Refactoring without losing history - TortoiseHG - version-control

I've done some refactoring which resulted in that some of the content of my original file is split into several other files. However I don't want to lose the history of the code that was moved to the other files but I can't seem to find a way to achieve this in Tortoisehg. What would be my best strategy to keep the code history? Is this even possible or do I need to use the original file for history of the code?

You have to use console, hg copy in the middle. Or fix mistake with -A option (did not try)
Sample for easy case
>hg log
2015-01-13 23:48 +0500 fd3ee8f03c54 [tip]
* fileA.txt, fileB.txt: new file.
* file.txt: deleted file.
* file.txt, fileA.txt, fileB.txt:
2015-01-13 23:44 +0500 0c2bb611605a
* .hgignore, file.txt: new file.
* .hgignore, file.txt:
Initial state
I.e.: file.txt was commited in initial changeset, later was separated to fileA.txt and fileB.txt and removed
Before fd3ee8f03c54 I recorded copy for Mercurial with
>hg cp file.txt fileA.txt
>hg cp file.txt fileB.txt
and log for single file, used with -f option, now knows about file ancestor
>hg log -f fileA.txt -T "changeset:\t{rev}:{node|short}\n"
changeset: 1:fd3ee8f03c54
changeset: 0:0c2bb611605a
>hg log -f fileB.txt -T "changeset:\t{rev}:{node|short}\n"
changeset: 1:fd3ee8f03c54
changeset: 0:0c2bb611605a
or, in TortoiseHG they also can be diff'ed


Generate Hg diff (or patch) that Only includes content for files modified by a revision/revset

Given a large codebase and two revisions or revsets (say, a local 'source' and a target) which may or may not share a recent parent and usually contain a large number of non-relevant file deltas;
How can diff output be generated to compare the changes only for files that are modified in the source revset itself?
(This should be the delta between the ancestry; but only for the files contained within the revset.)
Using hg diff -r target -r source shows all the changes in the ancestry, even for files not modified by the source sevision.
In addition, this should be done without any knowledge of the directory structure.
If I understand correctly, you want a diff between revs source and target, but you want to restrict it to the files that were modified in changeset source. You can do it in two steps (easily assembled into one with an alias or shell script):
List the files modified in source:
hg log -r source --template '{files}'
This just outputs a list of filenames.
Request a diff for these files:
hg diff -r target -r source $(hg log -r source --template '{files}')
Step 2 is a bash command with "command substitution" $(...), which inserts the output of step one. Other methods are possible.
From hg help diff
If only one revision is specified then that revision is compared to the working directory
i.e. you can try hg up $SOURCE; hg diff -r $TARGET

Restore deleted file directly from Eclipse local history

Some git mistakes happened and I lost a lot of changes for one file. I was using Eclipse as my IDE but the git mishap included deleting the project and re cloning the directory. So I can't do the restore from within Eclipse. I believe I have found the local history file that contains the code I want to restore but I'm not sure how to cat this file. It kinda looks like a json.
Anyone know how to restore or read the .metadata.plugins\org.eclipse.core.resources.history
I was able to recover my code.
I went to prj/.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.resources/.history
Then did some bashing:
fgrep -r -c "[Some function name specific to that file]" * | grep -v ":0" | cut -d : -f 1 | xargs ls -l | grep "Jul 29"
So this is greping and counting the number of times some text specific to the code I'm missing shows up in the files, then removes the files where the count is 0, then removes the count from the end of the file name, then does ls to get details on the files, then optionally search for a specific day. Since I was working with clojure I noticed that there were files that either had a large or small file size. The large files were backups of the REPL, the small files were backups of the code.
+1 for Eclipse :)

