Deploy an matlab file to executable - matlab

I want to deploy an m file into an executable. I am using mcc command: mcc -m epidemic.m. Epidemic is my function which takes no arguments and returns a vector and write that vector to txt. Mcc creates epidemic.exe and when I am running that exe it creates the txt file however it seems that it doesnt return values (the return value of .exe). I am trying to run the exe from matlab using:
cmd = ['epidemic.exe '];
It return cmdout " and status 0. How can I take the returned values of the .exe?

When you compile matlab code like:
function [out1, out2] = epidemic(in1, in2, in3)
to standalone (mcc -m epidemeic.m), Matlab produces somehow the following pseudo c-code and compiles it to .exe:
int main(int argc, char** argv)
// Load compiled code produced by mcc
HMCRInstance* hInst = loadByteCodeProducedByMccFromResources();
// Similar to have wrote in matlab "epidemic(argv[0], argv[1], ...)"
// 1) Without asking for any argument output
// 2) Argument inputs are passed as strings
int errorCode = mclFevalFromExeArg(hInst, "epidemic", argc, argv);
return errorCode; // only indicates if call to 'mclFEvalFromExeArg'
// succeded, it does not relate to out1, out2 at all.
NB: If you want to see the exact code produced by mcc, use mcc -W main -T codegen epidemic.m
So, directly compiling to standalone, you cannot work with outputs of your Matlab function. If you need to play around with output arguments of epidemic, either
[Simple solution] Consider saving outputs to files or display them to shell console using disp (NB: you can use isdeployed in your .m file to check if you're running from matlab or from compiled code).
[Advanced solution] Consider compiling your code to shared library (mcc -l epidemic.m) instead of standalone (mcc -m epidemeic.m)
NB: When you compile your code to shared library, mcc will produce a dll that exports the following function:
extern LIB_epidemeic_C_API
bool MW_CALL_CONV mlxEpidemic(int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[], int nrhs, mxArray *prhs[]);
nrhs/prhs are the number of input arguments and their values (as mxArray type). And nlhs/plhs are the ouput arguments you want to have when calling epidemic. Up to you to do the marshaling between mxArray and equivalent C native type.
As you indicate that epidemic returns a vector of values, you can display them from standalone like this:
function [output] = epidemic(v1, v2, v3)
% When called from system cmd line, v1, v2, v3 are passed
% as string. Here is how to convert them to expected type if required
if (ischar(v1)), v1 = str2double(v1); end
if (ischar(v2), v2 = str2double(v2); end
if (ischar(v3)), v3 = str2double(v3); end
output = ...;
if (isdeployed())

An exe does not have a return value, you need to find another way to transport the data back, for example via console outputs or text files. What you get is the error code and error message.


Calling a Matlab function in Fortran

Using the MATLAB Engine API for Fortran, I am trying to call a simple MATLABfunction from a Fortran code.
I followed the fengdemo example found here.
It worked, so I want to adapt my Fortran code to call a specific Matlab script I wrote.
My MATLAB script call_fortran.m is very simple: it takes x as an entry and multiplies it by 2:
function multiply = call_fortran(x)
multiply = 2*x;
I want my FORTRAN code to generate a variable my_x, open a MATLAB session, send the variable to the workspace, apply the function call_fortran and display the result. Using the fengdemo.f code, I wrote :
program main
C Declarations
implicit none
mwPointer engOpen, engGetVariable, mxCreateDoubleMatrix
mwPointer mxGetPr
mwPointer ep, my_x ! ep: variable linked to engOpen, starting a Matlab session, my_x: variable que je veux donner a Matlab
double precision my_x
integer engPutVariable, engEvalString, engClose
integer temp, status
mwSize i
my_x = 6
ep = engOpen('matlab ')
if (ep .eq. 0) then
write(6,*) 'Can''t start MATLAB engine'
C Place the variable my_x into the MATLAB workspace
status = engPutVariable(ep, 'my_x', my_x)
if (status .ne. 0) then
write(6,*) 'engPutVariable failed'
! My issue now is to call the correct Matlab script
! nlhs = 1
! plhs = 1
! nrhs = 1
! prhs = 1
! integer*4 mexCallMATLAB(nlhs, plhs, nrhs, prhs, functionName)
So I have my my_x, I send it to MATLAB, but how do I apply the call_fortran.m function and get the new value of my_x?
You have two fundamental errors with this code. You do not use the correct variable type for my_x, and you cannot call mexCallMATLAB( ) from an Engine application (that can only be used in mex routines). Let's fix these.
First, the my_x variable needs to be an mxArray, not a double precision variable. There are various ways to do this, but for a scalar, the easiest way to create this array is as follows:
mwPointer, external :: mxCreateDoubleScalar
mwPointer my_x
my_x = mxCreateDoubleScalar(6.d0)
Then you can pass this to the MATLAB Engine per your current code. To call your function in the MATLAB Engine workspace, you need to evaluate a string there:
integer*4, external :: engEvalString
integer*4 status
status = engEvalString( ep, 'result = call_fortran(my_x)' )
The result should display in the Engine workspace since we did not terminate the string with a semi-colon. If you want to get the result back into your Fortran code, you would need to do something like this:
mwPointer, external :: engGetVariable
mwPointer result
result = engGetVariable( ep, 'result' )
The result inside your Fortran code will be an mxArray. To extract the number there are various ways, but for a scalar it would be easiest to just do as follows (the real*8 is used instead of double precision to match the MATLAB API signature in the doc exactly):
real*8, external :: mxGetScalar
real*8 myresult
myresult = mxGetScalar(result)
To avoid memory leaks, once you are done with the mxArray variables you should destroy them. E.g.,
call mxDestroyArray(my_x)
call mxDestroyArray(result)
Having written all this, are you sure you want to create MATLAB Engine applications, and not mex routines? Mex routines are generally easier to work with and don't involve extra data copies to pass variables back & forth.

