IDA "call offset" - ida

I've dumped a dll from memory using LordPE, so far so good, but there are some functions IDA shows just like this:
call off_11CAE08
At memory address 11CAE08(.data section) we have 01058530(.text section) so I'd like IDA was able to show call sub_01058530, so, Is there any way or script that's able to change and fix all lines with this problem?

It's a relative call, you need to resolve that address. You can do this statically by looking at the library or you can do it dynamically by using a tool called Ablation, you can learn how to use it by listening to the authors talk at black hat. In order to do that you need to run the process/dll with ablation

Assuming you have 1-dref functions like this one, here is a script using sark:
from sark import *
from idc import *
from idaapi import *
from idautils import *
import struct
text_start =xxx
text_end= xxxx
for line in sark.lines(text_start, text_end):
for ref in line.xrefs_to:
if ref.type.is_call:
if data_start <= <= data_end:
addr = GetManyBytes(, 4)
addr, _ = struct.unpack("<I", addr)
MakeName(, "func_ptr_"+str(addr))
P.S. Im writing from my phone, so syntax may not be exact.


Cimplicity Screen - one object/button that is dependent on hundreds of points

So I have created a huge screen that essentially just shows the robot status for every robot in this factory (individually)… At the very end of the project, they decided they want one object on the screen that blinks if any of the 300 robots fault. I am trying to think of a way to make this work. Maybe a global script of some kind? Problem is, I do not do much scripting in Cimplicity, so any help is appreciated.
All the points that are currently used on this screen (to indicate a fault) have very similar names… as in, the beginning is the same… so I was thinking of a script that could maybe recognize if a bit is high based on PART of it's string name characteristic. The end will change a little each time, but I am sure there is a way to only look for part of a string and negate the rest. If the end has to be hard coded, that's fine.
You can use a Python script in Cimplicity.
I will not go into detail on the use of python in Cimplicity, which is well described in the documentation indicated above.
Here's an example of what can be done... note that I don't have a way to test it and, of course, this will work if the name of your robots in the declaration follows the format Robot_1, Robot_2, Robot_3 ... Robot_10 ... Robot_300 and it also depends on the Name and the Type of the fault variable... as you didn't define it, I imagine it can be an integer, with ZERO indicating no error. But if you use something other than that, you can easily change it.
import cimplicity
OneRobotWithFault = False
# Here you get the values and check for fault
for i in range(0, 300):
pointName = f'MyFactory.Robot_{i}.FaultCode'
robotFaultCode = cimplicity.point_get(pointName)
if robotFaultCode > 0:
OneRobotWithFault = True
# Set the status to the variable "WeHaveRobotWithFault"
cimplicity.point_set("WeHaveRobotWithFault", OneRobotWithFault)

API for getting language server info from extension (bracket pairs, function begin/end, ...)

I'm currently writing an extension for VSCode which needs to have some good knowledge about the currently shown code in the editor and I'm wondering if there is some API available which can give me the needed information (e.g. from the current language server) or if I have to do the heavy lifting myself by implementing all the needed code parsing etc.
What I need in detail is the following:
Given is a position in code (line + col no)
What I'd like to know about the given position:
Is pos inside a function and if so, where does the function start & end?
Is pos inside a string and if so, where does the string start & end?
The extension is going to provide some kind of "vim selection light".
You can have only half of that via VS Code APIs.
Is pos inside a function and if so, where does the function start & end?
Using the vscode.executeDocumentSymbolProvider command, you can gather all functions from a file and check if the current position is inside one of the functions.
Something like this to retrieve the functions:
const symbolsToFind = [SymbolKind.Function, SymbolKind.Method, SymbolKind.Constructor];
const docSymbols = await commands.executeCommand(
) as DocumentSymbol[];
const docSymbolsFunctionsMethods = docSymbols
? docSymbols.filter(symbol => symbolsToFind.includes(symbol.kind))
: undefined;
Each Symbol provides you with a Range, which defines the start and end of the function declaration and body.
Be aware that you will probably need a recursive approach (each Symbol can contain other Symbols). A complete sample is available on my Separators extension (
Is pos inside a string and if so, where does the string start & end?
Unfortunately, there is no API for that, as VS Code does not expose language tokens or the AST. So, you will have to deal with it yourself, maybe using regex.
Hope this helps