mercurial hg partial checkin

It is a very simple and stupid question,
I am working on 2 tasks and modified 2 sets of files in the code.
Now when I type 'hg ci', it checks in all the files. Can I remove certain files from the checkin i.e. do checking for only one task?
If I remove the files in the 'check in message' will they be removed from the checkin
Thanks for all the answers
This seems like a big flaw, My use case is very simple and general. Most of the time dev are working on various tasks , some are ready , some are not, bug fixes etc.
Now the only simple solution seems to be multiple local repos or clones
Use hg ci <files>... to commit only certain files in your working directory.
If you want to pick file by file you can use the record command. It ships with mercurial, but you have to turn it on if you want to use it by putting: record= in the [extensions] section of your ~/.hgrc.
It goes hunk by hunk, but you can answer for a whole file:
y - record this change
n - skip this change
s - skip remaining changes to this file
f - record remaining changes to this file
d - done, skip remaining changes and files
a - record all changes to all remaining files
q - quit, recording no changes
? - display help
I'll point out that if you're committing some files but not others it's certain that you've not run your test suite on the one change without the other, but maybe that doesn't apply in your case.
This isn't possible with mercurial out of the box. As have been suggested there are several ways of selecting what files you want to commit. To get this function via the commit message template, you would need an extension or a shell script wrapping the commit command. Here's one way to do that:
ci = ! hg-partial-commit
# partial commit
edit=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
filelist=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
logmessage=$(mktemp ${TMPDIR:-/tmp}/$(basename $0).XXXXXXXXXXXX)
cleanup="rm -f '$edit' '$filelist' '$logmessage'"
trap "$cleanup" 0 1 2 3 15
echo user: $(hg debugconfig ui.username)
echo branch: $(hg branch)
hg parents --template 'parent: {rev}:{node|short} {author} {date|isodate}\n'
echo 'Enter commit message. Select files to commit by deleting lines:'
hg status 'set:not unknown()' | sed -e 's/^/#/'
) | sed -e 's/^/HG: /' >"$edit"
${VISUAL:-${EDITOR:-vi}} "$edit"
egrep -v '^HG:' "$edit" >"$logmessage"
egrep '^HG: #' "$edit" | cut -c8- >"$filelist"
hg commit -l "$logmessage" "listfile:$filelist"
The real problem here is the fact that you're doing changes related to different tasks jumbled together. Mercurial has a few ways you can keep things separate.
Task Branches
Suppose you've been working on a task and you've checked in a few times since you last pulled, but things aren't ready to share yet.
Here, B is the revision where you started your changes. What we do is (after making sure our current changes are checked in):
> hg update -r B
<do our work on the other task>
> hg commit
We've now created a new branch with the changes for this task separated from the changes for our original task.
We can do this for as many different tasks as we want. The only problem is that sometimes remembering which branch is which can be awkward. This is where features like bookmarks come in useful. A bookmark is a tag which moves forward as commits are made so that it always points at the head of a branch.
Mercurial Queues
MQ adds the ability to work on changes incrementally and move between them by pushing and poping then off a stack (or "Queue" I guess). So if I had a set of uncommitted changes that I needed to split up I'd:
> hg qrecord taska
> hg qrecord taskb
> hg qrecord taskc
I'd use the record extension (or more likely the crecord extension) to select which parts of files I want to select.
If I needed to go back to taska and make some changes:
> hg qpop; hg qpop # pop two off the queue to go back to task a
<Do changes>
> hg qrefresh # update task a with the new changes
When I want to turn the queue into normal changesets:
> hg qpush or hg qpop # get the changes I want converted onto the queue
> hg qfinish -a # converts mq changes to normal changesets
There's other methods too, but that will do for now.
You will unavoidably have to either specify the files that you want to add or the files you want to leave out. If you have a lot of files, as you indicate above, the following steps will simplify the procedure (I'm assuming a UNIX-ish system here, Windows would be slightly different).
First, generate a list of changed files:
hg status -mard -n >/tmp/changedlist.txt
The -mard options will list all files that were modified, added, removed, or delated. The -n option will list them without the status prefix so that all you have is a raw list of files.
Second, edit /tmp/changedlist.txt with your favorite text editor so that it contains only the files you wish to commit.
Third, commit these files:
hg commit `cat /tmp/changedlist.txt`
You will be able to review the files to be committed before actually performing the commit.
Alternatively, you can add more files to a commit incrementally by using
`hg commit --amend file...`
Here, hg commit --amend will not create a new commit, but add the new files to the existing commit. So, you start out with committing just a couple of files, then incrementally adding more until you are done. This still requires you to type all of them in.
For yet another alternative, you can use Mercurial Queues to split a commit in more sophisticated ways, but that's a bit more of an advanced topic.

How can I list all files I created?

I would like to get a list of all files in the current revision that were initially created by me. Does anyone know how I can do this?
Here's another approach that's a bit more direct.
for f in `hg locate`; do hg log -r "first(follow('$f'))" --template "$f: {author}\n"; done
for each file
follow its history to the beginning
print the filename and author
To simply get a list of files first introduced by Bob:
for f in `hg locate`; do hg log -r "first(follow('$f')) and author(bob)" --template "$f\n"; done
Here's how you could do it on unix or mac:
for therev in $(hg log --template '{rev}\n' --rev 'author("ry4an")') ; do
hg status --added --no-status --change $therev
I'm afraid I've no idea how you'd do it on developer-unfriendly OSes. That gets all files you ever added, so you'd need to compare with hg manifest if you wanted to remove files that aren't in the current tip revision.

