Custom control structure with two blocks - scala

I'm entirely new to Scala and while reading some tutorials and documentation, I experimented with defining custom control structures.
So I tried to implement an implicit class MyBoolean that provides a ? method with two parameter lists. The first parameter is a block that gets executed if MyBoolean is true, the second gets executed if MyBoolean is false.
Here is an example of how the syntax of the resulting control structure should look like:
true ? {println("true")} {println("false")};
so essentially just a simple if-else statement implemented as a method on Boolean.
Here is my implementation:
object Test extends App {
implicit class MyBoolean(val value: Boolean) {
def ? (body1: => Unit)(body2: => Unit){
if (value) body1;
else body2
override def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
// true ? {println("true")} {println("false")}; //--> compiler error
true.? {println("true")} {println("false")}; // works fine...
The problem I'm facing is that I get the following compiler error with the intended syntax (in Eclipse):
missing arguments for method ? in class MyBoolean; follow this method
with `_' if you want to treat it as a partially applied function
It only works if I explicitly add the dot . before the method ?.
Shouldn't the dot be optional in Scala when calling methods? Is there anything I'm missing?

Shouldn't the dot be optional in Scala when calling methods?
Sort of, but that's not exactly accurate.
In these cases, that's true:
a.b(c) can be written as a b c
a.b(c, d) can be rewritten as a b (c, d).
From the language spec section 6.12.3, Infix Operations:
The right-hand operand of a left-associative operator may consist of several arguments enclosed in parentheses, e.g. e op e1, …, en. This expression is the interpreted as e.op(e1, …, en).
A left-associative binary operation e1 op e2 is interpreted as e1.op(e2).
But there is no corresponding rule for expressions of the form a.b(c)(d). I'm not really sure why, though. It seems to me that a b {c} {d} would be a perfectly reasonable way to write that.

This is one of the weirdest wrinkles in Scala syntax. You can still use point-free style with multiple argument lists but you have to group the object, method, and first argument list using parentheses (?!)
(true ? {println("true")}) {println("false")}
works just fine.
Why does it work this way? It is rather convenient with the /: and :\ fold symbols; then you can group your first element together with the collection it's supposed to run through.
For everything else it is questionable at best.
Regardless, you're stuck with either parentheses or a dot.

The dot's optional when calling 1-parameter methods, but that syntax doesn't work for a 2-parameter method, even when curried (except as #RexKerr suggests if you bracket it).
You might be able to get it working by doing "manual" currying: write a one-parameter method that returns an object with an apply:
class PartiallyApplied(value: Boolean, body1: => Unit) {
def apply(body2: => Unit) = if (value) body1; else body2
class MyBoolean...
def ? (body1: => Unit) = new PartiallyApplied(value, body1)


Why does passing some functions in scala require _

Getting to know scala better, I came across a behaviour I cannot explain.
The below code works fine:
def triple(x: Double) = 3 * x
However, If I call the scala ceil function in math library then I will need to pass an _ for it to work
def valueAtOneQuarter(f: (Double)=> Double) = f(0.25)
valueAtOneQuarter(sqrt _)
What is special about the _ in this context from the function call in the earlier piece of code.
The underscore is actually expanded to a function.
So sqrt _ gets turned into the function a => sqrt(a).
You will notice that this expanded function matches the parameter type f of the valueatonequarter method.
In more general terms, the underscore is sometimes needed to flag to the compiler to turn the method (a method is declared using def) into a function (methods and functions are similar but not the same thing). The compiler will attempt to automatically convert the method to a function for you but in some cases it needs additional pointers (like an explicit type declaration or _). See here for a full explanation of eta expansion and partial functions:
A method and a function are not the same in Scala.
You define a method this way:
def method(x:Double):Double = ...
But you define a function using this way:
val func = (x: Double):Double => {...}
when you pass a function as a parameter to a method it must be a function, but not a method.
So you must use underscore to make a function from a method.
Sometimes Scala uses “Eta Expansion” capability to automatically convert the method into a function. But in some cases you must do it manually
Answering since the existing answers don't really explain when _ is needed, just "sometimes" or "in some cases".
A very important concept to understand in Scala is expected type. In your first example the expected type for argument of map is Double => B with some unknown B; in the second it's Double => Double. When the expected type is a function type and a method name is passed, it'll be automatically converted to a function. So, as comments say, the second example works without _. It's only necessary where there is no expected type, say
val f = sqrt _
There can also be issues when the method is overloaded, but there just adding _ generally won't work either; instead, you'll specify the argument type to show which method is used, e.g. max(_: Int, _: Int) or max(_: Double, _: Double).
Thanks seems _ has different meaning in different context in scala
Yes, quite a few: What are all the uses of an underscore in Scala?

