How to force long double in Perl - perl

I lose precision when doing arithmetic or trying to print (debug) numbers this big:
I think my problems are with $d (result of arithmetic) and the formatted print of $e.
How can I force long doubles? My Perl version (5.8.4 on SUN) says it's possible.
sprintf has a size option for long doubles (q or L or ll), but I haven't figured out how to use it, and don't know if it would work with printf.
Edit: I added BigFloat, which works! But I'd still like to force long doubles.
Try to add 1234567890 + 0.123456789
and subtract 1234567890 - 0.123456789.
use Config;
use Math::BigFloat;
$a = 1234567890;
$b = 123456789;
$c = $b/1e9; # 0.123456789
$d = $a + $c; # not enough precision (32-bit or double?)
$e = sprintf("%d.%.9d",$a,$b); # combine as strings
$f = 1234567890.123456789; # for reference (not enough precision)
# Use BigFloat to bypass lack of longdbl
$aBig = Math::BigFloat->new("$a");
$dSum = $aBig->fadd("$c"); # $dSum = $a + $c
$aBig = Math::BigFloat->new("$a"); # <-- Need a new one for every operation?
$dDif = $aBig->fsub(abs("$c")); # $dDif = $a - $c
print "a $a\n"; # 1234567890
print "c $c\n"; # 0.123456789
print "d=a+c $d\n"; # 1234567890.12346 <-- **Problem**
print "dSum=a+c $dSum\n"; # 1234567890.123456789 <-- Solution
print "dDif=a-c $dDif\n"; # 1234567890.876543211 <-- Solution
print "e $e\n"; # 1234567890.123456789
print "f $f\n"; # 1234567890.12346 <-- double, 52-bit, not longdbl?
printf ("printf e 20.9f %20.9f\n",$e); # 1234567890.123456717 <-- **Problem**
printf ("printf dSum 20.9f %20.9f\n",$dSum); # 1234567890.123456717 <-- **Problem**
printf ("printf dSum 20s %20s\n",$dSum); # 1234567890.123456789
printf ("printf dDif 20.9f %20.9f\n",$dDif); # 1234567890.876543283 <-- **Problem**
printf ("printf dDif 20s %20s\n",$dDif); # 1234567890.876543211
print "uselongdouble $Config{uselongdouble}\n"; # empty. No long doubles by default
print "d_longdbl $Config{d_longdbl}\n"; # "define". Supports long doubles
print "size double longdbl $Config{doublesize} $Config{longdblsize}\n"; # Ans 8 16
I also used this code to try to understand the types, but it didn't help much. Has anyone used it to explain problems like this?
use Devel::Peek 'Dump';
Dump ($dSum); # Wow, it's complicated
Dump ($f);

Perl has one size of float, and it's called NV. The size of an NV is decided when Perl is built.
$ perl -V:nvsize
This information is also accessible within a Perl program via the Config module.
$ perl -MConfig -E'say $Config{nvsize}'
The size of NV cannot be changed after Perl is built.
You can force Perl to be built to use long double floats as follows when when building Perl:
sh Configure -Duselongdouble ...
perlbrew install -Duselongdouble ...
perlbrew install --ld ...
If you don't want to rebuild your perl or make a new one, you will need to use a module. I recommend Math::LongDouble as it provides access to native long double floats, and it does so as transparently as possible.
Another option is to use an arbitrary-precision library such as Math::BigFloat, but that will be slower that necessary if all you need is a long double.

bignum will overload all operators in the current scope to use arbitrary precision integers and floating point operations.
use bignum;
my $f = 123456789.123456789;
print "$f\n"; # 123456789.123456789
print $f + $f, "\n"; # 246913578.246913578
Behind the scenes, bignum turns all numeric constants into Math::BigInt and Math::BigNum objects as appropriate.
It's important to note that bignum is lexically scoped and does not effect the whole program. For example...
use bignum;
$f = 123456789.123456789; # $f is a Math::BigNum object
$g = 123456789.123456789; # $g is a regular NV
print "$f\n"; # 123456789.123456789
print "$g\n"; # 123456789.123457
# This will use Math::BigNum's addition method, but $g has already lost precision.
print $f + $g, "\n"; # 246913578.246913789
You can get a bit better performance out of this by using the Math::BigInt::GMP plugin to use the GNU Multiple Precision Arithmetic Library for some operations. You have to install that module first using the normal CPAN install process (you don't need GMP). Then tell bignum to use GMP.
use bignum lib => "GMP";


