Combinations of Where Criteria - Still parameterized query - Dapper - tsql

I have a Dapper query as follows
Public void GetAllCusomers(string CustmoerId, StringFirstName, String LastName, String Gender)
TblCustomer tblCustomer = new TblCustomer();
using (var sqlConnection = new SqlConnection(“DatabaseConncetionString"))
//tblCustomer = sqlConnection.Query<TblCustomer >("SELECT * FROM tblCustomer WHERE CustomerId = #CustomerID" AND FirstName = #FirstName……………, new { CustomerID = CustomerId,……………. }).ToList();
tblCustomer = sqlConnection.Query<TblCustomer >("SELECT * FROM tblCustomer WHERE CustomerId = #CustomerID", new { CustomerID = CustomerId }).ToList();
The question is how to build the query? In the above method user can provide value to any parameters that he wishes to query. If the parameter value is blank that will not be used in the WHERE criteria. I will be using all the supplied parameters in the where criteria with AND operations.
Without Dapper it is easy to build the dynamic query by concatenating the SQL statement depending upon the supplied parameters. How to build these queries in Dapper without compromising the parameterized feature.
Thank you,

string sql = "SELECT * FROM tblCustomer " +
"WHERE CustomerId = #CustomerID AND FirstName = #FirstName"; // ...
var parameters = new DynamicParameters();
parameters.Add("CustomerId", customerID);
parameters.Add("FirstName", firstName);
// ...
connection.Execute(sql, parameters);

You would do it similar to how you build a dynamic query. Build your string dynamically (based on user input), only including filters in the Where clause as needed.
var query = new StringBuilder("select * from users where ");
if(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(firstname)) query.Append("FirstName = #FirstName ");
As far as passing in the parameters, you can either construct an object that includes all of your possible parameters with values to pass in:
new {FirstName = "John", LastName = "Doe"}
or, if you only want to pass in parameters that will actually be used, you can build a Dictionary<string,object> that contains only those parameters you need to pass in:
new Dictionary<string,object> { {"FirstName", "John" } }


Web API Entity Framework Returning linked table

So I have two Database Tables
- ClubId
- ClubName
in my api controller I have
private ClubsEntities db = new ClubsEntities();
// GET: api/Clubs
public IQueryable<Club> GetClub()
return db.Club;
But when I hit it i get data returned from both tables
[{"ClubMember":[{"ClubMemberId":1,"ClubId":1,"FirstName":"John","LastName":"Smith"}],"ClubId":1,"ClubName":"Test"},{"ClubMember":[],"ClubId":2,"ClubName":"Test 2"}]
How can I get it to just return from club this is baffling me
Ok so ive figured out that if I just specify a new class just with the values I want returned and select those values, it will keep my returned data cleaner.
return db.Club.Select(c => new myClubs { ClubId = c.ClubId, ClubName = c.ClubName }).ToList();

Rewrite query in JPA

I want to rewrite this SQL query in JPA.
String hql = "SELECT date(created_at) AS cdate, sum(amount) AS amount, count(id) AS nooftransaction "
+ "FROM payment_transactions WHERE date(created_at)>=date(now()- interval 10 DAY) "
+ "AND date(created_at)<date(now()) GROUP BY date(created_at)";
TypedQuery<Merchants> query = entityManager.createQuery(hql, Merchants.class);
List<Merchants> merchants = query.getResultList();
Is there a way to rewrite the queries into JPA or I should use it as it is?
In situations like these, more often than not the best approach is to write a plain SQL view:
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW payment_transactions_stats AS
SELECT date(created_at) AS cdate, sum(amount) AS amount, count(id) AS nooftransaction
FROM payment_transactions
WHERE date(created_at)>=date(now()- interval 10 DAY)
AND date(created_at)<date(now()) GROUP BY date(created_at);
And map it to an #Immutable entity. This approach works well when:
you have read only data
the view does not need parameters (in this case there are solutions as well which span from hacky to nice)
You provide no details about the classes and entities but it could be something like:
CriteriaBuilder builder = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery<Tuple> query = builder.createTupleQuery();
From<PaymentTransaction> tx = query.from(PaymentTransaction.class);
Expression<Long> sumAmount = builder.sum(tx.get("amount"));
Expression<Long> count = builder.count(tx.get("id"));
Expression<Date> createdAt = tx.get("created_at");
query.multiselect(createdAt, sumAmount, count);
query.where(builder.greaterThanOrEqualTo(createdAt, builder.function("DATEADD", "DAY", new Date(), builder.literal(-10))),
builder.lessThan(createdAt, new Date()));
.map(t -> new Merchants(t.get(0, Date.class), t.get(1, Long.class), t.get(2, Long.class)))
It is better not to use JPA for complex queries like this. JPA are usually used for simple queries.
Since the question is tagged with spring-data-jpa, you could try using a Spring CRUDRepository on top of your table. In the CRUDRepository, write a custom method with the #Query annotation.
It's hard for me to formulate the entire query because I don't know the members of your Merchants class.
Alternatively you can set the nativeQuery = true for the #Query annotation and use actual DB query to solve your problem.
You can use below code
CriteriaBuilder qb = entityManager.getCriteriaBuilder();
CriteriaQuery cq = qb.createQuery();
Root paymentInstructionsRoot = cq.from(PaymentInstructions.class);
List<Predicate> predicates = new ArrayList<>();
predicates.add(qb.greaterThanOrEqualTo(path, fromDateRange));
predicates.add(qb.lessThanOrEqualTo(path, toDateRange));
Selection cdate = paymentInstructionsRoot.get(PaymentInstructions_.createdAt).alias("cdate");
Selection amount = qb.sum(paymentInstructionsRoot.get(PaymentInstructions_.amount))).alias("amount");
Selection nooftransaction = qb.count(paymentInstructionsRoot.get("nooftransaction");
Selection[] selectionExpression = {cdate, amount, nooftransaction};
Expression[] groupByExpression = {paymentInstructionsRoot.get(PaymentInstructions_.createdAt)};
cq.multiselect(selectionExpression).where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[]{})).groupBy(groupByExpression).where(predicates.toArray(new Predicate[]{}));
List<PaymentInstructions> paymentInstructions = entityManager.createQuery(cq).getResultList();
In your Entity class that represents the 'payment_transactions' table, add the following:
name = "PaymentTransaction.summaryMapping",
classes = {
#ConstructorResult(targetClass = PaymentTransactionSummary.class,
columns = {
#ColumnResult(name = "cdate")
, #ColumnResult(name = "amount")
, #ColumnResult(name = "nooftransaction")
Create a new pojo class named PaymentTransactionSummary (must match the name used above, or whatever name you choose, with member fields cdate, amount, and nooftransaction. Include a constructor that includes those three fields in the order listed above.
Then in your dao class, write this:
Query q = entityManager.createNativeQuery("your query string from above"
, "PaymentTransaction.summaryMapping");
List<PaymentTransactionSummary> results = q.getResultList();