Scala: argument to map is a function OR function invocation

Array("hi","there").map(s => println(s))
Each of the above statements yields the same output though in the first 2 argument to map is a function object whereas in the last one it is function invocations.
How is map able to handle both?
Signature of map in TraversableLike class is like this:
def map[B, That](f: scala.Function1[A, B])(implicit bf: scala.collection.generic.CanBuildFrom[Repr, B, That]) : That = { /* compiled code */ }
How is map able to handle both?
It is able to handle both because the compiler created a method value for map by performing eta-expansion on the println. There is a distinction in Scala between methods and functions, where the former doesn't hold any value, which makes the compiler need to go the extra mile to make it work.
The compiler after eta-expansion actually emits:
Array("hi","there").map(s => println(s))
Matching your second example. The actual code is more verbose, but means the same:
scala.Array.apply[String]("hi", "there")(
(ClassTag.apply[String](classOf[java.lang.String]): scala.reflect.ClassTag[String])))
.map[Unit, Any]({((x: Any) => scala.this.Predef.println(x))
})(scala.this.Array.canBuildFrom[Unit]((ClassTag.Unit: scala.reflect.ClassTag[Unit])));
As #slouc said in the comments, the third example using the placeholder syntax is desugered into s => println(s), which makes it an equivalent to your second example.
As a complete not so important side note, since println returns Unit, Array.foreach would be more suitable here:

SCALA Creating Functions Syntax

Im a Scala newbie and I get that its a really rich language. One thing that is getting me caught out syntax-wise is on function creation. I understand that braces {} are interpreted by the compiler as being synonymous with parentheses () in many contexts, but the following I still do not quite understand.
The following is the output from Scala REPL:
scala> def index = List {}
index: List[Unit]
scala> def index = List ()
index: List[Nothing]
If I understand the above correctly, I am creating a function called index that creates a new List (new is omitted because of implicit call to apply method right?).
I see that Unit (equivalent to null in Java?) is the Type of my List when braces {} are used. But Nothing is the type when using parens ().
Can someone explain, in simple terms (if possible), the difference between the use of {} and () in creating functions and also what Nothing represents?
Edit - So the following are equivalent?
def index = List {val a = 1; a}
def index = List ({val a = 1; a})
Im also struggling a bit with where the terms function and method seem to be used interchangeably.
Is it correct to say that both the above can both be considered either a function or method?
Or does it depend on who you talk to?
If I understand the above correctly, I am creating a function called index that creates a new List (new is omitted because of implicit call to apply method right?).
(new is omitted because of implicit call to apply method right?)
Yes, kind of. List.apply constructs the List and returns it to your method.
def index = List {} creates a method called index that creates a new List by calling List.apply.
Can someone explain, in simple terms (if possible), the difference between the use of {} and () in creating functions and also what Nothing represents?
The empty curly braces {} represent an anonymous function, rather than a simple list of elements. For example I can do:
scala> def index = List {val a = 1; a}
index: List[Int]
Your method is equivalent to (where the parentheses are omitted):
def index = List({})
The result of the anonymous function is passed to apply. When the braces are empty, the return type of the anonymous function is Unit. So we get List[Unit].
def index = List () always returns an empty List. However, because you have no annotations, the compiler cannot infer a type from this, so it is inferred as Nothing, which is a sub-type of every other type. This allows us to combine a List[Nothing] with a List[Int] and still compile.
I see that Unit (equivalent to null in Java?) ...
Unit is the return type of a method that doesn't return anything. Similar to void in Java, not null.

PartialFunction That Isn't Partial

Is there a reason to use a PartialFunction on a function that's not partial?
scala> val foo: PartialFunction[Int, Int] = {
| case x => x * 2
| }
foo: PartialFunction[Int,Int] = <function1>
foo is defined as a PartialFunction, but of course the case x will catch all input.
Is this simply bad code as the PartialFunction type indicates to the programmer that the function is undefined for certain inputs?
There is no advantage in using a PartialFunction instead of a Function, but if you have to pass a PartialFunction, then you have to pass a PartialFunction.
Note that, because of the inheritance between these two, overloading a method to accept both results in something difficult to use, as the type inference won't work.
The thing is, there are many examples of times when what you need to define on a trait/object/function definition is a PartialFunction but in reality the real implementation may not be one. Case in point, take a look at def collect[B](f: PartialFunction[A,B]):
val myList = thatList collect {
case Right(value) => value
case Left(other) => other.toInt
It's clearly not a "real" partial as it is defined for all input. That said, if I wanted to, I could just have the Right match.
However, if I were to have written collect as a full on plain function, then I'd miss out on the desired behavior (that is to be both a filter and a map rolled into one base on when a function is defined.) That's nice behavior and allows for a lot of flexibility when writing my own code.
So I guess the better question is, will you ever want behavior to reflect that a function might not be defined everywhere? If the answer is no, then don't do it.
PartialFunction literals allow pattern matching directly on arguments (e.g. { case (a, b) => ... } instead of _ match { case (a, b) => ... }), which makes code more readable (see #wheaties' answer for another example).
EDIT: apparently this is wrong, see Daniel C. Sobral's comment on his answer. Not deleting, so that the comments still make sense.