Use of uninitialized value $e2 in string eq & find: warning:

Hopefully you can help a scientist to decipher whats wrong with the code I'm trying to run to clean up some NGS results. The Perl file itself comes from, though I am posting the code below for reference. The other Perl files in the package work just fine and, while I have built a passing ability to use the linux terminal, Perl is a little beyond me.
The linux terminal I'm using is currently running: Ubuntu 16.04.6 LTS
This is the Perl code I'm trying to run using the following command line on linux as instructed by their GitHub page:
perl ./ c c2 __
#!/usr/bin/env perl
#$Id:,v 1.2 2015/03/02 17:24:35 yk336 Exp $
# create pbs file
use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use POSIX;
my $dir = shift;
my $e1 = shift;
my $e2 = shift;
my $stop = shift;
die "$e1 eq $e2" if ($e1 eq $e2);
my $find = "find $dir -name \"*${e1}\"";
my $out = `$find`;
my #files = split(/\n/, $out);
for my $f (#files) {
my $o = $f;
$o =~ s/${e1}$/$e2/;
my $cmd = "./ $stop $f > $o";
print "$cmd\n";
The first error that I had was that the _clean_htseq.pl_ wasn't found (line 30, already altered to solution) which i solved by adding the ./ in front of it and giving the software permission to use the script file.
My current issue with the code/command line is the following error:
Use of uninitialized value $e2 in string eq at ./ line 18.
find: warning: Unix filenames usually don't contain slashes (though pathnames do). That means that '-name ‘*./SRR7251667.c’' will probably evaluate to false all the time on this system. You might find the '-wholename' test more useful, or perhaps '-samefile'. Alternatively, if you are using GNU grep, you could use 'find ... -print0 | grep -FzZ ‘*./SRR7251667.c’'.
This has been tracked down to the "__" at the end of the command line, while i'm sure this is supposed to mean something to the script I removed it and resulted in the following error:
Use of uninitialized value $stop in concatenation (.) or string at line 30.
./ ./SRR7251667.c > ./SRR7251667.c2
Use of uninitialized value $e1 in string eq at ./ line 18.
Use of uninitialized value $e2 in string eq at ./ line 18.
Use of uninitialized value $e1 in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 18.
Use of uninitialized value $e2 in concatenation (.) or string at ./ line 18.
eq at ./ line 18.
An error occurs too when I remove the "." from "./" but it comes back with an error about not finding the _clean_htseq.pl_ file which is in the working directory.
Your problem seems to be here:
my $dir = shift;
my $e1 = shift;
my $e2 = shift;
my $stop = shift;
Outside of a subroutine, shift works on #ARGV—the array that holds the command line arguments. You shift four times, so you need four arguments:
perl ./ c c2 __
You only seem to give it two, and $stop has no value (so you are giving it less than two):
./ $stop $f
You can't just remove arguments and hope things still work out. Likely you're going to have to look at the source to see what those things mean (which should motivate you as a scientist to use good variable names and document code—Best Practices for Scientific Computing).
A first step may be to set defaults. The defined-or operator does well here:
use v5.10;
my $dir = shift // 'default_dir';
my $e1 = shift // 'default_value';
my $e2 = shift // 'default_value';
my $stop = shift // 'default_value';
Or, you could just give up if there aren't enough arguments. An array in scalar context gives you the number of elements in the array (although it doesn't guarantee anything about their values):
die "Need four arguments!\n" unless #ARGV == 4;
There are various other improvements which would help this script, some of which I go through in the "Secure Programming Techniques" chapter in Mastering Perl. Taking unchecked user input and passing it to another program is generally not a good idea.

How to effectively use the BitVector Module In Perl to find the XOR of two numbers?

