What does exactly perl -pi -e do? - perl

I would like to know what is the equivalent code that Perl runs when executed with the options perl -pi -e?
On some SO question I can read this:
while (<>) {
... # your script goes here
} continue {
But this example does not show the part where the file is saved.
How does Perl determine the EOL? Does it touch the file when no changes occured? For example if I have a old MAC file (\r only). How does it deal with s/^foo/bar/gm?
I tried to use the Perl debugger but it doesn't really help. So I am just trying to guess:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
my $pattern = shift;
map &process, #ARGV;
# perl -pi -e PATTERN <files>...
sub process {
next unless -f;
open my $fh, '<', $_;
my $extract;
read $fh, $extract, 1024;
seek &fh, 0, 0;
if ($extract =~ /\r\n/) {
$/ = "\r\n";
} elsif ($extract =~ /\r[^\n]/) {
$/ = "\r";
} else {
$/ = "\n";
my $out = '';
while(<&fh>) {
my $__ = $_;
eval $pattern;
my $changes = 1 if $_ ne $__;
$out .= $_;
open my $fh, '>', $_;
print $fh $out;
close &fh;

You can inspect the code actually used by Perl with the core module B::Deparse. This compiler backend module is activated with the option -MO=Deparse.
$ perl -MO=Deparse -p -i -e 's/X/U/' ./*.txt
BEGIN { $^I = ""; }
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
continue {
die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;
-e syntax OK
Thus perl is looping over the lines in the given files, executes the code with $_ set to the line and prints the resulting $_.
The magic variabe $^I is set to an empty string. This turns on in place editing. In place editing is explained in perldoc perlrun. There is no check whether the file is unchanged. Thus the modified time of the edited file is always updated. Apparently the modified time of the backup file is the same as the modified time of the original file.
Using the -0 flag you can set the input record separator for using "\r" for your Mac files.
$ perl -e "print qq{aa\raa\raa}" > t.txt
$perl -015 -p -i.ori -e 's/a/b/' t.txt
$cat t.txt
$ perl -MO=Deparse -015 -p -i.ori -e 's/a/b/'.txt
BEGIN { $^I = ".ori"; }
BEGIN { $/ = "\r"; $\ = undef; }
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
continue {
die "-p destination: $!\n" unless print $_;
-e syntax OK

From the perlrun documentation:
-p assumes an input loop around your script. Lines are printed.
-i files processed by the < > construct are to be edited in place.
-e may be used to enter a single line of script. Multiple -e commands may be given to build up a multiline script.


Getting error while replacing word using perl

I am writing a script for replacing 2 words from a text file. The script is
for f in *.pdf
filename="$(basename $f)"
filename="${filename//_/ }"
echo $filename
echo $f
perl -pe 's/intime_mean_pu.pdf/'$f'/' fig.tex > fig_$count.tex
perl -pi 's/TitleFrame/'$filename'/' fig_$count.tex
sed -i '/Pointer-rk/r fig_'$count'.tex' $1.tex
But the replacing of words using the second perl command is giving error:
Can't open perl script "s/TitleFrame/Masses1/": No such file or directory
Please suggest what I am doing wrong.
You could change your script to something like this:
for f in *.pdf; do
filename=$(basename "$f" .pdf)
perl -spe 's/intime_mean_pu.pdf/$a/;
s/TitleFrame/$b/' < fig.tex -- -a="$f" -b="$filename" > "fig_$count.tex"
sed -i "/Pointer-rk/r fig_$count.tex" "$1.tex"
As well as some other minor changes to your script, I have made use of the -s switch to Perl, which means that you can pass arguments to the one-liner. The bash variables have been double quoted to avoid problems with spaces in filenames, etc.
Alternatively, you could do the whole thing in Perl:
#!/usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use autodie;
use File::Basename;
my $file_arg = shift;
my $count = 1;
for my $f (glob "*.pdf") {
my $name = fileparse($f, qq(.pdf));
open my $in, "<", $file_arg;
open my $out, ">", 'tmp';
open my $fig, "<", 'fig.tex';
# copy up to match
while (<$in>) {
print $out $_;
last if /Pointer-rk/;
# insert contents of figure (with substitutions)
while (<$fig>) {
print $out $_;
# copy rest of file
print $out $_ while <$in>;
rename 'tmp', $file_arg;
Use the script like perl script.pl "$1.tex".
You're missing the -e in the second perl call