About Scala's assignments and setter methods

Edit: The bug which prompted this question has now been fixed.
In the Scala Reference, I can read (p. 86):
The interpretation of an assignment to
a simple variable x = e depends on the
definition of x. If x denotes a
mutable variable, then the assignment
changes the current value of x to be
the result of evaluating the
expression e. The type of e is
expected to conform to the type of x.
If x is a parameterless function
defined in some template, and the same
template contains a setter function
x_= as member, then the assignment x =
e is interpreted as the invocation
x_=(e) of that setter function.
Analogously, an assignment f .x = e to
a parameterless function x is
interpreted as the invocation f.x_=(e).
So, for instance, something like this works fine:
class A {
private var _a = 0
def a = _a
def a_=(a: Int) = _a = a
I can then write
val a = new A
a.a = 10
But if I define the class like this, adding a type parameter to method a:
class A {
private var _a = 0
def a[T] = _a
def a_=(a: Int) = _a = a
then it doesn't work any more; I get an error: reassignment to val if I write a.a = 10. Funny enough, it still works with no type parameter and an implicit parameter list, for instance.
Arguably, in this example, the type parameter is not very useful, but in the design of DSLs, it would be great to have the setter method called even if the getter has type parameters (and by the way, adding type parameters on the setter is allowed and works fine).
So I have three questions:
Is there a workaround?
Should the current behavior be considered a bug?
Why does the compiler enforce a getter method to allow using the syntactic sugar for the setter?
Here's what I'm really trying to do. It's rather long, sorry, I meant to avoid it but I realized it was more confusing to omit it.
I'm designing GUIs with SWT in Scala, and having huge fun using Dave Orme's XScalaWT, which immensely reduces the amount of needed code. Here's an example from his blog post on how to create an SWT Composite that converts °C to °F degrees:
var fahrenheit: Text = null
var celsius: Text = null
_.setLayout(new GridLayout(2, true)),
text(fahrenheit = _),
text(celsius = _),
"Fahrenheit => Celsius",
{e : SelectionEvent => celcius.setText((5.0/9.0) * (fahrenheit - 32)) }
"Celsius -> Fahrenheit",
{e : SelectionEvent => fahrenheit.setText((9.0/5.0) * celsius + 32) })
The argument to each of the widget-constructing methods is of type (WidgetType => Any)*, with a few useful implicit conversions, which for instance allow to directly specify a string for widgets that have a setText() method. All constructor functions are imported from a singleton object.
In the end, I'd like to be able to write something along these lines:
val fieldEditable = new WritableValue // observable value
editable <=> fieldEditable,
editable = false
caption = "Editable",
selection <=> fieldEditable
This would bind the editable property of the textfield to the selection of the checkbox through the WritableValue variable.
First: named arguments are not applicable here, so the line editable = false has to come from somewhere. So, along the widget-constructing methods in the singleton object, I could write, conceptually,
def editable_=[T <: HasEditable](value: Boolean) = (subject: T) => subject.setEditable(value)
... but this works only if the getter is also present. Great: I'd need the getter anyway in order to implement databinding with <=>. Something like this:
def editable[T <: HasEditable] = new BindingMaker((widget: T) => SWTObservables.observeEditable(widget))
If this worked, life would be good because I can then define <=> in BindingMaker and I can use this nice syntax. But alas, the type parameter on the getter breaks the setter. Hence my original question: why would this simple type parameter affect whether the compiler decides to go ahead with the syntactic sugar for calling the setter?
I hope this makes it a bit clearer now. Thanks for reading…
UPDATE Deleted the entire previous answer in light of new information.
There's a lot of very odd stuff going on here, so I'm going try try and explain my understanding of what you have so far:
def editable_=[T <: HasEditable](value: Boolean) = (subject: T) => subject.setEditable(value)
This is a setter method, and exists purely so that it can give the appearance of beinng a named parameter
in your DSL. It sets nothing and actually returns a Function.
editable <=> fieldEditable,
editable = false
This is calling the textField factory method, with what looks like a named param, but is actually the setter method defined previously.
Amazingly, the approach seems to work, despite my initial concern that the compiler would recognize this as a named parameter and produce a syntax error. I tested it with simple monomorphic (non-generic) methods, though it does require the getter method to be defined for the setter to be seen as such - a fact that you've already noted.
Some amount of "cleverness" is often required in writing a DSL (where it would otherwise be totally forbidden), so it's no surprise that your original intent was unclear. This is perhaps a completely new technique never before seen in Scala. The rules for setter and getter definitions were based on using them as getters and setters, so don't be surprised if things crack a little when you push at the boundaries like this.
It seems the real problem here is the way you're using type params. In this expression:
def editable_=[T <: HasEditable](value: Boolean) = (subject: T) => subject.setEditable(value)
The compiler has no way of inferring a particular T from the supplied argument, so it will take the most general type allowed (HasEditable in this case). You could change this behaviour by explicitly supplying a type param when using the method, but that would seem to defeat the entire point of what you're seeking to achieve.
Given that functions can't be generic (only methods can), I doubt that you even want type bounds at all. So one approach you could try is to just drop them:
def editable_=(value: Boolean) = (subject: HasEditable) => subject.setEditable(value)
def editable = new BindingMaker((widget: HasEditable) => SWTObservables.observeEditable(widget))