I am having trouble figuring out how to effectively use the BitVector module in Perl to find the Exclusive Or (XOR) of two numbers in hexadecimal form.
This is my whole code:
use Bit::Vector;
$bits = Bit::Vector->Word_Bits(); # bits in a machine word
print "This program will take two numbers and will return the XOR of the two numbers.\n";
print "Enter the first number in hexadecimal form:\n";
$firstHexNumber = <STDIN>;
$vector = Bit::Vector->new($bits, $firstHexNumber); # bit vector constructor
print "Enter the second number in hexadecimal form:\n";
$secondHexNumber = <STDIN>;
$vector2 = Bit::Vector->new($bits, $secondHexNumber); # bit vector constructor
$vector3 = Bit::Vector->new($bits); # bit vector constructor
print $vector3;
I am not sure if I am doing the syntax right for the BitVector module.
If I try to run it, I get an output like this.
When I input 1 and 16 as my arguments, the output is supposed to be 17.
Please help me see what's wrong with my code to get the output correct.
Thank you.
No need for a module.
# Make sure the bitwise feature wasn't activated (e.g. by `use 5.022;`)
no if $] >= 5.022, feature => qw( bitwise );
my $hex1 = '012345';
my $hex2 = '000AAA';
my $hex_xor = unpack('H*', pack('H*', $hex1) ^ pack('H*', $hex2) );
say $hex_xor; # 0129ef
or (5.22+)
# Safe. Feature accepted without change in 5.28.
use experimental qw( bitwise );
my $hex1 = '012345';
my $hex2 = '000AAA';
my $hex_xor = unpack('H*', pack('H*', $hex1) ^. pack('H*', $hex2) );
say $hex_xor; # 0129ef
or (5.28+)
use feature qw( bitwise ); # Or: use 5.028; # Or: use v5.28;
my $hex1 = '012345';
my $hex2 = '000AAA';
my $hex_xor = unpack('H*', pack('H*', $hex1) ^. pack('H*', $hex2) );
say $hex_xor; # 0129ef
These solutions work with numbers of arbitrary length, which is why I assume Bit::Vector was selected for use. (Just pad the numbers so that both have the same length if necessary, or Perl will effectively right-pad with zeroes.)
You can use new_Hex() and to_Hex():
use strict;
use warnings;
use Bit::Vector;
my $bits = Bit::Vector->Word_Bits(); # bits in a machine word
my $firstHexNumber = "1";
my $vector = Bit::Vector->new_Hex($bits, $firstHexNumber);
my $secondHexNumber = "17";
my $vector2 = Bit::Vector->new_Hex($bits, $secondHexNumber);
my $vector3 = Bit::Vector->new($bits); # bit vector constructor
print $vector3->to_Hex;

Why does Perl modulo operator work with large integers using bignum but not Math::BigInt?

I tried the following in a Perl script:
$b = 19999999999999999 % 10000000000000000;
print "$b\n";
It incorrectly outputted 0.
Then I found an answer saying to use bignum:
use bignum;
$b = 19999999999999999 % 10000000000000000;
print "$b\n";
It correctly outputted 9999999999999999.
But bignum just converts all integer constants into a Math::BigInt. So I tried the following which should be the same as using bignum:
use Math::BigInt;
$b = Math::BigInt->new(19999999999999999) % Math::BigInt->new(10000000000000000);
print "$b\n";
But that incorrectly outputted 0. Am I doing something wrong with Math::BigInt?
You're still using native Perl numbers first and then converting them to Math::BigInt objects. Try this instead:
my $x = Math::BigInt->new('19999999999999999') % Math::BigInt->new('10000000000000000');
Quoting from perldoc Math::BigInt:
Input given as scalar numbers might lose precision. Quote your input to ensure that no digits are lost:
$x = Math::BigInt->new( 56789012345678901234 ); # bad
$x = Math::BigInt->new('56789012345678901234'); # good
(Also, don't use $b outside of sort and similar routines.)

How can I increment a hex string in Perl 5.8?