How to mimic -l inside script

Is there a simple way to mimic the effect of the -l command-line switch within perl scripts? (Of course, I can always chomp each line and then append "\n" to each line I print, but the point is to avoid having to do this.)
No. You can get the automatic appending of "\n" by using $\, but you have to add the chomp yourself.
Here's how -l works.
$ perl -MO=Deparse -ne 'print $_'
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
print $_;
$ perl -MO=Deparse -lne 'print $_'
BEGIN { $/ = "\n"; $\ = "\n"; } # -l added this line
LINE: while (defined($_ = <ARGV>)) {
chomp $_; # -l added this line
print $_;
(The comments are mine.) Notice that -l added a literal chomp $_ at the beginning of the loop generated by -n (and it only does that if you use -n or -p). There's no variable you can set to mimic that behaviour.
It's a little-known fact that -l, -n, and -p work by wrapping boilerplate text around the code you supply before it's compiled.
Yes, try using this at the beginning of your script after the shebang and strictures:
$/ = $\ = "\n"; # setting the output/input record separator like OFS in awk
and use in the loop :
Or like this :
use strict; use warnings;
use English qw/-no_match_vars/;
while (<>) {
I do not recommend to use
#!/usr/bin/perl -l
for a better clarity =)
See perldoc perlvar
You can add it to your shebang line:
#!/usr/bin/perl -l

How to change all occurrences of a char in all files in a directory (and subdirectories ) using Perl