External Functions: Alternative Method to use .dll from a C-script

This is a companion question to External Functions: Reference headers in C-script to compiled dll.
That stack overflow question is using a Modelica external function call to a c-script. That c-script then uses c-functions contained within a .dll. Below is the initial preferred method I had attempted and a working attempt that I do not prefer.
Initial Attempt:
The following code would not work. My assumption was since I loaded the .dll Library libgsl in Modelica I could then simply use headers in the C-script to use function calls from that .dll. However, the dslog.txt file indicated that it couldn't recognize gsl_sf_bessel_j0. Apparently, the C-script doesn't know anything about the libgsl.dll that I specified in Modelica.
Modelica Function:
function chirp
input Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity w_start;
input Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity w_end;
input Real A;
input Real M;
input Real t;
output Real u "output signal";
external "C" u=chirp(w_start,w_end,A,M,t)
annotation(Library="libgsl", Include="#include \"chirp.c\"");
end chirp;
#include <gsl/gsl_sf_bessel.h>
double chirp2(double w1, double w2, double A, double M, double time)
double res;
double y;
y = gsl_sf_bessel_j0(res);
return y;
Working Attempt:
In order to use a .dll in an external function call using a C-script I found it necessary to independently load the library using the LoadLibrary command.
Is this method really necessary? This is much more complicated that my initial attempt I hoped would work where I was thinking Modelica contained the necessary "know-how" to load the .dll.
Bonus: It appears there exists a way to send error messages back to Modelica. void ModelicaVFormatError(const char* string, va_list). Know of a reference example of its usage so I can replace the printf statements which don't seem to send anything back to Modelica?
Modelica Function:
function chirp
input Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity w_start;
input Modelica.SIunits.AngularVelocity w_end;
input Real A;
input Real M;
input Real t;
input String fileName= Modelica.Utilities.Files.loadResource("modelica://ExternalFuncTest/Resources/Library/libgsl.dll") "Full file name for GSL library";
output Real u "output signal";
external "C" u=chirp(w_start,w_end,A,M,t)
annotation(Include="#include \"chirp.c\""); // <-- Removed Library reference
end chirp;
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
typedef double (__cdecl *BESSEL)(const double);
double chirp3(double w1, double w2, double A, double M, double time, const char* fileName)
BESSEL bessel_J0;
BOOL fFreeResult, fRunTimeLinkSuccess = FALSE;
// Get a handle to the DLL module.
hinstLib = LoadLibrary(fileName);
// If the handle is valid, try to get the function address.
double res;
double y = 0;
if (hinstLib != NULL)
bessel_J0 = (BESSEL) GetProcAddress(hinstLib, "gsl_sf_bessel_j0");
// If the function address is valid, call the function.
if (NULL != bessel_J0)
fRunTimeLinkSuccess = TRUE;
printf("Success loading library method.\n"); //<-- Alternative to send message back to Modelica log file?
y = bessel_J0(res);
} else
printf("Failed to load library\n"); //<-- Alternative to send message back to Modelica log file?
// Free the DLL module.
fFreeResult = FreeLibrary(hinstLib);
return y;

