How do you configure jndi Glassfish 4 connection to a mongoDB database - mongodb

I am developing a Jee7 project and would like to employ mongoDB as the backend database.
My jee7 application will run on Glassfish 4.
I wish to use the Glassfish 4 admin console to configure my mongoDB jdbc connection pool etc..
However Glassfish 4 doesn't list mongoDB in its list of supported Database Driver Vendor
Does this mean that you do not configure mongoDB in the same way as say DB2 or MySQL?
I could configure mongoDB using a EJB singleton, but that doesn't feel correct.

I don't think you can without writing your own resource adapter. First, mongodb is non-transactionable, so it's not like it needs to participate in any transaction related events. Second, their java driver manages the connection with their own internal connection pool.
Although it would be nice to configure the resource outside of the app, in reality you should just create a singleton bean and do everything from there.
Also take a look at producers.


How to store MongoDB database config information in a web application?

While using relational databases like MySQL, we can create a JNDI resource in GlassFish server(which I am using) and then use it as DataSource by looking up the context.
Is there an equivalent way for doing this for MongoDB in GlassFish?
If no then what is the best way to store the connection details like DB username and password for MongoDB without hard-coding them into the application or having some kind of properties files inside the web application from where we access the connections details?
I am using a Java Servlet as my web technology.
You can define an alias in glassfish for your password and access it by calling System.getProperty("mypassword")

running camunda with Spring boot & mongodb

Has anyone been able to get Camunda to run with Spring Boot and mongodb?
I tried several approaches and always got into a brick wall.
What I tried:
1. jpa / hibernate-ogm
I was able to initiate a connection to mongo after creating my own CamundaDatasourceConfiguration and ProcessEngineConfigurationImpl.
It failed when Camunda tried to get table metadata. I couldn't plug out this behavior.
2. jdbc driver for mongo by progress
I set up the jdbc url and driver class by progress.
Camunda then gets stuck during the startup process and does not get to the point where Jetty is fully started, i.e. the "Jetty started on port XYZ" message in the log.
3. camunda with postgres with mongo FDW
FDW is a mechanism for postress to interface an external datasource. This way an application can work with postgres over jdbc while the FDW will take care of reading and writing the date to the external source, be it a file, mongodb, etc.
After realizing 1 and 2 don't work, I started working on 3.
Has anyone succeeded in doing this and can share how?
so I ran into the same problem and decided to share my answers with you.
Currently it is not possible to run the Camunda-Engine with a NoSQL Database.
In this Camunda-Forum-Post one of the guys at Camunda also says it is not possible to run the engine completely without a database.
And in the offical Camunda-Docs there is also a list with all supported environments. Currently there are only SQL-Databases listed:
But in some earlier Blog-Posts they metioned, that they want to make some proof-of-concept examples with the use of NoSQL-Databases. So we can expect, that these databases will be supported in the future, but not at the moment.
(note: the flowable engine is doing the same proof of concepts, they mentioned, that they want to be able to use NoSQL-databases by the end of the next year).

.NET Core Entity Framework on AWS

I've got a web application written in .NET Core using Entity Framework to connect to a SQL Server database. Everything works fine locally. The staging/production environment for the app is AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and I seem to be stuck on how to get the app to connect to the database there.
I've created an RDS (SQL Server) database underneath the Elastic Beanstalk app.
Connection string:
user id=[USER];password=[PASSWORD];Data Source=[SERVER];Initial Catalog=Development
Creating the DbContext:
services.AddDbContext<MyDbContext>(o =>
App fails to start, based on the following line in Startup.cs:
You have to troubleshoot step by step as below procedure:
Db Connection string is working or not? Better to use with other app and simple doing the Db Connection testing. It could be possible that firewall block your port 1433.
As per your codes, .NET Core Framework will crate a database by code first approach. So that, you have to make sure, your IIS Application Pool user account has write access to SQL Database. Most probability it could be your problem.

Cannot connect to mongodb replica set

I'm using the datanucleus mongodb maven plugin and "access platform" for connecting my java app to mongodb using JPA.
I've followed the instructions on
on a ubuntu VM, added db1.mongo, db2.mongo and db3.mongo into the hosts file on both the guest vm and the host (Mac OS X).
I got a simple java app connecting to the servers, (as described in
When I connect the app to the primary (connection url: mongodb:db1.mongo:27017/ops?replicaSet=rs0) everything works just fine, but when I add the other two mongodb's to the connection url, so it becomes mongodb:db1.mongo:27017/ops?replicaSet=rs0,db2.mongo:27018,db3.mongo:27019 I get the exception:
com.mongodb.MongoException: can't find a master
at com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector.checkMaster(
at com.mongodb.DBTCPConnector.innerCall(
I've searched for this error, but the ones I have found concerns use of localhost/ I tried to mitigate that by running mongodb on a separate VM and thus a non-local IP as well as adding the names to the hosts file.
The primary goal with trying mongodb is to achieve availability so replication and being able to failover is extremely important. Transactions and consistency between nodes in case of failure is not a problem, neither are we concerned about loosing an update or two once in a while so mongodb looks like a good alternative using JPA (I'm utterly fed up with mysql :-)
Thanks in advance for your help!
I used multiple MongoDB servers when I originally wrote that support and worked back then. Not got time now, but you can look at the DataNucleus code that parses your datastore connection URL and converts it into MongoDB java API calls. Should strip the servers apart and then call "new Mongo(serverAddrs);". If its passing it in correctly (debugger?), then the problem is possibly Mongo-specific, as opposed to what DataNucleus does for you.
Also make sure you're using v3.1.2 (or later) of datanucleus-mongodb
I think you've misformatted your MongoDB URI. Instead of this:
Do this:

MongoDB c# driver - Connect via proxy

There is a Windows Forms application, which uses MongoDB driver.
I would like the MongoDB driver to make all its connection via a specified proxy.
Should there be a way to modify app.config to achieve it?
Can I define it in the driver itself?
Take a look at the MongoDB docs on connection strings:
How your particular application stores this connection string isn't defined by MongoDB. It doesn't use app.config unless your code uses it.