KDB:Trying to read multiple csv files at a location

I am trying to run below code to read all csv files available at location C:/q/BitCoin/Input.Getting an error and dont know what the solution is?csv files are standard ones with three fields.
filelist1:key inputdir;
filelist2:` sv' inputdir,'filelist1;
filelist3:string filelist2;
select from r
} each `$filelist3
Hard coding the file names and running below code works but I don't want to hard code
raze {[x]
select from r
} each (`$"C:/q/BitCoin/Input/bitbayPLN.csv";`$"C:/q/BitCoin/Input/anxhkAUD.csv")
Getting below error
An error occurred during execution of the query.
The server sent the response:
Can someone help with issue?
The reason that you are receiving the error 'filelist3 is because filelist3 is defined in the lambda and outside of the lambda it is not recognised or defined. There are various ways to overcome this as outlined below.
Firstly you can essentially take all of the defined work done on the inside of the lambda and put it on the right side of the each.
raze{[x] r:flip`Time`Qty`Price!("ZFF";",")0:x; select from r
} each `$(string (` sv' `:C:/q/BitCoin/Input,'(key `:C:/q/BitCoin/Input)))
Or if you wanted to you could create a function which will generate filelist3 for you and use that on the right hand side of the each also.
f:{[inputdir] filelist1:key inputdir; filelist2:` sv' inputdir,'filelist1; filelist3:string filelist2; filelist3}
raze{[x] r:flip`Time`Qty`Price!("ZFF";",")0:x; select from r
} each `$f[`:C:/q/BitCoin/Input]
I hope this helps.
Many thanks,

date in pig latin

I am trying to do the following. I have multiple dates and I want to create a pig script which gets unknown number of input dates and then runs the pig script for the input arguments. My question is:
How can I send an unknown number of input variables to a pig script and then handle them within the pig script?
I have some trouble understanding what you actually want to do. That would be my solution >for your problem, sending an unknown number of dates (sorted as chararray):
A = load 'input_dates' AS (date:chararray);
B = my_macro(A);
It's quite basic, so I guess I didn't understand your problem correctly. Could you maybe >develop a little bit more your problem?
UPDATE >> How about something like this if you use Pig 0.11 (there is a bug until 0.10 for module imports):
import os
from org.apache.pig.scripting import *
P = Pig.compile("""
data = LOAD '$docs_in' AS (a:int);
-- do something
lof = os.listdir("/home/.../dates/")
params = []
for elem in lof:
params.append({'docs_in': str(elem)})
bound = P.bind(list_of_files)
stats =
If each run is counting on the result of the previous one, use runSingle() instead.
If I understand question correctly, you want to load number of files or directories. You can specify as "," as input.
Below is an example:
load.pig (content):
A = LOAD '$input' using PigStorage();
dump A;
command to run ( to run locally):
pig -x local -param input=20120301,20120302,20120304 load.pig

How do I Benchmark RESTful Service with Variable Parameters?

I'm currently working on benchmarking a RESTful service I've made, and part of that is making sure it runs in a reasonable amount of times for a large array of parameters. For example, let's say I have RESTful API of the form In that case to be sure my service is working as fast as I'd like it to work, I'd want to try out many values for y one by one, preferably coming from some text file. I can't figure out any way of doing this in ab or httperf. I'm open to using a different benchmarking program if I have, but would prefer something simple and light. What I want to do seems like something pretty standard, so I'm guessing there must already be a program that let's me do it, but an hour or so of googling hasn't gotten me an answer. Ideas?
Answer: Jmeter (which is apparently awesome). This faq explains how to do it. Hopefully this helps someone else, as it took me like a day of searching to figure this out.
I have just had some good experience with using JavaScript (via BSF/Rhino) in JMeter.
I have put one thread group in my test plan and stick a 'Simple Controller' with two elements under it - 'HTTP Request' sampler and 'BSF PreProcessor'.
Set BSF language to 'javascript' and either type the code into the text box or point it to a file (use full path or relative to CWD of JMeter process).
/* Since `Math.random()` gives us float, we use `java.util.Random()`
* see: */
var Random = new;
var min = 10-1;
var max = 2;
var maxLines = (min)+Random.nextInt(max-min);
var s = '';
for (var d = 0; d <= maxLines; d++) {
s += d.toString()+','+Random.nextInt(1000).toString()+'\n';
// s => '0,312\n1,104\n2,608\n'
vars.put('PAYLOAD', s);
Now I can refer to ${PAYLOAD} in the HTTP request!
You can generate JSON, but you will need to upgrade jakarta-jmeter-2.5.1/lib/js-1.6R5.jar with the newest version of Rhino to get JSON.stringify and JSON.parse. That worked perfectly for me also, though I thought I'd put a simple example here.
You can use BSF pre-processor for URL params as well, just set another variable with vars.put('X', 'some value') and pass it as ${X} in the request parameter.
This blog post helped quite a bit, by the way.