How to change name or hide "New" tab in top nav bar in pligg cms? [closed] - content-management-system

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I want to rename the "New" tab in top navigation bar in header.tpl but after i rename and save it, nothing changed and an error 404 page appears. please help me I want to hide the New tab in nav bar, which is not working...thanks a lot.

To change the word "New" you should:
Login to your Admin CP.
Expand the Modules menu.
Click Modify Language.
In the Filter Text box type New.
There are quite a few you need to change if you want your new word shown everywhere. These are the values I have changed:
Or, to hide the New tab you should:
Edit templates\bootstrap\header.tpl.
Find and Remove <li {if $pagename eq "new"}class="active"{/if}>{#PLIGG_Visual_Pligg_Queued#}</li>.


Detected when change page [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I have a firstPage with BottomNavigationBar with 3 screens.
I want to detect when I change page from BottomNavigationBar inside a specific page, because when I leave this page, I must to execute a function contained inside this page.
One way to do it would be to create 3 boolean global variables(one for each page in the BottomNavigationBar) and initialize it to false. When the user goes to the second page from the first page set one of the boolean variables to true. Then check if that variable is true and execute your function. Be sure to set the variable back to false when the user leaves the page. Hope this helped.

"Swift Core Data" How to add a Scope Bars to UISearchBar? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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So, I have a tableView with NSFetchedResultsController! I have also a UISearchController, and works perfectly! But I need a Scope Bars to the UISearchBar. How to create and how to add a Scope Bars in Swift Core Data?
Just give the search bar scopeButtonTitles at the time you obtain it from the UISearchController. As you present the search controller, set the search results controller as the search bar's delegate, so it will get searchBar:selectedScopeButtonIndexDidChange: when the user changes scope buttons, and there you just call updateSearchResultsForSearchController and deal with the search as you're already doing — taking account, now, of what the current scope button index is.

Making GoTo Sheet Button [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I want to create a "View" Button on top and the list below which contains the sheet names.
sheet 1
Sheet 2
Sheet 3
Sheet 4
... .
If I select Sheet 3 and then click View, it should take me to Sheet 3
I tried macro but it is somehow taking input for a particular sheet only and is taking me to one sheet only even if I select others
Place this routine in a standard code module:
Public Sub SelectSheet()
On Error Resume Next
Sheets(Selection(1, 1).Value).Select
End Sub
Create a Form Button on the worksheet and give it a caption of GoTo.
Assign the macro to the button.

How is implemented the "Edit Details" view in the Contacts app? [closed]

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This question does not appear to be about programming within the scope defined in the help center.
Closed 9 years ago.
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Is a UITableView set in "Edit Mode"?
If so:
Are several sections used? (Such as a section for phone and email?)
Does each section have a "Add row" row (i.e. "add phone"), so I can add a row at the end of each section?
Both questions can be answered with YES.
You can verify this by watching the animation when a new field is added or deleted. This is the usual insert and delete UITableViewRowAnimation. Also the deletion button on the left side of the row is the UITableView delete button.

Best practice for clear button in a UITextField [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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When adding a clear button to a UITextField, which option do you normally select for when the clear button appears (appears while editing, appears unless editing, always visible)? I want to choose the one that is unintrusive but useful.
Usually I use "appear while editing" too. But it really depend of what is the purpose of the textfield.
For example:
- If you use the textfield for search like function, you may want to leave the clear button always visible, so if the use want to clear the text it's faster.
- If it's in a registration page, it's not really useful to have a clear button (you may press the x by mistake) because it's just one time competition.
(Sorry, my english is not the best :) )
I prefer it to appear while editing.