How to find untracked files in a Perforce tree? (analogue of svn status)

Anybody have a script or alias to find untracked (really: unadded) files in a Perforce tree?
EDIT: I updated the accepted answer on this one since it looks like P4V added support for this in the January 2009 release.
EDIT: Please use p4 status now. There is no need for jumping through hoops anymore. See #ColonelPanic's answer.
In the Jan 2009 version of P4V, you can right-click on any folder in your workspace tree and click "reconcile offline work..."
This will do a little processing then bring up a split-tree view of files that are not checked out but have differences from the depot version, or not checked in at all. There may even be a few other categories it brings up.
You can right-click on files in this view and check them out, add them, or even revert them.
It's a very handy tool that's saved my ass a few times.
EDIT: ah the question asked about scripts specifically, but I'll leave this answer here just in case.
On linux, or if you have gnu-tools installed on windows:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 p4 fstat >/dev/null
This will show an error message for every unaccounted file. If you want to capture that output:
find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 p4 fstat >/dev/null 2>mylogfile
Under Unix:
find -type f ! -name '*~' -print0| xargs -0 p4 fstat 2>&1|awk '/no such file/{print $1}'
This will print out a list of files that are not added in your client or the Perforce depot. I've used ! -name '*~' to exclude files ending with ~.
Ahh, one of the Perforce classics :) Yes, it really sucks that there is STILL no easy way for this built into the default commands.
The easiest way is to run a command to find all files under your clients root, and then attempt to add them to the depot. You'll end up with a changelist of all new files and existing files are ignored.
E.g dir /s /b /A-D | p4 -x - add
(use 'find . -type f -print' from a nix command line).
If you want a physical list (in the console or file) then you can pipe on the results of a diff (or add if you also want them in a changelist).
If you're running this within P4Win you can use $r to substitute the client root of the current workspace.
Is there an analogue of svn status or git status?
Yes, BUT.
As of Perforce version 2012.1, there's the command p4 status and in P4V 'reconcile offline work'. However, they're both very slow. To exclude irrelevant files you'll need to write a p4ignore.txt file per
I am reasonably sure that it was accurate in 2016, for whatever version of Perforce I was using them (which was not necessarily the most current). But it seems that this problem or design limitation has been remedied in subsequent releases of Perforce. I do not know what the stack overflow etiquette for this is -- should this answer be removed?
I feel impelled to add an answer, since the accepted answer, and some of the others, have what I think is a significant problem: they do not understand the difference between a read-only query command, and a command that makes changes.
I don't expect any credit for this answer, but I hope that it will help others avoid wasting time and making mistakes by following the accepted but IMHO incorrect answer.
---+ BRIEF
Probably the most convenient way to find all untracked files in a perforce workspace is p4 reconcile -na.
-a says "give me files that are not in the repository, i.e. that should be added".
-n says "make no changes" - i.e. a dry-run. (Although the messages may say "opened for add", mentally you must interpret that as "would be opened for add if not -n")
Probably the most convenient way to find all local changes made while offline - not just files that might need to be added, but also files that might need to be deleted, or which have been changed without being opened for editing via p4 edit, is p4 reconcile -n.
Several answers provided scripts, often involving p4 fstat. While I have not verified all of those scripts, I often use similar scripts to make up for the deficiencies of perforce commands such as p4 reconcile -n - e.g. often I find that I want local paths rather than Perforce depot paths or workspace paths.
p4 status is NOT the counterpart to the status commands on other version control systems.
p4 status is NOT a read-only query. p4 status actually finds the same sort of changes that p4 reconcile does, and adds them to the repository. p4 status does not seem to have a -n dry-run option like p4 reconcile does.
If you do p4 status, look at the files and think "Oh, I don't need those", then you will have to p4 revert them if you want to continue editing in the same workspace. Or else the changes that p4 status added to your changeset will be checked in the next time.
There seems to be little or no reason to use p4 status rather than p4 reconcile -n, except for some details of local workspace vs depot pathname.