** I have a follow-up question that is marked with '**' **
I was asked to write Perl code that replaces every { with {function(<counter>) and in every replacement the counter should get larger by 1. e.g. first replacement of { will be {function(0) ,
second replacement of { will be {function(1) etc.
It suppose to do the replacement in every *.c and *.h file in a folder including subfolders.
I wrote this code :
use Tie::File;
use File::Find;
$counter = 0;
$flag = 1;
#directories_to_search = 'd:\testing perl';
#newString = '{ function('.$counter.')';
$refChar = "{";
finddepth(\&fileMode, #directories_to_search);
sub fileMode
my #files = <*[ch]>; # get all files ending in .c or .h
foreach $file (#files) # go through all the .c and .h flies in the directory
if (-f $file) # check if it is a file or dir
my #lines;
# copy each line from the text file to the string #lines and add a function call after every '{' '
tie #lines, 'Tie::File', $file or die "Can't read file: $!\n";
foreach ( #lines )
if (s/{/#newString/g)
#newString = '{function('.$counter.')';
untie #lines; # free #lines
The code searches the directory d:\testing Perl and does the replacement but instead of getting
{function(<number>) I get {function(number1) function(number3) function(number5) function(number7) for instance for the first replacement I get
{function(0) function(2) function(4) function(6) and I wanted to get {function(0)
I really don't know what is wrong with my code.
An awk solution or any other Perl solution will also be great!
* I have a follow-up question.
now I want my perl program to do the same substitution in all the files except the lines when there is a '{'
and a '}' in the same line. so i modified the code this way.
use strict;
use warnings;
use Tie::File;
use File::Find;
my $dir = "C:/test dir";
# fill up our argument list with file names:
find(sub { if (-f && /\.[hc]$/) { push #ARGV, $File::Find::name } }, $dir);
$^I = ".bak"; # supply backup string to enable in-place edit
my $counter = 0;
# now process our files
#foreach $filename (#ARGV)
while (<>)
my #lines;
# copy each line from the text file to the string #lines and add a function call after every '{' '
tie #lines, 'Tie::File', $ARGV or die "Can't read file: $!\n";
#$_='{function(' . $counter++ . ')';
foreach (#lines)
if (!( index (#lines,'}')!= -1 )) # if there is a '}' in the same line don't add the macro
s/{/'{function(' . $counter++ . ')'/ge;
untie #lines; # free #lines
what I was trying to do is to go through all the files in #ARGV that i found in my dir and subdirs and for each *.c or *.h file I want to go line by line and check if this line contains '{'. if it does the program won't check if there is a '{' and won't make the substitution, if it doesn't the program will substitute '{' with '{function();'
unfortunately this code does not work.
I'm ashamed to say that I'm trying to make it work all day and still no go.
I would really appreciate some help.
Thank You!!
This is a simple matter of combining a finding method with an in-place edit. You could use Tie::File, but it is really the same end result. Also, needless to say, you should keep backups of your original files, always, when doing edits like these because changes are irreversible.
So, if you do not need recursion, your task is dead simple in Unix/Linux style:
perl -pi -we 's/{/"{ function(" . $i++ . ")"/ge' *.h *.c
Of course, since you seem to be using Windows, the cmd shell won't glob our arguments, so we need to do that manually. And we need to change the quotes around. And also, we need to supply a backup argument for the -i (in-place edit) switch.
perl -pi.bak -we "BEGIN { #ARGV = map glob, #ARGV }; s/{/'{ function(' . $i++ . ')'/ge" *.h *.c
This is almost getting long enough to make a script of.
If you do need recursion, you would use File::Find. Note that this code is pretty much identical in functionality as the one above.
use strict;
use warnings;
use File::Find;
my $dir = "d:/testing perl"; # use forward slashes in paths
# fill up our argument list with file names:
find(sub { if (-f && /\.[hc]$/) { push #ARGV, $File::Find::name } }, $dir);
$^I = ".bak"; # supply backup string to enable in-place edit
my $counter = 0;
# now process our files
while (<>) {
s/{/'{ function(' . $counter++ . ')'/ge;
Don't be lulled into a false sense of security by the backup option: If you run this script twice in a row, those backups will be overwritten, so keep that in mind.
$ perl -pi -e 's| (?<={) | q#function(# . ($i++) . q#)# |gex' *.c *.h
It can be done in a single line as below:
perl -pi -e 's/({)/"{function(".++$a.")"/ge;' your_file
I have just taken an example input file and tested too.
> cat temp
line-1 { { { {
line-2 { { {
line-3 { {
line-4 {
Now the execution:
> perl -pi -e 's/({)/"{function(".++$a.")"/ge;' temp
> cat temp
line-1 {function(1) {function(2) {function(3) {function(4)
line-2 {function(5) {function(6) {function(7)
line-3 {function(8) {function(9)
line-4 {function(10)
Using awk '/{/{gsub(/{/,"{function("i++")");print;next}{print}' and your code as input:
$ awk '/{/{gsub(/{/,"{function("i++")");print;next}{print}' file
sub fileMode
my #files = <*[ch]>; # get all files ending in .c or .h
foreach $file (#files) # go through all the .c and .h flies in the directory
if (-f $file) # check if it is a file or dir
my #lines;
# copy each line from the text file to the string #lines and add a function call after every '{function(3)' '
tie #lines, 'Tie::File', $file or die "Can't read file: $!\n";
foreach ( #lines )
if (s/{function(5)/#newString/g)
#newString = '{function(7)function('.$counter.')';
untie #lines; # free #lines
Note: The function number won't be incremented for inline nested {.
$ echo -e '{ { \n{\n-\n{' | awk '/{/{gsub(/{/,"{function("i++")");print;next}1'
{function(0) {function(0)
/{/ # For any lines that contain {
gsub( /{/ , "{function("i++")" ) # replace { with function(i++)
print;next # print the line where the replacement happened and skip to the next
print # print all the lines