Generate jpql queries dynamically based on values provided/not provided from multiple choice lists

I have four choice lists on my HTML page and I'm retrieving data when the choices are selected. How do I dynamically create a jqpl query based on the selection on the choice lists.
In my case, there are 4 choice lists and a user can either select options from all the lists or a combination of them. How do I write my query in this scenario?
My query is something like
SELECT x FROM tablename x WHERE x.column1= :choice1 AND x.column2 = :choice2 AND x.column3 = :choice3 AND x.column4 = :choice4
I assume that you may try this Criteria API
Very simple. You can use a Map to save the paremeters in each condition that verify if the choiceX exists.
String jpql = "SELECT x FROM tablename x WHERE 1 = 1 ";
Map<String, Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
if (choice1 != null) {
jpql += "x.column1 = :choice1 ";
parameters.put("choice1", choice1);
if (choice2 != null) {
jpql += "x.column2 = :choice2 ";
parameters.put("choice2", choice2);
Query query = entityManager.createQuery(jpql);
for (Entry<String, Object> entry : parameters.entrySet()) {
query.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
return query.getResultList();

How can i ignore: PSQLException: The column name clothStyle was not found in this ResultSet

I created a a query to only get 4 items from a row in a table which does not include the column cloth style, so i understand why i get the error, but how can i tell Spring Jpa or JPA it is on purpose. and i just want the id, name and color table ?
this is my code:
#RequestMapping(value = "/query/material",method = RequestMethod.GET)
public String QueryMaterialTable(HttpServletRequest request){
DataTableRequest<Material> dataTableInRQ = new DataTableRequest<Material>(request);
PaginationCriteria pagination = dataTableInRQ.getPaginationRequest();
String baseQuery = "SELECT id as id, time as time, name as name, color as color, price as price, (SELECT COUNT(1) FROM MATERIAL) AS totalrecords FROM MATERIAL";
String paginatedQuery = AppUtil.buildPaginatedQuery(baseQuery, pagination);
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(paginatedQuery, Material.class);
List<Material> materialList = query.getResultList();
DataTableResults<Material> dataTableResult = new DataTableResults<Material>();
if (!AppUtil.isObjectEmpty(materialList)) {
if (dataTableInRQ.getPaginationRequest().isFilterByEmpty()) {
} else {
return new Gson().toJson(dataTableResult);
If I got the question right, your problem is with the following two lines:
Query query = entityManager.createNativeQuery(paginatedQuery, Material.class);
List<Material> materialList = query.getResultList();
You have various options to fix this:
provide a complete column list, i.e. provide the missing column in the SQL statement and just make them NULL;
Don't use Material but a new class that has the matching attributes.
Don't use a native query but JPQL and a constructor expression.
Use a ResultTransformer.
Use Spring Data and a Projection.
Use a Spring JdbcTemplate.

Convert string to int in LINQ to Entities?

I have to convert a string value to int, but it seems LINQ to Entities does not support this.
For the following code, I am getting an error.
var query = (from p in dc.CustomerBranch
where p.ID == Convert.ToInt32(id) // here is the error.
select new Location()
Name = p.BranchName,
Address = p.Address,
Postcode = p.Postcode,
City = p.City,
Telephone = p.Telephone
return query;
LINQ to Entities does not recognize the method 'Int32 ToInt32 (System.String)', and this method can not be translated into a store expression.
Do the conversion outside LINQ:
var idInt = Convert.ToInt32(id);
var query = (from p in dc.CustomerBranch
where p.ID == idInt
select new Location()
Name = p.BranchName,
Address = p.Address,
Postcode = p.Postcode,
City = p.City,
Telephone = p.Telephone
return query;
No they wouldn't. Think of it this way: both ToString() and Parse() are methods on the objects. Since LINQ to Entities tries to convert your LINQ expression to SQL, those are not available.
If one needs to do this in the query, it might be possible with Cast, which should be available in LINQ to Entities. In the case of ToString, you could use SqlFunctions.StringConvert().