eclipse: categorizing breakpoints in debugger - eclipse

In a multimillion line project, sometimes when searching for a bug, you can end up creating several dozen breakpoints. Often these breakpoints are searching for slightly different things.
Eclipse displays the class, line number, and method in which the breakpoint lies, but that's not always enough for me to keep track of everything. Sometimes I will know that there are a couple of specific things I want to look at, and I'll have a set of breakpoints digging through each of them. It would be really useful to be able to create breakpoint categories to help me keep track of where everything I want to look at happens.
I'm wondering if there is a way to do this, either in stock eclipse, or with a plugin.

Found it.
In the breakpoints view, open the view menu and select Working Sets.... This will allow you to create categories. Once you create a new working set and select the breakpoints to include in it, you can open the view menu again and select Group By > Breakpoint Working Sets. This will group your breakpoints into categories.


In Eclipse, Is there a way to disable a breakpoint temporarily?

I have a number of breakpoints scattered throughout my code. I don't want to lose them, I just want to temporarily turn them all off so that the breakpoint I just added is the only one that is triggered. In other words, to have "active" and "inactive" breakpoints. Is this possible in Eclipse? I'm running Neon, 4.6.3.
In the run menu, about halfway down - there's "Skip All Break Points" - or you can do CTRL+ALT+B
Just don't forget to toggle it back else you'll be wondering why none of your breakpoints are no longer working - been there, done that.
Note and update as you wanted to only disable specific breakpoints, but still have some or a new one enabled. Too accomplish this:
Window->Show View->Debug Tree Node Select "Breakpoints" - this opens a view with all of your breakpoints. Select all of them, select disable - now select just the one (or two) that you want!
If you mean Java breakpoints, yes, you can just right-click on them either in the Java Editor or in the Breakpoints View and turn them on and off at will. Support in other languages is dependent on the language.

Breakpoints grouping and naming in eclipse and Visual Studio

I work with large project having different modules, subprojects. When I am working with one module I need to create set of debugpoints/breakpoints to debug that module.
When I have to work with other one, to debug it, I have to create another set of breakpoints and disable the ones created to debug the earlier module.
When I want to debug (dont conclude that I write buggy code...its just just happens :p) third module, I have to create thrid set of debug points, disable the earlier two sets corresponding to earlier two modules.
Same with debugging fourth module.
Same with debugging fifth module.
Now I want to come back to debugging first module. I have breakpoints related to all modules in my breakpoint window. Say 5 breakpoints corresponding to each module. Total 5*5 = 25. Now I have to go through reading each breakpoint checking which belongs to the first one, enabling them and disabling others.
Am I missing something. Is some simpler/standard way to ease this already there in eclipse.
I feel there should be say "Save set of breakpoints" option which note all the breakpoints currently in the breakpoint window as belonging to same set and will then ask us to give name to that set, say in my case "Module 1".
Then another option "Create new breakpoint set", which will clear up breakpoint window without deleting already created named breakpoint sets
Then, ofcourse the option to "Load breakpoint set" which will simply show up the set we saved as, say in dropdownlist. We select the named breakpoint set and it will end up loading those set of breakpoints.
Q. Am I overthinking? Is similar stuff already there? Also willing to know if similar stuff is there in Visual Studio too
Use 'Breakpoint Working Sets' for this.
In the Breakpoints view (in the Debug perspective) click the small triangle at the top right of the view and select the 'Working Sets...' menu item. This will let you manage the breakpoint working sets.
More details in the Eclipse help

eclipse remove unselected breakpoints

Is there a way to remove only the unselected breakpoints in eclipse?
The reason is so that i could easily remove those breakpoints that i'm not currently involved in.
I don't want to break my flow of concentration with choosing things that aren't near the things i'm concentrating on.
I could just then disable all and select only those that i'm interested in debugging while not forgetting which debugs mattered in this most current problem.
Is there an invert selection of breakpoints?
There is a 'Breakpoint'-View you could start with ALT+SHIFT+Q,B (or using Window->Show View->Breakpoints).
You can select, activate and even delete All/selected breakpoints.
If you are working at a specific topic, try using MyIyn, as you can even focus your breakpoints on the task you are working at.

Get Eclipse columns to stay as they've been set

I've customized the perspectives I use often in Eclipse pretty thoroughly. Sometimes, however, I accidentally close a window and I need to reopen it. However, when I do, all the selected columns reset to the defaults.
The easiest way to reproduce this, is in Java mode (or any mode, I suppose):
Choose upside-down triangle in the Tasks view
Click configure columns
Remove a column, such as "Completion".
Window -> Save Perspective as... It will say "do you wish to overwrite Java"?
Choose yes, because the changes don't actually save anyway
Window -> New Window
And you will see, in the new Window, the removed column has returned!
Is there a way to make this change permanent? I tried looking through the files in /.metadata/.plugins/.org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings but as I didn't know what I was looking for, I didn't know what to change. I also tried File->Export->General->Preferences, but the Tasks settings file created there had no mention of columns. I also tried the advice in this thread but none of it was helpful really. Does this feature exist?
Edit: After getting little response here and on their forums, I have created an Eclipse bug

Eclipse: Nested Editor Tabs?

Is anyone aware of any method (or external plugin) that would allow for nested editor tabs? It would be nice to be able to group related open files into their own "master" tabs, but I'm not sure if this is even possible. Any ideas?
This is totally non-obvious, and I discovered it by accident, but...
If you click on a tab and start dragging it downwards, once you get more than half-way down the editor pane, a horizontal line will appear. Let go, and now you'll have two different editor panes, each with tabs of documents. Now you can drag tabs up and down between the two panes to see different documents at the same time.
I think that's as close as you can get.
I think the best you can currently do is "Window->New Window" and then use each new window as a separate "tab" of related editors. Not exactly ideal, I admit.
It's a cool idea though, especially if you could have shortcuts or something that open groups of editors with a single command.
This definitely isn't possible in the current RCP. You might be able to construct an editor component which created a CTabFolder and delegated to other editor components, but I'm not sure how well that would work.
There are Perspectives in Eclipse that you might use to achieve something close, they are more global things though...
But I agree with you, I would like this feature as well! This would be also very useful when editing many files that have the same name but come from different packages, because now it's a mess >_<
For me the utility of such a feature is to reduce context switching time. I'm working on project A, have lots of editors open, now I need to drop that and work on project B. I want to keep all the editors open associated with project A but hide them while I work on B. When I'm done with B, I can pick up right where I left off in A without having to find and open all those A files again; I can even leave them unsaved indefinitely, since Juno never crashes!! :)
I have used the New Window feature, and it's great, but the new window needs a bunch of configuration (closing Views I don't need, moving stuff around to where I want it, opening Views I had open in the old window, and so on) before I can get to work. It also uses a lot more memory than a simple tab group would since it seems to be a complete new copy of Eclipse.
The split-window feature is great and I use it all the time. It is indeed tab groups, and if there were a way to hide a tab group, and for each tab group to have its own tab list (the thing you get when you click ">>5" so you can see editors you have open that don't fit in the tab header), it would totally fill the bill.