Unexpected output from lex program

I have written a simple lex program to perform average of positive numbers , the program is compiling fine but i'm not able to get the expected output.I'm passing the input to the program from a file by giving filename as a commandline argument.The output of the lex program is blank showing no result , i'm a beginner in lex and any help would be appreciated . I have attached the code below. The code is written in redhat linux kernel version 2.4.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
[0-9]+ return atoi(yytext);
void main()
int val, total = 0, n = 0;
while ( (val = yylex()) > 0 ) {
total += val;
if (n > 0) printf(“ave = %d\n”, total/n);
The input file contains numbers 3,6 and 4 and the name of the file is passed as command line argument.
./a.out < input
Your program works for me. I'm a bit suspicious of yywrap missing, so you probably link with the -lfl (or something alike) option. This library contains a yywrap and a main. Even though I'm not able to reproduce what you see, I'm wary that maybe the main from libfl is used. I'm assuming you do get any newlines in the input file on the output. Different linkers have different ways of resolving multiple occurrences of the same symbol.
All in all I think you have to look for the problem in the way your program is built, because the specification seems ok. If you add int yywrap(void) { return 1; } after your main, then you can do without libfl, which is what I would advise any user of lex and gnu-flex.

How to compile Matlab class into C lib?

The origin of this question is from here How to use "global static" variable in matlab function called in c.
I'm trying to encapsulate the "global variable" into an object. However I don't know how to export the matlab class to c++ using MATLAB Compiler (mcc)
To do this I just tried the standard command
Matlab Command
mcc -W cpplib:Vowel4 -T link:lib Vowel4.m
Matlab Script
classdef Vowel4
The generated lib is actually stand-alone functions rather than c++ class.
How can I compile classes in Matlab into c++ classes?
I've been searching for an answer but didn't find one.
Obviously the matlab command is not suitable for this scenario. However I cannot find any information on building Matlab classes into c++ classes.
========================== Edit ========================
The actual cpp code is as follows: #Alan
mclInitializeApplication(NULL, 0);
mwArray F(4, 1, mxDOUBLE_CLASS);
float test[4];
for ( ;; ){
const Frame frame = controller.frame();
const FingerList fingers = frame.fingers();
if ( !fingers.empty() ){
for ( int i = 0; i < 4; i ++ ){
double v = fingers.count() > i ? (fingers[i].tipPosition().y / 50) - 2 : 0;
F(i+1,1) = v;
test[i] = v;
cout << v << ' ';
cout << endl;
Here the matlabA() corresponds to the loadData(), which loads the data, and soundByCoef(F) corresponds to the matlabB(), which do the job in the main loop.
As noted by Alan, I was only suggesting using handle class as a container for your global variables (with the benefit that such an object would be passed by reference). The created object is not intended to be directly manipulated by your C++ code (it will be stored in the generic mxArray/mwArray C/C++ struct).
As far as I know, you cannot directly compile classdef-style MATLAB classes into proper C++ classes when building shared libraries using the MATLAB Compiler. It only supports building regular functions. You could create functional interfaces to MATLAB class member methods, but that's a different story...
Perhaps a complete example would help illustrate the idea I had in mind. First lets define the code on the MATLAB side:
This is the handle class used to store the global vars.
classdef GlobalData < handle
%GLOBALDATA Handle class to encapsulate all global state data.
% Note that we are not taking advantage of any object-oriented programming
% concept in this code. This class acts only as a container for publicly
% accessible properties for the otherwise global variables.
% To manipulate these globals from C++, you should create the class API
% as normal MATLAB functions to be compiled and exposed as regular C
% functions by the shared library.
% For example: create(), get(), set(), ...
% The reason we use a handle-class instead of regular variables/structs
% is that handle-class objects get passed by reference.
A wrapper function that acts as a constructor to the above class
function globals = create_globals()
%CREATE_GLOBALS Instantiate and return global state
globals = GlobalData();
globals.val = 2;
fcn_add.m, fcn_times.m
MATLAB functions to be exposed as C++ functions
function out = fcn_add(globals, in)
% receives array, and return "input+val" (where val is global)
out = in + globals.val;
function out = fcn_times(globals, in)
% receives array, and return "input*val" (where val is global)
out = in .* globals.val;
With the above files stored in current directory, lets build the C++ shared library using the MATLAB Compiler:
>> mkdir out
>> mcc -W cpplib:libfoo -T link:lib -N -v -d ./out create_globals.m fcn_add.m fcn_times.m
You should expect the following generated files among others (I'm on a Windows machine):
Next, we could create a sample C++ program to test the library:
// Sample program that calls a C++ shared library created using
// the MATLAB Compiler.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
// include library header generated by MATLAB Compiler
#include "libfoo.h"
int run_main(int argc, char **argv)
// initialize MCR
if (!mclInitializeApplication(NULL,0)) {
cerr << "Failed to init MCR" << endl;
return -1;
// initialize our library
if( !libfooInitialize() ) {
cerr << "Failed to init library" << endl;
return -1;
try {
// create global variables
mwArray globals;
create_globals(1, globals);
// create input array
double data[] = {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
mwArray in(3, 3, mxDOUBLE_CLASS, mxREAL);
in.SetData(data, 9);
// create output array, and call library functions
mwArray out;
fcn_add(1, out, globals, in);
cout << "Added matrix:\n" << out << endl;
fcn_times(1, out, globals, in);
cout << "Multiplied matrix:\n" << out << endl;
} catch (const mwException& e) {
cerr << e.what() << endl;
return -1;
} catch (...) {
cerr << "Unexpected error thrown" << endl;
return -1;
// destruct our library
// shutdown MCR
return 0;
int main()
return mclRunMain((mclMainFcnType)run_main, 0, NULL);
Lets build the standalone program:
>> mbuild -I./out main.cpp ./out/libfoo.lib -outdir ./out
And finally run the executable:
>> cd out
>> !main
Added matrix:
3 6 9
4 7 10
5 8 11
Multiplied matrix:
2 8 14
4 10 16
6 12 18
Following on from the thread in the previous post, the suggestion wasn't to wrap your functions in a class, but rather to use a class to pass about the global variable which compiling leaves you unable to use.
classdef Foo < handle
function obj = Foo(value)
obj.value = value;
Note: the class Foo extends the handle class in order to make it pass by reference, rather than pass by value. See: the comparison between handle and value classes.
function foo = matlabA()
foo = new Foo(1);
function matlabB(foo)
As far as I know, the matlab compiler doesn't compile the code as such, but rather packages it with a copy of the MATLAB Component Runtime and writes some wrapper functions to handle invoking said runtime on the code from c/c++.
I would recommend avoiding jumping back and forth between matlab and c/c++ too much; there is bound to be some overhead to converting the datatypes and invoking the MCR. All I really use it for is wrapping up a complex but self-contained matlab script (i.e.: doesn't need to interact with the c/c++ code mid way through said script) as a function, or packaging up code for deployment to environments which don't have a full copy of matlab.
As an interesting side note: if you are calling C++ from within Matlab, and that C++ code needs access to a global variable, things are much easier. You can simply do this by wrapping your C++ code into a mexFunction and compiling that. In the places you need to access a variable which is in the Matlab workspace, you can do so using the mexGetVariablePtr which will return a read-only pointer to the data. The variable you are accessing can be in either the global workspace, or that of the function which called your mexFunction.
With this approach I would suggest liberally comment the variable that you are getting in both the C++ and Matlab code, as the link between them may not be obvious from the Matlab side; you wouldn't want someone to come along later, edit the script and wonder why it had broken.
In this case it seems that the C++ side doesn't really need access to the data, so you could refactor it to have matlab do the calling by wrapping the "get current position of fingers" code into a mexFunction, then have matlab do the loop:
data = loadData();
while(~stop) {
position = getFingerPositionMex();
soundByCoef(position, data);
Assuming you don't modify the data within soundByCoef Matlab will use pass by reference, so there will be no copying of the large dataset.