Programmatically read from STDIN or input file in Perl

What is the slickest way to programatically read from stdin or an input file (if provided) in Perl?
while (<>) {
will read either from a file specified on the command line or from stdin if no file is given
If you are required this loop construction in command line, then you may use -n option:
$ perl -ne 'print;'
Here you just put code between {} from first example into '' in second
This provides a named variable to work with:
foreach my $line ( <STDIN> ) {
chomp( $line );
print "$line\n";
To read a file, pipe it in like this:
program.pl < inputfile
The "slickest" way in certain situations is to take advantage of the -n switch. It implicitly wraps your code with a while(<>) loop and handles the input flexibly.
In slickestWay.pl:
#!/usr/bin/perl -n
# do something once here
# implement logic for a single line of input
print $result;
At the command line:
chmod +x slickestWay.pl
Now, depending on your input do one of the following:
Wait for user input
Read from file(s) named in arguments (no redirection required)
./slickestWay.pl input.txt
./slickestWay.pl input.txt moreInput.txt
Use a pipe
someOtherScript | ./slickestWay.pl
The BEGIN block is necessary if you need to initialize some kind of object-oriented interface, such as Text::CSV or some such, which you can add to the shebang with -M.
-l and -p are also your friends.
You need to use <> operator:
while (<>) {
print $_; # or simply "print;"
Which can be compacted to:
print while (<>);
Arbitrary file:
open my $F, "<file.txt" or die $!;
while (<$F>) {
print $_;
close $F;
If there is a reason you can't use the simple solution provided by ennuikiller above, then you will have to use Typeglobs to manipulate file handles. This is way more work. This example copies from the file in $ARGV[0] to that in $ARGV[1]. It defaults to STDIN and STDOUT respectively if files are not specified.
use English;
my $in;
my $out;
if ($#ARGV >= 0){
unless (open($in, "<", $ARGV[0])){
die "could not open $ARGV[0] for reading.";
else {
$in = *STDIN;
if ($#ARGV >= 1){
unless (open($out, ">", $ARGV[1])){
die "could not open $ARGV[1] for writing.";
else {
$out = *STDOUT;
while ($_ = <$in>){
$userinput = <STDIN>; #read stdin and put it in $userinput
chomp ($userinput); #cut the return / line feed character
if you want to read just one line
Here is how I made a script that could take either command line inputs or have a text file redirected.
if ($#ARGV < 1) {
#ARGV = ();
#ARGV = <>;
This will reassign the contents of the file to #ARGV, from there you just process #ARGV as if someone was including command line options.
If no file is redirected, the program will sit their idle because it is waiting for input from STDIN.
I have not figured out a way to detect if a file is being redirected in yet to eliminate the STDIN issue.
if(my $file = shift) { # if file is specified, read from that
open(my $fh, '<', $file) or die($!);
while(my $line = <$fh>) {
print $line;
else { # otherwise, read from STDIN
print while(<>);

How can I do bulk search and replace with Perl?

I have the following script that takes in an input file, output file and
replaces the string in the input file with some other string and writes out
the output file.
I want to change the script to traverse through a directory of files
i.e. instead of prompting for input and output files, the script should take
as argument a directory path such as C:\temp\allFilesTobeReplaced\ and
search for a string x and replace it with y for all files under that
directory path and write out the same files.
How do I do this?
print #lines;
foreach $file (#lines){
#print "$file\n";
print INFO "$file";
#print "Input file name: ";
#chomp($infilename = <STDIN>);
if ($ARGV[0]){
$file= $ARGV[0]
print "Output file name: ";
chomp($outfilename = <STDIN>);
print "Search string: ";
chomp($search = <STDIN>);
print "Replacement string: ";
chomp($replace = <STDIN>);
open(OUT,">$outfilename") || die "cannot create $outfilename: $!";
foreach $file (#lines){
# read a line from file IN into $_
s/$search/$replace/g; # change the lines
print OUT $_; # print that line to file OUT
The use of the perl single liner
perl -pi -e 's/original string/new string/' filename
can be combined with File::Find, to give the following single script (this is a template I use for many such operations).
use File::Find;
# search for files down a directory hierarchy ('.' taken for this example)
find(\&wanted, ".");
sub wanted
if (-f $_)
# for the files we are interested in call edit_file().
sub edit_file
my ($filename) = #_;
# you can re-create the one-liner above by localizing #ARGV as the list of
# files the <> will process, and localizing $^I as the name of the backup file.
local (#ARGV) = ($filename);
local($^I) = '.bak';
while (<>)
s/original string/new string/g;
You can do this with the -i param:
Just process all the files as normal, but include -i.bak:
#!/usr/bin/perl -i.bak
while ( <> ) {
This should process each file, and rename the original to original.bak And of course you can do it as a one-liner as mentioned by #Jamie Cook
Try this
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
#files = <*>;
foreach $file (#files) {
print $file . '\n';
Take also a look to glob in Perl:
I know you can use a simple Perl one-liner from the command line, where filename can be a single filename or a list of filenames. You could probably combine this with bgy's answer to get the desired effect:
perl -pi -e 's/original string/new string/' filename
And I know it's trite but this sounds a lot like sed, if you can use gnu tools:
for i in `find ./allFilesTobeReplaced`; do sed -i s/original string/new string/g $i; done
perl -pi -e 's#OLD#NEW#g' filename.
You can replace filename with the pattern that suits your file list.