I can only imagine that whoever chose 'status' for a non-read-only command had limited command of the English language and other version control tools.
---+ P4V GUI
In the GUI p4v, the reconcile command finds local changes that may need to be added, deleted, or opened for editing. Fortunately it does not add them to a changelist by default; but you still may want to be careful to close the reconcile window after inspecting it, if you don't want to commit the changes.
Alternatively from P4Win, use the ""Local Files not in Depot" option on the left hand view panel.
I don't use P4V much, but I think the equivalent is to select "Hide Local Workspace Files" in the filter dropdown of the Workspace view tab.p4 help fstat
In P4V 2015.1 you'll find these options under the filter button like this:
I use the following in my tool that backs up any files in the workspace that differ from the repository (for Windows). It handles some odd cases that Perforce doesn't like much, like embedded blanks, stars, percents, and hashmarks:
dir /S /B /A-D | sed -e "s/%/%25/g" -e "s/#/%40/g" -e "s/#/%23/g" -e "s/\*/%2A/g" | p4 -x- have 1>NUL:
"dir /S /B /A-D" lists all files at or below this folder (/S) in "bare" format (/B) excluding directories (/A-D). The "sed" changes dangerous characters to their "%xx" form (a la HTML), and the "p4 have" command checks this list ("-x-") against the server discarding anything about files it actually locates in the repository ("1>NUL:"). The result is a bunch of lines like:
Z:\No_Backup\Workspaces\full\depot\Projects\Archerfish\Portal\Main\admin\html\images\nav\navxx_background.gif - file(s) not on client.
Et voilĂ !
Quick 'n Dirty: In p4v right-click on the folder in question and add all files underneath it to a new changelist. The changelist will now contain all files which are not currently part of the depot.
The following commands produce status-like output, but none is quite equivalent to svn status or git status, providing a one-line summary of the status of each file:
p4 status
p4 opened
p4 diff -ds
I don't have enough reputation points to comment, but Ross' solution also lists files that are open for add. You probably do not want to use his answer to clean your workspace.
The following uses p4 fstat (thanks Mark Harrison) instead of p4 have, and lists the files that aren't in the depot and aren't open for add.
dir /S /B /A-D | sed -e "s/%/%25/g" -e "s/#/%40/g" -e "s/#/%23/g" -e "s/\*/%2A/g" | p4 -x- fstat 2>&1 | sed -n -e "s/ - no such file[(]s[)]\.$//gp"
Fast method, but little orthodox. If the codebase doesn't add new files / change view too often, you could create a local 'git' repository out of your checkout. From a clean perforce sync, git init, add and commit all files locally. Git status is fast and will show files not previously committed.
The p4 fstat command lets you test if a file exists in the workspace, combine with find to locate files to check as in the following Perl example:
// throw the output of p4 fstat to a 'output file'
// find:
// -type f :- only look at files,
// -print0 :- terminate strings with \0s to support filenames with spaces
// xargs:
// Groups its input into command lines,
// -0 :- read input strings terminated with \0s
// p4:
// fstat :- fetch workspace stat on files
my $status=system "(find . -type f -print0 | xargs -0 p4 fstat > /dev/null) >& $outputFile";
// read output file
open F1, $outputFile or die "$!\n";
// iterate over all the lines in F1
while (<F1>) {
// remove trailing whitespace
chomp $_;
// grep lines which has 'no such file' or 'not in client'
if($_ =~ m/no such file/ || $_ =~ m/not in client/){
// Remove the content after '-'
$_=~ s/-\s.*//g;
// below line is optional. Check ur output file for more clarity.
$_=~ s/^.\///g;
print "$_\n";
close F1;
Or you can use p4 reconcile -n -m ...
If it is 'opened for delete' then it has been removed from the workspace. Note that the above command is running in preview mode (-n).
I needed something that would work in either Linux, Mac or Windows. So I wrote a Python script for it. The basic idea is to iterate through files and execute p4 fstat on each. (of course ignoring dependencies and tmp folders)
You can find it here:
This command can give you a list of files that needs to be added, edited or removed:
p4 status -aed ...
you can use them separately too
p4 status -a ...
p4 status -e ...
p4 status -d ...
In P4V, under the "View" menu item choose "Files in Folder" which brings up a new tab in the right pane.
To the far right of the tabs there is a little icon that brings up a window called "Files in Folder" with 2 icons.
Select the left icon that looks like a funnel and you will see several options. Choose "Show items not in Depot" and all the files in the folder will show up.
Then just right-click on the file you want to add and choose "Mark for Add...". You can verify it is there in the "Pending" tab.
Just submit as normal (Ctrl+S).