Eclipse cannot find class - eclipse

My project which uses Dataflow compiles just fine using
mvn compile
However when I import my project into eclipse, eclipse is unable to build the project and gives the following error
The project was not built since its build path is incomplete.
Cannot find the class file for
Fix the build path then try building this project

Adding an explicit dependency on Guava to my pom file appears to have fixed the problem.
By running
mvn dependency:tree -Dverbose
I learned that I had several dependencies that were pulling in Guava so by adding an explicit dependency I was able to force maven to pull in a newer version.
However, I don't know why running 'mvn compile' on the command line worked.


Eclipse maven not adding dependencies

I am new to maven and am experiencing difficulties while trying to mavenise a Java project.
IDE: Eclipse Oxygen.2 Release (4.7.2)
Java: 8
m2e: 1.8.2
What I did:
- copy-pasted the entire original java project and renamed it
- right-click in eclipse: Configure > Convert to Maven project
- in java build path, deletion of libraries import from original local lib repo. The build path shows the Maven Dependencies folder, with the only junit library.
- maven install => downloaded things in the user/.m2/repository/, but not all.
What does not work:
When I try to add a dependency right from a file:
nothing pops up in the artifact selection windows, even though there is a commons-logging/ folder in m2/repository
When I try to add the dependency manually in the pom.xml:
but the package resolution error still appears in the java file, and I get this warning after Maven install
`[WARNING] The POM for org.kie.modules:org-apache-commons-configuration-main:pom:6.5.0.Final is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available, enable debug logging for more details`
I did Maven Update project, eclipse project clean, nothing changes.
My goal for now is just that eclipse understands (at least for one library), that it has to take it from maven repository. I still have many other dependencies to solve (intra-project), but that will be the next step.
Thanks for your help.
The cause of the issue is stated in the warning message :
is invalid, transitive dependencies (if any) will not be available,
enable debug logging for more details
It means that the pom.xml downloaded in your local maven repository exists but is not valid.
Delete the folder of the dependency downloaded in your local maven repository and try again.
If you still have the same problem, check that your central repository that provides the dependency provides also correctly the pom.xml for that.
You can do it by browsing the directory of the dependency from a web browser.
For example we can see that the maven central repository provides a valid pom :

Prevent Maven from downloading remove repository

I would like to force maven to use my local project in Eclipse instead of downloading the dependency from the remote repository.
Please note that I only want one particular dependency to be used from my local source files.
This command will build in offline mode:
mvn clean install -o

Access CQ5 project bundles on same instance

I have two project bundles my local CQ/AEM server. Project A contains some java Util class methods which can be utilized in project B as well.
While developing, how do I import my project A classes in project B to access the methods so that I do not have to duplicate the methods again?
I tried adding dependency in my Project B bundle pom.xml as below. Is this correct?
I get missing artifact error for this.
"Missing artifact com.project-a:cq-project-a:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT"
Please suggest how the import can be done.
I guess you forgot to build project a using mvn install. The dependency will be searched in your local maven repo.
This solution may fix you issue: update your pom.xml on project a, modify groupId, artifactId, version, packaging tags and make sure they look likes:
Then run mvn clean install on project a, run mvn clean install one more time one project b. I applied this to my last project, I hope it works for you.

How do I force Maven/Eclipse to download a JAR dependency?

I'm using Maven 3.3.3, Java 8 on Windows 7. I"m using Eclipse Mars. I'm trying to run a JUnit test in my Eclipse editor by right clicking on the class name, selecting, "Run As" -> "JUnit Test", and I'm getting this error
The archive: C:/Users/myuser/.m2/repository/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload/1.2/commons-fileupload-1.2.jar which is referenced by the classpath, does not exist.
I have this dependency in my project's pom.xml file
What is odd is that if I run the test directly from the command line (using bash shell on Cygwin), the test runs ...
$ mvn clean test -Dtest=MyControllerIT
Hoewver, when I look in my repository, there is no JAR file downloaded. All it has is
$ ls /cygdrive/c//Users/myuser/.m2/repository/commons-fileupload/commons-fileupload/1.2/
_remote.repositories commons-fileupload-1.2.pom.lastUpdated
commons-fileupload-1.2.pom commons-fileupload-1.2.pom.sha1
How do I force the downloads of these JARs, or at least, how do I get Eclipse to stop complaining and being such a baby?
After updating the POM.xml file, all you have to do is, right click and refresh the Maven Dependencies.

Maven not updating/downloading dependencies

I'm using Eclipse EE and Apache Wicket.
I have my dependencies written down at pom.xml.
For some reason, maven is not updating even when I try to clean the project and go under Maven > Update Project.
When I go to check the dependencies the jar is there, but it still give me error when I try to run (ClassNotFoundException).
Why is this happening?
Dependency in question:
Also already tried to reinstall maven.
Try running mvn eclipse:eclipse to update ur Eclipse.
Also, refresh after completion of the command run.
You shouldn't mix "mvn eclipse:eclipse" and m2eclipse maven eclipse plugin, it will cause the plugin to not operate correctly. If you have done so, you need to remove your .project/.classpath/.settings files and re-import with "import existing maven projects".