error messages when writing Mex files, problem with array output from functions?

I am more of a Matlab programmer, and have not used C in years! Now I have to write some code in C and have it called from Matlab via the mexFunction command. So far so good. But my code requires many function calls where both the argument and the return values are arrays. For this I am using pointer returns. But I have run into about a million difficulties, once one is fixed another is created.
example of the sort code is as follows (the actual code is massive)
#include "mex.h"
#include "math.h"
int Slength=95;
double innercfunction(double q,double y)
int i;
double X;
double *c1function(double q,double Sim[])
double *F12=malloc(Slength);
int i;
double vdummy,qdummy;
return F12;
void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray *prhs[],int nrhs,const mxArray *plhs[])
double *q=mxGetPr(prhs[0]);
double *Sim=mxGetPr(prhs[1]);
double *SS=c1function(q,Sim);
i save it as help_file.c and compile from THE MATLAB workspace as:
mex -g help_file.c
to which i get the following error:
help_file.c: In function ‘mexFunction’:
help_file.c:38: error: incompatible type for argument 1 of ‘c1function’
help_file.c:17: note: expected ‘double’ but argument is of type ‘double *’
i tried initially passing Sim[i] instead of vdummy, that did not work which is why I defined the dummy variable in the first place.
I imagine this is a trivial problem, but I would still appreciate peoples help on this.
The prototype of clfunction requires you to pass a scalar double as the first argument; you're passing a pointer-to-double q, hence the compiler error. Are you expecting prhs[0] to contain a scalar? If so, you could use q[0] to extract the value; or else, you could use mxGetScalar(prhs[0]) which returns a scalar-double ( ).
However, I'm not sure that fixing that would make your mex file work as expected. I would suggest taking some time to read the mex examples here:
In particular, your current mex file isn't going to produce any output arguments since you aren't assigning to the left-hand side plhs.