Javaswift JOSS best practice for AccountFactory - openstack-swift

Have an application that puts, gets and deletes objects to/from an openstack swift object store. I use JOSS as the java api. What is the best practice for using the AccountFactory object? Should it be instantiated and held for the life of the application? It is pretty expensive to instantiate.

When you create an Account in SWIFT, you are holding a stateful session. It will remember the authentication token and pass that on with every request to the Swift container. Normally, Keystone tokens are valid for 24 hours, but this may differ per Swift implementation. So it really depends on the life time of the project.
So if you are using swift for a security critical component, I would prefer to authenticate every time you perform an action to save your application from security vulnerability. In case it is not a security critical component then you can have it in your code instantiated for the time period of the keystone tokens change. But you need to re-instantiate it every time the keystone token changes.
To know about JOSS authentication you can refer here :


Flutter – question about architecture, providers and fetching data from server

I am a rather fresh Flutter programmer so please excuse any flaws in the questions below…
I am struggling with a structural/ architecture dilemma. Here is the background:
App rationale:
my app allows its users to check little jobs available in their area and if they find time and are in a proper location to execute the job for a remuneration,
the app uses standard REST API (not Firebase) so that the server cannot be relied on sending status change notifications to trigger re-fetching of data,
the critical elements are (1) up-to date list of jobs for a given address - other user may have already taken on a job in an address (timed refresh of list e.g. every 5 mins), and (2) the app needs to keep track of the user’s location and accordingly ask the server for jobs if the user relocates by more than 2km in less than the refresh time,
The challenge:
I guess that on the basic level the app should have the following providers: (1) auth – providing the authToken, (2) geolocation – regularly checking user’s location, (3) jobList - for particular location (fetches high level job descriptions and addresses(, (4) jobDetails – fetches exact instructions for carrying a particular job,
as you can see: (2) geolocation and (3) jobList – need to refresh programmatically (at interval or on some change of geolocation), while (1) auth, (4) jobDetails are triggered by the user.
The Big Question ;) is … what is the proper architecture for the above type of app? More specifically:
should I use services for connecting to the server API and these would in turn be used by the providers?
how to ensure programmatic refetch of jobList on timer and relocation event from geolocation?
how to continually listen to location changes to detect a relocation but not overwhelming the app with processing?
should I store the (quickly outdating) jobLIst data just in its object class or should I use settings provider or a local db or maybe there is an easy way of storing the latest JSON response not to have to build the settings provider or db mapping?
in all my call to Auth api I need to provide the deviceId - how to make it available accross the app - this is pretty static but is needed in authentication so should checking it be a part of the auth provider?
If you could comment on the above or suggest a source of relevant examples I would be really grateful.
Thanks and cheers!
Here are my thoughts:
how to continually listen to location changes to detect a relocation but not overwhelming the app with processing?
You can rely on third party to do this for you. Such as: geolocator. With this, you can specify the amount of distance the user must have moved before the package notifies you of the change in user location.
should I store the (quickly outdating) jobLIst data just in its object class or ...
Since it is likely for a job listing app to use this data often and in various places, I would prefer to use db. It would be helpful in the long run too, if you plan to have some sort of analytics done on the mobile end or to gather any insights.
in all my call to Auth api I need to provide the deviceId - how to make it available accross the app ...
When you app is initialized, you could fetch the deviceID and store it in shared_preferences. Then in auth api, you could just retrieve it before making the API call.
should I use services for connecting to the server API and these would in turn be used by the providers?
As for geo location, geolocator can update you about the change in location and you could make an API call based on that.
However, if you plan to have a timer based approach to refresh your job listing, then you must realize that your users are likely to face issues arising from your inconsistent data. If you have plans to tackle it, then this implementation here might help. But I strongly feel that server supporting push notifications or maybe a web socket approach would be ideal here.

Calling jwt-auth secured service from Oracle Service Bus 12c

Is it possible to invoke it from OSB (!) in more or less "declarative" way, I mean not by requesting a new token for each service invocation? Any approved/recommended techniques for cacheing JWT besides dumb-and-obvious solution like storing it in database and re-requesting on Not Authorized? Or even better utilizing security policies (OWSM functionality) or so. I've "invented" several ways to do it (parsing JWT for validity term, creating cached service with lifetime smaller than that of token) but want to be sure whether they were all not just new bicycles before starting to implement one of them :) Any ideas on non-declarative solutions will also be highly appreciated

How appropriate it is to use SAML_login with AEM with more than 1m users?