I have a large hex number - $num = 0x80000000, as a string.
I want to increment it, but doing hex($num) does not work, due to integer overflow (comes out negative). using bigint is also not an option as hex with bigint is only implemented in perl 5.10 and beyond, I have 5.8. how can I ++ this string?
Don't confuse the literal representation with the number with the actual value. When you make the assignment, no matter how you represented it, Perl ends up storing a number and no longer cares about the original representation. Use the normal numeric operations on it. When you want to look at it again, you can choose any of the representations you like:
$num = 0x8000000;
printf "%0x" $num;
You only need hex() if you're getting your numeric representation as a string, like you would from a command line argument. You only need hex to turn the string into a number. After that, it's the same.
$num = hex( '8000000' ); # or hex( '0x8000000' )
# $num = hex( $ARGV[0] );
printf "%0x" $num;
For the other part of your question, bignum works just fine on Perl v5.8:
$ perl5.8.9 -le 'my $i = 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF; $i++; print $i'
$ perl5.8.9 -Mbignum -le 'my $i = 0xFFFFFFFF_FFFFFFFF; $i++; print $i'
I have no issues with this using Perl 5.8.9 via Perlbrew:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $num = 0x80000000;
print "$num\n"; # No quotes make this a number and not a string
This prints out 2147483648 which is the decimal value of 0x8000000.
What platform are you on?
What you probably want to do is to print out this hex number in hex and not decimal. You can still use ++ to increment it, but to print it out in hex, you need printf:
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
use Data::Dumper;
my $num = 0x80000000;
for my $loop (0..100) {
printf "%-20x\n", $num;
This prints out:
If indeed 0x80000000 is a string, using hex on my system using Perl 5.8.9 has no problem converting it into a number.
#! /usr/bin/env perl
use strict;
use warnings;
my $num = "0x80000000"; # This is a string
$num = hex $num; # Now it's a number
print "$num\n"; # Prints 2147483648 because `$num` is numeric
As I said. This is Perl 5.8.9 (I can't get 5.8.8 on Perlbrew), and this is on a Mac. Maybe your platform is a wee bit different. Is it an old Solaris system with a 32bit version of SunOS or Solaris?
I've checked the 5.8.8 documentation and notice that the standard distribution does have Bigint support built in. It also comes with the module Math::Bigint too.
Are you sure you don't have Bigint support?

How do I unpack a double-precision value in Perl?

From this question:
bytearray - Perl pack/unpack and length of binary string - Stack Overflow
I've learned that #unparray = unpack("d "x5, $aa); in the snippet below results with string items in the unparray - not with double precision numbers (as I expected).
Is it possible to somehow obtain an array of double-precision values from the $aa bytestring in the snippet below?:
$a = pack("d",255);
print length($a)."\n";
# prints 8
$aa = pack("ddddd", 255,123,0,45,123);
print length($aa)."\n";
# prints 40
#unparray = unpack("d "x5, $aa);
print scalar(#unparray)."\n";
# prints 5
print length($unparray[0])."\n"
# prints 3
printf "%d\n", $unparray[0] '
# prints 255
# one liner:
# perl -e '$a = pack("d",255); print length($a)."\n"; $aa = pack("ddddd", 255,123,0,45,123); print length($aa)."\n"; #unparray = unpack("d "x5, $aa); print scalar(#unparray)."\n"; print length($unparray[0])."\n" '
Many thanks in advance for any answers,
What makes you think it's not stored as a double?
use feature qw( say );
use Config qw( %Config );
use Devel::Peek qw( Dump );
my #a = unpack "d5", pack "d5", 255,123,0,45,123;
say 0+#a; # 5
Dump $a[0]; # NOK (floating point format)
say $Config{nvsize}; # 8 byte floats on this build
Sorry, but you've misunderstood hobbs' answer to your earlier question.
$unparray[0] is a double-precision floating-point value; but length is not like (say) C's sizeof operator, and doesn't tell you the size of its argument. Rather, it converts its argument to a string, and then tells you the length of that string.
For example, this:
my $a = 3.0 / 1.5;
print length($a), "\n";
will print this:
because it sets $a to 2.0, which gets stringified as 2, which has length 1.