. You should ask it to macro developer as it's custom macro.
I got idea for this request.
Macro interface loaded :
a text box for entering png name (or auto numbering)
text boxes for prefix and suffix name (6x)
auto filled file path for each of 6
a button for execute
Select Icon, then click the button. The selected icon will exported to predefined folder with specific name.
i.e :
and so on.
If all your ison is as ONE PAGE only, the macro will available exported each icon as 6 sizes png, WITH auto filenaming function.
Yup, I think it would be as commercial macro.

Is XMP metadata supported in PNG images?

I've been trying to understand how XMP metadata worked on PNG files for the last few hours but couldn't quite wrap my head around it.
If I create a PNG image with Photoshop, save it and open the File Info dialog (File > File Info or Ctrl+Alt+Shift+I), I can see some XMP properties like CreateDate, CreatorTool or ModifyDate.
Now if I try to open the file with exiv2 and read the metadata it seems to not find anything:
auto image = Exiv2::ImageFactory::open(imagePath);
Exiv2::XmpData &xmpData = image->xmpData();
The same goes with the exiftool -xmp:all myImage.png, exiv2 -P X myImage.png, or even GIMP (but I think it is using exiv2 internally).
This wouldn't be such an issue if any added metadata were not removed when saving again with Photoshop. In case this wasn't clear, opening the image and adding XMP metadata with exiv2, saving it, opening the image back in Photoshop and in the file info dialog, the properties added previously are not there any more.
The weird thing is that if you do this entire process with a JPEG image, everything works as expected: all the properties are visible from both Photoshop and exiv2 and if I try to add metadata with exiv2 (using the same code), it appears in Photoshop as well.
Am I missing something obvious? Is there anything special about PNGs that is not true for JPEGs? I haven't tried to use Adobe's SDK to edit the XMP data, is it any better?
Any help would be much appreciated as this is starting to drive me crazy :/
Edit: After reading this post I tried with Adobe Bridge and it doesn't seem to display the same properties as Photoshop. If I add XMP metadata with Exiv2 they are displayed in Bridge but if I modify the image in Photoshop, the metadata is gone from Bridge again.
Right, I finally got my hands on a copy of Photoshop CC and everything works fine. It must have been a bug in CS5 and CS6 that has been corrected in CC.
I think a recent update of Photoshop CS6 (13.1?) fixed this issue. It seems to have fixed problems with ICC color profiles in PNG images as well:

Eclipse plug-in: ObjectAid UML Explorer Class Diagram: export in higher resolution

I am using ObjectAid UML Explorer to generate a UML Class Diagram from my code.
I need to include the output PNG in a LaTeX document and what I get is way too low resolution for inclusion.
How can I get higher resolution output from the Eclipse plug-in?
I can see the internal format of a .ucls file is just XML:
<class-diagram version="1.0.10"...
Is there a way to get something more dense than 72dpi or something in a scalable format, say EPS or similar? The target document is > 300dpi so 72dpi does not even come close, unfortunately. Whatever rasterises the XML definition has to accept a trap and a pluggable module?
I need something that plugs into the auto-save mechanism of ObjectAid...
I've found a dirty but easy solution to the problem.
By printing the diagram to a PDF, e.g. with programs like PDFCreator, you gain a vector graphic in the PDF. With a graphics editing program like Adobe Photoshop or Gimp you can raster the PDF to a high quality PNG.
It worked fine for me.
With ObjectAid's Diagram Add-On you can make some customizations regarding the printing scale. There's also the possibility to save the diagrams as SVG image, which you can convert to a high quality pixel image, too.
Did you try to use a cropping/design tool such as snagit which would crop a copy of your computer screen and export it in high definition such as an image or directly paste and copy inside a word document ?
I have the same problem than you for providing documentation of my java code. I use EclipseUML Omondo but the image export is pretty poor too. I now prefer to use specific cropping tool for my image export which is a lot better.
I mean that you create the view you need on your computer screen then crop it and paste it in your documentation. I like to use the snagit's paste and copy feature with Microsoft word.
My favorite tool for cropping my UML diagrams is snagit.
Not possible until ObjectAid implements the feature...
Although it's not glamorous, what I did was go into Window | Preferences | General | Appearance | Colors and Fonts inside Eclipse and set all the text fields to double their size.
This created a larger diagram and the export was therefore in a higher res.

PhotoShop exports layers to files with bad filenames

I use Photoshop script,that export all layers into png files.
After script successfuly done, in saved folder files have strange filenames, like:
This is my Layers:
Do you know how to save files with what format:
Like UI-Background#2x.png?
Or if you know another way how to save pngs from photoshop for Retina and non-Retina iPhone displayes, can you describe it, please?
I'm sure this is how the plugin supose to work. you should check in the Photoshop menu if there are any other options for this plugin to remove the 0000 and underscore. As sollution you can use IrfanView or similar software to rename your files using regex or special commands so you can remove the underscore and 0000 easely.