I am investigating a slow login time and some profile synchronisation problems of a large enterprise AEM project. The system has around 1.5m users. And the website is served by 10 publishers.
The way this project is built, is that they have enabled the SAML_login for all these end-users and there is a third party IDP which I assume SAML_login talks to. I'm no expert on this SSO - SAML_login processes, so I'm trying to understand if this is the correct way to go at the first step.
Because of this setup and the number of users, SAML_login call takes 15 seconds on avarage. This is getting unacceptable day by day as the user count rises. And even more importantly, the synchronization between the 10 publishers are failing occasionally, hence some of the users sometimes can't use the system as they are expected to.
Because the users are stored in the JCR for SAML_login, you cannot even go and check the home/users folder from crx browser. It times out as it is impossible to show 1.5m rows at once. And my educated guess is, that's why the SAML_login call is taking so long.
I've come accross with articles that tells how to setup SAML_login on AEM, and this makes it sound legal for what it is used in this case. But in my opinion this is the worst setup ever as JCR is not a well designed quick access data store for this kind of usage scenarios.
My understanding so far is that this approach might work well but with only limited number of users, but with this many of users, it is an inapplicable solution approach. So my first question would be: Am I right? :)
If I'm not right, there is certainly a bottleneck somewhere which I'm not aware of yet, what can be that bottleneck to improve upon?
The AEM SAML Authentication handler has some performance limitations with a default configuration. When your browser does an HTTP POST request to AEM under /saml_login it includes a base 64 encoded "SAMLResponse" request parameter. AEM directly processes that response and does not contact any external systems.
Even though the SAML response is processed on AEM itself, the bottle-necks of the /saml_login call are the following:
Initial login where AEM creates the user node for the first time - you can look at creating the nodes ahead of time. You could write a script to create the SAML user nodes (under /home/users) in AEM ahead of time.
During each login when the session is first created - a token node is created under the user node under /home/users/.../{usernode}/.tokens - this can be avoided by enabling the encapsulated token feature.
Finally, the last bottle-neck occurs when it saves the SAMLResponse XML under the user node (for later use required for SAML-based logout). This can be avoided by not implementing SAML-based logout. The latest com.adobe.granite.auth.saml bundle supports turning off the saving of the SAML response. Service packs AEM 6.4.8 and AEM 6.5.4 include this feature. To enable this feature, set the OSGI configuration properties storeSAMLResponse=false and handleLogout=false and it would not store the SAML response.

C# ASMX webservice semi -permanant storage requirement

I'm writing a mock of a third-party web service to allow us to develop and test our application.
I have a requirement to emulate functionality that allows the user to submit data, and then at some point in the future retrieve the results of processing on the service. What I need to do is persist the submitted data somewhere, and retrieve it later (not in the same session). What I'd like to do is persist the data to a database (simplest solution), but the environment that will host the mock service doesn't allow for that.
I tried using IsolatedStorage (application-scoped), but this doesn't seem to work in my instance. (I'm using the following to get the store...
IsolatedStorageFile.GetStore(IsolatedStorageScope.Application |
IsolatedStorageScope.Assembly, null, null);
I guess my question is (bearing in mind the fact that I understand the limitations of IsolatedStorage) how would I go about getting this to work? If there is no consistent way to do it, I guess I'll have to fall back to persisting to a specific file location on the filesystem, and all the pain of permission setting that entails in our environment.
For the pruposes of dev and test, I realised it would be easiest to limit the lifetime of the persisted objects, and use
to store the objects. This has just enough flexibility to cope with my situation.

ASP.NET Storing global variables - accessible from every page

I am building a large application and I ususally use a simple session to store private global information however as the application could be rather large I belive this could be a problem due to the amount of memory sessions it could have.
Is there a better way to store such variables?
For example, when the user logs in I want to store data about that user and display it where needed without having to query the database each time.
Sessions are the way to go here, they are intended to persist information about the current session across requests. There is no other object in the ASP.NET framework that has this intention.
You could use the Cache, or store in the Application collection, but then the responsibility of uniquely identifying the individual session data is up to you.
What's also up to you is handling when the session terminates, and freeing up the instances that are stored in those collections (Cache or Application).
It's really a bad idea to start to ask these questions based on what you might "think" will happen. This is a form of premature optimization, and you should avoid it. Rather, use Sessions, as they were intended for this purpose, then measure where your bottlenecks are and address them, should performance be an issue when testing.
use cookies - they would work irrespective of your load balance environments
other options include:
1) writing your sessionvalues to a sql database - you can configure your app to configure session state to use sql server - but this has its own problems as sessions never time out (so u need to handle this via code explicitly)
2) if not using sql server - basically you would face a problem when you have too many users and you implement load balancing on your web server - so a user can go to a different web server in the same session (and it would not work)
there is a work around for this too - its called STICKY SESSIONS - where your web server guarantees your user would always hit the same web server within the session
3) with .net 2.0 provider model, you can even write your own session storage provider by implementing their delegates - so you can create your own xml files on your web server / shared server to read / write session data there :-)
so there are many ways you can solve this. however the simplest and cost effective solution is to use cookies
You might use Cache. That has built-in mechanism to free up when memory is running out...
Definitely use cookies for this. The best approach is to make yourself a cookies wrapper class that will do all the heavy lifting for you - checking if cookie is null, accessing the httpcontext, etc. No need to mess up your code with all that; just abstract it all out into cookies.cs or .vb.
SetCookieValue(someValue, cookieName); //there will be some expiration concerns here as well
myValue = GetCookieValue(cookieName);
Christian Weiss has a good strategy.
If you think your data is too large for the Session, I would consider a database of some sort using cache so that you don't unnecessary calls.
If it is per-user-session data you're storing, using the ASP.NET Session is definitely your best bet. If you're most worried about memory usage then you can use MSSQL mode. The data has to live somewhere and the choice of which session mode to use is dependent on your environment and the usage patterns of your users.
Don't assume there will be a problem with the size of session state until you see such a problem and have tried to solve it. For instance, it's possible that, although the application as a whole may use a large amount of session state, that any given user may not use that much in the course of a session.
I's also possible that changing from the default session state provider to the SQL provider or state server provider would ease a memory issue.
You can use Cache, but Cache is application-wide. You would need to qualify Cache entries with the user id or session id: Cache[userID + ".MyCacheEntry"].
Do not, under any circumstances, use static variables to store this data. As suggested by your subject line, they are application-wide, not per-user.